
Showing posts from April, 2022


InSpired HOW MINISTERS LEAD BELIEVERS ASTRAY! “I have heard what the prophets say who prophesy lies in my name. They say, ‘I had a dream! I had a dream!’ How long will this continue in the hearts of these lying prophets, who prophesy the delusions of their own minds?  THEY THINK THE DREAMS THEY TELL ONE ANOTHER WILL MAKE MY PEOPLE FORGET MY NAME, just as their ancestors forgot my name through Baal worship.  Let the prophet who has a dream recount the dream, BUT LET THE ONE WHO MY WORD SPEAK IT FAITHFULLY. For what has straw to do with grain?” declares the LORD. “Is not my word like fire,” declares the LORD, “and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?  “Therefore,” DECLARES THE LORD, “I AM AGAINST THE PROPHETS WHO STEAL FROM ONE ANOTHER WORDS SUPPOSEDLY FROM ME.  Yes,” DECLARES THE LORD, “I AM AGAINST THE PROPHETS WHO WAG THEIR OWN TONGUES AND YET DECLARE, ‘The LORD declares.’  Indeed, I am against those who prophesy false dreams, ” declares the LORD. “They TELL THEM and LEAD MY P


InSpired The Bible stated that you are blessed in Heavenly places with every spiritual blessings. Spiritual blessings are as the name implies; they are from the spirit and not by natural efforts. While every man born of a woman is endow ed with natural ability like high IQ, singing abilities etc but there are also abilities that are only visible or come to light when a man is tegeneatrd by faith in Christ Jesus. There are various instances of these in the Bible. Bezaliel was endowed with the Bility of craftsmanship by the Spirit of creativity coming on him. Though he was baptised with the spirit of creativity for the purpose of building the tabernacle according to the pattern and specifications God gave him but obviously this giftings or ability is also for his benefits and his profiting. We know about the man called Bezaliel after the Spirit of creativity had been released on him. So the gift given to him gave him wealthy and fame. After the people knew that it was Bezaliel and his te


LABOURERS ARE FEW Matthew 9:38 says and I paraphrase HARVEST IS PLENTEOUS LABOURERS ARE FEW And l ask myself, how can labourers be few, in a age and time when the Church is enjoying the applaud of the world and society: A time when rich politicians and businessmen are publicly declaring their membership of one denomination or the other; When Leaders of nations and Conglomerate publicly declare their allegiance to CHRIST, thy risen Saviour, When Intellectuals present Christ with logical accuracy, A period when it is fashionable to be a christian and a church worker. "Common on my brethren" Presently, we must have MANY LABOURERS TO BRING IN THE PLENTEOUS HARVEST? Then l realised, indeed we have many BELIEVERS who attend Church Services, Many who are not fully convinced Christ is LORD, yet are church workers in lofty positions ( for you can't be fully convinced Christ is Lord and not obey His Word), Multitudes who attend church seeking for miracles after which they return


InSpired IS TRUE HAPPINESS A MYTH IN YOUR MARRIAGE.? One recurring thought that always crosses my mind after the Groom and Bride say "l do" is 'Lord Jesus, will they be able to keep the excitement, friendship and sweetness flavour in their homes and marriage after the Honeymoon stage. A music artist sang "diamonds are forever". I believe the marriage institution needs an award winning song sang by every intending couples with the words " "our friendship and love must shine forever by our conscious actions and attitudes" THE IMPORTANT QUESTION The pertinent question at this point is " is it possible to maintain the glow seen on the Wedding Day throughout the life line of the marriage? By the word ' flow', l imply the excitment, the spontaneous touching by the couple if they are truly into each other. TWO SIDED ANSWER My answer is YES and at the same time NO. I will cite the examples of celebrities and a former president to buttres


InSpired THE WEDDING DAY AFTERMATH.. One recurring thought that always crosses my mind after the Groom and Bride say "l do" is 'Lord Jesus, will they be able to keep the excitement, friendship and sweetness flavour in their homes and marriage after the Honeymoon stage. A music artist sang "diamonds are forever". I believe the marriage institution needs an award winning song sang by every intending couples with the words " "our friendship and love must shine forever by our conscious actions and attitudes" THE IMPORTANT QUESTION The pertinent question at this point is " is it possible to maintain the glow seen on the Wedding Day throughout the life line of the marriage? By the word ' flow', l imply the excitment, the spontaneous touching by the couple if they are truly into each other. TWO SIDED ANSWER My answer is YES and at the same time NO. I will cite the examples of celebrities and a former president to buttress my submission


InSpired  THE NATURAL CORPORATE ACCOUNT OF A BELIEVER/CHRISTIAN Natural Corporate Account in the Spiritual Realm One of the most profound statement made in the Book of Life is  ' Though ye are god's, you shall die as mere men.' King Solomon , one of the wiser man that ever lived made the following statement ' I see an evil under the Sun, slaves ride on horses while kings walked'. The Almighty , who is benevolent and kind and so secure in His identity made man in His image and likeness. He made the soons of men to resemble Him and reflect His glory. And in making Man/woman, he deposited in their corporate account all the authority, wisdom, knowledge, understanding and power they need through all generations to truly reflect His glory. This Almighty is worth of all praises and worship forever. "The Almighty call YAHWEH ( May His Holy Name be blessed forever)  The Elohim HIMSELF (May His Name be blessed forever) The Maker of The Heavens and The Earth (May His Name


InSpired CORPORATE & PERSONAL ACCOUNTS OF A CHRISTIAN Introduction Every Believer is an individual as well as a member of a corporate Body . Although the day you were saved, you gave your heart to Jesus Christ as ONE person but on that same day; you will become a member of the Body of Christ and also become  a member of a particular Church Denomination for regular fellowship.  Church attendance is a part of your Christian obligation to the Kingdom, it is only in extreme cases of persecution, that a believer is excused from attending fellowship with other believers in a Church setting.  God has set shepherds over His people even in the New Testament era and Church. Likewise, in  the Banking system , a customer has access to different type of banking accounts but the most common is namely: a Personal account and a corporate account. And these two types of account has some of these  features: 1. The corporate account is usually the business account for  an individual or a group of per


INSPIRED Isaiah 35:8 (NIV)  And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness; it will be for those who walk on that Way.  The unclean will not journey on it; wicked fools will not go about on it. No lion will be there, nor any ravenous beast; they will not be found there. But only the redeemed will walk there, There are steps to attain in our walk with God, there are levels to reach. One of the levels you must aspire to reach is to walk in the Way of Holiness. Christ righteousness is bestow on you by faith and the Spirit of Life who is also the Spirit of Holiness is given to you by the same faith. But you must willingly yield yourself to the Spirit of Life to walk in the Highway of Holiness. It's a Way whereby your personality, character is completely enveloped by the Holy Spirit and the world see you living holy as your Father in heaven is holy. May God cause us to find this Way of Holiness and continually walk in it, all our life long.  Store His word in your h


Blessed Sunday Sir and Ma. I pray in this new week, you will discover much grace that will launch you deeper into your purpose for the Master and Lord Jesus Christ. So I had this dream this morning. I was drove out in a bus out of a gated city in the company of two men, one a docile renown minister of the gospel, the other, a security man in a church. So we drove along a narrow path, and at the end of the narrow pathway, l saw a group of worshippers in white and black attire singing songs of praise and worship in the name of Christ and to Christ. They were jubilating and excited, dancing with vigor. But we observed as the dancing was on the female worshippers gradually and subtly expose sensitive parts of their bodies to the male worshipper with the intention to tempt them.

HOLY Spirit , my Messenger

INSPIRED THE HOLY SPIRIT, MY MESSENGER?   There are two instances in the Bible, the dove was sent out on a mission. One instance occurred in the Old Testament when Noah sent out the dove to investigate if the flood water has dried up on the earth.  " Then he sent out a dove to see if the water had receded from the surface of the ground. But the dove could find nowhere to perch because there was water over all the surface of the earth; so it returned to Noah in the ark. He reached out his hand and took the dove and brought it back to himself in the ark" Gen. 8:8-9  The other was when the Holy Spirit in form of a dove came on our Lord Jesus during baptism. "As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” Matt. 3:16-17 There are two postures the Believer can take in

Holy Spirit , my helper

InSpired WITHOUT THIS, YOU MAY NOT MAKE RAPTURE The Holy Spirit is the custodian of the Church. We gleaned from Bible accounts that divine mandate can only be accomplished successfully with the Holy Spirit help and anointing of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ, our Lord could do nothing with the Spirit of the Father. The Spirit came on Mary and the Son of Man was begotten, the Spirit came on Jesus during His baptism and He was anointed with the Holy Ghost and power and went about doing good... It was the Holy Spirit who accomplished Him to His temptation from Satan. Jesus offers Himself as a sacrifice through the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ our LORD said  "No one knows the time or the hour but 1 Cor. 2:10-11 reveals that there is a Person who can help you prepare for the time and the hour of Rapture and that Person is sweet Holy Spirit. " The Spirit searches out all things even the deep secrets of is the same with God.  No one knows the thoughts of God excerpt the Spirit


InSpired GOD DOES SPEAK, PLEASE LISTEN God is speaking Are you listening  Oh Son of the Kingdom Can you decipher His speech Oh daughter of Zion It was business as usual The Business man had Business deals and trips planned He has anticipated and calculated how much margin of profits to expect from this one deed The Preacher has his/her itinery booked: Some have fasted and are praying that these ministrations will set free the captives and populate the Kingdom of God Other preachers have carefully planned their sermons and stories with testimonies They have in their archives stories that will bring the greatest financial donations and seed They had their financial targets for the year, and fate had graciously arranged the milking souls, they continued in their secret thoughts The Bride and Groom were busy planning their Wedding day with excitement It was the greatest day of their lives, they thought as they booked a hall, paid for the big cow and the bags of rice, the wedding gown and b

The Other Side of Grace

The PrEACHER THE OTHER SIDE OF GRACE.  Grace is beautiful,  Grace makes life easy. Grace- God's love  at Christ expense, the full expression of divine kindness to humanity.  Grace with it close companion- Mercy has the fore-sight of making provision for man' shortcomings by providing forgiveness of sin for every believer.  Oh,  how beautiful Grace is- it make believers do great exploits beyond natural capacity.  Grace keeps a pilot flying  on the aircraft of ministry success even though the pilot  has lost contact with the Air Traffic Controller.   Grace keeps the  believer blasting in tongues  and obtaining the blessing even when such have abandoned the Spirit who inspires the tongue.  Grace is beautiful but when misused, can ultimately bring shame and eternal condemnation.  When Grace is taken for granted and its engine not lubricated by constant fellowship with the Jesus Christ- the GIVER of grace, a man can stumble and fall inspite of the presence of grace Oh, the glamour o


InSpired  DIFFERENT WORK POSTURES WITH JESUS CHRIST , OUR MASTER Relationship strives on many frontiers and one of its frontier is the postures of the different participants in the relationship. Apostle Paul was advising his son in the faith- bishop Timothy on how to relate with the different groups of people in the Flock under his care and he had this to say in 1 Timothy 5:1-4 "Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father.  Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers,  and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity.  Give proper recognition to those widows who are really in need. In the same vein, you can maintain different postures to your relationship with Jesus, the Messaih and The Christ, your Master. Let's examine the different Postures and their implications. I had a vision as l laid on my bed and these pictures passed through my mind. POSTURE ONE  I saw a man walking briskly as if trying to meet up with an appointment or on




InSpired Sometimes there is no single cure to a case of domestic abuse. I worked in a home for Abused Women;  'Another Chance Women's Home: as an   administrator for about six months.   The first three women received into the home, returned to their abusive husband's after a while.  This was after the Home reported the cases to the police, engaged a lawyer in their behalf, facilitated a temporary separation, made them residents in the home with their children, enrolled them in skill acquisition centers  They still settled with the men who physically battered them because the man promised not to hurt them in the future. As an NGO, we had done our best, yet the final decisions lies with the victims I came into Ondo State my present place of residence as her lady in her twenties and worked with a Christian organisation for close to twelve (12) years. Presently, l am unmarried but l have been involved in the  Event industry as a Venue  Decorator for many couples. I have been in


InSpired A provocative question but pertinent for a time like this in the light of the death of my beautiful sister Osinachi.  I should never speak evil of the dead and l intend not to do so, but also we should critically examine all perspectives to this issue. If not we may be doing an injustice to all the parties involved in the matter. The Social media is full of thoughts of many who like me are very sad and angry at the death of Osinachi allegedly caused by her husband. Some facts emerged online that the couple met in the Church and the husband is an ordained Minister in DUNAMIS Ministry and the Church should be accountable  for her untimely death.  Some are of the opinion that the Church's  teaching/ stand on divource prevented Osinachi from leaving the abusive relationship that resulted in her death. A video clip  of the Senior Pastor preaching " God hates divorce' is rapidly going viral"  And these people advocate that this teaching was responsible for her deat


InSpired WHY DO I NEED JESUS CHRIST, THE SON OF GOD I have money I have riches I have a good career I have cool and influential friends and associates I wear the best and most expensive clothing brand  I have political, economic and good social standing If you have the above, praise God for His goodness But if you don't BELIEVE in Jesus Christ as LORD and Saviour If you don't accept as the absolute TRUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONLY WAY If you are not submitted to the RULES and PRINCIPLES of the Kingdom and live according to the leading of the Holy Spirit If you use your wealth to oppress the poor instead of helping them God says you are CONDENMED You will END up in a place of torment forever GOD SAYS SO NOT ME FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD (YOU) AND HE GAVE HIS ONLY SON TO DIE IN YOUR PLACE! CHRIST is your substitute God loves you too much He had given ALL for you to have His BEST God's BEST is JESUS CHRIST Sincerely, NOTHING can ever equate to THE LOVE OF CHRIST l have b


InSpired GOD GIVES KINGDOM TO MEN SERIES:- KING CYRUS Oh LORD, My GOD You made the Heavens and the Earth by thy great Power Oh LORD, My GOD You made the Heavens and the Earth By your outstretched hands Nothing is too difficult for thy (2x) Great and Mighty God, great in Counsel and mighty in deeds Nothing, nothing, absolute nothing Nothing is too diffcult for thy. The Almighty, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is The Eternal King who gives Kingdoms to anyone He wants. John the Baptist said  What have you received that you have not be given God spoke of King Cyrus in Isaiah 45:1-9 especially 3:5 "I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. " For the sake of Jacob my servant, of Israel my chosen, " I summon you by name and bestow on you a title of honor, though you do not acknowledge me.  "I am the Lord, and there is no other; apart from me there is no other.

Osinanachi Nwachukwa

InSpired YOU WENT TOO SOON!, Osinachi! Oooh, Why did you leave suddenly, Our dear beloved Sister We were informed your husband could not stand your success Therefore he stilled your Voice and stolen your wealth The Enemy may have succeeded in stopping the movement of your physical body But you have truinph Osinanachi  Because you are forever with the lover of your Soul And have left imprints of eternal songs in our hearts.. The best part of the Ekwueme song for me is when Osinanchi's voice sings out the praises of Yahweh, in the Igbo dialect.  Though l don't understand the dialect yet my spirit soars in praise as l hear your voice Because your hearts always   empowers the recitations,  When do the good and beautiful died? And it seems the wicked have all the time needed to continue in wickedness Why do the mighty in the Christian Singing ministry leave the stage too soon And the shallow voice singing praises while their heart is far from the Subject of their song Continue as if


InSpired THE WITNESS (Part Two) PERFECTION IN BEAUTY Strength and Mighty are my attributes like l told you Rightly so, for l serve at the pleasure of my King But Covering was the seal of perfection, Dressed in splendour, his robe studded with jewels He had the privilege of walking in the mountain of your Father He walked among the gems that shined with fire for his entire robe was pure gold and each of the precious stone was arranged on the robe, layer upon layer  As Covering walked in the Garden and the fire place, his robe glittered flashing lights everywhere. Then we heard there is a meeting in the Garden as announced by Covering I was surprised that Covering called for a meeting instead of the Minister of Fire called The Messenger of News All were assembled in the Garden , massive without a visible end Everywhere in the Garden was brightest like the Sun Everyone was gathered, amazed at this emergency meeting Summoned by seal of perfection of beauty and wisdom I am a bit surprised