
Showing posts from June, 2021


InSpired KEYS TO REVIVAL (PART THREE) TRAINING! TRAINING! TRAINING! It is dangerous and a waste of God's grace, if you are the only one who can preach a sound sermon in your ministry. It is equally dangerous and waste of the Spirit's power if you are the only one who can do the miraculous in your Church  The Bible says that " Rivers of Living water will flow out of those who believe in The LORD Jesus Christ.  The Holy Spirit is described as the River because He is meant to flow from one to ALL. If He flows in a very great dimension in only ONE out of a multitude of Believers, then something need to be done because something has certainly gone wrong somewhere. The LORD received the full measure of The Spirit at His baptism and went about healing the sick and ministering deliverance . But He was not the only miracle worker in His ministry during His life time. The Scripture says: "When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out a


InSpired KEYS FOR REVIVAL (PART TWO) YOU CAN LOSE YOUR HEALING & DELIVERANCE!   There is a Healing and Deliverance revival sprouting up in various parts of the Nation; Nigeria presently . The LORD has remembered His people again and He is pouring out the power of the Holy Ghost for miraculous healings.  The Nigeria Church had this healing revival but the prosperity and Church attendance boom Revival overshadowed the The Healing Ministry. Now, the Healing River is here again for as many who will plunge into it and administer healings to the people out of compassion and not just for fame and money.  The Church will  experience more of these healings as we make demands of the Healing virtues in the name of our LORD Jesus Christ : The Lamb of Ransome who purchased healing for us by His blood. But as exciting and beautiful as The Healing ministry is, we must ensure that we are adequately prepared to curtail its weaknesses. Just as the prosperity revival enjoyed by the Church came with i

InSpiredJESUS CHRIST THE LORDDESERVES ALL WORSHIPFROM ALL RACE AND TONGUESWE WORSHIP THE EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSEWhen an American Gospel Minister ministers in Nigeria worship songs.... .Then, It's a sure signal that it is the TURN of Africa to carry The LIGHT of The Gospel to the World and the Nigerian Church will certainly take the LEADThe Nigerian Church will EXPORT the purest Gospel to the four corners of the World .A Gospel of pure love for the Everlasting Father, genuine commitment & Loyalty to Jesus Christ, our Eternal King, and deep intimacy with the Holy Spirit.It's an Era where both The Holy Spirit and the Bride of Christ Jesus, The LORD testify about HIM.Jesus Christ, The King of kings becomes The Only Message preached by The Church of Jesus Christ. We talk Jesus Christ, preach Jesus Christ, testify of His Last be, Power and riches because He is The Reason for our Joy and Redemption Jesus Christ is Joy to The World. The Word of God form the basis for whole Constitution of Nations of the Word and All live according to The Word of Life and walk in the Spirit of Life.It's a revival where the Word of God is rightly discerned and taught, where genuine Disciples of Christ are as numerous as the stars in the Sky; where genuine miracles are as common as the sands on the seashores.Silver and gold in the Kingdom of God on Earth is as common as they are in Heaven. And this silver and gold and riches is used for the promotion of the Kingdom and not for self)By the Mercy of God, my eyes shall surely see this revival, l shall experience it💜, I shall be part of the worshippers that God will pour His Holy Spirit and wisdom on and use for this breath taking revivalIn Jesus Christ Name, no Enemy shall stop it, no wickedness shall corrupt it, no anointed or ex - anointed persons shall hinder it The Zeal of the LORD Almighty shall accomplish it without delay and all elements of Creation in Heaven, Heavens, Earth, in and beneath the Sea shall work for it's good and it's fulfillment forever It s a revival that will last and continue beyond the Second coming of our LORD Jesus Christ. Sealed with the blood of Jesus Christ, in the Name of Jesus Christ and the entire power of The God-Head.Amen in Jesus Name.A L. Hephzibah

InSpired JESUS CHRIST THE LORD DESERVES ALL WORSHIP FROM ALL RACE AND TONGUES WE WORSHIP THE EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE When an American Gospel Minister ministers in Nigeria worship songs.... . Then, It's a sure signal that it is the TURN of Africa to carry The LIGHT of The Gospel to the World and the Nigerian Church will certainly take the LEAD The Nigerian Church will EXPORT the purest Gospel to the four corners of the World . A Gospel of pure love for the Everlasting Father, genuine commitment & Loyalty to Jesus Christ, our Eternal King, and deep intimacy with the Holy Spirit. It's an Era where both The Holy Spirit and the Bride of Christ Jesus, The LORD testify about HIM. Jesus Christ, The King of kings becomes The Only Message preached by The Church of Jesus Christ.  We talk Jesus Christ, preach Jesus Christ, testify of His Last be, Power and riches because He is The Reason for our Joy and Redemption  Jesus Christ is Joy to The World.  The Word of God form the basis for w


InSpired THE SURE PATHWAY TO REVIVAL KEYS TO REVIVAL 1. PROPHECY Prophecy is the utterances  inspired by God through His Spirit or angels to His messengers, Servants about a specific purpose, intention of God for the present or the future. "The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.  Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near." Rev. 1:1-3 Truly, we have the Spirit of Prophecy which the Bible revealed is the testimony of our LORD and King Jesus Christ; but we also have prohocies given by God to men to reveal His divine Intenton for a specific dispensation and period in Church and Human history  A scenario whereby every pioneer Builder in a generation


InSpired JESUS CHRIST THE LORD DESERVES ALL WORSHIP FROM ALL RACE AND TONGUES WE WORSHIP THE EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE When an American Gospel Minister ministers in Nigeria worship songs.... . Then, It's a sure signal that it is the TURN of Africa to carry The LIGHT of The Gospel to the World and the Nigerian Church will certainly take the LEAD The Nigerian Church will EXPORT the purest Gospel to the four corners of the World . A Gospel of pure love for the Everlasting Father, genuine commitment & Loyalty to Jesus Christ, our Eternal King, and deep intimacy with the Holy Spirit.  The Word of God form the basis for whole Constitution of Nations of the Word and All live according to The Word of Life and walk in the Spirit of Life. It's a revival where the Word of God is rightly discerned and taught, where genuine Disciples of Christ are as numerous as the stars in the Sky; where genuine miracles are as common as the sands on the seashores. Silver and gold in the Kingdom of God


INsPIRED AGE OF THE LEAVENED  BREAD There are different dispensations in the Church History and each dispensation has its peculiarities, strengths, weaknesses, challenges and its problems.   One of the problems of this dispensation in  Church History  is the rapid spread of  Leavened Bread.  Our Saviour warned in the Book of Matthew 16 "How is it you don’t understand that I was not talking to you about bread? But be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” Then they understood that he was not telling them to guard against the yeast used in bread, but against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Matt 16:11-12' This is  era of Bread  mixed with YEAST (Be on Guard) # Where a small dough of bread is made to appear bigger than its original size ( You can be deceived) # Bread consumers  are attracted to get more than their money value but ultimately get far less than its true value (each man is drew by his/her lust, guard your heart, your eternity dep


InSpired BE RICH IN GOOD DEEDS THE BOLDNESS OF NAAMAN'S SLAVE. Witnessing to people who do not believe in Jesus Christ as LORD and SAVIOUR should be the whole essence of the Christian living. God saved you by your faith in Christ and you were not raptured immediately; WHY?   So that you can witness to others about this grace you enjoy. For to live is Christ and to die is gain. We live  so.that you can fulfill the divine mandate of RECONCILIATION OF ALL MEN/WOMEN TO CHRIST.    The Holy Spirit tell this beautiful story of THE LOVE OF GOD through your godly lifestyle, good deeds and soul winning.  A young Israel girl was captured during war between Israel and Aram and she became the slave of the wife  of Naaman (who had leprous);  the Commander of the Aram Army   Though Naaman was an important person in Aram but the idols of the land could not heal him of his leprousy so the political King of  Aram send him to the political Leader of Israel ( the king) but the king could not solve his


InSpired CURE FOR WAITING INTIMACY WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT Hmmmm, the greatest Person who has the power and wisdom to resolve any life challenge, a believer will ever encounter is within the believer. Romans 10:6-8   " But this is what the Scripture says about being made right through faith: "Don't say to yourself, 'Who will go up into heaven?'" (That means, "Who will go up to heaven and bring Christ down to earth?")  "And do not say, 'Who will go down into the world below?'" (That means, "Who will go down and bring Christ up from the dead?")  This is what the Scripture says: "The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart." That is the teaching of faith that we are telling. NCV The Holy spirit is everything a believer will ever desire, want and He is much  more. He is not just a messenger pasted on the tablet of your spirit, and that you can input your needs into when you have a need and expects an ou


InSpired (BJC) WHO MAKES DECISION FOR YOU Zombie O zombie Zombie O zombie This is iyrivs in the 80s by Fela. Zombie as defined by Fela means a man or woman who a will of their own. The desires, plans and purpose of the man is inputted by another personality.  The man moves when the controller wants it to move, breathe when the controller wants it to breathe. A Zombie can be liken to a modern day Robot which is absolute controlled by a conputer program installed by a programmer. The entire action and reactions of the Robot is determined by the programmer. Therefore, the programmer does not need to be physical present, the Robot has be computerised to carry out the dictates of the Programmer. God never intended the Human race to act and function like a Zombie or Robot. It was never His intention and till present His intention towards mankind is still sacred and holy a God is holy. The Almighty God created Man to be a free moral agent with a Will power to chose between alternatives


InSpired AN ATTEMPT  AT SOME OF THE CAUSES OF WAITING......  Believers wait for the fulfillment of God' s promises; for deliverance from difficulty times and  other  challenges experienced in the Christian walk for various reasons. We will attempt to share a few by the grace of God and the first, we will visit is IGNORANCE. Please kindly share the ones you know too. IGNORANCE OF THE TRUE GOD AND HIS WAY This should be the greatest reason for waiting. Believers suffer not because they lack knowledge but because they lack the most important  kind of knowledge- THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. (Hosea 4:6.) Christians  have vast knowledge in various fields - IT, Commerce, Business, Child-bearing, Christian Religion, Education Etc but God lamented in Hosea 4:6 that yet they don't know truly know Him. Knowledge of God goes beyond storing Bible passages in the mind and been able to quote them off hand in preaching sprees. True knowledge of God is knowing His attributes and His ways and becoming


InSpired AN ATTEMPT  AT SOME OF THE CAUSES OF WAITING......  Believers wait for the fulfillment of God' s promises; for deliverance from difficulty times and  other  challenges experienced in the Christian walk for various reasons. We will attempt to share a few by the grace of God and the first, we will visit is IGNORANCE. Please kindly share the ones you know too. IGNORANCE OF THE TRUE GOD AND HIS WAY This should be the greatest reason for waiting. Believers suffer not because they lack knowledge but because they lack the most important  kind of knowledge- THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. (Hosea 4:6.) Christians  have vast knowledge in various fields - IT, Commerce, Business, Child-bearing, Christian Religion, Education Etc but God lamented in Hosea 4:6 that yet they don't know truly know Him. Knowledge of God goes beyond storing Bible passages in the mind and been able to quote them off hand in preaching sprees. True knowledge of God is knowing His attributes and His ways and becoming


InSpired (BJC) IS A FELLOW MAN AUTHORISED TO KNOW YOU INNERMOST THOUGHTS? Perilous times are here and wickeness lodge at every corner of the Society. It is highly  profitable to know the intentions of men and women for you and against you before they have the opportunity to execute it. But as crucial as it is to know the thoughts and intentions of others for whatsoever reason; it is extremely dangerous for any anointed Servant of God to use manipulations, hypnotism, python spirits ( divination) and familiar spirit to access members secrets, plans, thoughts and even their past. The gifts of Word of knowledge, Word of wisdom, and discerning of spirits all termed the revelational gifts are tools given by God for the above enquiring. And all the revelational gifts and other spiritual gifts are ordained to be used under the control of the Holy Ghost and not at the wit and control of the Man of God. You can stir up a spiritual gift but you should not determine when and how the gifts  manifes


InSpired GOD RULES BY HIS WORD Believers win battles by the Word of Life given by God and not by physical mighty or strength.  God created the Earth by SPOKEN WORDS and sustain the same by the Word of His power. God will use you to do great exploits on Earth if you study His Word to know Him. Victory in your career, family life, ministry, finance is paid for by Jesus Christ but you are not experiencing this victory because you don't dwell in the WORD. (John 15) The grace of our LORD Jesus Christ in your Life can do exceeding, abundantly beyond  just meeting your immediate needs, it can transform your neighbourhood and turn them to the Love of God in Jesus Christ. Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite ( Judges 4 ) seem an insignificant Housrwife, but God used her to kill the Commander  of the Army of King Jabin of Canaan. ( King Jabin oppressed the nation of Israel for 20 years). YOU ARE GOD'S BATTLE AXE Jesus Christ and His Father dwells inside you as a believer because you have r


InSpired (BJC)  TITLES DOES NOT MEAN ANOINTING Simeon, did not have a Book dedicated to his name in the Bible. He had only some Bible verses assigned to his deeds ( Luke 2:25-35) but he was obviously a man who walked with God and played a crucial role in the ministry of the Saviour on earth. He was well-informed of God's agenda and the move of the Holy Spirit for his generation. He was kept alive by his purpose. Death could not touch Simeon because the Holy Spirit kept him alive because of his relevance to Heaven's current move. Some Ministers of Gospel are living but dead to the present agenda and move of Spirit. Though Simeon was an Old Testament Saint, he partook of  some of the realities in the New Testament. - He carried the Saviour in his hands - He prophecied the Saviour's future - He had a relationship with the Holy Spirit. - He could hear the Holy Spirit - He was led by the Holy Spirit. The Parallel Bible Commentary  wrote the following about Simeon. "There wa


InSpiref Some few years ago,  I was chatting with a friend and we got this inspiration from the Scriptures. WHAT I DESIRE! WHAT I NEED. Sometimes, what you desire in life especially in the area of relationship may not be what you need to achieve divine mandate. When our Lord Jesus was on earth as a man, the Pharisees rejected him because he was not the kind of King they desired. They desired a political king, a leader with military power to deliver Israel from its visible enemy, but God gave them a spiritual king and leader who delivered them permanently from their spiritual enemy who controls the visible enemy. God  destroyed sin and  Satan's power over them. If God had given them just a political leader as they desired and requested, they would have been delivered for a season and then go back into captivity.  The Pharisees desired a political King who would give them temporary relief but they needed the King of kings who will liberate them forever. Also, In 1 Samuel 8, the Israe


INSPIRED HE DESERVES YR PRAISES. The lyric of a popular christian song summaries what our attitude should be every new morning. Song Whenever l see another breaking of the day I say thank you Lord. 2x Sincerely, the God in our midst is mighty. He is faithful, He is a responsible Father, He is compassionate, kind, caring and deserves our praises. These are not just praise cliche, they are testimonies of what our caring  Jehovah do in our lives every moment. Do you know that if God is not on your side Your enemies would have devour you. Your home would have been burgled Your daughters and sons raped Your cars stolen Your money stolen from the bank by Yahoo plus scheme And so many other wickedness that the enemy plots against you. But we have a Father Almighty Father, who is King of kings, Lord of lords We have a Father, who sleep not  and your safety is His concern 24/7. So please as you step out this morning, this week,  PAUSE and deliberately thank Him for His faithfulness and kindness


InSpired YOU TRULY LOVE CHRIST JESUS IF... Loving Jesus Christ goes beyond singing melodious songs, paying your tithe, working in  department units in your Church etc. You may do all of the above and yet have done nothing for Jesus if you don't add this necessary virtue to your deeds. HELPING THE BROTHERS AND SSTERS , WHO ARE THE BODY OF CHRIST. ONE OF THE BEST WAY TO SHOW YOUR LOVE TO THE CHRIST “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matt. 25:40 Our LORD was speaking in this passage and illustrated that a Christian can feed Jesus Christ, give Christ water to drink, cloth Jesus, and visit Jesus Christ in prison.  HOW? Anytime you give a sister or brother food, clothing, water, encouragemt, pray for them, help them out of their challenges, you have actual done those deeds for Jesus Christ Himself. ( To Him be all praise and glory forever) In John 21:15-16 “Simon son of John, do you love m


InSpired LIVING FOR CHRIST OR PLEASURE When you live for Christ, Christ is your priority. Daily, you seek for ways to please Him and do the works of the Kingdom. When you live for pleasure is all about you first, your comfort, your interest, your way. Philippians 2:3-8 summaries it accurately. "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.  In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death — even death on a cross! Philippians 2:3-8 A. L. Hephzibah

ONLY REMEMBERED BY WHAT YOU DIDThe Disciples of Christ in previous generations of Church History lived such sacrificial lifestyles that seem almost humanly impossible but you will observe that it was made easy for them because of the grace of the Almighty God and the power of the Holy Spirit.Presently in the world, there are men who are doing much more than the believers in terms of diligence and sacrifices in making the world a living hell for the human race. Such men go to great extends to keep men and women in bondage to the enemy of their soul by spreading false religion, immorality, heresies, pain, agony, etc and they suffer pains bodily and mentally achieving their evil missions. There are Technocrats, Business men, Scientists, Economists etc, who work hard to create new inventions; they spend all day and all night studying, reading, researching, inventing and re-inventing new things to sustain humanity and also leave their names in the archives of the Human Race. They have no plans or desires for eternal life, all their rewards are on earth; while they are alive yet they work tirelessly sacrificing all pleasures for their purposes. And then we have Journalists who travel across borders, on dangerous terrains to get information and news that create more fear than comfort for the Human race. They do this for temporary rewards and yet they are not the richest set of human workers; their motives for facing death, peril and forsaking comfort for bizarre, mysterious news is known only to them. Yet sacrifice they make daily to achieve their target.. What do we have to say about "Without Border Doctors" group who are exposed to danger and peril to reach out to their fellow men just to reduce and alleviate the suffering, sorrow and pain in the world and for what reward? They desire to satisfy their bleeding conscience of reaching out to humanity. "Without Borders Doctors" are not the richest paid doctors in the world, yet they expose themselves to epidemics, plagues, guns, terrorism, wars, earthquake, destructive whirlwinds & weather conditions, rape to help someone get better.They operate in offices and homes without air-conditions just to save one soul from body pains although such soul is not saved from eternal condemnation if they don't receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. They work all round the clock, no scheduled opening or closing hour, no monetary reward on earth, and probably no eternal reward. Yet, Believers, Christians, Disciples of Christ, Saints called the People of God, who have my power and my backing, my glory cannot do one quarter (1/4) of what some of these unbelievers do for free. Yet I, their Father continue to give Believers resources, money, anointing, grace, keep them in good health only to get little eternal results from them.Grace does not make you lazyThe anointing of the Holy Spirit is not just to buy cars, build houses and become famous or for living luxury lives Though they are our rights and we must have them.The help of the Holy Spirit should make you do more and work more diligently because you are doing what will give humanity greater benefits and eternal joy.Usually, the Enemy does not attack in times of alertness, preparation and readiness for war. They attack in times of extreme comfort, fun and enjoyment, when you say the battle was won 2000 years ago and put your sword in its sheath saying: “We don’t need to fight, we only need to enjoy the benefits of the victory.”YOU MUST KNOW WHEN YOU ARE NOT READY FOR WAR, DEVASTATION IS MORE.A. L. HEPHZBAH

ONLY REMEMBERED BY WHAT YOU DID The Disciples of Christ in previous generations of   Church History lived such sacrificial lifestyles that seem almost humanly impossible but you will observe that it was made easy for them because of the grace of the Almighty God and the power of the Holy Spirit. Presently in the world, there are men who are doing much more than the believers in terms of diligence and sacrifices in making the world a living hell for the human race.   Such men go to great extends to keep men and women in bondage to the enemy of their soul by spreading false religion, immorality, heresies, pain, agony, etc and they suffer pains bodily and mentally achieving their evil missions.   There are Technocrats, Business men, Scientists, Economists etc, who work hard to create new inventions; they spend all day and all night studying, reading, researching, inventing and re-inventing new things to sustain humanity and also leave their names in the archives of the Human Race.  They h


InSpired GOD'S BUSINESS IS MY BUSINESS This is the last days. Antichrist or 666 is not our concern as believer. But we must learn to live every day as if its our last.  We must treat kingdom business as our personal and have the mindset of a stakeholder-  This my Father' business, it must not fail. I earnestly believe God for a revival of the heart and mindset. A.L. Hephzibah


nSpired ENCOURAGERS NEEDED, CONDEMNER SHIFT! Negative pressures originate through only one source-Satan, but can be channelled through anybody even the closest person (the devil channelled his negative thought Peter to our Lord Jesus) to a man having a challenge, storms and waiting for the fulfilment of God promises.   A man’s wife is his most succour after God in times of need; she is designed to be his soul-mate, his confidant, the one person who can know his inner most thoughts (when intimacy is nurtured and cultivated). A Christian marriage partner is the next anchor for him/her after the Almighty. So if you desire to hurt a man and you want his wound deep- penetrating every defence mechanism he had built for protection against disappointments, you just need to incite his wife against him. Some men will easily tolerant negative criticism from any source-even subordinates but when the criticism is from his soul mate, the hurt is deep. Satan does not play fair games and he is always


InSpired Every lady wants unconditionally love. and I certainly will want a guy who loves me deeply. God wants men and women who love Him because He first love them. He loves us unconditionally and it hurts and break His heart when we do 'give and take relationship' with Him.  Truly, He has not called us to seek Him in vain. Silver and Gold belongs to Him and He earnestly wants to give it to us Jesus said in John 6 vs 26 'I tell you the truth, you have come looking for me not bcos you saw God in my action but bcos I fed you, filled your stomachs and for free." Haba! Every sensible guy will want to flee from a lady who loves him because of his substance. And if we are created in the image of God, I can reason that God will desire true worshippers who come rain or sunshine will love Him with their whole heart, soul and  strenght. This is the last days. Antichrist or 666 is not our concern as believer. But we must learn to live every day as if its our last.  We must t


InSpired Apostle Paul  said in 1 Cor. 13 vs1that if you  give all you have to the poor, save the multitude, have all spiritual gifts and heal all diseases and don't love others, how your work is futile.  You must examine your motives for the things you do in  these  last days. Don't serve God for monetary gain alone, only Him has eternal life A.L. Hephzibah


InSpired(BJC) MORNING SPIRITUAL DIET. Holy Spirit Effects and His Person I was watching a video online and a preacher was talking about the Holy Spirit and dealt more on how the Holy Spirit can help your weaknesses and help you achieve your desired and aspirations.  It was a beautiful and powerful message because it got me praying and birthed this inspiration. But l observed he was emphasing more on how the Spirit can help you do what you can't do yourself, how He can help in your Marriage, career, business and ministry.  Then he asked that we lift up our hands and ask the Holy Spirit to help us in our life endeavours. I lifted up mine in obedience  and began to pray  that the Holy Spirit should help me in every area of my life. Immediately, I picked up a prayer point in my spirit and said  " Holy Spirit l surrender my whole essence to you use it for your glory" Then l heard the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart these words " They know my effects and power but they don&#


INSPIRED Everyone is not called into the pulpit ministry. Some  are called to be solders behind the stage who use the grace of  intercession to enforce the will of God on earth. Intercessors may not be popular like those called into pulpit ministry, but know that their voices are recognised and obeyed in heaven and hell. Its a calling that keeps you in the presence of God and can be practised anywhere. You spend hours speaking and hearing from God yet it seem like you spent just minutes because you are always refreshed in His presence. As glamorous as the pulpit ministry is, I will not exchange it for the secret place ministry.    Fulfillment comes when you discover your place and assignment in God' kingdom. You are rewarded when you are faithful to your calling and not on the quantity of work done.  So this vacancy is for men and women who are called into the secret place ministry -the ministry of Intercession .  May God find you faithful. VACANCY! VACANCY! VACANCY! A reputable Ki


INsPIRED GOD'S PROMISES FOR YOU Life is about making stead progress , if not frustration and sadness will set in without warning. Anyone who arrives suddenly at Success' corridor, may exit  in an hurry. Check out great men in the Society, the Law of  Process of time is always obeyed in their Success story. Even Naijabet obeys the process of time- you hit the jackpot after careful study of games to make accurate predictions. So wherever you are presently in achieving your dreams; Whatever success story, you desire to write for yourself: God promise is "Though your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be.  Job 8:7. Believe it, Confess it, be fully persuaded and diligently work it out and it will be yours in a matter of time. God bless you. Abigail Hephzibah


InSpired PRESSURE AND WAITING DON'T GIVE UP ON THAT DREAM Pressure is one of the potent instruments used by the Enemy to make believers take a wrong step, step out of God's Will, operate outside the confines of God' s Word, murmur, complain and out-rightly curse God/ backslide. One of the greatest hindrances to waiting joyfully is pressure from people close and far and it can come from anyone. Waiting as used in the context of this writing is patiently anticipating and eagerly expecting  the fulfilment of the promises of God concerning any area of a Christian Life.  Pressures as used in this context are thoughts, deeds and  activities carried out by persons, situation who surrounds a man going through a difficult time, and challenges that exert unnecessary force on them to make a decision, take a step; they may not naturally have taken, if these pressures have not been applied. Abel's blood patiently waited until God vindicated his unfair death in the hand of his brothe