
Showing posts from November, 2022


InSpired CHAPTER ONE REVIVE US ONCE AGAIN! ( SERIES) THE REVIVAL EE WANT! The issue of return to your First love in Christ  is paramount to the End Time Revival.  Revival comes in different forms and shapes. The faith and prosperity revival the Church presently enjoys is a type of Revival prayed for by Christians in the past..  Usually revival takes the shape and desire of the individuals who prayed for their arrival when their prayers are not entirely  guided by the Holy Spirit. This sort of Revival tends to have a diminishing impact when its pioneers stopped praying. Revivals started by prayers must be maintained and sustained by the same prayers. When the initial pioneers pass on to glory, another set of Revivalist must continue on their knees to sustain the Revival or usher in a new phase/ development for the Revival. The Church has  Revivals of holiness whereby believers did not just believe in Christ but the Spirit of the Fear of the LORD was reigning in the life of every Christi


NUGGETS FROM CHRIST STANDING ORDER The Bible states that Elijah is a man of like passion who gave an order that the Land of Israel should not experience rain and it was exactly so for three years plus...  "Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit. James 5:17 The father of the Rechabites was the same. Their father gave a standing order for his seed not to build houses and drink wine and this order was still effective after his death. "Then I set before the sons of the house of the Rechabites bowls full of wine, and cups; and I said to them, “Drink wine.” But they said, “We will drink no wine, for Jonadab the son of Rechab, our father, commanded us, saying, ‘You shall drink no wine, you nor your sons, forever. You shall not build a house, sow seed, plant a vineyard, nor have Jeremiah 35:5


InSpired YOU  SHALL SUFFER  HARDSHIP! Jesus Christ, our perfect example praised the Ephesians Church for enduring hardship and not going weary. Rev. 2 Sometimes, asking questions is one of the best ways to proffer accurate solutions to any problem. And we will ask series of questions on today's topic. We are New Creature Believers. It means that you have access to all the blessings and goodness of your heavenly Father because of faith in Christ Jesus your substitute. Let's  attempt to break down thie above statement. 1. The reason, your sins are forgiven you is because you believed in Christ Jesus. It does not matter if you got married as a virgin and that you never told a lie before  You were born a sinner and needed the forgiveness of God, which the blood of Jesus provided. 2. The reason you are ordained to live a sickness free life is because you accepted Jesus Christ as your substitute. 3. The reason you will always have victory over all the works of darkness and sin is bec


InSpired YOU  SHALL SUFFER  HARDSHIP! Jesus Christ, our perfect example praised the Ephesians Church for enduring hardship and not going weary. Rev. 2 Sometimes, asking questions is one of the best ways to proffer accurate solutions to any problem. And we will ask series of questions on today's topic. We are New Creature Believers. It means that you have access to all the blessings and goodness of your heavenly Father because of faith in Christ Jesus your substitute. Let's  attempt to break down thie above statement. 1. The reason, your sins are forgiven you is because you believed in Christ Jesus. It does not matter if you got married as a virgin and that you never told a lie before  You were born a sinner and needed the forgiveness of God, which the blood of Jesus provided. 2. The reason you are ordained to live a sickness free life is because you accepted Jesus Christ as your substitute. 3. The reason you will always have victory over all the works of darkness and sin is bec


InSpired YOU  SHALL SUFFER  HARDSHIP! Jesus Christ, our perfect example praised the Ephesians Church for enduring hardship and not going weary. Rev. 2 Sometimes, asking questions is one of the best ways to proffer accurate solutions to any problem. And we will ask series of questions on today's topic. We are New Creature Believers. It means that you have access to all the blessings and goodness of your heavenly Father because of faith in Christ Jesus your substitute. Let's  attempt to break down thie above statement. 1. The reason, your sins are forgiven you is because you believed in Christ Jesus. It does not matter if you got married as a virgin and that you never told a lie before  You were born a sinner and needed the forgiveness of God, which the blood of Jesus provided. 2. The reason you are ordained to live a sickness free life is because you accepted Jesus Christ as your substitute. 3. The reason you will always have victory over all the works of darkness and sin is bec


InSpired GOD THE WAY MAKER Prophet Elijah was a man to be feared, a daring, bold and ' take no nonesense Man of God  He was such because of his unique assignment; his family was not meantuoned,  imagine if he had a wife and children in the nation where he decreed there would be no rain for three years, he might have reconsidered his decision. God in critical and strategic moments in history raise prophet like Elijah in the Body of Christ, prophetess like Anna ( whom God turned seemingly negative situation in her life into Kingdom advantage.) But the best of men can become the weakest of men and even be discouraged.  Men of God are anointed and graced by God' Spirit to attain what is humanly impossible but we must understand, they are first Men/Women, then born of God.   The anointing envelopes their humanity by does not kill it. They are human yet anointed. The joy of our Salvation and Christian walk is "we do not have an High Priest who cannot be touched by the feelings o

Wise for living

InSpired RAPTURE ALERT ARE THINKING ABOUT IT AT ALL?  ( A STORY) The man walked through the village looking around like a stranger; and indeed he was truly one because this was his first visit to Oruogun village. He walked slowly to the end of the path between the farmland and immediately saw a woman at the side of a hut (built with burnt brick) bathing her baby, he moved closer as if to walk pass the hut and took a closer look at the woman's child: It is a baby boy.  Pure ecstasy was written on the woman' s face as she  tenderly bathe her baby whom was laid faced up on her legs stretched  on a big bowl of water.  The stranger walked by shaking his head at the wonder of mother/ child love. He saw a tree with ripe oranges and walked towards it when he heard the woman screamed " my baby, baby "  The stranger turned and walked back towards the hut. "Omo mi, omo mi," the woman was already on her feet looking around the environment. Soon the woman started wailing


InSpired RAPTURE ALERT ARE THINKING ABOUT IT AT ALL?  ( A STORY) The man walked through the village looking around like a stranger; and indeed he was truly one because this was his first visit to Oruogun village. He walked slowly to the end of the path between the farmland and immediately saw a woman at the side of a hut (built with burnt brick) bathing her baby, he moved closer as if to walk pass the hut and took a closer look at the woman's child: It is a baby boy.  Pure ecstasy was written on the woman' s face as she  tenderly bathe her baby whom was laid faced up on her legs stretched  on a big bowl of water.  The stranger walked by shaking his head at the wonder of mother/ child love. He saw a tree with ripe oranges and walked towards it when he heard the woman screamed " my baby, baby "  The stranger turned and walked back towards the hut. "Omo mi, omo mi," the woman was already on her feet looking around the environment. Soon the woman started wailing


The Wealth of the Universal migrates to those who understands the Laws of running the Earth and it's element successfully. Julius Berger for over 100 years has been the leading Road Construction Firm not because they daily offer human sacrifices to the Nigerian idols. They dominate the Nigeria Road and bridge construction business because they have the technical know-how and also understands the dynamics of the Nigerian business and political terrain and use this knowledge for the successes of their business.  The Earth has been given to men and women and it will give it's riches to those who know how to harness it's wealth to themselves.  Some men reason in this part of the Africa race that the very rich employed demonic powers to get rich. You must come to a place of understanding that it is not given to Satan and his demons creative power.  Satan promised to give the World and it's splendour to Jesus Christ, our LORD because His God-given original mandate is King of


VICTORY OVER OFFENCES  ANCHOR SCRIPTURES: But the end and culmination of all things has now come near; keep sound minded and self-restrained and alert therefore for [the practice of] prayer. Above all things have intense and unfailing love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins [forgives and disregards the offenses of others]. [Prov. 10:12.] 1 Peter 4:7‭-‬8 AMPC When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified him there, along with the criminals—one on his right, the other on his left. Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots. Luke 23:34  INTRODUCTION Human and divine relatiomship is nurtured and build on Love. The most effective anti-dose to the ailment named 'offences' is Love.  Love in its simplest term is a condition of heart that necessitates that your behaviour is controlled by the mindset of ' Do unto  others what God, the Creator has done for you and will a