
Showing posts from October, 2022


HOW YOU ARE HELPED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT AND GRACE? The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of grace. Everything that the Grace of our LORD Jesus bought from us, the Person who makes power, wisdom available to accomplish it is the Holy Spirit.  Jesus Christ could not do anything until the Holy Spirit came on Him during his baptism. The Bible said in Matt. 4:1. That after fasting for 40 days and night, Jesus Christ returned in the power of the Holy Spirit and then defeated the devil by that power via the spoken Word. But what makes the power, wisdom, knowledge of God available to us is the grace of our LORD Jesus. Jesus paid the price we enjoy the benefit. HOW WERE YOU HELPED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT AND GRACE? The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of grace. Everything that the Grace of our LORD Jesus bought from us, the Person who makes power, wisdom available to accomplish it is the Holy Spirit.  Jesus Christ could not do anything until the Holy Spirit came on Him during his baptism. The Bible said in Matt. 4:1


InSpired ACCESSING THE WATCHMAN ANOINTING CHEAPLY What others spend months, years of fasting, praying and tears, you can get cheaply if you do this one thing... Phinehas, the son of Eleazar fought for the honour of God when there was no reward, titles, position attached to it. He risked his reputation, friendship and even the fear of been killed to defend the Almighty. And he secured the Watchman anointing for himself and his seed for all generations.One man’s decision and action secured this. Concern for God’s kingdom will open you to Heaven’s treasure unimaginable. Its not just about working for God sacrificially, its about walking with God as His child and working for him led by His voice and His Spirit.  “And, behold, one of the children of Israel came and brought unto his brethren a Midianitish woman in the sight of Moses, and in the sight of all the congregation of the children of Israel, who were weeping before the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. And when Phinehas, t


INSPIRED DON'T GIVE UP Bunmi sat under the mango tree situated in front of her house with dejection written on her face.  " Am tired and fed up" she uttered to her self as she saw Bose, the daughter of one of her neighbour walked out of the 'face me and face you' apartment she stays in Iyana Ipaja.  'God why me', she asked? I  don't understand'  she fought the tears struggling to escape from her eyes. She turned her back to the house and  faced the street and saw Okadas with passengers driving to and fro  Basiru street where her house was located.  The house  was a blue color apartment of ten rooms with seven  families and three singles. She was one of the three singles in the house. She turned back towards the house and gazed at the house she had stayed for the past  twelve years.  'Nothing has really changed in my life' Bunmi muttered to herself. " Have been working in the Fanson Clothing Industry and my salary has been the same.  I


INSPIRED DON'T GIVE UP Bunmi sat under the mango tree situated in front of her house with dejection written on her face.  " Am tired and fed up" she uttered to her self as she saw Bose, the daughter of one of her neighbour walked out of the 'face me and face you' apartment she stays in Iyana Ipaja.  'God why me', she asked? I  don't understand'  she fought the tears struggling to escape from her eyes. She turned her back to the house and  faced the street and saw Okadas with passengers driving to and fro  Basiru street where her house was located.  The house  was a blue color apartment of ten rooms with seven  families and three singles. She was one of the three singles in the house. She turned back towards the house and gazed at the house she had stayed for the past  twelve years.  'Nothing has really changed in my life' Bunmi muttered to herself. " Have been working in the Fanson Clothing Industry and my salary has been the same.  I


I gazed at him My heart full of warmth, sizzling current streaming within and without me I looked at my beloved :And l thought Forever till death do us apart I will ejaculate every waking moments in your hands filled with esctaay that you are mine forever! I breathed in more slowly wanting to take all of him into me as l held his hands a little firmly My thoughts would be ' how  to make you happy for the rest of your life My dreams of you is always you at the top of your game, you becoming the Best the Creator ordained My joy is formed when joy fills your realm We become one today as the Creator has ordained What is mine is yours! what is yours has become mine this day on No more Me but you in Me No more You  but me in You Us made into ONE Us formed for More We United in All forever My beloved! See, how my Love will blanket you all your days. Our DNA in our unborn, Is the proof that we have been made ONE this day! What an ethereal whit We are One, no one can break us apart! You and


InSpired I AM MADE FOR MORE? I was made for more, l was made for Christ To show His Glory among the Nations To declare His power & Counsel among Kings, & Princes, To show His praises to the  Princess, Rulers and nobles of the World! To enforce His Will as it's in Heaven Among the invisible forces of Darkness Who are already defeated by Christ' s blood for Ever I am made for More I was for Christ! More and more Till l attain the full stature of Christ, my King Made for More is my cry! Till my life is a full expression of His Splendour & Majesty Made for more is my shout! For I am a King as My Father, the King of all kings He is Named King of all kings  , named by Himself He is The LORD and there is no other forever Incomparable, undefeatable, He is the Most High God, the Father, , The Am that I am Who manifested Himself In His Son, Jesus Christ Who is my LORD, Messiah and Saviour I am born into The Kingdom of kings and Priests I am made a King therefore I reign on Ea

Business Tip

One of the most important things you can do as a business owner is surround yourself with great people. But it's not enough just to hire talented employees -- they need to have integrity. According to Buffett, "You're looking for three things, generally, in a person: intelligence, energy, and integrity. And if they don't have the last one, don't even bother with the first two."  Hiring trustworthy people is key to the  success  of any organization. They will do the right thing when no one is looking and you can give them the freedom to do their jobs without micromanaging them. Without trust and integrity, you can't have a high-performance team. One of the most important things you can do as a business owner is surround yourself with great people. But it's not enough just to hire talented employees -- they need to have integrity. According to Buffett, "You're looking for three things, generally, in a person: intelligence, energy, and integrity.


Matt 11/ Mark 11 2 Samuel 6 Bible  >  Topical  > Offence ◄  Offence  ► Jump to:  ATS  •  ISBE  •  Easton's  •  Webster's  •  Concordance  •  Thesaurus  •  Greek  •  Hebrew  •  Library  •  Subtopics  •  Terms  •  Resources ATS Bible Dictionary Offence This word answers to two different terms in the original, the one signifying a breach of the law,  Romans 5:15 ,17, the other a stumbling-block or cause of sin to others,  Matthew 5:29 ; 18:6-9; or whatever is perverted into an occasion or excuse for sin,  Matthew 15:12 ;  John 6:61 ;  Romans 9:33 ;  Galatians 5:11 . Easton's Bible Dictionary (1.) An injury or wrong done to one ( 1 Samuel 25:31 ;  Romans 5:15 ). (2.) A stumbling-block or cause of temptation ( Isaiah 8:14 ;  Matthew 16:23 ;  18:7 ). Greek skandalon, properly that at which one stumbles or takes offence. The "offence of the cross" ( Galatians 5:11 ) is the offence the Jews took at the teaching that salvation was by the crucified One, and by him alo


OFFENCES   AN INTRODUCTION Human and divine relatiomship is nurtured and build on Love. Love in its simplest term is a condition of heart that necessitates that your behaviour is controlled by the mindset of ' Do unto  others what God, the Creator has done for you and will always do for you. God is the perfect stardard for all Human behaviour. " Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect is a call to model your actions and behaviours exactly as Christ'  No one has ever seen God, the Father physically and we have been permitted to only see a few forms of the Holy Spirit.   But God has graciously revealed Himself in the Son, so that you can know who God is and how He does things.  Scriptures states that Christ is the visible image of the invisible God, therefore you  are commanded to follow Christ who is the author and finisher of our Faith in all things. "He is the divine portrait, the true likeness of the invisible God, and the firstborn heir of all creation. Colos