
Showing posts from February, 2023


InSpired CHARACTERS AROUND THE CROSS: THE CHIEF PRIESTS What an irony that the Chief priests are searching for ways to hung the High Priest Jesus Christ who gave them their lofty position in the first place. "Early in the morning, all the chief priests and the elders of the people made their plans how to have Jesus executed. So they bound him, led him away and handed him over to Pilate the governor." Matt 27 When revelation is lacking in the life of a believer, we intend to do the unimaginable that is detrimental to our lives and the Kingdom of God. Truly. there is a prophecy that His own will reject Him but it must not be from you that the Course of Christ on earth will suffer. The disciples came to Jesus and reported that some  people were baptising persons in His name. The Christ told them " they may not be in our immediate company but anyone who is promoting my work and my kingDom is your team mate. Ephesians 4 is written for a reason. We will not all arrive at the s


InSpired CHARACTERS AROUND THE CROSS: THE CHIEF PRIESTS What an irony that the Chief priests are searching for ways to hung the High Priest Jesus Christ who gave them their lofty position in the first place. "Early in the morning, all the chief priests and the elders of the people made their plans how to have Jesus executed. So they bound him, led him away and handed him over to Pilate the governor." Matt 27 When revelation is lacking in the life of a believer, we intend to do the unimaginable that is detrimental to our lives and the Kingdom of God. Truly. there is a prophecy that His own will reject Him but it must not be from you that the Course of Christ on earth will suffer. The disciples came to Jesus and reported that some  people were baptising persons in His name. The Christ told them " they may not be in our immediate company but anyone who is promoting my work and my kingDom is your team mate. Ephesians 4 is written for a reason. We will not all arrive at the s


InSpired CHARACTERS AROUND THE CROSS: THE CHIEF PRIESTS What an irony that the Chief priests are searching for ways to hung the High Priest Jesus Christ who gave them their lofty position in the first place. "Early in the morning, all the chief priests and the elders of the people made their plans how to have Jesus executed. So they bound him, led him away and handed him over to Pilate the governor." Matt 27 When revelation is lacking in the life of a believer, we intend to do the unimaginable that is detrimental to our lives and the Kingdom of God. Truly. there is a prophecy that His own will reject Him but it must not be from you that the Course of Christ on earth will suffer. The disciples came to Jesus and reported that some  people were baptising persons in His name. The Christ told them " they may not be in our immediate company but anyone who is promoting my work and my kingDom is your team mate. Ephesians 4 is written for a reason. We will not all arrive at the s


INSPIRED NOT MY WILL Happy Sunday, l pray this new week and month is filled with awesome testimonies in Jesus name. The Christian walk and lifestyle is fashioned for progress and stagnancy a curse for  every believer.  Man is designed for progress and increase" Be fruitful, multiply...  God commanded increase for every man born of a woman. In same manner, our walk with God must not be on the same level,  year after year, as we increase in our finance, career and business, our spiritual walk and work must also progress.  2 Peter 1:5-7 "For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love".  God expects you to grow spiritually; get to know Him more and one of the ways you can attain this is contained in Luke 9:23 " Then He said to all, anyone who wants to follo

Judas love money more

INSPIRED NOT MY WILL Happy Sunday, l pray this new week and month is filled with awesome testimonies in Jesus name. The Christian walk and lifestyle is fashioned for progress and stagnancy a curse for  every believer.  Man is designed for progress and increase" Be fruitful, multiply...  God commanded increase for every man born of a woman. In same manner, our walk with God must not be on the same level,  year after year, as we increase in our finance, career and business, our spiritual walk and work must also progress.  2 Peter 1:5-7 "For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love".  God expects you to grow spiritually; get to know Him more and one of the ways you can attain this is contained in Luke 9:23 " Then He said to all, anyone who wants to follo


INSPIRED NOT MY WILL Happy Sunday, l pray this new week and month is filled with awesome testimonies in Jesus name. The Christian walk and lifestyle is fashioned for progress and stagnancy a curse for  every believer.  Man is designed for progress and increase" Be fruitful, multiply...  God commanded increase for every man born of a woman. In same manner, our walk with God must not be on the same level,  year after year, as we increase in our finance, career and business, our spiritual walk and work must also progress.  2 Peter 1:5-7 "For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love".  God expects you to grow spiritually; get to know Him more and one of the ways you can attain this is contained in Luke 9:23 " Then He said to all, anyone who wants to follo


InSpired HOW TO LIVE A LIFE FREE OF SICKNESS "Healing is the Children's bread" is the statement of our LORD Jesus to the Gentile woman who desire deliverance for her daughter.  While disease and sickness is normal for unbelievers, it is abnormal for the Believer because you inheirted spiritual blessings that includes divine health  by faith in The Christ Disease and sickness are a thief of a man's strength and attempt to cut short the number of his days on Earth. It reduces the time allocated for your divine purpose and assignment. Jesus Christ, The LORD died at age 33 because He finished His divine earthly mandate at that age. The benevolent and merciful Father  promised every Child of His; long life and sound health. In Psalm 91:16, The Father promised to satisfy you with long life; while Psalm 103 :4 shows the promise of God to heal all your diseases. You must know and believe  that  'divine healing' (as beautiful as it sound) is not the perfect will of God


InSpired HOW TO LIVE A LIFE FREE OF SICKNESS "Healing is the Children's bread" is the statement of our LORD Jesus to the Gentile woman who desire deliverance for her daughter.  While disease and sickness is normal for unbelievers, it is abnormal for the Believer because you inheirted spiritual blessings that includes divine health  by faith in The Christ Disease and sickness are a thief of a man's strength and attempt to cut short the number of his days on Earth. It reduces the time allocated for your divine purpose and assignment. Jesus Christ, The LORD died at age 33 because He finished His divine earthly mandate at that age. The benevolent and merciful Father  promised every Child of His; long life and sound health. In Psalm 91:16, The Father promised to satisfy you with long life; while Psalm 103 :4 shows the promise of God to heal all your diseases. You must know and believe  that  'divine healing' (as beautiful as it sound) is not the perfect will of God

LONE RANGER : Next generation

SAMSON, THE LONE WARRIOR'! A SONG Our Father, who art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name....... The Almighty, our Father is a God of CONTINUITY. He is called THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, THE GOD OF ISAAC AND THE GOD OF JACOB. God raise and anoints men and women so that they can train and mentor believers who will stand for Christ Jesus in their generation.  Then they will  correctly and successfully pass the Light to the next generation.  While King David successfully raised other mighty men through the Warrior anointing given to him and defeated the Enemy of God's people- The Philistines. Samson was given the same warrior's anointing , but he did not raised other men like himself and did not wipe out the Philistines as God ordained. A David had to be raised in another generation to carry out the unfinished assignment of Samson. Sincerely, a World without the love and care of the Almighty demonstrated through the Gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ will be a place of cruelty and wickedness.


SAMSON, THE LONE WARRIOR'! A SONG Our Father, who art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name....... The Almighty, our Father is a God of CONTINUITY. He is called THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, THE GOD OF ISAAC AND THE GOD OF JACOB. God raise and anoints men and women so that they can train and mentor believers who will stand for Christ Jesus in their generation.  Then they will  correctly and successfully pass the Light to the next generation.  While King David successfully raised other mighty men through the Warrior anointing given to him and defeated the Enemy of God's people- The Philistines. Samson was given the same warrior's anointing , but he did not raised other men like himself and did not wipe out the Philistines as God ordained. A David had to be raised in another generation to carry out the unfinished assignment of Samson. Sincerely, a World without the love and care of the Almighty demonstrated through the Gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ will be a place of cruelty and wickedness.


SAMSON, THE LONE WARRIOR'! A SONG Our Father, who art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name....... The Almighty, our Father is a God of CONTINUITY. He is called THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, THE GOD OF ISAAC AND THE GOD OF JACOB. God raise and anoints men and women so that they can train and mentor believers who will stand for Christ Jesus in their generation.  Then they will  correctly and successfully pass the Light to the next generation.  While King David successfully raised other mighty men through the Warrior anointing given to him and defeated the Enemy of God's people- The Philistines. Samson was given the same warrior's anointing , but he did not raised other men like himself and did not wipe out the Philistines as God ordained. A David had to be raised in another generation to carry out the unfinished assignment of Samson. Sincerely, a World without the love and care of the Almighty demonstrated through the Gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ will be a place of cruelty and wickedness.


InSpired ONE DECISION CAN MAKE YOU FAMOUS What is the essence of my Christian faith,  - Believe in Christ ?(👍) -  Baptised in the Holy Ghost? (👍) -Speaks in Tongues? (👍) -Attend church? (👍) -Offer my services in Church? (👍) A successful career? (👍) Have an awesome family ?(👍) Effective network of personal and corporate relationships ? (👍) But do you want to be remembered by posterity for these alone? Will your name appear in the Archives of men and women who helped the course of the Kingdom immensely? Will you be a case study for future generations? Will the next generations do research about you  and reprint your  works over and over again? The woman with the Alabaster jar of oil was like any  another woman until her action distinguished her and gave her a unique place in the greatest Book in the History of Man. She was not ordained from the womb to be a prophetess, but her heart filled and full with adoration led her into fulfillment of prophecy and generations will continue

InSpote of Me

I don't cross every T, I don't dot every I I've got more flaws than a little, and I messed up a thousand times I don't always commit, sometimes I give up way too quickly And then I get tired of trying to run away From who I am to who I wanna be Some days are better than others I can be up then I'm down But beyond my mistakes, I'm found in Your grace And this one thing will never change You still love me in spite of me (woo) You still choose me, how can it be? Every scar, every flaw, You see it all, You see it all You still love me, love me Ho, in spite of me In spite of me I'm stubborn at heart I'm quick to put up a guard I do it all be myself, I won't ask for help And sometimes my mouth is smart I can be insecure Counting other people's blessings And never stop to notice what I got Some days are better than others I can be up then I'm down But beyond my mistakes, I'm found in Your grace And this one thing will never change You still love


InTheSpirit MYTH: MULTI SEX PARTNER, GREATER          PLEASURE Chapter ONE SEX IS GOOD , BUT.... It is strongly believe that one of the ruling forces in the World presently is what l chose to call the "Sex Trendy.".  This is one of the generations that has thrown caution to the wind and legalised multifaceted sexual escapes as legal and tendable in court  We guess this is so because this generation has the apparatus to spread the message that sexual exploits outside the bounds of marriage is cool, legal and gives pleasure ; therefore a whole site is dedicated to espisode after espisode of sexual inrercourse with various catchy caption that is meant to lure the naive mind into its trap  Captions like " l slept with my step sister friend", sex with my step father, sex with "my boss wife" are made to tell " visitors to porn site that it is not wrong for you to participate in all these sexual experiences.  Especially when the viewer sees traffic number to


InSpired DO THIS TO KEEP THE ATTRACTION IN YOUR MARRIAGE Men and women are  Creation of  words but also creations of attraction: we are easily drawn by what we see. The sensory organs play vital roles in what attracts you to a member of the opposite sex.  We are easily moved by what we see; excerpt for the cases of arranged marriage, a man is usually attracted to a woman for some of these reasons; what he saw and heard about her.   The man may be attracted because of what he heard about the lady from friends and relatives.  He may be attracted to her because of what he heard about her exceptional beauty, mannerism, diligence, wealth, excellent human relations,  and even the fear of God. Usually, the law of attraction mostly have to do with physical beauty and appearances. And the woman can be attracted to a man for the above reasons too. He saw her and loved the way she looks and that is enough basis for marriage. But we see an increasing number of Christian men and women becoming attr


InSpired THE USURPER ( A BOOK) CHAPTER ONE Hello, he introduced himself to her and he stretched out his hand for a hand shake. She was surprised because the man who offered her an handshake seemed and looked like a perfect gentleman, therefore she expected that she should first offer him her hands for an handshake before he took hers.  But Lumon  kept her reservations to herself, expecting him to release the hands held in unbreakable and painful grip. This man was handsomely attired and spoke English underlined with ancient accent.   She made an attempt to withdraw het hands but he held on to it more tightly. Lumon could not explain her reactions but it seem, the handsome figure before her was more than what meets the eyes  The stead stare from his eyes were like penetrating fires in her  soul, they were blazing fire with lightening but when they made contact with her soul, they were deep darkness that had no end, it kept going in circles until it seem  to draw her into its endless dep


It's new hearts that will sustain better givernments


THE TEARS OF LEAH When I set my eyes on him My heartbeat took to dancing My thoughts ran in circles around him I know he is mine  Because the Culture of the Land Ensures my beloved Jacob will be mine Smile!, I do smile Every time my kid sister Gushes about his love for her I smile within me And raise my heart to the Sky All saying  Jacob is mine The God of His Father  Made the son of Isaac mine and mine alone Then the dream night rolled in I knew he will become mine tonight indeed Indeed, we become one flesh, skin to skin But our hearted parted on the wedding bed And my Love gave his heart to another With bleeding heart And tears in my soul I knew a loveless marriage Maybe all l inherited from my Wedding night When I set my eyes on him My heartbeat took to dancing My thoughts ran in circles around him I know he is mine  Because the Culture of the Land Ensures my beloved Jacob will be mine Smile!, I do smile Every time my kid sister Gushes about his love for her I smile within me And ra


CHAPTER ONE QUOTATION Marriage is ordained for companionship and happiness. But some people struggle in the home because they were not wedded to suitable appropriate partners for life purpose. A MUST WATCH VIDEO PLS SHARE WITH OTHERS TOO. THE PERFECT HELP-MEET? Some few years back, I got some quotations from a Christian book which outlined the qualities of a perfect help- meet.  Hearing the phrase perfect help Meet, I knw your mind is already carrying placard and protesting " there is no perfect help-meet anywhere"  Please permit, my unsual reasoning for the purpose of this write-up. My definition of 'perfect help-meet'  in this context is  good, the best Help-meet a man can have. This Book says a perfect Help-meet is a lady who does the following to her partner: 1. Shares his hopes, dreams and bear his hurts and frustrations. ( I replied in my heart- the woman na him 'Paid Shrink') 2. Brings him before God's throne in prayer every day) 3.  Put his sexual