
Showing posts from May, 2018

Christ our Lord beckons

Kingdom Business Beckons Come and help Christ For the field is ripe for the Harvest Harvest of Souls; which Christ our Lord shed His precious blood Will they perish because you don't care?


Happy Sunday. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians. 8:9 " For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich. You must continually resist and reject lack and poverty in your life in any dimension. Remember you are not entitled to riches by what you ve done but you become rich by what Christ did. Have a blessed week. Abigail Hephzibah


Faith is a dynamic force that takes the shape of the mindset of an individual. Faith is your belief in anything whether positive or negative. It's the magnet which draws and attracts either good or bad into a man's  life. God has made life in such that each man determines by his or her belief system or mindset it's destiny or final destination. You are ultimately a product of what you believe, if you are not happy with your present position in life,, carefully examine the pattern of your thoughts for it affects  the state of your faith. You can either believe in the positive or the negative. Fear is faith in the negative, fear is believing that something negative will happen to you while faith is believing that everything God promised in His Word will happen exactly as God has spoken. 1. You can either believe you will never be involved in an accident or believe that an accident can happen to anybody including you. 2.You can either believe that business idea will su


Some free years back after graduation from the Polytechnic  with HND, l dedicated myself to Kingdom service wth no other working experience excerpt Church administration. Thirteen years later, l decided to resign, with no working experience in any other field, it seem l would be unemployable for a long time. I would have resigned earlier but fear of 'how will l feed ' tied me down though l had become in my career as a Church worker. So 13 years later, l decided like Esther if l perish, let it be but am leaving my job and depending on God for my upkeep. Today, l have a flourishing Event outfit by His grace. God gave me a skill that would feed me when l leave the Church employment. That is how much Christ cares and takes care of every  details  of the life of a believer. I know though my beginning is small , my later end shall greatly increase. God deserves all the glory. He will do the same for you, just trust in Him


Faith is Universal, it is a currency spent by all race and all people. While you need Euros for transcactions France, Dollars in Mexico and Pounds in  Scotland, faithas a currency can be spent in any nation and in all kind of human endeavoures-relatuonships, business, health issues, faith, politics, child rearing etc. A mother needs to believe in her son and continue to trust that a son will accept every instructions given by his tutors and turn out a blessing to his parents, family and the society. Believing in something and someone is a currency spend by every man and women. The the stick broker on Wall Street must trust in his judgement of the best sticks to advise his investors on. He must believe that though a stock may not faring well presently, the such dividends will grow exponentially in the nearest future. Faith is needed for you to maintain sound health, excerpt you are coerced, usually you will not participate any ventures you don't believe in. Faith is the compelling


INsPIRED   Safe Trip is a necessary prayer for travelling, but we must learn to pray 'safe destination' too. Because what shall it profit a man to gain the world and lose His soul. Have you ever considered where you will spend eternity, heaven or hell. Read the Book of John 7 and then you will understand that a man or woman can believe in Christ Jesus and yet have his or her name removed from the Book Of Life. The cure or assurance that your name remains in the Book of Life is doing the Will of the Father, obeying His instructions promptly. I pray God give us grace to obey God's s Word. A. L . Hephzibah


GIVE THANKS.. Give thanks With a grateful Give thanks To the Holy God Give thanks Because He has given Jesus Christ His Son And now,  let the weak say ' I am strong' Let the poor say ' I am rich' Because of what The Lord.has done for me Give thanks. Song Credit: Don Meon SCENARIO ONE APPRECIATE YOUR GOD ALWAYS! God deserves your heartfelt praises  and appreciations at all times. I had a chat with a dear friend today and she reinforced the need to appreciate The Almighty at all seasons Sometimes we only give Him our heartfelt praises when we have  experienced a miracle which in our  estimation is remarkable and awesome. I was driving this afternoon through the main road of the City of Akure in Nigeria and suddenly  the brake of my four years old second -hand Honda Bulldog  car became stiff and uncontrollable at the middle of a  the road.  My mind ran in riot on what to do when suddenly the Holy Spirit reminded me of the tip given by my mechanic to always use the hand

Thinking Aloud

INsPIRED ABC is All 'bout Christ as INsPIRED by the Holy Spirit. I don't know if am wrong, but l have always dreamt about a Christian life where my whole actions are under the control of the Holy Spirit, a lifestyle of  seeking  the Spirit's leading and  opinion in all things. Sometimes, I get confused by the School of Thought which advocates that any good thought, idea that enters my mind is from the Spirit. But what thing am sure of is that l will get to know intimately the Almighty who made the Heavens and the Earth and sent His Son, Jesus Christ to bring Heaven on Earth for me. This is the whole essence of INSPIRED ABC. At the end of my Christian  pilgrim on earth, l desire that condolence register would be opened in every nations on planet earth and men, women, youths, children will comment that l was a deep lover of God and His way and inspired 3 billions souls to genuinely love the God of our Lord Jesus by making a life commitment to Him. BE A PART OF THAT DREAm