
Showing posts from October, 2021


InSpired I MUST COVER THE NAKEDNESS OF MY PASTOR! My Pastor as used in these articles on THE MAN of THE GOD series refers to the fivefold ministries of Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Evangelists and Pastors and spiritual leaders in smaller units which God has graciously placed under the five major ministry calling. We must know our God is a God of order and one of the way He puts order in the Kingdom is placing the five ministerial calling as Leaders. Now, back to the article for today. " Noah, a man of the soil, proceeded to plant a vineyard. When he drank some of its wine, he became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent. Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father naked and told his two brothers outside. But Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it across their shoulders; then they walked in backward and covered their father’s naked body. Their faces were turned the other way so that they would not see their father naked. When Noah awoke from his wine and found out what his


InSpired WATCHMAN AND THE CHURCH  I felt led to share the Bible provisions on the ministry of Watchmen and it's impact on their Cities/Territories.   Sincerely, I don’t think, I have this ministry, ‘am just a Christian used by the Spirit whenever He does desire, hence this article. In Church history, the scope of divine operations in any generation is greatly enhanced or impeded by the decisions and actions of  the Sons and Daughters of God in that generation.  The church in any generation is always a reflection of the quality of divine Life of the Believers in that generation and not their population or material possessions.  Presently, the ministry of Watchmen is urgently needed in the Church and the nation to prevent the unexpected catastrophes that befall us a nation.   Territories as used in this article does not necessarily connote  geographical locations, they can be professions, places, etc. so your territory may be the Entertainment Industry, yours may be Medical professio


InSpired THEY SINNED! JESUS FORGAVE The two criminals hanged with Jesus The Christ were deserving of the death sentence passed on them.  They were robbers who  had caused many to cry and may have unjustly  terminated the lives of others. But one of them ended up in paradise because of the goodness of Jesus Christ though his lifestyle was deserving of Hell. The Pharisees and some Jews were guilty of Heaven were to reckon their sins against them. They wrongly accused and killed  a man who did tons of good for their community . Jesus Christ healed the sick in their community, raised the dead, fed the hungry, provided wine for their newly wedded when they needed it yet they killed Him. All He did for the 33 years plus in their midst was bring laughter and joy to the grieving. He empowered the poor with the Good news of the Kingdom yet they cried "Crucify Him! John the Baptist was slaughtered and be-headed for speaking the truth about their wrong way of living and they knew they would


InSpired WE NOT ONLY SOW MONEY We don't show kindness to others because they deserve it We show kindness because God commanded it For he who shows kindness shall receive kindness We don't love others because they have loveable traits and character Rather we show love because Christ first loved us We don't give to the poor, widow, so that they can pay us back rather we give to them because God is borrowing from us and He will surely pay back with interest For he who gives to the poor lends to God and God is not a debtor We are not commanded to bless and give to our Pastors, because we have more money than them, Rather we give to them for our sake For if you give to a prophet, you will receive a prophet reward The prophet has the power to bless you and God performs the words of His prophets Everything you do in the kingdom and for God's people boomerangs either good or bad. Its your choice. KINDNESS IS A LANGUAGE, SPEAK IT Giving is a garment, adorn your self in it. TO


InSpired. YOU CAN SAVE NIGERIA! God has invested so much in humanity that makes mankind  ‘gods’ in their own planet and a major determinant of the outcomes of their destiny- each man has the ability to change the course of any action.   You have the potential to sharpen history and carve a customised feat wherever you are located in Nigeria. Remember, the preaching of Jonah turned the wrath of God away from the nation of Ninevah. The prayers of Elijah turned the nation of Israel back to their God, Yahweh. The prayer and preaching of a Christian can change the course of the nation- Nigeria: Your prayers and preaching  the resurrected Christ  in your neighbourhood can turn many hearts to God. Start now and just spare thirty (30) minutes of your twelve- four (24) hours in prayers for Nigeria and the peace of its sovereignty, lift up prayers for the Church of Christ and the continual reign of the purpose of the Father in the affairs and Kingdom  of men. You must know that if every believer


InSpired WHAT IS SOLELY FOR GOD IN THE WORSHIP SERVICE? God, our Father ordained a sacred gathering of His beloveds, His redeemed, His Children on the Earth. They are His portion, the apple of His eyes. He neither sleeps nor slumber because of them. He is ready to give up nations for their sale and rebuke kings to keep them safe. Therefore their gathering is very very important to Him either the Sunday Service, the Prayer meetings, the Teaching meetings and the Crusades  The Child dedication service is most sacred to Him. It is sacred and close to His heart because the next generation is been dedicated to the Almighty. These meetings are important to the Almighty because they gathered in His name and it is a gathering of His beloved. In these meetings, the Believers share God's word to encourage, edify, build up, heal and even rebuke one another. In these meetings, we give offerings and pay their tithes which is used to maintain their place of worship:   Our giving is also used hel


InSpired IT WAS INHERITED YET HE HAD HIS PART TO PLAY! King Solomon inherited a fortune and a covenant. It was bestowed on him; he did not get it by either his righteousness nor his efforts.  Solomon's father King David was a man after God' s heart who prompted the initiation of covenants with King David's Seed that spans into eternity. Our actions and decisions are captured by God, may God help is to take actions that will put us in high esteem in His presence. Our Lord Jesus Christ work on Calvary can be liken to what King David did for his son Solomon. Our Lord Jesus Christ paid the price to bring every spiritual blessings to the life of every Saint who believes in Him as Lord and Saviour. King David got a covenant on behalf of his seed- Psalm 89; he gathered wealth and riches for the building of God' s Temple, he fought every war that is needed to destroyed the nation's enemy -  The Philistines.  God raised Samson to wipe off the Philippines, but he did not suc


InSpired KING SOLOMON OFFERED A THOUSAND BURNT OFFERING!  I participated in a Drama presentation some few years back. In the Drama playlet, a King was seated on  his throne with his chiefs around him and different subjects in his kingdom entered his presence. Each subjects came into his presence with different scenarios in their lives. A man came into His presence complaining that his farm had a very small.harvest. A woman complained about a sick child, and another woman brought a very little farm products as a thanksgiving offering though she had a bountiful harvest. Then a lady came in and right from the gates of the palace started singing the praises of the King with dancing and continued till she got to the presence of the King. She continued on her knees eulogising the King, telling him about his.marvelous acts on the earth and in her life. The King asked her what she wanted and she responded " Nothing, l just come to worship you". In the Drama, the King got up from Hi


InSpired WHEN KING DAVID' TREGRESSED! King David was a man who lived beyond his generation. Deliberately, l used the words 'king David' and ' Man' because he was a man yet he was able to ascend such heights in the Spirit.  If King David did this under the Old Testament, then every believer can do so much more because now The Holy Spirit is within the Believer and not just on the Believer. Please l am not advocating for living a life of sin but for this moment take your mind off the mistakes and sin of King David. King David was a man who knew the heart of The Almighty and used it to his advantage. When he was caught in his sin with Beersheba, he birthed Psalm 51.  King David reaction or remorse was superb , when prophet Nathan came with the message from God about the rich man who confiscated the small treasure of the poor man. When he counted the fighting men and God anger was arouse against Israel, King David display of a contrite heart is commendable. When the


InSpired IT STARTS FROM ONE MAN King David transgressed! Beersheba became disloyal to her covenanted spouse Joab' s.conscience became corrupted He became an accomplice to murder Ahitophel harboured the unforgiveness that led to his death Ammon lost the throne through incest Tamar became a desolate woman all her life Absalom became conceited, kill his brother, disgraced his father, the king and almost terminated his reign All these consequences because a man saw a beautiful woman who was the treasure of another man and sinned against him O LORD, deliver us from the sin that is a web from Satan Oh LORD, deliver us from darkness that takes cover under the shadow of the Light Father, if you don't deliver who can deliver? If you don't deliver, the blood of the innocent will continue to flow through the tunnel of the grave Unless you deliver, our cup of abominations may be filled to overflow And your righteous judgement will have no choice but to strike We would have say deliv


InSpired HOW DO YOU SHOW YOUR LOVE FOR GOD Love is beautiful and feelings of love ethereal, but genuine love is certainly not characterised by only high feelings. I am not married.and may not be an authority on marriage issues but l know that loving someone involves taking certain actions to demonstrate your love for them. Fortunately for me, what l learnt about love is mostly from the love of God for me. I was not somebody given to feelings of love as a teenager. I am from a broken home, a poverty stricken background and l told myself the day a kind relative brought me back to my father. ( This relative had been solely responsible for my upbringing from age 3/5 -l am not sure of the exact age but l know that l was that young)" I said to myself " You must become a graduate and you must not get pregnant out of wedlock.  The first self counsel l gave .myself is " don't go and fall in love and get knock up by pregnancy because that is what was expected of you'. F


InSpired WE MUST START THE CHURCH SERVICE WITH PRAISE AND WORSHIP SESSION! It is expected that every gathering in His name must start with Praise and worship session and this is not wrong in itself, if the session is about HIM and for HIM We must sing Praise and worship songs, for it to be a Christian gathering. God know it's our routine, He expects it, it is our tradition, so He waits as we dance, sing, jump, sweat but our hearts not connecting to him. At least, they are happy in my presence and once they are full of joy , my job as their Joy - Giver is accomplished. It is supposed to be for Him but we enjoy it more that He did. I will enter His gate with Thanksgiving in my heart But the Thanksgiving should not just be on our Lips but must find its way to our heart as well and connect us to Him.  Unless it is from the sincere heart, it cannot get to Him for He is a great King and deserves the BEST from us. God Himself said " This people worship me with their lips but there h


InSpired HOLY HOLY HOLY The Cherubims could never stop singing Holy,Holy,Holy is the Lord God Almighty. It was not just a routinely activity, they do once and then stop They don't need any miracle from Him They are not worshipping for bread or seed Their worship is all about HIM and for HIM They don't take a break for other tasks No, they do it Day and Night and all the time in between of this period.  They were created for it, they were ordained for it, they were designed for it. God delights in it.  The angels created with all kinds of musical instruments for this beautiful honourable task of bringing worship to God without ceasing had the closest access to God,  they could approach the throne because they come with what pleases Him- worship. He is God and does so much for others and enjoys this one thing others can do for Him- offer Sacrifices of Thanksgiving to Him He enjoys it, no wonder Lucifer has access to Him and He used this access against Him He enjoys the praises of


INSpired WORSHIP GOD IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH  The worship of the Almighty, is not about the temple in Jerusalem or the well of Jacob in Samaria. It is a heart worship with the Spirit of God within every believer and ultimately a heart connection with The Almighty who made the Heaves.and The Earth. I remember as a backsliding Christian, l stood at the verandah of the House l stayed and was thinking ' 'who is greater than God. Who created God. If they say God created all things, then who created Him, if we are answerable God, then who is God's Boss. And l tell you at a point, it seemed l was losing my mind. I wanted to know things about God yet l was living a lifestyle that disconnected me from the Holy Spirit within my inner man.  I wanted answers from God with a soul under the control of the Enemy while my spirit housed The Holy Spirit. Iis not enough to pray in tongues and prophecy, your decisions and actions must also be based on The Truth.  God is seeking for worshippers


InSpired WE MUST START THE CHURCH SERVICE WITH PRAISE AND WORSHIP SESSION! It is expected that every gathering in His name must start with Praise and worship session and this is not wrong in itself, if the session is about HIM and for HIM We must sing Praise and worship songs, for it to be a Christian gathering. God know it's our routine, He expects it, it is our tradition, so He waits as we dance, sing, jump, sweat but our hearts not connecting to him. At least, they are happy in my presence and once they are full of joy , my job as their Joy - Giver is accomplished. It is supposed to be for Him but we enjoy it more that He did. I will enter His gate with Thanksgiving in my heart But the Thanksgiving should not just be on our Lips but must find its way to our heart as well and connect us to Him.  Unless it is from the sincere heart, it cannot get to Him for He is a great King and deserves the BEST from us. God Himself said " This people worship me with their lips but there h


InSpired YAHWEH OWNS EVERYTHING God's breathe is in everyman and women in the Universal. . He created them by His breath, and owns them. He is the God of all spirits and the soul of all men belongs to Him.  He only wants men and women to worship Him willingly by accepting Jesus Christ as The LORD and Only Saviour by their own volition. . "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—  for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.  This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.  FOR THERE is ONE GOD and ONE MEDIATOR between GOD and MANKIND, THE MAN CHRIST JESUS, WHO GAVE HIMSELF as a RANDOM FOR ALL PEOPLE.  This has now been witnessed to at the proper time. 1 Timothy 2:1-5 A. L. Hephzibah


InSpired UNITY OF FAITH IS POSSIBLE! It is possible for Believers all over the World to attain Unity of faith. We deliberately said " Believers in Christ' and not "Church denominations in the World'   We know that not everyone who is a tithe paying member of a Church denomination belongs to Christ. The acid test of a disciple of Christ is that you learn from the Spirit of Jesus Christ and obey the World of God. IMPORTANT QUESTION Is Unity  of faith possible among Believers across all Church denominations? Yes, the Bible says so. Jesus Christ, our LORD and the Head of the Body said it in John 17:21-22 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for THOSE WHO WILL BELIEVE in ME through THEIR MESSAGE, that ALL OF THEM MAY be ONE, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.  May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. John 17:20-21 Then Ephesians 4:11-14 shows  this prayer offered to the Father on behalf of Believers in all generations


InSpired THOSE WHO HAVE THE KING'S EAR They are in the Business industry; Political corridor of power; in family households and every sphere of Human endeavours. The king listens to them and they have the privilege of hearing from the King Abraham, Simeon, Deborah, Moses, Daniel, Nathan the prophet, King David, John the beloved, Paul were such men And we have such men and women in every continents on the Earth presently What such men and women had to do was pay attention to the King at all times They must have the interest of the Kingdom at heart Such men do not hope or desire to build an empire in their names They serve at the pleasure of the King and the Kingdom All they do, they do in the Name of the King; They are satisfied to have the King's name and seal on them Reigning with the King and reigning in the Kingdom is their lifelong ambition And that in all they say or do They work to make ONE, the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of Man Just as God the Father and God


ONLY MERCY UNDERSTANDS Moses' Conquences # A stutterer # An Ex- murderer # Former Eyptian Prince Aaron Consequences # An Orator # Popular with the people # Raised by  Parents who are Levites HEAVEN' CHOICE OF A LEADER Moses MOSES'S CHOICE OF A LEADER Aaron  God's ways is entrenched in mysteries and His principles are an attempt to unveil His dealings. You can never put YAHWEH in a box.  Yes , His truths are constant and His principle stable but His operations must be daily unwrapped by His Wisdom and His Holy Spirit  This is why He gave the believer The Holy Spirit . The Holy Spirit is the closest Being to every believer. He is everywhere you are per time. You can leave your car keys at home, forget your ATM at home. But as long as you believe in Jesus Christ, you go everywhere in the Holy Spirit. THE HOLY  SPIRIT IS THE  ONE WHO UNVEILS ALL MYSTERIES 'these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit.  The Spirit SEARCHES ALL THINGS, even THE DEEP THINGS of


InSpired FIGHT WITH ZEAL, BUT WIN BY STRATEGIES God had put strategies in place before the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ to preserve His life and destiny. The Enemy in form of Herod heard that a child of wonder is born. This time around, the information was leaked by the Magi men to Herod but then we must know in this case, it was divine because a prophecy was waiting fulfillment " From Egypt, l have called my son ' When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him. So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt, where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: “Out of Egypt I called my son.”Matthew 2:13-14 We know God can do all things and nothing is impossible for Him to do but God in His infinite wisdom chose


InSpired THE USE OF CLOSE ASSOCIATE. My article tonight is not to promote the works of darkness but it is a reality check and to encourage believers to work on our sensitivity to the voice of the Holy Spirit- who my parents say is the greatest wealth any believer can possess. 1. CAIN & ABEL Cain was used by the Enemy to kill Abel while they were in the field. May God give you a heart that can read men thoughts especially concerning you. It is called discerning and our Lord Jesus has this ability to know the thoughts of men towards him.  The Yoruba has an adage ' They say a person spit out saliva, but spit in blood. If you could read the thoughts of a man.concerning you, then you will know the right actions to take concerning that Issue. IMPORTANT QUESTION 1. Was it God' s plan for Abel to die? ANSWER No, because if it was ordained by God, God would not say ''the blood of your brother crys out' 2. Was Abel, a man who pleased God? ANSWER Yes, because the Bible sa



InSpired A VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION LORD, presently in the Church, some believe that every believer has The Presence of God because the Holy Spirit is inside of us. The Holy.Spirit is the entirety of God and manifests in different capacity and dimensions. He is a Person, a Being, The Almighty Himself, The Spirit of Jesus Christ. *When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory." Ephesians 1:13b-14 He is also.the Spirit who.adopted the believer and made us sons.and daughters of the Most High. Romans 8:14-15 He is the power of God that gives spiritual gift to the believer . Acts 1:8, I Cor. 12 He is the Spirit that is responsible for resurrection of the dead. Romans 8:11 He is the seal on the believer that shows God's owner.  But He is also the Presence of the Most High. God works by His angels. But when God manifested


InSpired WE MUST WALK IN CHRIST WAY ONCE AGAIN  "You have said, ‘I know you by name and you have found favor with me.’  If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you.  Remember that this nation is your people.” GEN 33 God teaches a man His Way when He is pleased with such and wants to help the man remain in His love.  We must walk in His way to establish His Kingdom on Earth. Our LORD and Master was rightly called THE WAY.... There is a highway of Holiness we must walk in, it is the meaning of the phrase ' Be Holy as l am Holy" We are created and formed into His likeness therefore no man can be our Stardard.. There are no favourite sons and daughters; there are just sons and daughters who have found mercy and that pleases God. None qualifies for His Glory, Jesus Christ, our LORD paid the ultimate price, therefore we receive ALL at His merit and expenses. Jesus Christ our LORD deserves all worship forever, it is an


InSpired SENSITIVITY AND ITS IMPORTANT- A STUDY OF ITS ROLE IN THE LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD  My Father in the Lord in His Book 'Sensitivity To The Holy Spirit' said "The ruling word in the Kingdom of God is 'sensitivity' on your journey, ...some will be educated and some will be smart but when you step on the Kingdom road for a journey , the ruling word is sensitivity' (Enhancing Your Sensitivity To The Holy Spirit by Rev. Olusola A. Areogun, ( Abundant Life House c. 2015) Sensitivity is the major key for a life in the Spirit. Spiritual sensitivity is very important in our walk with God.  The Bible says man must not live by bread alone- our progress in life, career and ministry depends on hearing and getting accurate information from our Father and executing it on earth. Our Father is Omnipresence, Omniscient and Omnipotent and we share in all these attributes of God via His Holy Spirit within our spirits. I Cor. 2. Our Lord Jesus said the Holy Spirit wi


THE SCRIPT ADAM He was named Adam and looked like the Almighty because he was created in His image and likeness.  He fellowshipped with God directly but distrust robbed him of that relationship. But see, THE HOPE OF THE WORLD gave him a fresh start through his descendants. The first Adam brought death, the last Adam, JESUS CHRIST brought Eternal life. EVE She was so beautiful that the man that is not naturally inclined to feelings exclaimed with excitement " Bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. She had everything, a husband who loved her, the Presence that angels.craved to have continually. But momentarily, she took her eyes off the Bigger picture; she allowed herself to be deceived by what she saw and Eden ( The Presence was stolen from her) Pain, grief and servitude was introduced to her pilgrim. But Behold, through her Seed called Mary, the Saviour and LORD was begotten on earth. She was saved by the HOPE OF THE WORLD, JESUS CHRIST ABEL He was murdered though he offered


InSpired THE MAN NOT FOUND ON EARTH BUT FOUND IN GOD There is something beautiful and worth mentioning about the Saint called Enoch. The Bible named Enoch as a man of faith who walked with and whose walk was pleasing to God. Hebrews 11:6 The Bible did not mentioned if Enoch heal any man like Elisah did, raised the dead as Elijah did. Enoch did not fight any battle as Moses, Joshua, David did yet he was a man whose lifestyle pleased the LORD so well that HE WALKED WITH GOD IN UNBROKEN FELLOWSHIP FOR 300 YEARS and did not experienced death though it is appointed to all men to die. We must by the grace and help of God discover what God has called you to do and stay put at your duty post even if it is not popular and glamorous.  Truly sons live the bidding of the Father even if it means death on a cross like our Saviour Jesus Christ. Death does not mean martyrdom but it may mean death to self and self ambition. In these 300 years, God showed him secrets of the Kingdom that happened

Demonic middle men

InSpired  DEMONIC MIDDLE MEN Demonic middle men and women are people involved in the sales of the souls The souls of men is their commodity and they have sales agent scattered all over the globe. I heard that some secular musicians are required to sell their souls to Satan for fame and popularity. There are Sales men/women in banking hall, shopping mall, political corridor of power, schools- secondary, primary and tertiary; entertainment industry, in the market place and now in the pews and pulpit of some churches. The institution of demonic middle men and women has been modernised and does not need the visits to demonic evil herbalist ( we have to use demonic evil herbalist because we are in the era of Herbal mixtures and drugs.which may have no ties to the devil in anyway) Presently, we have established, structured and organised cults in Schools whereby girls and boys are initiated and sex orgies are the ritual for initiation.  Some political office are offered on the platf


InSpired THE SPIRITUAL MIDDLE MEN/WOMEN SERIES IT STARTED AS A PARTNERSHIP God said in Genesis 1;26 " let's make man in our own image.... It started with Adam and Eve They were not Middle men ( This is gender inclusive of male and female) They were His partners, He gave them the Earth as a Gift and ordained them to have dominion and reign just as The God-Head have dominion and reigns forever in Heaven Adam and Eve were supposed to be an extension of the Almighty They were created by The WORD OF GOD-JESUS CHRIST ( Gen. 1:3,6,9,11,14, 20,24 26, John 1:1-3, Luke 1:28, 29, Rev. 19:13). It was a partnership of " Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Therefore when Adam was naming the animals, it was the Breathe of God within him that was inspiring him. It was the Almighty through His Holy Spirit giving names to those animals through Adam. Although the angels saw Adam but it was The Holy Spirit speaking through Adam in giving specific names to each animal. "Now


THE LANGUAGE OF KINDNESS IS UNIVERSAL In the nineties, there was a comedy aired on NTA Channel 5 called MIND YR LANGUAGE.  adult students of the school portrayed ib tgevtv drama were from different nations and language was a problem in the class. Whenever any student want chaos Ib the class, he spoken his language which others don't understand. Kindness is a universal language understood by many  Its an unspoken language but easily interpreted. Its the best weapon to break language and ethnic barrier. The most unlovable person is brought to tears by it power. It is not limited by age or status Its embraced by all class in the society It has the power to heal the deepest wound And dry up completely the gravest sore Looking out for the good if another is the easiest way to witness Christ to a world Where love is coated with self interest or selfishness for a better word I am in love with you is another way of thinking about one thousand ways the object of your love can serve yo


InSpired JESUS IS REAL A woman was just informed that her beloved husband involved in a ghastly accident with two other men, which she survived is dead. She was sitting on the roadside by the scene of the accident after good Samaritans at the scene helped her out of the car. There was blood stains on her clothing but no visible signs that she was hurt in anyway. One of the paramedics who came to help told her quietly  'Madam, take heart, you are the only survival in that car" he put his hand on her back gently  ' others did not make it.' he attempted to bring her comfort in his quiet words. The woman on hearing this sad news went down on her knees screaming inaudible words, then profuse tears flow down her face  Then in the midst of the tears, she started whispering 'Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.....' A crowd had gathered around the three men laid by the roads, shaking their heads. One lady could be heard saying " You see" She pointed at the men on


InSpired JESUS IS NOT ONCE IN A LIFE TIME DRINK (Episode 2) Eventually, the brother was not fit to continue with his job. The ready questions that arise from this incident is - The brother is a Christian- why should the instruments of the wicked work against him?' My answer is -God promised no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper but you must believe in this truth before it can work for you.  Any promise in the Bible is powerful but remains inactive in your life until you activate it by faith and start making confession by the same faith.  I have learnt that when the Enemy wants to wage a major attack against a believer; they would first attack his prayer life and fellowship with God.  They may go further to isolate him spiritually, then introduce elements of fear into his circumstances that would cause negative confessions.  Negative confession will always give the Enemy of the Human Soul legal ground to attack a believer. A man is ensnared by every idle word. A battle is