
Showing posts from March, 2020


Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty Lyrics Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee; holy, holy, holy! merciful and mighty, God in three persons, blessed Trinity! Holy, holy, holy! All the saints adore thee, casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea; cherubim and seraphim falling down before thee, who wert and art and evermore shalt be. Holy, holy, holy! Though the darkness hide thee, though the eye made blind by sin thy glory may not see, only thou art holy; there is none beside thee, perfect in power, in love, and purity. Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! All thy works shall praise thy name, in earth and sky and sea; holy, holy, holy! merciful and mighty, God in three persons, blessed Trinity!   


InSpired THE AWESOME GOD The God who laid the earth’s foundation,  marked off its dimensions and  stretched a measuring line across it. Everything written about You is great Jehovah, who laid the corner stone of the earth on its footing -while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy Everything written about You is great! Everlasting Father, You shut up the sea behind doors when it burst forth from the womb, and made the clouds its garment wrapped  in thick darkness, Everything written about You is great  Yahweh, You fixed limits for the sea  and set its doors and bars in place,  You said,  ‘This far you may come and no farther; here is where your proud waves halt’ Everything written about You is great  “Elohim! You give orders to the morning, and show the dawn that it might take the earth by the edges and shake the wicked out of it Everything written about You is great 'The l Am' who journeys to the springs of the sea and walks in the recesses of the


InSpired JESUS CHRIST THE ALMIGHTY The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.  For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth,  visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities;  All things have been created through him and for him.  He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.  And he is the head of the body, the Church;  He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.  For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things,  whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.  A SONG Jesus  Must be honoured Must be honoured Must be honoured Jesus must be honoured In our lives everyday The Saviour  Must be honoured Must be honoured Must be honoured Our Saviour  Must be honoured In our lives everyday


InSpired WHO DO WE TURN TO IN THE DAY OF TROUBLE W This is what our Lord and Master mewnat when He said those who hear my Word and practise it, l will like them to a man who built his house in a rock, when the storm came and attacked the house, it stood firm. King Ahaziah and King Saul were leaders in Israel and like other Kings, they were supposed to be representing Yahweh, Jehovah, The Almighty, The Maker of the Heavens and The Earth, our Everlasting Father  But we only knew the strength of their faith in times of the storm. When Saul was threatened by an enemy and could no longer hear fro. Jehiva, he turned to the witch of Endor for help. When Ahaziah was faced with a life threatening illness, he turned to the gods his father Ahab worshipped- Baal. Who do you turn to when you are faced with life threatening predicaments like Corona  When King Hezekiah was told he would die, the Bible recorded that He turned to the Almighty and presented his case  When Hannah was faced with ridicule,


InSpired HE GOT THE WORLD IN HIS HANDS! ARE YOU SURE? This is a a popular iyric of a song loved by Children. It is a song of hope, faith in a God, they cannot see but know exists and is always willing to help when people call on Him. When adults embrace  this song by singing it,  it may mean they are desperate,  hopeless and had tried all other means to get a problem solved and they cannot. So they look up to God  who is always there as a last resort for help. But as beautiful as the iyric of this song, it is not scriptural accurate.   If we sing ' God got the whole World in His hands indicating;  ' the Earth is the LORD and the fullest therein. The World and all who dwells in it. as stated in Psalm 24. Then, the Earth truly belongs to God as everything else but He gave to to Adam and his seed to manage as shown in Genesis 1:26-28 He gave them dominion and rulership over the Earth and the fullest therein. Although, God's Justice system and Sovereignty is supreme to all rule


InSpired THE GOD OF STRATEGIES God does not need the help of Coronavirus to get the attention of the World especially that of His Children  But Satan, the Enemy certainly needs Coronavirus to know the strengths and weaknesses of Body of Christ, corporately and individual.  This will help the Kingdom of darkness to plan his next line of assaults against the Children. In the past, l went through a season of severe demonic attacks orchestrated by the wisdom and power of darkness. It took only the grace and wisdom of God to come out victoriously unharmed. What the Enemy did was to enter my life as an ally and studied my weaknesses and strengths, they were exposed to the operations of God that the Holy Spirit staged for them to see and then they plotted their strategies for assaults based on this data. So the Church should not be business as usual after this plague.  The plague has exposed some of the weaknesses of denominations that were not prepared for such times as this. Ministers must


INSPIRED Obeying Christ' Word is the greatest need of the Church of Christ today. Deliberately I said Christ' Word and Christ Church because I observed a subtle agenda of  Satan to give us a GOD WITHOUT CHRIST, A CHURCH SERVICE WITHOUT CHRIST, an eloquent preaching from the bible with powerful illustrations but no attention drawn to Christ.  FOR AS LONG AS CHRIST IS OUT OF THE EQUATION, LUCIFER IS SAFE. he was a son of the morning, CHRIST is THE BRIGHT MORNING STAR.  Even the Holy Spirit from God  will never speak of himself, the Spirit only testify about Christ. " howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth, for he shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak........but when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me.  John  16:13, John 15:26. I don't want a church where Christ is replaced with th


InSpired MANIFOLD LIGHT The purpose of the Sun during the day is to provide Light and the Moon does the same at night  When ther is darkness especially complete darkness when nothing is visible, it is always best, one stops walking because it is impossible to see anything especially when you are on a new terrain. This is the wonderful purpose of Light. When the Almighty is the Light in your life, no darkness, and it's entire representatives can be visible in your life. No sickness has the right to aafkict you. No confusion can come near because the all knowing God is our LIGHT. We fellowship with The LIGHT who is out Father and will can never be overcome by darkness. "The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads.  There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever


InSpired JESUS, JESUS, JESUS, JESUS, JESUS, JESUS, JESUS Jesus ! your name brings healing Jesus ! your name brings life Jesus, your name can break every stronghold Jesus is greater than any power Jesus Christ , we could not save ourselves Jesus, we could not deliver ourselves Jesus, if you had left us in the hands of the Evil one Without you, we are lost! The God of our LORD Jesus  We.know for a certainty that you are kind, good, merciful You left Heaven, took the form of a man to die for our sins You were insulted, abused, dishonoured Disgraced so that we may have peace. Remember that you died that we, who believe in you may have abundant life LORD, you told Abraham, if you find 10 righteous men; you would spare the land. LORD, the men in the ship with Apostle Paul were saved alongside with him because he asked you to save them.. We know, we have your seal on us as believers We know we are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ But remember every man on the face of the earth is created


InSpired THE WOMAN WHOSE HUSBSND IS RESPECTED AT THE CITY GATE Languages are crucial in every culture. The uniqueness of a particular tribe is found in their language and norms and beliefs. In the same vein, every marriage has its uniqueness and it's language of communication.  Though we all speak English language, there are other means and language of ommunication.  The Love language is a communication in every marriage because is one of the means by which partners appreciate each other and communicate in deeper  depth  But it must be noted that the language of love in each marriage differs just as the personalities of the individual in the family differs. Queen Esther and Abigail are two examples. Queen Esther was married to King Xerxes. Queen Vashti lost the throne because she did not recognise what was a priority onher husband kinh' s list of Honour  Queen Esther needed something from her husband the King and instead on requesting this favour from the King while they were i


Yesterday, I started a study on the roles played by women in the Bible. Of course, I started from the very pages where Womanhood started- Genesis 1-3. A woman called Eve had such a unique privilege in the beginning- she was created as a helper, companion, intimate part of a man.  The bible recorded that when Adam saw and received Eve for the first time, he exclaimed, meaning his reaction was not normal.  My interpretation of his reaction is he shouted with excitement like Isaac was  excited when he first saw Rebecca.  Adam was so elated that he declared this is 'now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh, she shall be called woman'.   God made the man and woman partners; Satan brought dis-unity,  resulting in the man been made lord over the woman.. I have always wondered and asked why  the man was made master over the woman. Always I justified God's reason as wanting  to establish order in the human relationship esp marriage.  But this morning, I realized  that the man beca


InSpired Languages are crucial in every culture. The uniqueness of a particular tribe is found in their language and norms and beliefs. In the same vein, every marriage has its uniqueness and it's language of communication.  Though we all speak English language, there are other means and language of ommunication.  The Love language is a communication in every marriage because is one of the means by which partners appreciate each other and communicate in deeper  depth  But it must be noted that the language of love in each marriage differs just as the personalities of the individual in the family differs. Queen Esther and Abigail are two examples. Queen Esther was married to King Xerxes. Queen Vashti lost the throne because she did not recognise what was a priority onher husband kinh' s list of Honour  Queen Esther needed something from her husband the King and instead on requesting this favour from the King while they were in bed, she rather carefuily plan events around the Kin

e brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.

.InSpired A WIFE BEINGS HER GUSBAND ONLY GOD AND NOT HARMS... A wife is ordained a blessing, a plus and not a minus to her husband.  She was originally created; 1.  A Help- meet 2. A companion 3.  A vision carrier,  4. A friend,  5 A soul mate,  6. A confidant,  7. A secret keeper,  8. A shield from strange women 9. A partner in God and in destiny. And with the Holy Spirit living inside a Believer, a wife should be all of the above and more    But the examples of  Adam and Eve,  ( Gen. 1:1-10); Abraham and Sarah, ( Gen. 16:1-4) Ahab and Jezebel  ( 1 Kings 21:1-16) reveals that a woman must be careful and prayerfully guides her relationahip with God and her husband. Eve, Sarah, and Jezebel used their power of persuasion and influence to lead their husbands against the revealed Will of God  They used their husband' s love and his soft spot for them to make him make a decision against his best judgement. A good wife allows a man to open up his heart to her,  A wife of noble character


InSpired WHAT SPECIFIC PHOPHECY HAS GOD SPOKEN CINCERNING YOUR CHILDREN The Almighty testify about Himself in  Isaiah 48:3 "I foretold the former things long ago, my mouth announced them and I made them known; then suddenly I acted, and they came to pass." I marvel at this wonderous ability of the Almighty to predict or give a prophecy about the future and it will happen exactly and accurately. Kindly check out the following prophecies about the destinies of these children and the accuracy of their fulfillment. 1 THE PROPHECY ABOUT THE REIGN AND ASSIGMENT OF KING JOSIAH  BEFORE HIS BIRTH BY A YOUNG PROPHET in 1Kings 13:1-3 and 2 Kings 23:15-16 2.  THE PROPHECY OF THE PLACE OF CHRIST  BIRTH  BY PROPHET MICAH  in Micah 5:2 and Matthew 2:3-6 3. THE PROPHECY THAT AN ATTEMPT WOULD BE MADE TO KILL THE CHRIST AFTER HIS BIRTH BY PROPHET JEREMIAH  in Matthew 3:1 and Jeremiah 31:15 4. THE PROPHECY CONCERNING JOHN THE BAPTIST BY PROPHET ISAIAH in Luke 1:76 and Isaiah 40:3 WHAT ARE THE D


Every new born has  story to tell and a destiny to fulfull. No new born is born without a road plan attached to its sojourn on the Earth. They may come unplanned by their parents but the God who created then certainly has a plan.and a purpose with a time frame attached to their story. Many children  die at birth without telling their stories some die, nations wasted because men and women could only a see a child but the God who send them sees a nation murdered before it was formed. Wickedness walks on the Streets of the planet and nobody questions it's devilish activities against humanity. Children are sodomised and offer as sacrifices by men and women who can see through demonic eyes into the invisible future of these blessed children., They are called star gazers for they can tell that the tomorrow and the destinies of these children will be glorious and will shine brighter than theirs in the family, so they kill them before these destinies ever manifest. Phaoroah' s timing o


InSpired A WIFE CLOTHED WITH STRENGHT Everyone man needs a helper especially a helper who keeps your secret safe and does not expose your weaknesses. Maybe, one of the greatest fear of every Set -man is to have an Associate who becomes disloyal in challenging times. An ordained helper that the Enemy can turn against you in times of War. I have been there, so l can speak from a personal experience. For example  when Satan or his agent is waging a war against you, they exploit every relationship around you just to get to you. How vulnerable you would be to the Enemy' s attack if the closest persons to you are spiritually weak. So you will surely need partners that are seasoned in the Word of God and enveloped by God's mercy. A man:s wife is one of the closest helpers  ordained by God for his lifting in destiny. Either your are a farmer, banker,  an engineer, politician or preacher- your wife is your first associate, she is the first member of your Board of Directors though her na
Sisera was an enemy of Israel in the era of Deborah, the prophetess and judge and Barak, the leader of the Israeli army. Barak pursued the chariots and army as far as Harosheth Haggoyim, and all Sisera’s troops fell by the sword; not a man was left. Sisera, meanwhile, fled on foot to the tent of Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite, because there was an alliance between Jabin king of Hazor and the family of Heber the Kenite. Jael went out to meet Sisera and said to him, “Come, my lord, come right in. Don’t be afraid.” So he entered her tent, and she covered him with a blanket. “I’m thirsty,” he said. “Please give me some water.” She opened a skin of milk, gave him a drink, and covered him up. “Stand in the doorway of the tent,” he told her. “If someone comes by and asks you, ‘Is anyone in there?’ say ‘No.’” But Jael, Heber’s wife, picked up a tent peg and a hammer and went quietly to him while he lay fast asleep, exhausted. She drove the peg through his temple into the ground, and he die


InSpired THE WIFE'S RESPONSIBILITY: RESPECT AND HONOUR!  The Spirit of Revelation and Wisdom transists the faculty of human reasoning and opens a Believer  to the mind and thoughts of The Father concerning any issue on earth.  This is the basis of the scripture ' Thy Will be done on the Earth as it is in Heaven' We are citizens of Heaven living on The Earth ; though we have dual citizenship, we must learn to subject our actions and decisions to the constitutions of contained in the Word of God in our dealings on earth. Apostle Paul a single man  throughout his lifetime was able to write about the mystery of the institution called  'Marriage' because the Holy Spirit inspired him and gave him instructions for the Church on marriage. Sometimes, The Spirit will allow writer to write from personal experiences.  But at other times, a writer is instructed  to write strictly from biblical perspectives without any input from personal experiences. It is the Spirit o


InSpired THE WIFE CALLED BLESSED BY HER CHILDREN. The Bible is a unique Holy Spirit inspired Book which contains examples and instructions for every aspect of Human Life and endeavour. It is so structured that while the mistakes of certain people are documented; the success of others in the same area is also included. Children are a gift from God, they are His heritage. They are the instruments for continuity of the Human race.  Also, they are the pipes for the continually flow of God's life and power in a Cosmos where darkness is staging a take-over. They determine the shape, face and content of the next generations. If children  are wrongly structured and mentored especially by the woman (who is given the privilege of housing them for the first nine months of their lives), we may be exposed to birthing and rearing a godless generations who do not know the One and true God.  A child that is not well nurtured in the fear of God is a ready weapon for the Enemy to unleash his agenda


InSpired THE WIFE  MUST RESPECT AND HONOUR HER HUSBAND AS CHRIST...... The Spirit of Revelation and Wisdom transist the faculty of human reasoning and opens a Believer open to the mind and thoughts of God concerning any issue  Apostle Paul a single man was able to write about the mystery of the I stitution of .arriage because the Holy Spirit broded over him and gave him a part of the marriage template for the Church. Somwtumes, The Spirit will allow writer to write from personal experiences but at other times a writer is I spotted to write strictly from biblical perspective without any input from personal experiences. It is the Spirit of Christ and the Church is called the Church of Christ, therefore The Holy Spirit has the sole responsibility to determi e how he wants His truth communicated to His Cgurch. God is using Ng the relationship between the husband and wife to demonstrate the kind of relationship that exist between Christ and his bride the Church. While the Church honours and


God in His infinite wisdom made the husband the head and thus the priest of the family. I see a subtil deviation in the Christian home whereby the woman is becoming the priest ( the intercession) who claims credit in the place of prayers for her husband's ministry. The man is the priest, truly everyone has acces to the Almighty directly through the indwelling Holy Spirit but the man is configured by God to lead the home and receive from God for the family and not the other way round. Satan is not saying don't worship God but he is surely interested in you worshipping God outside the country nfines of the a Bible. The husband must learn to put on the cloak of forbearance in the family if he desires to love his wife as Christ left ves the Church.


InSpired HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY WOMEN! CREATURE OF BEAUTY! Wow, what are s beautiful World A macrocosm with the finest and most delicate of all creatures The Female Species! Either as a baby, a girl, a lady or a woman The female gender is formed as a creature of Laughter Their deep smiles filled the space they occupy with tenderness and brightest Their deep emotions melt the hardest of heart Always willing to make sacrifuce for their lovers Ever ready to go beyond limits for families Makes them the targets of the Enemy Beautifully formed Delicately crafted Tenderly modelled  Every woman is ordained to make the Universe a planet of glory And bring  Humanity to its destined Glory We celebrate every woman and every Daughter of Zion whose heart is a loving abode for the Eternal Spirit is  much more adored Many women do noble things But a virtuous woman surpasses them All HAPPY WOMEN' DAY A L. Hephzibah