
Showing posts from February, 2021


InSpired ONCE DELIVERED, FOREVER DELIVERED  A CASE OF RETURNING DEMONS  We establish in our previous article that demons are originally fallen angels who rebelled against God's order and were cast into Abyss as punishnmnet for their rebellion. WITNESSES IN THE BIBLE FOR THE ABOVE TRUTH NUMBER ONE WITNESS "And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time. Revelations 20:1-5 NUMBER TWO WITNESS   Apostle Peter said in  2. Peter's 2:4-6 "For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; And spared not the old worl


InSpired RETURNING DEMONS  We establish in our previous article that demons are originally fallen angels who rebelled against God's order and were cast into Abyss as punishnmnet for their rebellion. Apostle Peter said in  2. Peter's 2:4-6 "For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly; And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly;" The original place reserved for these fallen angel is a place called Abyss and they are kept there for judgement. This truth is further emphasised by the story of the mad man of Gerasenes when he encountered Jesus Christ. "They sailed to the region of the Gerasenes, which is across th


InSpired HOW TO KEEP YOUR HEALING A SONG Our God is awesome The God who reigns from heaven above With wisdom, love and power Our God is an awesome God. This song is appropriate to describe the Father of our LORD Jesus and now our Everlasting Father for His benevolence, wisdom and mercies. God is the only BEING, who gives all His blessings in Christ without any attachment but the condition of Believe in Jesus Christ and every spiritual blessings is yours.  Men and women who worship Satan usually lose all they receive from him when they rebel  against him. But Our God does not give and take back: The Word of God says ' God's gifts and calling is without repentance.   When some angels fall away from the presence of God through rebellion and became fallen angels, they were not striped of their abilities.and powers. A fallen angel who could perform signs and wonders when in the service of God can still perform signs and wonders now in the Kingdom and service of Satan. A fallen angel


InSpired HOW YOU TREAT OTHERS Abraham had three guests. They seem a regulat set of visitors because immediately he saw them he knew this class of visitors deserve the best of his resources and with speed ordered his household to present their best. (Gen. 18) Also, Abraham's response indicated that he had received this sort of before now because he recognised.them immediately. The Bible says Abraham bowed in worshop.    The WORD of God later recommended that we should offer hospitality to all men because so Abraham entertained angels. Sodom and Gomorrah had guests in their midst. They looked like ordinary men; like the usually guests they were used to receiving in their City.and they attempt to treat again, this set of.visitors; the way they treated others before them. But in this case , this class of guests will determine if their existence  on The Earth would continue or not; it will determine if their City would become desolate. They treated the guests, the way they normally trea

Lessons on Healung

InSpired Healings is Children bread is the statement of our LORD Jesus Children. Disease and sickness are a thief of a man's strength and attempt to cut short the number of his days on Earth  Therefore our benevolent and merciful Father went ahead to promise every Child of His; long life and sound health. In Psalm 91:16, The Father promised to satisfy you with long life; while Psalm 103 :4 shows the promise of God to heal all your diseases. You must know has a believe that divine healing is not the perfect will of God for His children as good as divine healing is to us.  Rather God's perfect will for your health is shown in Exodus 23:24 “If you listen carefully to the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you.”Exodus 15:26 Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will ta


InSpired CHARACTERS AROUND THE CROSS MARY: ONE VOTE, YOUR DECISION.... What is the essence of my Christian faith,  - Believe in Christ ?(👍) -  Baptised in the Holy Ghost? (👍) -Speaks in Tongues? (👍) -Attend church? (👍) -Offer my services in Church? (👍) A successful career? (👍) Have an awesome family ?(👍) Effective network of personal and corporate relationships ? (👍) But do you want to be remembered by posterity for these alone? Will your name appear in the Archives of men and women who helped the course of the Kingdom immensely? Will you be a case study for future generations? Will the next generations do research about you  and reprint your  works over and over again? The woman with the Alabaster jar of oil was like any  another woman until her action distinguished her and gave her a unique place in the greatest Book in the History of Man. She was not ordained from the womb to be a prophetess, but her heart filled and full with adoration led her into fulfillment of prophecy a


InSpired EXPLOITS IN LIFE DETERMINED BY YOUR REVELATION. Our LORD Jesus is given various titles in the New and Old Testament in respect of His person . He was not fully  unveiled  in the Old Testament as the Son of Man who is The Saviour but the Old Testament is filled with the Revelations of His office. OLD TESTAMENT APPEARANCES The Old Testament unfolded  that Jesus Christ was operational in the Heaven and on earth before He was born as Son of Man on earth.  Every Believer has a divine  purpose  connected to their New creation life on earth. The Book of Romans 8 says ' For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son.( Romans 8;29) The Prophet and Administrator;  Daniel was given an heavenly vision wherein he saw Jesus Christ; The Son of Man in heaven. (Daniel 7)   Jesus Christ  will be the third man who walked with Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego in the furnace of fire. ( Though l have not found any  Bible passage buttress this point) Jesus Chri


InSpired CHRISTIAN HUSBAND!- UNLESS YOU LOVE YOUR WIFE AS CHRIST ...... The institution of Marriage is  ordained by God and can only be sustained by His wisdom and power. It's a mystery and only the God who created it can help you understand it. No fallen man can truly love another person especially his wife as Christ loves the Church without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit: For the average man is first concern about himself and his interest before he considers others. Our LORD and Saviour informed the disciples to tarry in Jerusalem until they are ensued with power from on high, then they can be Christ  witness to the World. The Christian marriage is crystallized by God to be a witness of God's love and authority to people who do not believe in His Son Jesus Christ. The Bible says 'for God so loved the World, your union is the first institution used by God  for the full expression of His Love. It is God's desire that His ove demonstrated in your family in its true v


InSpired ALL POWER BELONGS TO CHRIST There are powers operational on earth presently These Powers originated from God These 'Mights' belong to Him; but The Almighty shared it with other Creatures He freely gave His awesome strength to both visible and Invisible Beings Angels and fallen Angels Messengers of Light and Messengers of Darknesse Men and women alike They all got their power, strength and mighty from Yahweh,  The most Mighty of all;  the strongest in the earthly realm and heavenly realms The Holy Scriptures rightly says  God made His angels flamed of 🔥 fire To represent Him who dwells in impenetrable Rivers of fire Jehovah shared an attribute of Himself with His creatures Because He is The Strongest and the Most Mighty But He is also generous, compassionate and kind -hearted; filled and overflowing with unfailing love We hail The King of Kings who created all things For Colossians 1:15 rightly says The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn ove


InSpired DO THIS TO KEEP THE ATTRACTION IN YOUR MARRIAGE Men and women are  Creation of  words but also creations of attraction: we are easily drawn by what we see. The sensory organs play vital roles in what attracts you to a member of the opposite sex.  We are easily moved by what we see; excerpt for the cases of arranged marriage, a man is usually attracted to a woman for some of these reasons; what he saw and heard about her.   The man may be attracted because of what he heard about the lady from friends and relatives.  He may be attracted to her because of what he heard about her exceptional beauty, mannerism, diligence, wealth, excellent human relations,  and even the fear of God. Usually, the law of attraction mostly have to do with physical beauty and appearances. And the woman can be attracted to a man for the above reasons too. He saw her and loved the way she looks and that is enough basis for marriage. But we see an increasing number of Christian men and women becoming attr


InSpired THE POWER OF YOUR WORD WORDS IN YOUR MARRIAGE Words are life. They either bring God'snlife into your marriage and the life of your spouse and children or bring the death from the Enemy into the marriage . Nothing kills love faster in the heart and happiness in the home than ungracious and unkind words. It can ruin the heart and destroy the strengths of a person. The ranger if unkind words have s that it can renainvlodged in the memory of your spouse for a L Fe time. The daughter of Jing Saul loved David her husband just as the soul of Jonathan cleaved to the same David m she deferred her father's order by keeping the live of David safe. And David loved her so much too. After he became king over Judah and Israel, he asked that Michael be taken from the man she was living with because King David told the people of Benjamin to restore to him his wife. Obviously David loved her  to make this kind of request. But words that hurt, words that were not anointed with grace shut


InSpired THE LOVE THAT SHOULD BE  BETTER THAN WINE Leah was excited, elated and could not keep her enthusiasm to herself Wow, her father Laban had used his fatherly love to give to her the desire of her heart A Lover from a distant shore! Probably she wanted Jacob also  the moment she set her gaze on him. But he had eyes only for her sister And spend almost all his time with her because Rachel was a shepherdess just like Jacob was a shepherd Rachel understood the bleating of the goat just as Jacob had the staff  that leads the sheep Love blossoms belween Jacob and Rachel as he led her where he feeds his sheep; to the resting place of his flock away from the scorching Sun Jacob was the more endeared to Rachel because she was the woman who speaks his love language "You are the most beautiful woman of all; he tells her;  as they feed the young goats near the shepherds tents "My darling, you are like a mare Among Laban's stallion  Your cheeks are beautiful with ornaments and


InSpired RACHEL AND JACOB MARRIAGE TEMPLATE  Sometimes we fashioned, patterned our decisions, career, ministry after that of our neighbours and the trend in the Society  In as much as our Heavenly Father is the Ancient of  Days and the same yesterday, today and forever,  The Word of God is not revolving like Science but it's operations are diverse. It may be the same Spirit but it's administrations may differ.  Hebrews 1:1 reveals 'In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son' The Rachel and Jacob marriage template is diverse in its components and we will attempt to examine it.. The mother of Jacob requested that her husband (Isaac) allowed their son (Jacob) to go to her brother in Haram and get a wife. (I guess just as she was gotten for Isaac.)  She probably narrated to Jacob; the story of how she met their father.  So Jacob equipped with this story ( and marriage c


InSpired MARRIAGE CHOICE BASED ON EXPERIENCE Continuation of Rachel and Jacob Marriage Template. SIMILARITY IN ENCOUNTERS 1. ELIEZER'S ENCOUNTER WITH REBECCA "Before he had finished praying, Rebekah came out with her jar on her shoulder. She was the daughter of Bethuel son of Milkah, who was the wife of Abraham’s brother Nahor.  The woman was very beautiful, a virgin; no man had ever slept with her. She went down to the spring, filled her jar and came up again. Gen. 24:15-16 2. JACOB'S ENCOUNTER WITH RACHEL While he was still talking with them, Rachel came with her father’s sheep, for she was a shepherd. When Jacob saw Rachel daughter of his uncle Laban, and Laban’s sheep,  he went over and rolled the stone away from the mouth of the well and watered his uncle’s sheep. Then Jacob kissed Rachel and began to weep aloud.  He had told Rachel that he was a relative of her father and a son of Rebekah. Gen. 29:9-13 The two events are  similar; but while the first experience was u


InSpired MARY AND JOSEPH MARRIAGE TEMPLATE AN INTRODUCTION The Kingdom of God is about His purposes and plans for His beloved- The Believers.  Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord demonstrated His complete submission to the 'Will' of the Father in the Graden of Gethsemane when He cried out " Not my Will but thy Will be done"  In as much as we have made an attempt to demonstrate that God has created man as a free agent who has the right to the use of their 'Will' to make choices in their careers,and life endeavours, the marriage institutions inclusive. Yet, God expects the Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom of Christ- (purchased and redeemed by the blood of Jesus) to have a continually walk with Him and not just work for Him or work with Him. Phrases like ' I work for God',  and ' I work with God' are beautiful but we must graduate to the level of a deeper relationship with our Father as  God required from Abraham when He told him in Genesis 17  &qu


THE DIVINE PURPOSE INCLINED MARRIAGE CHOICE TEMPLATE Mary was carefully selected for one of the most important assignments in the Kingdom of God and The New Testament Church  Although she was a Jew, she  must come from a specific tribe in Israel. Joseph - her husband was also restricted by divine choice to satisfied certain criteria to be eligible for this divine purpose. Genesis 49:8-10 especially verse 10.and Matthew 1:16 IMPORTANT QUESTION Was God involved in the initial marriage choice of Joseph choosing Mary? ANSWER The Bible do not say and l cannot supply the answer to that question  The Bible only stated that Mary was betrothed to Joseph. In a contemporary language ' Mary was engaged to.Joseph'.  And their engagement at that era is backed by signing of legal documents and is just as been married  legally in modern age.  The only difference is a ceremony has not been conducted. The Bible recorded that God came into their affairs when Joseph was considering divorcing Mary


InSpired ADVICE TO SINGLES The dynamics of marriage is multifaceted and we don't think it can be fully exploited by one man. But we know that what is impossible with man is possible with God. While Joseph was required to marry a virgin Mary to deliver the Saviour; our LORD Jesus Christ; Hosea was commanded by God to marry a prostitute to preach a message to Israel.  When we enter that level of relationship with Jesus Christ whereby He is not just our Saviour, Deliverer, He has also become our Commander-in- chief and Master, then deeper depth of obedience is required from the Saints.


InSpired Love is the best lubricants for human relationship. The Creator ordained mankind to enjoy all He created and to the fullest. Bliss and happiness is ingrained into creatures. The beautiful birds that flies in the Sky is supposed to stir up sweet high feelings in the Human Soul and peace in the inner man. The dishes caught in the Sea and fried, cooked is ordained to give sweet savor and pleasure to the taste bud and refreshed the human body with strength. God created all things for His pleasure and desired to give us pleasure too and creatures mould in His image and likeness. But we see a different law at play  when you consider the high degree of hardship and the uncertainty of living under the Sun. You intend to question the essence of human existence when faced with  pain that attempts to crush the soul. A child is born, grows in age and size, and  is gainfully employed, we term this simple process ; progressive living. Then  you work hard to become successful and rich only t