
Showing posts from March, 2023


InSpired IS  ABSOLUTE FIDELITY POSSIBLE IN CHRISTIAN MARRAIGES? Fidelity in marraige  is the act whereby a man/ woman remains true and faithful to a legal marraige partner for the rest of their life. Fidelity entails that the man/ woman honours the Marraige covenant contracted on the wedding day and cinsumated with blood and nakedness on the wedding night. When occultic men and women iniitiates and enter into  covenants , it is more potent when it involves blood and when done utterly naked. Nakedness symbolises death.and emptiness; it symbolises that you return to how you were born - empty when you break the terms of the covenants.  Job mentioned this in Job 1:20 "At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship and said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart.' Occultic covenants differ from one Occultic group to the other.  But the most extreme covenants always symbolises that defaulters return to the stat


Investment in Knowledge pays the best interest. Franklin Roosevelt


InSpired THE WIFE:  SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR HER HUSBAND Yesterday, I started a study on the roles played by women in the Bible. Of course, I started from the very pages where Womanhood started- Genesis 1-3. A woman called Eve had such a unique privilege in the beginning- she was created as a helper, companion, intimate part of a man.  The bible recorded that when Adam saw and received Eve for the first time, he exclaimed, meaning his reaction was not normal.  My interpretation of his reaction is he shouted with excitement like Isaac was  excited when he first saw Rebecca.  Adam was so elated that he declared this is 'now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh, she shall be called woman'.   God made the man and woman partners; Satan brought dis-unity,  resulting in the man been made lord over the woman.. I have always wondered and asked why  the man was made master over the woman. Always I justified God's reason as wanting  to establish order in the human relationship esp marriag


InSpired THE WIFE:  SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR HER HUSBAND Yesterday, I started a study on the roles played by women in the Bible. Of course, I started from the very pages where Womanhood started- Genesis 1-3. A woman called Eve had such a unique privilege in the beginning- she was created as a helper, companion, intimate part of a man.  The bible recorded that when Adam saw and received Eve for the first time, he exclaimed, meaning his reaction was not normal.  My interpretation of his reaction is he shouted with excitement like Isaac was  excited when he first saw Rebecca.  Adam was so elated that he declared this is 'now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh, she shall be called woman'.   God made the man and woman partners; Satan brought dis-unity,  resulting in the man been made lord over the woman.. I have always wondered and asked why  the man was made master over the woman. Always I justified God's reason as wanting  to establish order in the human relationship esp marriag


.InSpired WIVES, BE CAREFUL A wife is ordained a blessing, a plus and not a minus to her husband.  She was originally created to be 1.  A Help- meet 2. A companion 3.  A vision carrier,  4. A friend,  5 A soul mate,  6. A confidant,  7. A secret keeper,  8. A shield from strange women 9. A partner in God and in destiny. 10. A faithful Lover And with the Holy Spirit living inside a Believer, a wife should be all of the above and more    But the examples of  Adam and Eve,  ( Gen. 1:1-10); Abraham and Sarah, ( Gen. 16:1-4) Ahab and Jezebel  ( 1 Kings 21:1-16) reveals that a woman must be careful and prayerfully guides her relationahip with God and her husband. Eve, Sarah, and Jezebel used their power of persuasion and influence to lead their husbands against the revealed Will of God  They used their husband' s love and his soft spot for them to make him make a decision against his best judgement. A good wife allows a man to open up his heart to her,  A wife of noble character will cau


.InSpired WIVES, BE CAREFUL A wife is ordained a blessing, a plus and not a minus to her husband.  She was originally created to be 1.  A Help- meet 2. A companion 3.  A vision carrier,  4. A friend,  5 A soul mate,  6. A confidant,  7. A secret keeper,  8. A shield from strange women 9. A partner in God and in destiny. 10. A faithful Lover And with the Holy Spirit living inside a Believer, a wife should be all of the above and more    But the examples of  Adam and Eve,  ( Gen. 1:1-10); Abraham and Sarah, ( Gen. 16:1-4) Ahab and Jezebel  ( 1 Kings 21:1-16) reveals that a woman must be careful and prayerfully guides her relationahip with God and her husband. Eve, Sarah, and Jezebel used their power of persuasion and influence to lead their husbands against the revealed Will of God  They used their husband' s love and his soft spot for them to make him make a decision against his best judgement. A good wife allows a man to open up his heart to her,  A wife of noble character will cau


.InSpired A WIFE BRINGS HER HUSBAND ONLY GOOD AND NOT HARM... A wife is ordained a blessing, a plus and not a minus to her husband.  She was originally created to be 1.  A Help- meet 2. A companion 3.  A vision carrier,  4. A friend,  5 A soul mate,  6. A confidant,  7. A secret keeper,  8. A shield from strange women 9. A partner in God and in destiny. 10. A faithful Lover And with the Holy Spirit living inside a Believer, a wife should be all of the above and more    But the examples of  Adam and Eve,  ( Gen. 1:1-10); Abraham and Sarah, ( Gen. 16:1-4) Ahab and Jezebel  ( 1 Kings 21:1-16) reveals that a woman must be careful and prayerfully guides her relationahip with God and her husband. Eve, Sarah, and Jezebel used their power of persuasion and influence to lead their husbands against the revealed Will of God  They used their husband' s love and his soft spot for them to make him make a decision against his best judgement. A good wife allows a man to open up his heart to her, 

Counsellor, Holy Spirit

.InSpired WIVES, BE CAREFUL A wife is ordained a blessing, a plus and not a minus to her husband.  She was originally created to be 1.  A Help- meet 2. A companion 3.  A vision carrier,  4. A friend,  5 A soul mate,  6. A confidant,  7. A secret keeper,  8. A shield from strange women 9. A partner in God and in destiny. 10. A faithful Lover And with the Holy Spirit living inside a Believer, a wife should be all of the above and more    But the examples of  Adam and Eve,  ( Gen. 1:1-10); Abraham and Sarah, ( Gen. 16:1-4) Ahab and Jezebel  ( 1 Kings 21:1-16) reveals that a woman must be careful and prayerfully guides her relationahip with God and her husband. Eve, Sarah, and Jezebel used their power of persuasion and influence to lead their husbands against the revealed Will of God  They used their husband' s love and his soft spot for them to make him make a decision against his best judgement. A good wife allows a man to open up his heart to her,  A wife of noble character will cau

Wife, Respected at City Gate

.InSpired WIVES, BE CAREFUL A wife is ordained a blessing, a plus and not a minus to her husband.  She was originally created to be 1.  A Help- meet 2. A companion 3.  A vision carrier,  4. A friend,  5 A soul mate,  6. A confidant,  7. A secret keeper,  8. A shield from strange women 9. A partner in God and in destiny. 10. A faithful Lover And with the Holy Spirit living inside a Believer, a wife should be all of the above and more    But the examples of  Adam and Eve,  ( Gen. 1:1-10); Abraham and Sarah, ( Gen. 16:1-4) Ahab and Jezebel  ( 1 Kings 21:1-16) reveals that a woman must be careful and prayerfully guides her relationahip with God and her husband. Eve, Sarah, and Jezebel used their power of persuasion and influence to lead their husbands against the revealed Will of God  They used their husband' s love and his soft spot for them to make him make a decision against his best judgement. A good wife allows a man to open up his heart to her,  A wife of noble character will cau


InSpired THE WIFE CALLED BLESSED BY HER CHILDREN. The Bible is a unique Holy Spirit inspired Book which contains examples and instructions for every aspect of Human Life and endeavour. It is so structured that while the mistakes of certain people are documented; the success of others in the same area is also included. Children are a gift from God, they are His heritage. They are the instruments for continuity of the Human race.  Also, they are the pipes for the continually flow of God's life and power in a Cosmos where darkness is staging a take-over. They determine the shape, face and content of the next generations. If children  are wrongly structured and mentored especially by the woman (who is given the privilege of housing them for the first nine months of their lives), we may be exposed to birthing and rearing a godless generations who do not know the One and true God.  A child that is not well nurtured in the fear of God is a ready weapon for the Enemy to unleash his agenda

Memoirs of a Woman

InSpired THE WIFE CALLED BLESSED BY HER CHILDREN. The Bible is a unique Holy Spirit inspired Book which contains examples and instructions for every aspect of Human Life and endeavour. It is so structured that while the mistakes of certain people are documented; the success of others in the same area is also included. Children are a gift from God, they are His heritage. They are the instruments for continuity of the Human race.  Also, they are the pipes for the continually flow of God's life and power in a Cosmos where darkness is staging a take-over. They determine the shape, face and content of the next generations. If children  are wrongly structured and mentored especially by the woman (who is given the privilege of housing them for the first nine months of their lives), we may be exposed to birthing and rearing a godless generations who do not know the One and true God.  A child that is not well nurtured in the fear of God is a ready weapon for the Enemy to unleash his agenda


InSpired A WIFE CLOTHED WITH STRENGHT Everyone man needs a helper especially a helper who keeps your secret safe and does not expose your weaknesses. Maybe, one of the greatest fear of every Set -man is to have an Associate who becomes disloyal in challenging times. An ordained helper that the Enemy can turn against you in times of War. I have been there, so l can speak from a personal experience. For example  when Satan or his agent is waging a war against you, they exploit every relationship around you just to get to you. How vulnerable you would be to the Enemy' s attack if the closest persons to you are spiritually weak. So you will surely need partners that are seasoned in the Word of God and enveloped by God's mercy. A man:s wife is one of the closest helpers  ordained by God for his lifting in destiny. Either your are a farmer, banker,  an engineer, politician or preacher- your wife is your first associate, she is the first member of your Board of Directors though her na

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Parables..... David may have used the " Ephod" ( curious girdle) to know battle outcomes ,but he never used the Ephod to predict the coming Christ. Knowing God's will is in layers. The radio signals for a radio channel don't transmit on the same frequency that have signals for astronauts in space . Even in the word " Ephesians " is at a higher frequency than " Ecclesiastes". Only after Jesus heard the audible voice of His Father did He say "Now, shall the prince of this world be cast out"( Jn 12:27-31). Some "princes" cannot be dealt with at this level of hearing..... David used the Ephod for knowing the immediate future ( 1 Sam 23:9; 1 Sam 30:7) but when it was time to know the far future , he had to hear conversations " the Lord said to my Lord" directly by the Holy Spirit . The farther we want to see the less we rely on externals and rely on God alone! We must upgrade , get clarity , and know that the " Ephod&q