
Showing posts from November, 2021


INSPIRED SCORE YOURSELF 1. Number of Souls won in 2017? 2. Number of souls established in 2017? 3. Time spent praying for Nigeria, the president and those in leadership in 2017?  4. Time spend praying for the unsaved, relatives, family and other believers in 2017 5. Time allocated to pray for Nigeria, Africa, The Body of Christ during Church service? 6. How much money was given to kingdom project without coercion? 7. How much money given to the poor 8.How hours spent reading your Bible when you don't have a ministration? 9. How much time you spent praising God privately,? 10. Degree of prompt obedience to the Voice of the Holy Spirit? God deserves more from you , His beloved ! Abigail Hephzibah


InSpired My '''Halleluyah belongs to you Almighty Father My Hallelujah The great AM I My Hallelujah belongs to you Eternal King My Hallelujah. Belongs to you Oba awon oba You deserves it You deserves it You deserve it January-  *Enjoyed* *your new mercies*  February - *walked into  New dawn*  March- *Marching unto greater glory all the way*  April- *Colourful  horizons began to unfold*  May- *You make us see your goodness in all ramifications*  June- *your help was our anchor in the middle of the seasons*  July- *What an awesome God, who daily loads us with benefits*  August- *Our dancing was unstoppable because this God is too good*  September- *We just could not but laugh for the showers of favour from you*  October- *Independence is sweet. for Christ gave us complete redemption*  November- *closer to our glorification we come, so praising you was our only choice*  December- my Birth month, I sING ' My Hallelujah belongs to you.. For you deserve it A.L. Hephzibah


NUGGETS FROM CHRIST STANDING ORDER The Bible states that Elijah is a man of like passion who gave an order that the Land of Israel should not experience rain and it was exactly so for three years plus...  "Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit. James 5:17 The father of the Rechabites was the same. Their father gave a standing order for his seed not to build houses and drink wine and this order was still effective after his death. "Then I set before the sons of the house of the Rechabites bowls full of wine, and cups; and I said to them, “Drink wine.” But they said, “We will drink no wine, for Jonadab the son of Rechab, our father, commanded us, saying, ‘You shall drink no wine, you nor your sons, forever. You shall not build a house, sow seed, plant a vineyard, nor have Jeremiah 35:5


InSpired THE REVIVAL WE DONT WANT AND  THE KIND OF REVIVAL WE WANT! The issue of return to your First love in Christ  is paramount to the End Time Revival.  Revival comes in different forms and shapes. The faith and prosperity revival the Church presently enjoy is a type of Revival prayed in by Believers. And Revival usually takes the shape and desire of the individual who prayed for their arrival when their prayers are not entirely  guided by the Holy Spirit. The Revival tends to die when these individuals stopped praying prayers of sustaining the Revival or when the individual dies. The Church had had  Revivals of holiness whereby believers did not just believe in Christ but the Spirit of the Fear of the LORD was reigning in the life of every Christian.. During this Holiness revival, the World sought for the services of believers in their organisations. Presently, the Church is clamouring for " REVIVAL RAIN' but few have taken the time to DEFINE IN CLEAR TERMS, WHAT KIND OF


God' Work, Our Work, My Work! Statement   like "we must do God' work' is common and rightly so, we must do Christ work". Christ made this statement which is one of my favourite scrptures in the Bible " I must do the work of Him who sent me.. ... John 4:34.  Though Christ was God, he knew at that point in his life that he was representing the Father. But at  another time,  Christ told Thomas, if you have seen me, you have seen the father, here Christ   was assuring  Thomas- this kingdom business am operating, is not just my Father's business but mine as well. Christ was emphasing  one of the truth for effective  minstry,  which is ' l am  a stakeholder in the kingdom of God.l am  not just working for God to enrich myself, get famous, build a dynasty, rather there is a  divine agenda which must be fully establish on earth;  and as l faithfully execute this  agenda wealth, renown and everlasting legacy i mine In Matt 28: 18,  Christ said All power in hea


InSpired SPIRITUAL STANDING ORDER The Bible states that Elijah is a man of like passion who gave an order that the Land of Israel should not experience rain and it was exactly so for three years plus...  "Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit. James 5:17 The father of the Rechabites was the same. Their father gave a standing order for his seed not to build houses and drink wine and this order was still effective after his death. "Then I set before the sons of the house of the Rechabites bowls full of wine, and cups; and I said to them, “Drink wine.” But they said, “We will drink no wine, for Jonadab the son of Rechab, our father, commanded us, saying, ‘You shall drink no wine, you nor your sons, forever. You shall not build a house, sow seed, plant a vineyard, nor have Jeremiah 35:5-


NUGGETS FROM CHRIST WHEN MY BACK WAS AGAINST THE WALL-ELIJAH Prophet Elijah was a man to be feared, a daring, bold and ' take no nonesense Man of God  He was such because of his unique assignment; his family was not meantuoned,  imagine if he had a wife and children in the nation where he decreed there would be no rain for three years, he might have reconsidered his decision. God in critical and strategic moments in history raise prophet like Elijah in the Body of Christ, prophetess like Anna ( whom God turned seemingly negative situation in her life into Kingdom advantage.) But the best of men can become the weakest of men and even be discouraged.  Men of God are anointed and graced by God' Spirit to attain what is humanly impossible but we must understand, they are first Men/Women, then born of God.   The anointing envelopes their humanity by does not kill it. They are human yet anointed. The joy of our Salvation and Christian walk is "we do not have an High Priest who c


NUGGETS FROM CHRIST GOD BROUGHT SWEETNESS  One of the greatest cause of affliction in the life of a believer is wrong conception, perception about the person and the ways of the Almighty. Some  believers are in pain,  oppressed and tormented by The Enemy of the Human Soul because of ignorance and wrong perception of The Almighty. In Job 9:9-20, Job wrote his perceptions about God. The narration presented posivite testimony  about God in Job 9:9-10 " He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the south. He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, " Then he went on in Job 9:16-18 to give his perception of The Almighty that is obviously wrong as proved by other Bible passages.  He said if he summons the Almighty, God will not allow him to present his case when God said in Isaiah that you should present your strong arguments.  Also God invites you  in the book of  Hebrews to approach His throne boldly and confidantly that you may obtain mercy a


InSpired GOD THE WAY MAKER Prophet Elijah was a man to be feared, a daring, bold and ' take no nonesense Man of God  He was such because of his unique assignment; his family was not meantuoned,  imagine if he had a wife and children in the nation where he decreed there would be no rain for three years, he might have reconsidered his decision. God in critical and strategic moments in history raise prophet like Elijah in the Body of Christ, prophetess like Anna ( whom God turned seemingly negative situation in her life into Kingdom advantage.) But the best of men can become the weakest of men and even be discouraged.  Men of God are anointed and graced by God' Spirit to attain what is humanly impossible but we must understand, they are first Men/Women, then born of God.   The anointing envelopes their humanity by does not kill it. They are human yet anointed. The joy of our Salvation and Christian walk is "we do not have an High Priest who cannot be touched by the feelings o


InSpired GOD THE WAY MAKER Prophet Elijah was a man to be feared, a daring, bold and ' take no nonesense Man of God  He was such because of his unique assignment; his family was not meantuoned,  imagine if he had a wife and children in the nation where he decreed there would be no rain for three years, he might have reconsidered his decision. God in critical and strategic moments in history raise prophet like Elijah in the Body of Christ, prophetess like Anna ( whom God turned seemingly negative situation in her life into Kingdom advantage.) But the best of men can become the weakest of men and even be discouraged.  Men of God are anointed and graced by God' Spirit to attain what is humanly impossible but we must understand, they are first Men/Women, then born of God.   The anointing envelopes their humanity by does not kill it. They are human yet anointed. The joy of our Salvation and Christian walk is "we do not have an High Priest who cannot be touched by the feelings o


InSpired GOD SPOKE, JACOB AROSE "“I am God, the God of your father,” he said. “Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there. I will go down to Egypt with you, and I will surely bring you back again. And Joseph’s own hand will close your eyes. ” Then Jacob left Beersheba, and Israel’s sons took their father Jacob and their children and their wives in the carts that Pharaoh had sent to transport him." Men and women of great exploits are those who arise only as God, the Almighty leads them. Jacob only went up to Egypt after God spoke to him.  Although he heard news of a supposed dead son been alive yet he only rise to  go and be with Joseph his son when God gave him a word  Guidance from God to the believer is the tool for doing greater works than Jesus Christ our Lord.  He who leads himself without the guidance of the Holy Spirit will also support and sustain self by his own strength. A. L. HEPHZIBAH


InSpired TEST ALL SPIRITS PROVE ALL CLAIMS The gift of discerning of spirits is the enablement of the Holy Spirit to distinguish and tell the differences between the actions of the Holy Spirit, angelic spirits , demonic spirits  and human spirits and this gift is needed urgently by every believer in the Body of Christ presently.  This manifestation of the Holy Spirit enables you to know if the word of prophecies, dreams, visions, revelations that you heard from any body especially Ministers of the Gospel is from either  God's Holy Spirit, God's angels, Satanic spirits or from a human spirit. ANOTHER QUALITY OF THE EPHESIAN CHURCH 'I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false.  'Rev. 2:2b Matt 7:21 shows that people can be different from whatever they say. ' Many say "Lord, Lord " to Jesus Christ yet they will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. You are supposed to rec


InSpired THE MASTER KNOWS YOUR DEED The letters written to the various Churches in the Book of Revelation 2 and 3 are real churches that existed in these.various locations.  Jesus Christ our Master wrote these letters as a staff of commendation and a rod of correction to these Churches and in this instance the Church in Ephesus. (1 Cor. 15;32, Acts 19:1,  1 Timothy 1:3) The Believer's walk in the Kingdom is a walk of the heart; a walk in Christ's Words and a walk by faith.  The state of your heart will affect how you interprete the Words of Jesus and in- turn affect your Faith walk. Sometimes, we intend to forget how we started out in the faith and begin to walk contrary to how we started. Jesus Christ our Master understands the peril of starting out strong and finishing poorly so He admonish the Church in Ephesians to return to their FIRST LOVE. The Believers in the Ephesian Church were strong Christians with good qualities. They were believers "walking in the ways of  th


InSpired CHRIST without WALLs So l lived in this Estate where each flat is a bungalow and separated by a tall wall. One day, I heard crying and shouting from my neighbour'  flat;   I was concerned and wanted to help but I could not because of the tall wall between us. Fence walls are good because of their protective purposes, their uniqueness of giving privacy and branding for our individualism.  But they become a trap and a pain when they hold us back from getting the help we need and from being our neighbours' keeper. Church Denominations are allowed and ordained by God to cater for our cultural difference, political inclinations, social behaviours and personality uniqueness etc but they should not take our eyes off our common focus CHRIST IN US, OUR HOPE OF GLORY. You were all called to travel on the same road and in the same direction, so stay together, both outwardly and inwardly. You have one Master, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who rules over all, w


MENTOR! ENIGMA & NURTURER,  Men, Man, Men! Everything to everybody Everywhere for everybody To his parents, his is their hope for to.oortoe Their Old age hinges on his success in Life To his wife, He is a measuring ruler for success She may amass millions But if his name is not worth a dime Some doors may still be locked at her face To his children He is their anchor Their life boat not sinking before they learn to swim Depends on his skills of navigating the small rudder of the ship He smiles for all Buy gifts his tears for all He is strength for all But never reveal for a minutes that he has his own fear He must be everything for everybody Before he rests to be a succour for Himself We celebrate manhood They are  M-Mentors enviable by All E-Enigma that only the deepest love can unveil N- Nurture of Humanity Happy International Men's Day


INSPIRED DAY or HOUR, NO MAN KNOWS (PART I) Duke shut the gate to his house and walked into the dark street towards the  Futa South Gate bus stop "l just don't feel like travelling today"  he thought, when he got the bus stop and saw an approaching vehicle  from the route of Road Block, (a suburb in the City of Akure). He flagged down the vehicle; which stopped some few steps away from him. Hesitantly, he walked towards it sighing with relief  when he realised it was a taxi.  "Sunshine motor park," he called out to the driver.  "Come in", the driver responded. Duke entered the taxi, surprised to see an elderly man in the driver seat.  " 5:00am and an old man working, may God deliver us from Nigeria poor economic", Duke mused as he sat beside the driver in the front of the taxi.  But after alternative negative  thoughts flood his mind, he  sat up straight  and clasped his overnight bag which contains his laptop and other important documents, p


INSPIRED DAY or HOUR, NO MAN KNOWS (PART 1I) Some few minutes to 6:00am,  the driver took off from the Sunshine Motor Park for Lagos.   Duke had a prompting to pray and preach to the passengers in the bus. He looked around the bus and decided to continue with Facebook.  "My son. Pray and preach to the people in this bus" Duke heard from within him. He took a quick look again at the faces in the bus and replied inwardly, "Preach in this bus, it's too early, most people will start sleeping  in the next ten minutes"  He opened his phone and continued with Facebook.  A woman' s voice started praying in the bus and eventually preached  salvation in the name of Jesus. The two young men  on the second row with Duke, surrendered their hearts to Christ. While the woman was preaching, Duke took a careful view about his lifestyle;  he just had sex with his fiancée two days ago. " I will make restitution when l return from Lagos," he reasoned and slept off.   


InSpired JESUS WAS GOD YET LIVE WISELY AS A MAN I appreciate God for your beautiful lives and for your eagerness to read God's Word. I pray His Word will enrich your destiny. Uuuuh, I was studying the Life of my Lord Jesus in the book of John 7 (deliberately I used Jesus instead of Jesus Christ) because in this Bible passage, I saw more of His humanity than divinity. In John 7:1, the Bible says "After this, Jesus went around in Galilee. He did not want to go about in Judea because the Jewish leaders there were looking for a way to kill him." Jesu Christ is the Anointed one who had the Spirit without measure and had thousand upon thousands of angels at His disposal, therefore any threat from the Jewish leaders to take His life should be a play at futility. Yet he avoided a particular location because of their evil plots at that period in time. LESSONS FROM THIS STORY Jesus lived a very careful and discreet life. He was not a careless Son of God who exposed his destiny


InSpired RAPTURE ALERT ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT IT AT ALL?  ( A STORY) The man walked through the village looking around like a stranger; and indeed he was truly one because this was his first visit to Oruogun village. He walked slowly to the end of the path between the farmland and immediately saw a woman at the side of a hut (built with burnt brick) bathing her baby, he moved closer as if to walk pass the hut and took a closer look at the woman's child: It is a baby boy.  Pure ecstasy was written on the woman' s face as she  tenderly bathe her baby whom was laid faced up on her legs stretched  on a big bowl of water.  The stranger walked by shaking his head at the wonder of mother/ child love. He saw a tree with ripe oranges and walked towards it when he heard the woman screamed " my baby, baby "  The stranger turned and walked back towards the hut. "Omo mi, omo mi," the woman was already on her feet looking around the environment. Soon the woman started wai


InSpired ME FIRST DISEASE.... 👉👉🕺👈🏾👈🏾 Selfishness is the cornerstone of every kind of evil under the Sun; the son offering his mother for money rituals, the husband, leaving his wife for a younger woman, the woman cheating on her husband to get money to sponsor her lavish lifestyle, the politician climbing on the back of his Constituency to get to power and then squander the resources meant for all on “SELF’ are all instances of the ‘ME FIRST’ syndrome walking boldly in the streets of Human behaviour. Every man has selfishness inbuilt in their system; it is part of the fallen man’s configuration:  Self preservation is the rebranding of selfishness- ‘a man got to look out for himself.’ Some Christian folks hide under the umbrella of scripture like-‘love you neighbour as thyself’ meaning you can’t afford to love another more than yourself, so ‘ME FIRST’ is official and legitimate.  But Jesus, a man of like passion left all his glory and died a death of shame and humiliation to ens


INSPIRED THEN, IT HAPPENED! The man walked through the village looking around like a stranger; and indeed he was truly one because this was his first visit to Oruogun village. He walked slowly to the end of the path between the farmland and immediately saw a woman at the side of a hut (built with burnt brick) bathing her baby, he moved closer as if to walk pass the hut and took a closer look at the woman's child: It is a baby boy.  Pure ecstasy was written on the woman' s face as she  tenderly bathe her baby whom was laid faced up on her legs stretched  on a big bowl of water.  The stranger walked by shaking his head at the wonder of mother/ child love. He saw a tree with ripe oranges and walked towards it when he heard the woman screamed " my baby, baby "  The stranger turned and walked back towards the hut. "Omo mi, omo mi," the woman was already on her feet looking around the environment. Soon the woman started wailing,   with profuse tears running down h


InSpired I AM THAT I AM WE WORSHIP YOU The Greatest King that have ever existed  and that will ever exist is Jesus Christ No one has the best interest of Humanity in heart  excerpt Jesus Christ He did not have to die but His love and concern for Man made Him do it  He was ridiculed, rejected and left alone on the Cross yet He chose to die The King who innumerable angels worship non-stop was insulted for my sake  Yet, He chose to pay  the price for Man to be saved Only Jesus Christ, The Eternal  King gives  true wealth and riches He will make you rich without adding Sorrow Please ask every anointed rich Minister  of the Gospel, who is the Source of their wealth and Anointing Jesus Christ gave them honour and wealth they did not work to acquire Others worked for it; they enjoyed the harvest  Then this men of God  and women of God then through financial knowledge put this monies and wealth to work to increase and sustain it Who gave the sorrow free wealth? Jesus Christ did, then they gath


MY THOUGHTS For we all stumble in many things.... The Holy Spirit is always ready to speak and teach, but  He is searching for  believers who will sit at His feet and listen to His beautiful speech.  Am so privileged to have the Spirit of Christ living inside of me. This morning, l want to write on an issue that is rapidly spreading in the Church of Christ and of which l have been a victim. James 3:2 says we stumble in so many ways......., though our Lord Jesus said in Matt. 5:48, "Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect,"   l don't think anybody is free from making mistakes. You  must learn to make  provision in your heart for the mistakes of others and be willing to forgive them.   Then you should heartily  believe God that they will not suffer for offending you because we have been called to the Ministry of reconciliation and blessings. Every prophet and believer carries  the anointing of God and they can either bless or curse but James 3 admonishes we should alw


InSpired THE JUDGEMENT OF GOD So Gad went to David and said to him, “This is what the LORD says: ‘Take your choice: three years of famine, three months of being swept away before your enemies, with their swords overtaking you, or three days of the sword of the LORD —days of plague in the land, with the angel of the LORD ravaging every part of Israel.’ Now then, decide how I should answer the one who sent me.” 1 Chronicles 21 The judgement of God can be executed in three major ways on earth. Firstly, it can be executed through natural disasters; the elements of the Earth stirred up against offenders. The elements of the earth like flood, fire outbreak, storms, hails, earthquakes, tonardoes can be used against humanity as done in Egypt, enolyed by Moses against Korah and his accomplices and even done several in the book of Revelation. The second method judgement is carried out is through the sword of the Enemy. This include the visible and invisible swords of the Enemy. Usually, the invi


InSpired YOU ARE BLESSED HEPHZIBAH Hephzibah, you soar on wings as Eagles. God,  your Father is your Source of All Strength,  You and your family can never fail in anything You are limitless in all things You and your family become all God ordained for you with ease forever Wealth, riches, long life and intimacy with the Spirit of Christ is your only experience forever Rev. 5:12 is your inheritance and the only manifestation in your destinies You and your family have the Resurrected Christ's Riches, wealth, power, strength, wisdom, glory, honour and blessings in your life and family forever  Christ has defeated Satan and evil men/women who hope to harm and hurt you and your family: They are defeated forever No plan, counsel, plots, schemes, divination, enchantment, sorcery, charismatic curses and negative spoken word/desires against you or your family shall ever prosper May the evil  intended for you and your family recoil sevenfold  on those who desire them for you   You and your


InSpired MORE, MORE, THAT’S ALL I ASK! More! There must be more, much more More!  This can’t be all there is to it More!  More Love for Christ More!  More life of sacrifice for my fellow men More! Spend more time with the Holy Spirit More!  Much more prosperity than I have More!  More exploits for His Kingdom Daniel had more and kings and kingdoms bowed for his God Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had more; And the gods of King Nebuchadnezzar worshipped the God of all gods For the more, I know Him The more I want to know Him Jesus more of you……. More of Him will engrave my life in the archives of Eternity For Mary loved so much more, and all eternity praise her act More of Him in my heart will give me a bigger place in His heart This God has given so much; for and to humanity He is always looking, searching, quizzing for more ways to please humanity, to show His love to the Disciples of Christ More! Made God looking for better ways to reach humanity More! Made the Holy Spirit asking ‘wha


InSpired YOUR HAPPINESS IS WITHIN YOUR CONTROL Reaction and response to issues and your thoughts determine your feelings per time. When you release positive feelings on an issue, happiness is birthed but if you choose to release a negative response to an event then sorrow is the result.  Happiness or Sadness is all about reactions, responses; It means it can be managed. If you guide your responses to things based on the stipulations of scriptural provision, you can keep sadness away at all times and serve the LORD' s purpose in this generation with joy and happiness. People have pre-grammed data stored in their minds on how to cope with various issues that occur in their life- time. These information are cumulated over time from experiences, cultural beliefs, books and exposures etc. For King David, disappointments always birthed a New Psalm. He pours out his negative feelings through his writing. Some Psalms reveals that David was not so easy on his enemies ( Psalm 109, Psalm