
Showing posts from April, 2021


LABOURERS ARE FEW Matthew 9:38 says and I paraphrase HARVEST IS PLENTEOUS LABOURERS ARE FEW And l ask myself, how can labourers be few, in a age and time when the Church is enjoying the applaud of the world and society: A time when rich politicians and businessmen are  publicly declaring their membership of one denomination or the other; When  Leaders of nations and Conglomerate publicly declare their allegiance to CHRIST, thy risen Saviour, When Intellectuals present Christ with logical accuracy, A period when it is fashionable to be a christian and a church worker. "Common on my brethren"  Presently, we must have MANY LABOURERS TO BRING IN THE PLENTEOUS HARVEST? Then l realised, indeed we have many BELIEVERS who attend Church Services, Many who are not fully convinced Christ is LORD, yet are church workers in lofty positions ( for you can't be fully convinced Christ is Lord and not obey His Word), Multitudes who attend church seeking for miracles after which they return

The wedding day Magic

InSpired THE WEDDING DAY MAGIC Wedding day magic is beautiful, it's a day, a guy who usually favours the logical part of his brain allows himself to walk on cloud blue and imagine paradise on earth. If such is truly in love with the lady of his choice, then am l glued to their actions throughout the ceremony. For the couple have their eyes on each other throughout the ceremony. They are in the midst of the crowd but can't wait to be together alone. But if groom and bride are just together to get married, then it just a ceremony and no magic is felt. For me, we can afford to spend any amount of money just to preserve this sweetness of a man and a woman coming together to walk together for a life time. ( There is enough evil and wickedness in the world, so special moments like the wedding day magic must be preserved). But on a serious note, I am not an advocate for extravagant wedding ceremonies that leave the couple bleeding financially after the wedding night and even if the ca


InSpired WITHOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT...... Searching the Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, you realise a truth, a profound truth, an undeniable truth: No man and woman can have any tangible impact in the Kingdom without the Spirit of Life.  The Bible says " the Spirit gives life and the flesh profits nothing. The Bible is just a story book when the  Spirit of Life is absent in the preacher or the one who reads the Bible. The Bible said the following about John, the Baptist "for he will be great in the sight of the Lord. He is never to take wine or other fermented drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even before he is born. He will bring back many of the people of Israel to the Lord their God. And he will go on before the Lord" Luke 1:15-16 Please understand that you can be highly successful according to human stardard without the help and ministry  of the Holy Spirit. Any preacher that tells you " without Jesus Christ you can't be rich in gold, silv


Blessed Sunday Sir and Ma.  I pray in this new week, you will discover much grace that will launch you deeper into your purpose for the Master and Lord Jesus Christ. So I had this dream this morning. I was drove out in a bus out of a gated city in the company of two men, one a docile renown minister of the gospel, the other, a security man in a church. So we drove along a narrow path, and at the end of the narrow pathway, l saw a group of worshippers in white and black attire singing songs of praise and worship in the name of Christ and to Christ. They were jubilating and excited, dancing with vigor. But we observed as the dancing was on the female worshippers  gradually and subtly expose sensitive parts of their bodies to  the male worshipper with the intention to tempt them.


InSpired THE WEDDING DAY AFTERMATH.. One recurring thought that always crosses my mind after the Groom and Bride say "l do" is  'Lord Jesus,  will they be able to keep the excitement, friendship and sweetness flavour in their homes and marriage after the Honeymoon stage. A music artist sang "diamonds are forever". I believe  the marriage institution needs an award winning song sang by every intending couples with the words " "our friendship and love must shine forever by our conscious actions and attitudes" THE IMPORTANT QUESTION The pertinent question at this point  is " is it possible to maintain the glow seen on the Wedding Day throughout the life line of the marriage? By the word ' flow', l imply the excitment, the spontaneous touching by the  couple if they are truly into each other. TWO SIDED ANSWER My answer is YES and at the same time NO. I will cite the examples of celebrities and a former president to buttress my submission


InSpired WITHOUT HOLUNESS YOU CANT SEE GOD! You can enjoy God's blessings, partake of the gifts and power of The Holy Spirit. But only the experiential pure in Heart is permitted into God's presence.  Because nothing unclean or unholy is given access to the very presence of a Holy God. Isaiah 35:8 (NIV)  And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness; it will be for those who walk on that Way.  The unclean will not journey on it; wicked fools will not go about on it.  No lion will be there, nor any ravenous beast; they will not be found there. But only the redeemed will walk there, There are steps to attain in our walk with God, there are levels to reach. One of the levels you must aspire to reach is to walk in the Way of Holiness. Christ righteousness is bestow on you by faith and the Spirit of Life who is also the Spirit of Holiness is given to you by the same faith. But you must willingly yield yourself to the Spirit of Life to walk in the Highway of Holi


INSPIRED THE HOLY SPIRIT, MY MESSENGER?   There are two instances in the Bible, the dove was sent out on a mission. One instance occurred in the Old Testament when Noah sent out the dove to investigate if the flood water  has dried up on the earth.  " Then he sent out a dove to see if the water had receded from the surface of the ground. But the dove could find nowhere to perch because there was water over all the surface of the earth; so it returned to Noah in the ark. He reached out his hand and took the dove and brought it back to himself in the ark" Gen. 8:8-9  The other was when the  Holy Spirit in form of a dove came on our Lord Jesus during baptism. "As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” Matt. 3:16-17 There are two postures the Believer can take in


InSpired THE UNVEILED CITY It was known as a City of Refuge, great Generals of the Kingdom emerged from the heavenly abode of divine prophecy spoke over this City. The City was a spring board, for it shot the arrows in its quiver to the uttermost parts of Nigeria and the World. Foreigners delighted to make it their habitation; their missionary field of harvest. These foreigners were cosmopolitan yet left the comfort of their sophisticated cities to dwell in the cavern of the Yoruba tribe. One of such foreigners made his abode in the ancient city with fresh spring of cold and warm water  He sacrificially mentored and raised present Kingdom giants in the nation, many were students of his careful tutelage.  Today, they win millions of Souls into the Kingdom  but heaven still credits the account of this gentle foreign man who for the sake of the Kingdom, dwelled with people of different tongues but was bound to them because of his love for Christ. The renowned former Truck Driver with a bu


InSpired A HOUR OF TRIAL FOR THE WORLD "A scroll was prepared before him in which were recorded the names of those who respected the Lord and honored his name.  “They will belong to me,” says the Lord who rules over all,  “IN THAT DAY  when I prepare my own special property.  I WILL SPARE THEM as a man spares his son who serves him.  Then once more you will see that I MAKE A DISTINCTION  between the righteous and the wicked,  between the one who serves God and the one who does not. (3:19)  “For indeed the day is coming, burning like a furnace, and all the arrogant evildoers will be chaff. The coming day will burn them up,” says the Lord who rules over all. “It will not leave even a root or branch.  But for you who respect my name, the sun of vindication will rise with healing wings, and you will skip about like calves released from the stall. HAPPY SUNDAY AND BEAUTIFUL WEEK AHEAD OF YOU!


InSpired WITHOUT THIS, YOU MAY NOT MAKE RAPTURE The Holy Spirit is the custodian of the Church. We gleaned from Bible accounts that divine mandate can only be accomplished successfully with the Holy Spirit help and anointing of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ, our Lord could do nothing with the Spirit of the Father. The Spirit came on Mary and the Son of Man was begotten, the Spirit came on Jesus during His baptism and He was anointed with the Holy Ghost and power and went about doing good... It was the Holy Spirit who accomplished Him to His temptation from Satan. Jesus offers Himself as a sacrifice through the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ our LORD said  "No one knows the time or the hour but 1 Cor. 2:10-11 reveals that there is a Person who can help you prepare for the time and the hour of Rapture and that Person is sweet Holy Spirit. " The Spirit searches out all things even the deep secrets of is the same with God.  No one knows the thoughts of God excerpt the Spirit


InSpired CHRIST LIFE IN  OUR CITIES Prepare! Prepare! Prepare! The trumpeters blow their horns: The hour or time no man knows They raised their voices on television and Social media  WHY? The Streets is deserted and Cities locked down: Now, the Mesaage of The Good News is mandatorily brought to people in their homes and they have no option but to : Listen!  Listen!  Listen!  The Gospel must be preached everywhere, the Saviour said And if everywhere, then it must be taken from the Streets, to the very home of all inhabitants on the earth Now, they have to listen because they have no other option Their idols of busyness has been taken away and a complusory holiday has been given to them This is God' s Love saying again I offered the ultimate sacrifice: JESUS CHRIST for your Salvation I have sent my prophets and preachers to you with the Good News of the Gospel SEE? Cities, theatres, Cinemas, shopping malls, dancing hall has been shut down, shut down so that you can hear this.singular


InSpired GOD DOES SPEAK, PLEASE LISTEN God is speaking Are you listening  Oh Son of the Kingdom Can you decipher His speech Oh daughter of Zion It was business as usual The Business man had Business deals and trips planned He has anticipated and calculated how much margin of profits to expect from this one deed The Preacher has his/her itinery booked: Some have fasted and are praying that these ministrations will set free the captives and populate the Kingdom of God Other preachers have carefully planned their sermons and stories with testimonies They have in their archives stories that will bring the greatest financial donations and seed They had their financial targets for the year, and fate had graciously arranged the milking souls, they continued in their secret thoughts The Bride and Groom were busy planning their Wedding day with excitement It was the greatest day of their lives, they thought as they booked a hall, paid for the big cow and the bags of rice, the wedding gown and b


InSpired LOVING CHRIST IS VOLUNTARY Loving Christ is voluntary but who will not love a benefactor who prays, hope, desires that you attain your best?  Who will not adore a King who is so lowly: That the immortal fellowships with dust whose breath is in his nostril and in just a moment, he disappears and lose it spot on the World' map. Christ has  your best interest in mind, He is mindful of you because He wants only the best for you That is true love Wanting the best fior you partner Coming into his or her life to serve their best interest, not just going into a relationship screaming ME, I, BUT CONSCIOUSLY SAYING YOU deserve all the joy my love brings to your life. If it's true love, it's not selfish Don't go INTO MARRIAGE for what you can get rather  go focusing on the other party,: On what You can GIVE For GIVING is SOWING and whatever you sow,  You WILL SURElY REAP  Remember the GOLDEN RULE A.L. Hephzibah



INSPIRED LORD, I WANT MORE! Every time, either when  l leave the house for church to worship God with other saints, or at the beginning of a new day/ week, the  Holy Spirit always ask me this question - " what miracles do you expect today for yourself, family, state, nation and the rest of the world? At the end of this day, what things should have happened to you that is delivered t by God' s power? What testimonies do you want in yr Quiver of fulfillment? At such times,  I ask always,  'Abigail, what are your expectations today?  Praise God that we leave our homes and returned safely. Thank God, we have food on our tables, clothing and money to spend. But please is that all God"s power can deliver? God has ordained every believer to be a channel of blessing to our world. We are the Salt of the earth, the Light of the world,  a City of splendor set on a hill, that cannot be hidden. (Isaiah 60:9) We must set out into a new day/week, expecting the miraculous  to happen


InSpired  DIFFERENT WORK POSTURES WITH JESUS CHRIST , OUR MASTER Relationship strives on many frontiers and one of its frontier is the postures of the different participants in the relationship. Apostle Paul was advising his son in the faith- bishop Timothy on how to relate with the different groups of people in the Flock under his care and he had this to say in 1 Timothy 5:1-4 "Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father.  Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers,  and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity.  Give proper recognition to those widows who are really in need. In the same vein, you can maintain different postures to your relationship with Jesus, the Messaih and The Christ, your Master. Let's examine the different Postures and their implications. I had a vision as l laid on my bed and these pictures passed through my mind. POSTURE ONE  I saw a man walking briskly as if trying to meet up with an appointment or on


InSpired ARE YOU A BELIEVER IN CHRIST? YOU HAVE A PLACE.. Every Believer has a place in the Kingdom of Christ and just as God had assigned a specific assignment to Cyrus His anointed. "l will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel,  who summons you by name. For the sake of Jacob my servant, of Israel my chosen, ' I summon you by name and bestow on you a title of honor,  Isaiah 45:3-4 God has a specific assignment for you apart from your regular responsibility in your local assembly. You may work in the financial industry ( a banker, a finance consultant , ecenomist etc); you may be an IT personnel, lawyer, politician, work in the Entertainment industry, Housewife and be involved in buying and selling in the .local market, please know this truth: YOU ARE A MEMBER OF GOD END TIME WORK FORCE. God has endowed you with  the appropriate spiritual  gifts and unction needed for your calling in the market pl


InSpired MAN OF THE SPIRIT I attend church I speak in tongues I read the word I preach the word You can do all these And still be a man if the flesh  A man of the spirit  Is one who seek the truth, and speak the truth always For the Holy Spirit is truth A spiritual man is one who is lead by the Holy Spirit into the will of the Father For the Spirit knows the thoughts of God He is One who draws attention to Christ at all times And in all occasion, for the Holy Spirit will never draw attention to himself Rather He will draw attention to Christ He is one who does not present his own ideas to the people One who does not  present his own ideas and ask Christ to anoint it Rather such will hear from Christ and present Christ ideas. Such is not a minister to just get rich, become famous Or get fellowers Rather such is in ministry to point and lead men to Christ Such is in ministry to bring praise and honour to Christ The work of the Holy Spirit as shown in John 16:13  When He the Holy Spirit w



InSpired GOD GIVES KINGDOM TO MEN SERIES:- KING CYRUS Oh LORD, My GOD You made the Heavens and the Earth by thy great Power Oh LORD, My GOD You made the Heavens and the Earth By your outstretched hands Nothing is too difficult for thy (2x) Great and Mighty God, great in Counsel and mighty in deeds Nothing, nothing, absolute nothing Nothing is too diffcult for thy. The Almighty, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is The Eternal King who gives Kingdoms to anyone He wants. John the Baptist said  What have you received that you have not be given God spoke of King Cyrus in Isaiah 45:1-9 especially 3:5 "I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. " For the sake of Jacob my servant, of Israel my chosen, " I summon you by name and bestow on you a title of honor, though you do not acknowledge me.  "I am the Lord, and there is no other; apart from me there is no other.


InSpired THE KINGDOM BELONGS TO GOD KING NEBUCHADNEZZAR There is this beautiful story of a King in Babylonian that shows the intricacies of rulership, governance and kingdoms in the world We will walk in error if we think that elections are won strictly by the votes of citizen. Prime ministers, Presidents, Governors, Head of Business Corporation, are put in positions of authority and influence for a reason. They are  used to carry out the agendas of the invisible  world There was a period in time when  abortion was illegal in America, an Authority in Human form came to power and abortion was legalised. There was an era in America and the World when same sex marriage was an abomination, but again an Authoriry was enthroned. and the spirit of same sex marriage is gradually spreading its subtil wings to nations in the world. Some Africans are  gradually embracing  this as the norm for they are deceived, it is essential for the purpose of rituals, very soon if God's intervention does n


InSpired JESUS IS REAL     A woman was just informed  that her beloved  husband  involved in a ghastly accident with two other men died. She was involved in the same accident. She was sitting on the roadside by the scene of the accident after good Samaritans at the scene  helped her out of the car. There was blood stains on her clothing but no visible signs that she was hurt in anyway. One of the paramedics who came to help told her quietly  'Madam, take heart, you are the only survival in that car" he put his hand on her back gently  ' others did not make it.' he attempted to bring her comfort in his quiet words. The woman on hearing this sad news went down on her knees screaming inaudible words, then profuse tears flow down her face  Then in the midst of the tears, she started whispering 'Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, the resurrection and Life, Jesus Christ the resurrection and the Life....... A crowd had gathered around the three men laid by the road


InSpired ADVICE FOR SINGLES HOW TO KNOW A PERSON IS NOT PASSIONATE ABOUT YOU You meet people daily and you either like the or you don't like them. A person who comes into your life and immediately goes ahead to try to change everything about you is drawn to you for some reason but does not like your person. He/She has a template or picture of the kind of person they will love as a spouse and you do not fit the narrative. Therefore  such go to a great length to work on you so that you fit that picture of the perfect mate in their minds. Love is about changing to accommodate your Lover. When you truly like someone, your continually desire would be to do all within your power to please them. Sincerely, no area of a believer's life must not be under the leading of the Holy Spirit. Our Heavenly Father said to Prophet Samuel "The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16. The secrets in a


InSpired YOU ARE DOING LESS THAN WHAT GOD EXPECTS OF YOU! The New Testament is the completion of the Old Testament. Our LORD Jesus Christ said ' l have not come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it. It means the perfect pattern for any Disciples of Jesus Christ is the Template of The Master Himself as revealed in the New Covenant. Pilate asked our LORD, a very crucial question when the Jewish leaders present him to Gentile ruler for sentencing.  He asked  Jesus Christ " Are you the King of the Jewish? The Disciples also had this line of thinking, they expected our Master Jesus Christ, to rule over the Nation of Israel and few expected that His mandate would be achieved through a painful death on the Cross. We must come to this place of understanding in our thinking and Revelation that God's ways are not our ways. Truly, you have the mind of Christ if you have His words t dwell in you and align all your decisions and actions to the by divine revelations given to you by The


InSpired ABUSE OF SPIRITUAL GIFTS. SERIES God is Secure and shares His all with people who believe and don't believe in Him


InSpired CHRISTIANS  ARE LIVING BELOW OUR KINGDOM POTENTIALS. It is pathetic and a bit soorowful that the richest person in silver, gold, cash and kinds is not a Believer in our LORD Jesus Christ according to Forbes's record. Forbes records may be right because though we have rich Christians we have very few committed Christians who are involved in producing products that are used in every nations of the World.  While we have products and brands like Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Facebook, Gucci, Tom-fighter, Apple etc that are  used in nations of the earth, we don't have any records that these brand are owned by tongue speaking Believers. The question is : If God the Almighty is the Source of all wealths, why are believers not among the richest and most influential persons in the World. We know that it is possible for Believer to become that influential  in the World because God used men and women in Bible and past history to demonstrate this possibility.  Job was the wealthiest and m


InSpired THROWN OUT OF PLANET H3 As l watched, the force in the Garden divided into two clear groups and  the  Enemy spoke his first word "You all know, how l have been diligent in running the affairs of the Commander-in-chief...' NO, this is a coup-de-tat. No!NO!, NO! This cannot happen, this cannot happen.,  Immediately Ministers of Fire from both parties drew their swords I saw innumerable number  gravitated towards where l stood drawing out their swords  Simultaneously, I saw.about 1/3 of the stars surrounded the Enemy with their swords drew too eady to defend their Prince I motioned  with my hands to the innumerable behind me to keep quite Let's hear what this betrayer has got to say about our KING  I will not even wait for the verdict of our Beautiful King, l am a match for the one created with everything yet he turned against his Master. "Well, well, well, " the  Enemy laughed and looked at the scene in the Garden- the innumerable legions that joined me sh

The witness 2

InSpired THE WITNESS (Part Two) THTOW OUT OF PLANET 3 Strength and Mighty are my attributes like l told you Rightly so, for l serve at the pleasure of my King But Covering was the seal of perfection, in Beauty Dressed in splendour, his robe studded with jewels He had the privilege of walking in the mountain of your Father He walked among the gems that shined with fire for  his entire robe was pure gold and each of the precious stone was arranged on the robe,  layer upon layer  As Covering walked in the Garden and the fire place, his robe glittered flashing lights everywhere. As l was meditating  on the splendour of The Almighty expressed through Covering: we heard there is a meeting in the Garden as announced by Covering I was surprised that Covering called for a meeting instead of the Minister of Fire called The Messenger of News But l was more astounded by the fact that l heard the call for a meeting from outside me instead from within me which was the usual mode of communicating tho