
Showing posts from December, 2019


A COMPANION OF FOOLS WILL RUIN YOU Recently, I watched a film on DSTV now titled ' Uncommon Grace'  it was a love story. I don't know why l wept at its end' 'cause it's not s superb thriller love story. But , l wept because some of the lessons l got from this story trigger in me the need to sincerely care about the people around me and not be carried away with just the desire to climb the Success ladder. You are formed and shape by what you hear, see and read.  You are a spirit living in a body, you can introduce negative elements like fear, thoughts of failure, even sickness when you are exposed daily to such issues. Did l mentioned that if the Church you attend speaks more about the negative even if it is negatives in the Bible than positive, that can become your thoughts and expectations in life. The Gospel is called 'The Good News" when it's negative narrations exceed its positive, then it may as well be called 'the bad news'. I had some


ACCESSING DIVINE INSTRUCTIONS FOR YOUR GREATNESS. I realised that the Holy Spirit within every believer is the custodian of the plans and purposes of God for you and is willing.and ever ready to reveal this to as many that desires to know it. Regular fellowship with the Holy Spirit will reveal this plan to you cheaply. WHY SHOULD I SEEK TO KNOW GOD'S PLAN? You may  ask ' what should l seek for God:s plan?. I am educated, and have the mind of Christ so l know all things. Truly, you know all things by reason of your education and the Holy Spirit who lives within you as a believer.  But it is not certainly all the things you know that is beneficial to you. Regular fellowship will the Holy Spirit will.equip you with the knowledge of what to do per time and in seasons. "While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands


GREATNESS IN YOUR DIVINE INSTRUCTIONS Every Believer is ordained for glory and greatness, it is a part of your redemptive blessings. But few attain to become all that God has freely given them in Christ Jesus. If there is a revelation, you need to take as a companion to 2020 is this statement ' YOUR GREATNESS IS BUILT INTO YOUR DIVINE INSTRUCTIONS! While in the World system ' it is ideas, knowledge and who you know',  that determines your level of success; in the Kingdom of Christ, ideas, knowledge and 'who can help you' in 'who you know' is birthed in the divine instructions God gives you. Studies have revealed that everyman called and use by God for one purpose or the other either in the spiritual, political, economy are given instructions which cumulated into their glorious destiny. Great men in the Kingdom either ascended or descended in the ladder of success in their calling and career based on the degree of obedience to the divine revelations they rece

God is the Same, Either age 30 or age 80

GOD IS THE SAME FOR AGE 30 AND AGE 80 Thirty is the age for ministry to begin seem to be the new trend and rightly so as supported by Biblical examples We bless God for the global evengelisatuon taking place in the World today.  Most nations not accessible by the Gospel are presently expose to the Good News of Christ via the internet and other means.


InSpired TRAINING, MENTORSHIP & HELPERS OF DESTINY Some topics are so sensitive, you don't want to talk about them but life experiences are meant to help others in their voyage in destiny. I will never stop appreciating God for giving me the rare privilege of working for Rev. & Rev Mrs. Okoro and Bishop Felix & Rev Mrs. funke Adejumo after my NYSC in Ondo State God used them to equip me with the   training and opportunities in ministry that will remain with me for a long time.  I pray God's grace will continually increase in their lives. It's true, every believer has the Holy Spirit and as the Bible stated -we need no man to teach us about Christ for the Holy Spirit shall teach us all things. But the Holy Spirit teaching you all things does not mean you will be isolated in a class and the Bible downloaded into your mind. God will use men and women who have gone ahead of you to teach you all you need to know concerning life and godliness. Just as your biological


InSpired YOUR DESTINY IS LIKE A SCRIPT  WHO IS IN CONTROL OF IT? Life does not allow a vacuum, it is either you are in control of your life or someone or something  else is in control of your life. I want to testify to God's faithfulness since l got saved, especially in the area of direction in life.  Truly, l have missed His voice and leading in some areas of my life but God has always be faithfully in bringing me back to His plan. Before l got job as an administrator in an Orphanage, l knew that was the career path l should follow after NYSC. Even when l got the job of been an PA to a Woman of God in the Country, l knew Church work and ministry is what l should do. Your life is either run by chance in which case, the things you experience are out of your fore-knowledge and control.  For example, you had plans of registering for your masters in University of Lagos ( Unilag) and had already bought the forms with other necessary plans in place. Then your Boss in the  office informed


InSpired STRONGHOLDS ARE ERECTED AT THE TEEN AGE In my opinion, l don't think digital/soft copy picture is better that hard copy pictures. I remember this particular picture with my friend Seyi at their house in Ire-Akari Estate, Lagos. At this age, l was already sexual active and could afford to dress well as you can see from the picture. But the actual cost for those dresses were my dignity been soiled on the bed of fornication. Negatives pictures, actions, attitudes were been built into my heart and mind that would take years of reading the scriptures to uproot. I can give many excuses on why l compromised as a young Christian to survive but the bottom line is ' I took my eyes off Jesus Christ' and told my heart that Christ cannot help me at this point of my life. so l turned to the way of sin to help myself. When you speak to a teen to surrender their hearts to Christ  and you succeed,  you have saved a soul from a future of regrets and have contributed immensely to the


InSpired FROM AJEGUNLE TO THE WORLD FOR JESUS! ONLY JEHOVAH CAN DO THAT! Tonite, as l sit at my reading table and go through pictures of me from a  little girl to now; a lady- all l can see in these pictures is God'' s faithfulness. ( God is a promise keeper) Each picture resurfaces stories, events, testimonies, memories and the smile remains and l went through each.  This picture of my late sister and me reminds me of how l was born in Apapa Lagos, Ajekunle to be precise. And the Ajekunle of those years was really the slum, ghetto and crime center of Lagos. Yet, the Almighty who had a plan for my life from the foundation of the earth brought me from the slum to the Limelight as other pictures will show. Please your birth place is irrelevant and cannot stop the plans of God for your life. God said in Jeremiah 1 :5 ' Before l formed you, l knew thee you.  And Psalm 139:16-17 explains what the word 'knew' means 1. Your eyes saw my unformed body;  2. All the days ordai

wisdom of Christ 2

InSpired JESUS WAS GOD YET LIVE WISELY AS A MAN I appreciate God for your beautiful lives and for your eagerness to read God's Word. I pray His Word will enrich your destiny. Uuuuh, I was studying the Life of my Lord Jesus  in the book of John 7  (deliberately I used Jesus instead of Jesus Christ) because in this Bible passage, I saw more of His humanity than divinity. In John 7:1, the Bible says "After this, Jesus went around in Galilee. He did not want to go about in Judea because the Jewish leaders there were looking for a way to kill him." Jesu Christ is the Anointed one who had the Spirit without measure and had thousand upon thousands of angels at His disposal, therefore any threat from the Jewish leaders to take His life should be a play at futility. Yet he avoided a particular location because of their evil plots at that period in time. LESSONS FROM THIS STORY Jesus lived a very careful  and discreet life. He was not a careless Son of God who  exposed his destiny

don't wait there

InSpired DON'T REMAIN THERE!  This man in John 5:1-14  testimony was ordained by God for international platform and for trans-generational impact He was fashioned to become a joy of many generations yet he stood before his miracle for 38 years without receiving it. He had close contact with the source of his healing for 38years but he could not be healed  It is an abnormalcy for you to believe in Christ and yet be blind.... You can see people having all the spiritual, mental and physical wealth they want, having the desires of their heart met, having the healing they longed for  you know by God Word; you should be healed, delivered, promoted, helped YET Your case remains the same year in and year out. You love God, you have prayed, you have sown seed, given prophet offering, fasted and all you are saying is   Is there a God in Heaven who hears prayer Is there a God in Heaven who lives also within my heart Is there a God in Heaven who will change my situation I am here to tell you t
InSpired NO MATTER, YOUR AGE IS NOT TOO LATE! The God of our Lord Jesus Christ is not just a kind and compassionate God; timr and events have proved that He is also dynamic in His dealings and operations on earth. Did l remember to tell you that He is a master strategist and always ahead of 'ALL' in His plans and purposes.   Sometimes, our lack of understanding of His ways and our mind stereotype can and does interferes with His plan and purposes. Different men and women started their relationships with God at different ages yet the discrepancies of age and circumstances does not deter the success of the plan of the Almighty  When Moses told God, ' I am a stutter and not qualify for your purpose'  God reminded him of His Sovereignty and showed him- Moses that The Almighty is always ahead Human frality. MEN, AGES & PURPOSES 1. Adam- begotten by the breadth of the Almighty, age not stated. (Pioneer of the Human race.) 2. Seth- Though his parents had direct contact wit


InSpired The Patriarch Abraham was called by God at 75years and walked with God for 100years. He was also a pioneer of a new order, so his age did not impeded his purpose.  The Bible noted that Isaac called on God at age 60 on behalf of his wife Rebecca and  built the first altar to The Almighty when he was way over 60 years. Gen 26;25. King Josiah was 8 years when he ascended the throne of his father King David and he did well with the help of the right men who surrounded him. There is this beautiful fragrance of Yahweh conversing with the Sons of men, relating with them. We are talking about the awesome, awesomeness Almighty, who knows the foundation of the earth and its exact measurements. He asked Job "Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Job 38. Nathaniel Bassey rightly describes Yahweh as The awesome wonder. Joseph started out with Yahweh through his father from birth. He became the favourite of his father because he was the son of his beloved wife Rache


InSpired DON'T PUT GOD IN A STEREOTYPE BOX!  Joseph was introduced to God at birth by his father and circumcised at day 8.   Obviously, he was the most loved and closest son of Jacob-his father because the Bible stated that he loved Joseph move than his other sons. This close bond with his father gave  Joseph early exposure to the God of his father. At age 17, Joseph had a prepared heart which could embrace God's plan for his family, his people and his generation.  At age 30, he became a prime minister in Egypt. Judah, on the other hand did not have such favourable circumstances as Joseph.  Although, he had to his credit his prophetic name - 'Judah'  (Gen 39:35) but he also had other actions that should disqualify him. Inspite of this disadvantage, God's eternal plan involved Judah. Prophet Jacob prophecied about Judah's seed in Gen. 49 'Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father's childr

you want to get well

InSpired DO YOU WANT TO GET WELL? Pertinent questions are one of the keys for supernatural discovery, recovery, innovation, renovation and restoration. Sincerely, unless you learn to ask the questions, you can take new giant stride I life. Inventions and their new.models originate from asking and answering new  questions that has never be addressed. God, The Almighty, the Maker of the heavens and the earth said " my people perish because they lack light.  (knowledge). THE Word of God is Light for every human endeavour. Most of the good.principles practised in the word in different sphere of life derived their core values from the Word of God.  In everyman on earth is the treasures of God in form of their natural talents and endowments. You will forever suffer for what you should know and that you don't know and it will not be God's fault because He has given all that you need for life and godliness. At the pool of Bethsaida are the blind, the lame, the paralysed and the in

wisdom of Christ

NUGGETS OF CHRIST WISDOM GUIDED HIS DECISIONS "For even his own brothers did not believe in him. Therefore Jesus told them, “My time is not yet here; for you any time will do. The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify that its works are evil. You go to the festival. I am not going up to this festival, because my time has not yet fully come.” After he had said this, he stayed in Galilee. However, after his brothers had left for the festival, he went also, not publicly, but in secret."  John 7 The Bible made a statement about our Lord Jesus  in Luke 2:52 "And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man." The wisdom of God is demonstrated in the action of our Lord Jesus in John 7.  He hid His plans and intentions from His brothers who did not believe in His ministry at that time. Although many believe that blood is thicker than water. Our Lord Jesus chose to follow the Word and the leading of the Spirit instead of following His bl


NUGGETS FROM CHRIST CHRIST without WALLs So l lived in this Estate where each flat is a bungalow and separated by a tall wall. One day, I heard crying and shouting from my neighbour'  flat;   I was concerned and wanted to help but I could not because of the tall wall between us. Fence walls are good because of their protective purposes, their uniqueness of giving privacy and branding for our individualism.  But they become a trap and a pain when they hold us back from getting the help we need and from being our neighbours' keeper. Church Denominations are allowed and ordained by God to cater for our cultural difference, political inclinations, social behaviours and personality uniqueness etc but they should not take our eyes off our common focus CHRIST IN US, OUR HOPE OF GLORY. You were all called to travel on the same road and in the same direction, so stay together, both outwardly and inwardly. You have one Master, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who rules

Meghan sto

InSpired LESSONS FROM MEGHAN STORY # She was prepared for the palace. When the opportunity to marry into royalty met Meghan, she was prepared The Prince needed a lady who was given and committed to Philanthropist work in Africa and Meghan was already involved in this kind of work. Though she was an actress, she took time out t give back to African nations.  So it was not just favour that made Prince Harry fall in love with her, she met his criteria for a marriage partner. The prince had met other ladies before.her and did not marry them because they lacked one criterion or the other. # The Prince needed a woman who is comfortable with the Limelight yet is not promiscuous. Meghan was an upcoming actress yet she did not sleep around with producers, directors to get parts in movies. There were no men coming forward to claim they slept with her There were no drug scandal against her She was in the film world yet was able to escape the major scandals in the world #The Prince needed a lady w


InSpired GOD'S PROMISES FOR YOU Life is about making stead progress , if not frustration and sadness will set in without warning. Anyone who arrives suddenly at Success' corridor, may exit  in an hurry. Check out great men in the Society, the Law of  Process of time is always obeyed in their Success story. Even Naijabet obeys the process of time- you hit the jackpot after careful study of games to make accurate predictions. So wherever you are presently in achieving your dreams; Whatever Success story, you desire to write for yourself: God promise is "Though your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be.  Job 8:7. Believe it, Confess it, be fully persuaded and diligently work it out and it will be yours in a matter of time. God bless you and Happy Sunday. A.L Hephzibah

way maker

NUGGETS FROM CHRIST THE GOD WHO MADE A WAY A popular song writer calls Him: The Way Maker You may not understand the impact of the Iyrics of her songs until you.visit Exodus 15 and see The Almighty parted the Sea, interfered and Intervened in the the affairs of men because of His covenant with a man and because the seeds of that man cried out to Him in their pains. Yahweh rode on the wings of the Wind, He sat on unquenchable fire as His Horse  And used thunderstorm as His headlamps And stepped into Humanity from Eternity to redeem His beloved when their backs were against the wall and everything seemed all over He showed Himself as The God who rules in the affairs of men He revealed Himself as The 'Kabiyesi' ( when His supremacy and sovereignty is at work, no Being can question Him or stop Him The flood during the Era of Noah was a sample of His Sovereign Acts on earth, The birth of Jesus Christ was another of His Sovereign Acts But we can never forget the acts of a woman calle


NUGGETS FROM CHRIST GIVING THANKS ALWAYS! God deserves our heartfelt praises at all times. I had a chat with a dear friend today and she reinforced the need to appreciate The Almighty at all seasons Sometimes we only give Him our heartfelt praises when we have  experienced a miracle which in our  estimation is remarkable and awesome. I was driving this afternoon and the brake of the car became stiff and uncontrollable at the middle of a major road with the car stopping  suddenly. I just refilled at the Petrol station. I muttered a 'thank you' Father and continued  with my trip. On my way back from that trip, I saw a car involved in an accident as a result of the same fault as my car. Then l realised the magnitude of the deliverance and protection God gave me and my car earlier. Immediately l appreciate God profusely, because l saw what would have happened to me if He had not intervened. We must learn to thank God at all times especially  when waiting for the fulfillment of a pa

back 3

NUGGETS FROM CHRIST THE GOD WHO MADE A WAY A popular song writer calls Him: The Way Maker You may not understand the impact of the Iyrics of her songs until you.visit Exodus 15 and see The Almighty parted the Sea, interfered and Intervened in the the affairs of men because of His covenant with a man and because the seeds of that man cried out to Him in their pains. Yahweh rode on the wings of the Wind, He sat on unquenchable fire as His Horse  And used thunderstorm as His headlamps And stepped into Humanity from Eternity to redeem His beloved when their backs were against the wall and everything seemed all over He showed Himself as The God who rules in the affairs of men He revealed Himself as The 'Kabiyesi' ( when His supremacy and sovereignty is at work, no Being can question Him or stop Him The flood during the Era of Noah was a sample of His Sovereign Acts on earth, The birth of Jesus Christ was another of His Sovereign Acts But we can never forget the acts of a woman calle

back God helped

NUGGETS FROM CHRIST THE GOD WHO MADE A WAY A popular song writer calls Him: The Way Maker You may not understand the impact of the Iyrics of her songs until you.visit Exodus 15 and see The Almighty parted the Sea, interfered and Intervened in the the affairs of men because of His covenant with a man and because the seeds of that man cried out to Him in their pains. Yahweh rode on the wings of the Wind, He sat on unquenchable fire as His Horse  And used thunderstorm as His headlamps And stepped into Humanity from Eternity to redeem His beloved when their backs were against the wall and everything seemed all over He showed Himself as The God who rules in the affairs of men He revealed Himself as The 'Kabiyesi' ( when His supremacy and sovereignty is at work, no Being can question Him or stop Him The flood during the Era of Noah was a sample of His Sovereign Acts on earth, The birth of Jesus Christ was another of His Sovereign Acts But we can never forget the acts of a woman calle

my back against the wall

NUGGETS FROM CHRIST WHEN MY BACK WAS AGAINST THE WALL-ELIJAH Prophet Elijah was a man to be feared, a daring, bold and ' take no nonesense Man of God  He was such because of his unique assignment; his family was not meantuoned,  imagine if he had a wife and children in the nation where he decreed there would be no rain for three years, he might have reconsidered his decision. God in critical and strategic moments in history raise prophet like Elijah in the Body of Christ, prophetess like Anna ( whom God turned seemingly negative situation in her life into Kingdom advantage.) But the best of men can become the weakest of men and even be discouraged.  Men of God are anointed and graced by God' Spirit to attain what is humanly impossible but we must understand, they are first Men/Women, then born of God.   The anointing envelopes their humanity by does not kill it. They are human yet anointed. The joy of our Salvation and Christian walk is "we do not have an High Priest who c


NUGGETS FROM CHRIST GOD BROUGHT SWEETNESS  One of the greatest cause of affliction in the life of a believer is wrong conception, perception about the person and the ways of the Almighty. Some  believers are in pain,  oppressed and tormented by The Enemy of the Human Soul because of ignorance and wrong perception of The Almighty. In Job 9:9-20, Job wrote his perceptions about God. The narration presented posivite testimony  about God in Job 9:9-10 " He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the south. He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, " Then he went on in Job 9:16-18 to give his perception of The Almighty that is obviously wrong as proved by other Bible passages.  He said if he summons the Almighty, God will not allow him to present his case when God said in Isaiah that you should present your strong arguments.  Also God invites you  in the book of  Hebrews to approach His throne boldly and confidantly that you may obtain mercy a

God.helping hands

NUGGETS FROM CHRIST GOD IN THE BUSINESS OF HELPING MEN! One of the greatest cause of affliction in the life of a believer is wrong  perception about the person and the ways of the Almighty. Some  believers are in pain,  oppressed and tormented by The Enemy of the Human Soul because of ignorance and wrong perception of The Almighty. In Job 9:9-20, Job wrote his perceptions about God. The narration presented posivite testimony  about God in Job 9:9-10 " He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the south. He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, " Then he went on in Job 9:16-18 to give his perception of The Almighty that is obviously wrong as proved by other Bible passages.  He said if he summons the Almighty, God will not allow him to present his case when God said in Isaiah that you should present your strong arguments.  Also God invites you  in the book of  Hebrews to approach His throne boldly and confidantly that you may obtain mercy

Sweetest restored

NUGGETS FROM CHRIST GOD RESTORED SWEETNESS TO HER LIFE! A man will continue to struggle and suffer in his Christian walk until  he understands the depth of the mercy and love of The Almighty.  Perception about the love of God for you will determine  to a large extent your possession.of your inheritance in Christ in God. Any wrong perception l have about  God opens the door for Satan to accommodate my wrong mindset and launch an attack.  Ignorance will always empower the enemy' s assault. Naomi was placed in a situation that placed her back against the wall.  Naomi believed and confessed that everything was over because of the pictures she could see around her, but  she failed to see through the eyes of the Spirit that the WAY MAKER had gone ahead of her and given her a daughter- in -law who will restore the sweetness of her name. She said this about  The Almighty but her assessment and judgement was wrong. Listen to her statement: “Can this be Naomi?” “Don’t call me Naomi,” she tol

God ability

NUGGETS FROM CHRIST GOD WANTS TO SHARE HIS ABILITY WITH YOU! Tonight l was lying somewhere and l was saying, Holy Spirit , l desire you will help me not to sleep tonight and just spend the night doing something l desire strongly. And the Spirit response was the scripture in Psalm 121. He said l neither sleep nor slumber. Immediately, l smiled and changed my prayers to Lord, let me share of your ability and power to stay awake as long as l desire. We have a beautiful God as our Father, Teacher, Helper, Adviser, Provider, Leader, The LORD is His name. "He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord watches over you— the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all harm — he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore." Psalm 121 SONG Hear th

Jesus lived wisely

INsPIRED JESUS WAS GOD YET LIVE WISELY AS A MAN I appreciate God for your beautiful lives and for your eagerness to read God's Word. I pray His Word will enrich your destiny. Uuuuh, I was studying the Life of my Lord Jesus  in the book of John 7 (deliberately I used Jesus instead of Jesus Christ) because in this Bible passage, I saw more of His humanity than divinity. In John 7:1, the Bible says "After this, Jesus went around in Galilee. He did not want to go about in Judea because the Jewish leaders there were looking for a way to kill him." Jesu Christ is the Anointed one who had the Spirit without measure and had thousand upon thousands of angels at His disposal, therefore any threat from the Jewish leaders to take His life should be a play at futility. Yet he avoided a particular location because of their evil plots at that period in time. LESSONS FROM THIS STORY Jesus lived a very careful  and discreet life. He was not a careless Son of God who  exposed his destiny t

love Christ more than this

InSpired NUGGETS FROM CHRIST # Dare Love Jesus More Than These? The greatest investment you can make this last month of the year is to spend ample time with God in fellowship. The Holy Spirit desires and yearns to teach you about His Kingdom. The Holy Spirit makes life easy, helps you become all God ordained for you And keeps you safe all the time. The first members of the Church of Christ could not live or survive without Him. You must also learn to spend time with Him getting to know Christ and the Father through Him. It's an investment of 100fold returns No fear of recession, change of government, and bankruptcy. It's an Eternal investment with unending wealth #Dare Love Jesus More than this? A.L. Hephzibah

standing order

NUGGETS FROM CHRIST STANDING ORDER The Bible states that Elijah is a man of like passion who gave an order that the Land of Israel should not experience rain and it was exactly so for three years plus...  "Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit. James 5:17 The father of the Rechabites was the same. Their father gave a standing order for his seed not to build houses and drink wine and this order was still effective after his death. "Then I set before the sons of the house of the Rechabites bowls full of wine, and cups; and I said to them, “Drink wine.” But they said, “We will drink no wine, for Jonadab the son of Rechab, our father, commanded us, saying, ‘You shall drink no wine, you nor your sons, forever. You shall not build a house, sow seed, plant a vineyard, nor have Jeremiah 35:5

The Holy Spirit

InSpired THE LOVE DIMENSION ( SERIES) Ian always very excited and feel highly privileged when The Holy Spirit birth a New series within my spirit and the light of it shines in my soul.  SWEET HOLY SPIRIT- THR EPITOME OF COMPASSION Gentle Dove Benevolent Companion Efficient Helper Intelligent Advocate Faithful Confidant Eternal Life Giver All-Knowing Wisdom of God The Governor of all nations in the Universe Persuader of The Truth of Christ The Omniscient Spirit who is God Ever- present Eternal Spirit yet invisible to human eyes Revealer of the thoughts and intentions of men The Light in every hidden darkness Awesome Treasure bestowed in our hearts as a Gift Omnipresence Spirit bestowed to The system of the World as creator of every good thing The very Presence of The Almighty in Me and with Me Ever present Help at all times Faithful Friend in all situations Who can be likened to You Who can ever compare with You Strong yet soft hearted All knowing yet unassuming Powerful yet Kind The Le

The voice of God

NUGGETS FROM CHRIST HOW GREAT IS MY GOD! SONG How great is my God Sing with me How great is my God Always sing How great How great  Is my King! The name above all name Is the name of Jesus my King How great! How great! Is my God! "Ascribe to the Lord, you heavenly beings, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.  Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.  The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the Lord thunders over the mighty waters.  The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is majestic.  The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars; the Lord breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon. He makes Lebanon leap like a calf, Sirion like a young wild ox.  The voice of the Lord strikes with flashes of lightning. The voice of the Lord shakes the desert; the Lord shakes the Desert of Kadesh.  The voice of the Lord twists the oaks and strips the forests bare. And in his temple all cry, “Glory!”  The Lor

The brook dried up

SCENERIO ONE THE GOD WHO CAN NEVER FAIL! The article 'THE' signifies there is only one of the kind. There are other idols but there is only one God and it is only Him who can never fail you.  He is a promise keeper, He has the capability and integrity to make a promise and His power will ensure that His promise is fulfilled. "Some time later, the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land. Then the word of the Lord came to him: “Go at once to Zarephath in the region of Sidon and stay there. I have directed a widow there to supply you with food.” So he went to Zarephath. I Kings 17:7-9 A Song writer wrote: I have a Father,  that will never, never fail me 2x God is my Father And He will never never fail Rock of Ages never never fail If life is indeed a bed of roses, then the one person that should be immuned from its thorns are Servants of the Most High. They are men/women anointed, empowered,, graced, helped by God to be a blessing to the people and execute G

You can't be straddled

NUGGETS FROM CHRIST  YOU CANT BE STRANDED WITH GOD! There is this beautiful story of escape in 1Samuel 19:11-18. The Bible says the blessings of God added no sorrow. I strongly believe that our heavenly Father is The most compassionate Being in the visible and invisible World. I know He is Jehovah, the God of war, I know He is a consuming fire and l know He is terrible in righteousness but He is also a Father and you can trust Him.  David was caught in a human trap though anointed as king but prophet Samuel he was not yet enthroned as king by the people. And the  Enemy was searching for a means to terminate David's life since Giant could not do so.  So a trap was disguised in the opportunity of marrying the King's daughter for Saul the King felt this is his opportunity to terminate David' s destiny who he saw as a threat to his reign as king. King Saul as a.leader had allowed his humanity to tamper with his walk with God and the nation of Israel was at the mercy of the Enem

.Fade away

NUGGETS FROM CHRIST HYMN Faded away like the stars in the morning Losing their light in the glorious sun Thus would we pass from this Earth and its toiling Only remembered for what we have done Only remembered Only remembered Only remembered for what we have done Thus would we pass from this Earth and its toiling Only remebered for what we have done Horses and men Ploughshares and traces The line on the land and the paths of the sun Season by season we mark natures graces Only remebered for what we have done Only remembered Only remembered Only remembered for what we have done Season by season we mark natures graces Only remembered for what we have don

for his glory or for my glory

NUGGETS FROM CHRIST FOR HIS GORY OR FOR MY GLORY? Sometimes, we make it difficult for God to protect is because of our lack of sensitivity to His leading. Jesus Christ my Lord spoke of the Pharisees ' ‘We played the pipe for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.’Matt. 11:17 God will do everything to keep you from danger especially from the traps of the enemy. King Saul was after David's life as shown by various instances in I Samuel 18 yet he chose to marry his daughter. but sincerely the temptation to marry the King's daughter is an mmense one. David faced the danger of his enthronement be terminated before its physical manifestation because of obvious sentiments- Jonathan was his best friend, he had started rising in stardom though he had a boss who wanted to end his ministry. It is not all seeming good occurrence that is a blessing. Just as we have opportunities that are blessings in disguise: This opportunity presented by the King Saul to D

unseen yet important

NUGGETS FROM CHRIST. UNSEEN YET IMPORTANT They were a part of the plan: Simeon,- The man who was not allowed to see death until the Saviour was born ( The pursuit of divine purpose is the right drugs for long life) Anna- the daughter of Penuel who fasted day and night for 74 years for the work that Christ finished within 3 and a half years ( Are your surprised Christ performed excellently well and on time) Jael-the wife of Heber, who killed the enemy of the nation of Israel but the Holy Spirit never revealed her training field or time to anyone before she was activated for her task and throw back into her normal day life after her assigment!  The servant of Saul who became the first King of Israel. He was the one who had the coin for the Seer ( it was him who had what was needed for Saul to be enthroned as King,  The damsel who was Naaman maid, and so many others; some named, other unnamed.   They were a part of the work but no one saw them because their portion of the work was behind

The prototype intercessor

NUGGETS FROM CHRIST THE PROTOTYPE INTERCESSORS - SHE WAS ORDAINED MOTHER OF ALL GENERATIONS... She was ordained to be The Mother of all other creatures , God designed her to be the Mother of all generations, Sarah is dead yet she lives as a father in all generations Eve was carefully and beautifully crafted and God invested in her all she needed to be her husband 'HELP- MEET ' when s(He) was created it was her husband who named her and not God himself who gave her a name, God was stating clearly who was the authority over her  When she disobeyed God by usurping her husband's authority, God used the curse placed on her to bring her forcefully under her husband's authority "YOUR DESIRE SHALL BE FOR YOUR HUSBAND AND HE SHALL LORD IT OVER YOU" She was anointed to be the joy of many generations and showed the entire Human race how to walk with God and and submit to the leadership of their husbands. Once divine order is violated, any success achieved is a curse in d

Silent and invisible Herorine

NUGGETS FROM CHRIST SILENT AND INVISIBLE HEROINE! Other women in the Israelites camp had resolved to fate, they had concluded that it was the will of Yahweh to afflict them sore by allowing Pharaoh to kill their  new born sons. Probably they reasoned and believed 'Yahweh is the Almighty and can stop any thing and all things, therefore if Pharaoh take our sons and Jehovah did not stop him then it's probably Yahweh allowed it for a reason' But Jochebed, the wife of Amram, a descendant of Levi, who was born to the Levites in Egypt. To Amram she bore Aaron, Moses and their sister Miriam. stood up in time and à dispensation.and said to herself  ' Pharaoh, you can take the children of others but you won't take mine. Numbers 26:58 She stood up though she was  restricted by a decree . Although, her husband was silent in this matter;  she recognised her unique place of been Help - meet when his silence means " surrender" She did the impossible by the help of God. W


SPENDING ALL OR SAVING ALL! CHOOSE? Do I Buy a shoe or buy a bag. CAPITAL NO, l will either buy a shoe or  buy a bag. RATHER, I must SAVE,  I will SAVE, I should SAVE.  God is my sufficient does not mean, l should spend all then wait for the next supply  The Rich save first, increase their savings  and spend a little from their savings. So  poor money habits must be completely swallowed by excellent SAVING habits powered by discipline and the help of the Holy Spirit. Do l have a witness in FB on this assessment? Please share your experienced counsel

thinking aloud 4

INSPIRED THINKING ALOUD! If every Christ believing Church in Western, Eastern, Southern and Northern Nigeria allocate and spend 10 mins during our Sunday and Mid- week  Services for intercession for men and women not saved, backsliden believers, the government of their states, Nigeria, the Body of Christ:  I can tell you, the church will live in peace, God' s hand will be empowered to do more for believers, little evangelism will bring great harvest of souls, christians would occupy more prominent positions in government and the economy. God said l sought for a man to stand in the gap and found none, therefore the land lies in ruin. Have a lovely day. A. L. Hephzibah

Saving and spending ALL

SPENDING ALL OR SAVING ALL! CHOOSE? Do I Buy a shoe or buy a bag. CAPITAL NO, l will either buy a shoe or  buy a bag. RATHER, I must SAVE,  I will SAVE, I should SAVE.  God is my sufficient does not mean, l should spend all then wait for the next supply  The Rich save first, increase their savings  and spend a little from their savings. So  poor money habits must be completely swallowed by excellent SAVING habits powered by discipline and the help of the Holy Spirit. Do l have a witness in FB on this assessment? Please share your experienced counsel

Thinking aloid

INSPIRED THINKING ALOUD Sometimes, the enemy comes with a lie,  a thought,  an imagination,  a suggestion,  a prompting,  a dream,  an inspiration,  That serving God is burdensome;   That God demands so much from His worshippers, That God does not give freedom to believers to enjoy everyday life because His DOs and DONTs are many? But then l think, if serving the benevolent Father,  who is Love personified,  who is full of kindness  and cares about every little details of our life is burdensome,  Then serving Satan, the enemy  Must be an excruciating ache, pain, sadness, fear that stays with you all day shrouded in momentarily pleasure, incited happiness with its resultant eternal condemnation. So l have come to the conclusion that serving God by His grace is not the only option but the Best option . Keep on pressing to know Him MORE Keep on pressing to believe His Word MORE Keep on pressing to please Him MORE Keep on pressing to do His Will MORE often Keep on pressing to refuse to fol