
Showing posts from April, 2020


InSpired GOD DOES SPEAK, PLEASE LISTEN God is speaking Are you listening  Oh Son of the Kingdom Can you decipher His speech Oh daughter of Zion It was business as usual The Business man had Business deals and trips planned He has anticipated and calculated how much margin of profits to expect from this one deed The Preacher has his/her itinery booked: Some have fasted and are praying that these ministrations will set free the captives and populate the Kingdom of God Other preachers have carefully planned their sermons and stories with testimonies They have in their archives stories that will bring the greatest financial donations and seed They had their financial targets for the year, and fate had graciously arranged the milking souls, they continued in their secret thoughts The Bride and Groom were busy planning their Wedding day with excitement It was the greatest day of their lives, they thought as they booked a hall, paid for the big cow and the bags of rice, the wedding gown and b


InSpired CHRIST LIFE IN  OUR CITIES Prepare! Prepare! Prepare! The trumpeters blow their horns: The hour or time no man knows They raised their voices on television and Social media  WHY? The Streets is deserted and Cities locked down: Now, the Mesaage of The Good News is mandatorily brought to people in their homes and they have no option but to : Listen!  Listen!  Listen!  The Gospel must be preached everywhere, the Saviour said And if everywhere, then it must be taken from the Streets, to the very home of all inhabitants on the earth Now, they have to listen because they have no other option Their idols of busyness has been taken away and a complusory holiday has been given to them This is God' s Love saying again I offered the ultimate sacrifice: JESUS CHRIST for your Salvation I have sent my prophets and preachers to you with the Good News of the Gospel SEE? Cities, theatres, Cinemas, shopping malls, dancing hall has been shut down, shut down so that you can hear this.singular


InSpiredZ WITHOUT THIS !YOU MAY NOT MAKE RAPTURE There are many technicality concerning Rapture on when, how and who is qualified.  By the grace of God, we may not address that but we will.attempt to explain am important  personality in our relationship with God and How He can help us to make Rapture. "But as for that day and hour no one knows it - not even the angels in heaven - except the Father alone." Matt 24:36. BE READY is the theme of this write up. Either Rapture will happen tomorrow, in a year  or even in a thousand year,  should not be the concern of any believer because our Lord Jesus Christ said no one knows when. But the Bible reveals the Helper that God help prepare for Rapture because He is the custodian of the thoughts and plans of the God- Head on earth. In 1 Cor. 2:10-11 says  The Spirit search out all things, evev InSpired WITHOUT THIS, YOU MAY NOT MAKE RAPTURE The Holy Spirit is the custodian of the Church. We realised that divine mandate can be accomplish
InSpired THROWN OUT OF PLANET H3 As l watched, with the Garden divided into two clear groups Then the  Dragon spoke his first word You all l have been diligent in running the affairs of the Commander-in-chief... he uttered NO, this is a coup-de-tat. No!NO!, NO! This cannot happen, this cannot happen.,  Immediately Ministers of Fire from both parties drew their swords I saw innumerable number  gravitated towards where l stood with their swords drew. Simultaneously, I saw.about 1/3 of the star surrounded The Enemy with their swords drew as ready to defeat their Prince I gestured with my hands to the innumerable behind me to keep quite Let's hear what this betrayer has got to say about our KING  I will not even wait for the verdict of our Beautiful King, l am a match for the One created with everything yet he turned against His master. Well, well, well, the dragon laughed and looked at the scene in the Garden-at the innumerable legions that joined me shouting For the KING OF


InSpired THE WITNESS I was there when it happened I saw it all as it unfolded It was a shock for me I can never forget how it happened I would never have expected that Covering will do that to The Commander The Commander is too good to have received that kind of treatment from Covering It was the highest treason ever staged in our Planet called Planet H3 We had never saw anything like it And we will never experience it again forever Other Ministers of fire in the Planet  H3 always gaze in wonder when Covering pass by on errand for The Ancient of Days There were not just looking at Covering' s Beauty But they looked because they marvelled at the access Covering had to The Ancient of Days This was the greatest privilege in our Planet and Covering had this awesome privilege Covering always love to tell about the awesomeness of THE ONE who dwells in impenetrable LIGHT He talks.about the Commander in Chief UNFATHOMABLE WISDOM and His sweet kindness Covering told us that Commander is so


InSpired THE PLAN The man and the woman walked hand in hand into the beautiful, Sun kissed garden. The woman kept looking around at the different flowers in the open-field, she took her hands from the hand of her husband and went on one knees to touch a pink and purple flowers. With awe in her voice, she stood up and gazed her her husband with love in her heart  " Darling, you said all these are ours" she saw the Gazelle limp beautiful a  flowing river' Wow, she uttered, "Commander in Chief is so kind" she gestured with her hands in a 180 degree circle over the beautiful Garden. " What a secure being he is, is he not afariad will take over completely and want nothing to do with him.  Or did he lease this beautiful garden to us and we have to return it to him later. The husband turned her to look at him " No, my love , Commander he gave us eveeythi g in this garden and and even the while planet, he told me " It's yours, take care of it and pass


InSpired THE WITNESS (Part Two) PERFECTION IN BEAUTY Strength and Mighty are my attributes like l told Rightly so, for l serve at the pleasure of my King But Covering was the seal of perfection, Dressed in splendour, his robe studded with jewels He had the privilege of walking in the mountain of your Father He walked among the gems that shined with fire The entire robe was pure gold and each of the precious stone were arranged on the robe,  layer upon layer  As Covering walked in the Garden and the fire place, his robe glittered flashing lights everywhere. And he loves the attention Then we heard there is a meeting in the Garden as announced by Covering I was surprised that Covering called for a meeting instead oftge Minister of Fire called The Messenger of News All were assembled in the Garden , massive without a visible end Everywhere in the Garden was brightest like the Sun Everyone was gathered, amazed at this emergency meeting Summoned by seal of perfection of beauty and wisdom I




InSpired JESUS IS REAL A woman was just informed  that her beloved  husband  involved in a ghastly accident with two other men, which she survived  is dead. She was sitting on the roadside by the scene of the accident after good Samaritans at the scene  helped her out of the car. There was blood stains on her clothing but no visible signs that she was hurt in anyway. One of the paramedics who came to help told her quietly  'Madam, take heart, you are the only survival in that car" he put his hand on her back gently  ' others did not make it.' he attempted to bring her comfort in his quiet words. The woman on hearing this sad news went down on her knees screaming inaudible words, then profuse tears flow down her face  Then in the midst of the tears, she started whispering 'Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.....' A crowd had gathered around the three men laid by the roads, shaking their heads. One lady could be heard saying " You see" She pointed at the men on
Heaven Came Down / O What A Wonderful, Wonderful Day O what a wonderful, wonderful day, day I will never forget; After I'd wandered in darkness away, Jesus my Savior I met. O what a tender, compassionate friend, He met the need of my heart; Shadows dispelling, with joy I am telling, He made all the darkness depart. Chorus Heaven came down and glory filled my soul, (filled my soul) When at the cross the Savior made me whole; (made me whole) My sins were washed away and my night was turned to day, Heaven came down and glory filled my soul! (filled my soul) Born of the Spirit with life from above into God's family divine, Justified fully thru Calvary's love, O what a standing is mine! And the transaction so quickly was made, when as a sinner I came, Took of the offer, of grace He did proffer, He saved me, O praise His dear name! Chorus Heaven came down and glory filled my soul, (filled my soul) When at the cross the Savior made me whole; (made me whole) My sins were washed awa

Heart of worship

Song Story: Matt Redman's "The Heart of Worship" Check the liner notes of almost any modern worship recording, and the name Matt Redman is likely to be among the songwriting credits. Artists and assemblies regularly perform “Let My Words Be Few” (Phillips, Craig & Dean), “Better Is One Day” (Rebecca St. James, Petra), and perhaps most of all, “The Heart of Worship” (Michael W. Smith, Sonic Flood, Passion), a beautifully simple, acoustic confessional ballad. Still, as prolific as these works make him, he says the story behind “The Heart of Worship” in particular is a personal reminder that, “I’m just a little songwriter—and a pretty foolish one at that!” The song dates back to the late 1990s, born from a period of apathy within Matt’s home church, Soul Survivor, in Watford, England. Despite the country’s overall contribution to the current worship revival, Redman’s congregation was struggling to find meaning in its musical outpouring at the time. “There was a dynamic m

Kingdom to Men

InSpired THE KINGDOM BELONGS TO GOD KING NEBUCHADNEZZAR There is this beautiful story of a King in Babylonian that shows the intricacies of rulership, governance and kingdoms in the world We will walk in error if we think that elections are won strictly by the votes of citizen. Prime ministers, Presidents, Governors, Head of Business Corporation, are put in positions of authority and influence for a reason. They are  used to carry out the agenda of the deities .  There was a period abortion was illegal in America, an Authority in Human form came to power and abortion was legalised. There was an era in America and the World when same sex marriage abomination, but again an Authoriry was enthroned. and the spirit of same sex marriage is gradually spreading its subtil wings to nations in the world. Some Africans are  gradually embracing  this as the norm for they are deceived, it is essential for the purpose of rituals, very soon if God's intervention does not show up, it will b


InSpired YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN ? YOU HAVE A PLACE.. Every Believer has a place in the Kingdom of Christ and just as God had assigned a specific assignment to Cyrus His anointed. "l will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel,  who summons you by name. For the sake of Jacob my servant, of Israel my chosen, ' I summon you by name and bestow on you a title of honor,  Isaiah 45:3-4 God has a specific assignment for you apart from your regular responsibility in your local assembly. You may work in the financial industry ( a banker, a finance consultant , ecenomist etc); you may be an IT personnel, lawyer, politician, work in the Entertainment industry, Housewife and be involved in buying and selling in the .local market, please know this truth: YOU ARE A MEMBER OF GOD END TIME WORK FORCE. God has endowed you with  the appropriate spiritual  gifts and unction needed for your calling in the market place. For


InSpired  DIFFERENT WORK POSTURES WITH JESUS , OUR MASTER Relationship strives on many frontiers and one of its frontier is the postures of the different participants in the relationship. Apostle Paul was advising his son in the faith- bishop Timothy on how to relate with the different groups of people in the Flock under his care and he had this to say in 1 Timothy 5:1-4 "Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father.  Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers,  and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity.  Give proper recognition to those widows who are really in need. In the same vein, you can maintain different postures to your relationship with Jesus, the Messaih and The Christ, your Master. Let's examine the different Postures and their implications. I had a vision as l laid on my bed and these pictures passed through my mind. POSTURE ONE  I saw a man walking briskly as if trying to meet up with an appointment or on his wa


InSpired ADONAI JEHOVAH Spontaneous song You are Adonai Jehovah You are King of All Glory You are Adonai Jehovah You reign in all Eternity  You are Adonai Jehovah You are King of All Glory You are Adonai Jehovah You are Adonai Jehovah There is a God in Heaven There is a KING who dwells inside every Believer He is King in the Heaven He reigns on Earth in our hearts He is the Sovereign God Who create and no BEING can undo what He has created He has All Power and Authority And humbly He reigns through the Disciples of our LORD JESUS CHRIST- to who be all Glory, Honour and Praise forever He is Adonai Jehovah The LORD OUR SOVEREIGN, MASTER JEHOVAH He told Moses  I will visit the inquity of the father's on their children/seed to the 


InSpired GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER The Lord has given a measure of grace to every believer and l think l receive a little measure of grace in the area of giving  Recently, the Holy Spirit enlightened me that most of my giving was borne out  of guilt and fear of what my leaders will say and do if l don't sow. God allows many others to get away with this kind of giving, so l can't understand why l did not. ( Someday, l will ). God loves a cheerful giver and one of the most cheerful giver l found in the Old Testament is King David. His dance to the King of kings is excessive. He was the King of the greatest nation in his era, yet He dances abandonly to the God who made Him King in place of his father-in-law king Saul. At a time, his thoughts was so filled with pleasing the Almighty that he wanted to build a permanent abode for God on Earth.  He wanted God to live in a palace  like Him and he set out to build God a Temple ( even though God no send King David)  But God informed kin


InSpired GIVING GAVE HER A PLACE IN CHURCH HISTORY We realise that service in the Kingdom of God is a great way to express our commitment to the Kingdom and giving financially is one of the deepest way to show you love God. WHY? The only thing that is placed side by side with the Almighty n the Bible  is "Mammon'.  A minister may scale many obstacles but be brought down by the hurdles of mammon. It's webs are crafty and it approach careful.  He ( mammon)  only wants a small place in your heart so that he can influence your decisions in Ministry and life. ( That's all mammon wants, for little is enough to unseat God in your heart) The woman with the Alabaster jar of ointment was just doing her own thing, her heart was filled with worship, her eyes would not stop shedding tears of appreciation to the Saviour who delivered from the power of the Enemy.  And she took a year wage to buy a very expensive oil  coupled with her tears and wrapped by her hair (which was her glory