
Showing posts from January, 2021




MARY MAGDALENE AND I Truly, my eternal song should be JESUS CHRIST THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME I have shared my testimony and will keep on sharing it till death. How Jesus  Christ saved and delivered me from a life of idolatry, fornication, masturbation and pornography. And l am sorry to disappoint your misconception I committed all the above sins as a Believer - a church - going Saint with the Holy Spirit inside of me. Then God's mercy found me again and again and His unfailing love will not let go. He set me free from the grasp of sin, the flesh and the Evil One, filled me with His presence and broke the power of oppression of the Enemy. I will  forever sing of the unfailing love of my God and King I will forever be grateful for His mercy and kindnesses. Where would l have been if not for the love and kindness of my God So l will dance ! I will sing a new song to my King My redeemer, my Saviour My Helper forever My Provider forever My Protector forever The One who made me rich in all


InSpired WHAT YOU BELIEVE IS WHAT YOU HAVE Faith is Universal, it is a currency spent by all race and all people.  While you need euros for transcactions in France, dollars in Mexico and pounds in  Scotland, faith is a currency used In all nation and in all kinds of human endeavoure-relationships, business, health issues, The Faith, politics etc. For example, a mother needs to believe in her child and continue to trust that the child will accept  and utilise every instructions given by his tutors for his benefits. . Believing in something and someone is a currency spend by every man and woman. 1. You must believe that you children will be mighty on the Land as promised by God in Psalm 112 to experience 2. You must believe that your business/ career will prosper as a righteous man because Psalm 1 address your prosperity. 3. You must pray and believe God for peace in your Country because God' s promised in Isaiah 54. Whatever is your desire as a believer, there is a corresponding pro


InSpired WHAT DIVINE REVELATIONS IS NOT! Revelation is a body of thoughts given by God to a man for a specific purpose.. it is what is known to God and then revealed by God's Spirit so that it can be known by a man. This, then, is how you ought to regard us: as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the mysteries God has revealed. I Cor. 4:1. God is the initiator of revelations and not the Receiver of the Revelations. A man may know things, gather data of information by reading the Bible just as Daniel testified in Daniel 9:2 in the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the Lord given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years. In this instance, Daniel was the initiator of the process of gathering information. He gathered that particular knowledge by studying books which contained the revelations God gave to another prophet called Jeremiah. Daniel was a prophet too but in that ins


InSpired  IMPORTANT QUESTION FOR YOU  Salvation in the name of our Lord Jesus ( God be praised forever) is given to all men freely but the measure of grace and anointing  distinguishes believers and institutes ranks in the Body of Christ. Men are usually identified and honoured  in their ministries and christian careers by their titles but lasting  breakthrough in spiritual warfare is not wroth by titles but by measure of knowledge, understanding, wisdom, grace and anointing that a believer possesses. Daniel was one of the three administrators set over the kingdom of Persian  (Daniel 6:3) that was his  official title but in the presence of the King of kings- The Almighty;  Daniel was the President of the nation of  Babylon; for the anointing on Daniel's ministry subdued the opposition from the satanic  prince of Persian (  Daniel 10:13) He was given the title of an administrator but his  true spiritual status was that of a president. David carried a grace and anointing that could d


InSpired CAN GOD KILL A MAN DO.GOD'S SERVANT HABE THE AUTHORITY TO KILL THREE WITNESSES IN THE NEW TESTAMENT The Bible says out of the mouth of two or three witnesses a testimony is established. WITNESS ONE ACTS 5:1-10 "Now a man named Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira, also sold a piece of property. With his wife’s full knowledge he kept back part of the money for himself, but brought the rest and put it at the apostles’ feet. Then Peter said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold?  And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied just to human beings but to God.” When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died.  And great fear seized all who heard what had happened. Then some young men came forward, wrapped up his body, and carried


InSpired RUN YOUR OWN RACE,  JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONLY NUMBER ONE Life is such that everyone is running to a designated destination; some known while others unknown. The destination is known to those who have specific  visions and goals on how to get to their specific destinations while It s unknown to those who live life by chance. It is said that it is a rat race in the world because everyone compete to become the 'Number One'  even to the peril of others. It is a life of stiff competition, you run to outwit others by all means and ultimately bring them under your control. DEFINITION OF RAT RACE A way of  life  in  modern   society , in which  people   compete  with each other for  power  and  money : IMPORTANT QUESTION Is it a sin to compete in a race? ANSWER No, Apostle Paul advocates you should run to win a prize because it is only those who reach the finish race that win the prize. Every believer in Christ is called into a specific assignment in the Kingdom of God and give


ImSpired Two distinct movement of the Woman ministry can be seen in the Church universal society. The First extreme is the wom 


InSpired KEEPING LOVE IN YOUR MARRIAGE. ( Series) The first and second question this inspired write-up will attempt to answer is:  1. Does God created mankind to enjoy happiness? 2. Can a Believer live a life that is free of sorrow, can your marriage and family always be filled with happiness?   Human emotion is potent and one of the most powerful tool that affects the direction of a man's decision.  (Man is used as a genders inclusive term)   Research reveals the male tends to make decisions based on logic while  female are geared to make decisions based on high and low feelings. There are practical implications of the above statements. A female may make a decision to buy  a dress based on if there is excitment or sadness in her emotion.  She saw it, admired it and it's in her wardrobe, though it may be wore three times and never wore again. On the other hand; a man will buy a piece of clothing based on  logic: -do l need this clothing or not? - What purpose will it serve in m


Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Messiah.


InSpired Love is the best lubricants for human relationship  When you consider the hardship and uncertainty of living under the Sun, then you question the essence of human existence. You are bo n, you grow up, you work very hard, become very rich and have wonderful hildten, then one day, you wake up on the other side of externality. You have left all you toiled and labour for many years. So what is the will of the Father for humanity. Did God created the Earth to be a place of killings, sorrow and grief. Lets return to Genesis 1-3 and examine he the law of first mention. Before God created the first man and woman and put them in the garden. God ensured everything they needed for a life if ease and enjoyment was given. This shows the will and benevolence of the Father. The fact that God created all things ngs for man's enjoyment was also revealed in 1 Timothy 6:17-19 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so unce


InSpired HOW TO RECEIVE REVELATIONS ( RHEMA) FROM GOD! Revelations ( Rhema) is not as a result of the thinking or thoughts of a man. It is scriptural based spiritual  reality  usually birthed by the interaction of The Holy Spirit and the Human spirit of a believer. Rhema is never birthed in the human mind and emotions. It has nothing to do with logical reasoning and most times it does not agree with the data of information received from the sensory organs.  The main purpose of Revelation and even the entire Bible which contains the WORD of God is to change the thinking patterns of the Human mind and create an alignment with the Heavenly and The Kingdom thinking patterns. (Romans 12:1) Usually, the Spirit will take you from the known to the unknown. Therefore ,you must have a level of Scriptural truths stored in your mind and heart to become an effective instrument to decipher the revelations given by the Holy Spirit in your inner man.  The Holy Spirit is the Author of the Bible. The pe

woman submit

InSpired A MOVEMENT THAT MAY GO WRONG;. An impression has been persistent in my thoughts from the early hours of today. I have tried to dodge it but it became a burden..  Even now, l can't really grasp it's content but l will make an attempt to put it on page, l pray God will inspire others to write about it in details.   The Bible is a beautiful Book of eternal truths but once in a while you encounter statements as  written in Genesis 3:16 and you take a pause to allow deep meditations. ." I'll multiply your pains in Childbirth,... You'll want to please your husband but he'll Lord it over you" Gen. 3:16 MSG " And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you" NLT I am assuming some religion  form their ideology of women are to 'seen but not heard' from these scriptures. The Feminism movement of various shape were birthed as a stance of  rebellion to this curse,   The ideal feminist assert " l am a unique creatio


InSpired CAN GOD MAKE RICH OVERNIGHT God making your rich is not His headache, He made you rich alteady. The words by which you were created as a man are Words of Earth Be fruitful, multplie and replenish the earyh. It means the configuration of any man is wealth. The anormalcu is when a man is not fruitful and does not increse. Then you know that something or someone has tampered with its natural DNA of wealth. I was speaking to a young man on phone recently. I told him " if Satan is inviting you to offer human scarifo es to become rich, then know that the Enemy already knows that wealth is in your DNA. He is only offering to you what is rightfully yours at his own terms. He offered to make The Creator of all things and The Governor among the nation's our LORD  Jesus Christ, the King of the Earth and it's splendour of only He would now down and worship him. But Isaiah 9 already showed that ultimately the government of nations will be upon the shoulder of our LORD and SAVI


InSpired THE DAILY SACRIFICES OF HELL We wrote previously  , that Satan is happy to be just as God, and he still uses the knowledge he learned from God as Lucifer to run his kingdom and his agenda.  If you want to know how the Enemy operates, study how God operates from the Bible instead of watching t movies such as " Menle' a movie which is an exposition on witchcraft and Sorcery.  ( l watched this film to study how witchcraft operates but l became more afraid of witchcraft and its power because of it.)  Therefore  if God told the Israelites that the daily sacrifice must continue, then there is a daily sacrifice been offered to Hell from the earth This sacrifices pollute the Land, bring in more demonic forces from darkness and resist the love and help of God given to humanity through Jesus Christ, The Saviour. It is only our LIGHT that can overcome darkness. It is only Christ Light that will shine in darkness and darkness cannot overcome it. The Believer must Arise, the Churc


InSpired WITHOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT THINGS WILL FALL APART There is this Igbo movie translated in English titled " THINGS FALL APART' The theme song of the movie has some of these words '  "Things fall apart and the center cannot hold.' We cannot afford to leave the Holy Spirit out of our decision making process. He has to be the Leader of our vision and if you are not comfortable making Him the leader at least make Him the Senior Partner. FOR WITHOUT THE SPIRIT OF JESUS, THE CHRIST, we are nothing before God. 'When the earth was formless, void and empty, One person from God was moving over the emptiness waiting for God to speak:  Who was that person? IT WAS THE HOLY SPIRIT. Gen 1:1-2 When God wanted  to build an earthly exsample of the Heavenly tabernacle ( Ezekiel 41); He gave Moses, the heavenly template of Temple and commanded him to build to the pattern. But THE HOLY SPIRIT had to A man called Bezalel was endowed with God's wisdom to accomplish this impo


InSpired  A MOVEMENT THAT MAY GO WRONG;. An impression has been persistent in my thoughts from the early hours of today. I have tried to dodge it but it became a burden..  Even now, l can't really grasp it's content but l will make an attempt to put it on page, l pray God will inspire others to write about it in details.   The Bible is a beautiful Book of eternal truths but once in a while you encounter statements as  written in Genesis 3:16 and you take a pause to allow deep meditations. ." I'll multiply your pains in Childbirth,... You'll want to please your husband but he'll Lord it over you" Gen. 3:16 MSG " And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you" NLT I am assuming some religion  form their ideology of women are to 'seen but not heard' from this scriptures. The Feminism movement of various shape were birthed as a stance of  rebellion to this curse,   The ideal feminist assert " l am a unique creatio


InSpired GUILTY BUT NOT CONDEMNED He walked towards the gloomy door of the courtroom with head bowed. He could hear the voices in his head and on the court walkway throwing questions at him, Yet, his gaze remained fixed to the floor while he tried to numb the thoughts almost driving him crazy Unlike the training he received in his profession which stipulates: " Eye contact and a broad grin is the rule of a winning "Celebrity" he remembered what his manager always drummed into his ears. " Never let your fans know what you're either thinking or your true feelings" Hmmm, that season seem a thousand years ago compared to what he is feeling now! Though the paparazzis outside were no fans, the angry sound of their camera was a reminder that this was no celebrity Red carpet shot This was the prelude famous prison mugshot "Pervert, child molester, culprit  was stoned at his already guilty bleeding heart" Yet he walked on as if deaf and dumb and oblivious


InSpired THE PATHWAY TO REVIVAL IT STARTS FROM YOU & THE CHURCH ( Series) Some few years back, some  Believers gathered and started praying for Revival in their territory.  They were asking for God to pour out the Holy Spirit upon every flesh in their Cities. They were praying that   would be saved; that the over poplualtrd bars and parlours will be empty; that the night clubs and brothel will close down.  They strongly desired that through their fervent prayers  sinners would become believers in Jesus Christ; be filled with The Holy Spirit and come to the knowledge of The Father and The Son and reign as kings in the stead of Christ. Then while praying, the Holy Spirit asked one of them the following question. " when these sinners are saved and come to Church, will  Jesus Christ, your Master be happy when they became a Believer like you? There is a principle of discipleship revealed in Genesis 1:11-13 and our LORD Jesus Christ also spoke along this line when he was speaking ab