
Showing posts from February, 2022


InSpired ONCE DELIVERED, FOREVER DELIVERED  A CASE OF RETURNING DEMONS  We establish in our previous article that demons are originally fallen angels who rebelled against God's order and were cast into Abyss as punishnmnet for their rebellion. WITNESSES IN THE BIBLE FOR THE ABOVE TRUTH NUMBER ONE WITNESS "And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time. Revelations 20:1-5 NUMBER TWO WITNESS   Apostle Peter said in  2. Peter's 2:4-6 "For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; And spared not the old worl


InSpired MOCKING A FALLEN MAN. The account of Noah and his son- Ham is a good example of how to react when a man is in a state of seeming failure. Ham walked in on Noah' nakedness, (moment of shame for Noah) and announced it to others instead of covering it up.  Genesis 9:20-2 Life is a journey and in its paths some slippery routes that can make a man fail  Some men plan to fail by doing nothing positive about their destiny, they believe its solely God' responsibility and passively eat any meal life dishes to them.  Some work at their purpose and yet experience failure at one level or the other; another group fail by falling into the traps of the enemy while serving purpose. One unchangeable virtue of our heavenly Father and our master Jesus Christ is that He understands our gentle frame and is ever ready with mercy to help in times of need. Noah planted a vineyard as commanded by God, his vineyard was fruitful as blessed by God but he used his fruitful vineyard to p

How to keep your healing

InSpired HOW TO KEEP YOUR HEALING Our God is awesome The God who reigns from heaven above With wisdom, love and power Our God is an awesome God. This song is appropriate to describe the Father of our LORD Jesus and now our Everlasting Father for His benevolence, wisdom and mercies. God is the only BEING, who gives all His blessings in Christ without any attachment but the condition of Believe in Jesus Christ and every spiritual blessings is yours.  Men and women who worship Satan usually lose all they receive from him when they rebel against him. But Our God does not give and take back: The Word of God says ' God's gifts and calling is without repentance.   When some angels fall away from the presence of God through rebellion and became fallen angels, they were not striped of their abilities.and powers. A fallen angel who could perform signs and wonders when in the service of God can still perform signs and wonders now in the Kingdom and service of Satan. A fallen angel who ha


InSpired CHARACTERS AROUND THE CROSS JESUS CHRIST "Then they spit in his face and struck him with their fists. Others slapped him and said, “Prophesy to us, Messiah. Who hit you?”  This was done to Jesus Christ but He continued with His vision of going to the Cross to die for the World,  for He was fully persuaded in the Love of the Father for the unsaved World. "Then the governor’s soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium and gathered the whole company of soldiers around him. They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand. Then they knelt in front of him and mocked him. “Hail, king of the Jews!” they said. They spit on him, and took the staff and struck him on the head again and again. After they had mocked him, they took off the robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him away to crucify him. The Bible says Christ endured the Cross because of the joy of Eternal


InSpired CHARACTERS AROUND THE CROSS JESUS CHRIST "Then they spit in his face and struck him with their fists. Others slapped him and said, “Prophesy to us, Messiah. Who hit you?”  This was done to Jesus Christ but He continued with His vision of going to the Cross to die for the World,  for He was fully persuaded in the Love of the Father for the unsaved World. "Then the governor’s soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium and gathered the whole company of soldiers around him. They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand. Then they knelt in front of him and mocked him. “Hail, king of the Jews!” they said. They spit on him, and took the staff and struck him on the head again and again. After they had mocked him, they took off the robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him away to crucify him. The Bible says Christ endured the Cross because of the joy of Eternal


InSpired CHARACTERS AROUND THE CROSS PETER "Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken: “Before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.” And he went outside and wept bitterly.' Matthew 26 The Almighty in His wisdom has made it almost impossible for any believer to fall away from His love and kindnesses. "The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us" Psalm 103 The truth is that everything received in the Kingdom is received by grace. He has made provision for our mistakes and shortcomings as shown in 1John 1:9. So if anyone falls away from His grace and love, we must be so sure that God had done His best


InSpired CHARACTERS AROUND THE CROSS JESUS CHRIST "Then they spit in his face and struck him with their fists. Others slapped him and said, “Prophesy to us, Messiah. Who hit you?”  This was done to Jesus Christ but He continued with His vision of going to the Cross to die for the World,  for He was fully persuaded in the Love of the Father for the unsaved World. "Then the governor’s soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium and gathered the whole company of soldiers around him. They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand. Then they knelt in front of him and mocked him. “Hail, king of the Jews!” they said. They spit on him, and took the staff and struck him on the head again and again. After they had mocked him, they took off the robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him away to crucify him. The Bible says Christ endured the Cross because of the joy of Eternal


INSPIRED NOT MY WILL Happy Sunday, l pray this new week and month is filled with awesome testimonies in Jesus name. The Christian walk and lifestyle is fashioned for progress and stagnancy a curse for  every believer.  Man is designed for progress and increase" Be fruitful, multiply...  God commanded increase for every man born of a woman. In same manner, our walk with God must not be on the same level,  year after year, as we increase in our finance, career and business, our spiritual walk and work must also progress.  2 Peter 1:5-7 "For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love".  God expects you to grow spiritually; get to know Him more and one of the ways you can attain this is contained in Luke 9:23 " Then He said to all, anyone who wants to follo


InSpired CHARACTERS AROUND THE CROSS  JUDAS: HE LOVED MONEY MORE! Judas Iscariot was ordained and chosen for greatness. The Bible says 'many are called few are chosen, he was honoured to be called and chosen to be one of the twelve disciples of The Christ.  He had the rare privilege of meeting Jesus in person, he was chosen to be a part of the inner circle of Christ ( The 12 Disciples). He was at a level higher than the 72, 120, he was among the 12, two steps away from been the closest to the Christ.  He was also the Treasurer for the ministry of The Christ; ordained for eternal excellence:  "The wall of the City had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb." Rev 21:14.  But offence robbed him of all these predestined glory and honour. Matthew 26:8-14, John 12:1-7 He had been stealing from the purse of the Ministry of Christ, he had access to all the money he wanted.   He had no excuse to betray Christ, he was the disciple in c


Esau was ordained for greatness in generations . By reason of his position as the firstborn, his name was designed for eternity honour - a reference name for posterity. " The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Esau should have been the order of the day.  God also said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers —the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob —has sent me to you.’ “This is my name forever, the name you shall call me from generation to generation. Exodus 3:15  if he had made the right choice, taken the right decision and of course the right action to enter the prophecy for His glorious destiny, he would have been celebrated generation to generation. He was supposed to be a part of the name of Yahweh forever " the God of Abraham, Isaac and probably Esau because the birthright blessings would had made him an eternal excellence but he was not because of a momentarily weakness, an unguarded moment of wrong priority,


InSpired WHY SHOULD YOU ENJOY GOOD HEALTH AS A BELIEVER? Exodus 15:26 shows that men and women without Christ in their heart and eternal life in their Spirit are ordained to have diseases and sicknesses.  Disease and sickness are recorded in Deut 28 and Leviticus 26 as the consequences of living a life of disobedient to God and His Way. Rebellion and disobedience will always open a believer up to the same consequenes  men/women without Christ suffers but the Bible says for the Believer in Christ; JESUS BORE ALL YOUR INFIRMITIES- HE PAID IT ALL.. In the Old Testament  God said and promised He will remove sickness from among you.  HOW?  God promised to remove sickness among His children by healing all their diseases ( Psalm 103) and not allowing the diseases that plagued the world to come near their tent. But the Old Testament  is an imperfect  shadow of the perfection of God in the New Testament.  After our LORD and SAVIOUR died for the sins of mankind and removed our sin and it's c


InSpired YOU ARE MIGHTY BUT DO YOU HAVE MIGHTY MEN? "These are the names of David’s mighty warriors: Josheb-Basshebeth, a Tahkemonite, was chief of the Three; he raised his spear against eight hundred men, whom he killed in one encounter. Next to him was Eleazar son of Dodai the Ahohite. As one of the three mighty warriors, he was with David when they taunted the Philistines gathered at Pas Dammim for battle. Then the Israelites retreated, but Eleazar stood his ground and struck down the Philistines till his hand grew tired and froze to the sword. The Lord brought about a great victory that day. The troops returned to Eleazar, but only to strip the dead...... 2 Sam. 23:8-20 How weary it would have been if it was only King David that fought the Philistines? How mystic, it would have been if the warrior anointing was only on King David and the men who surrounded him viewed him as a special god; made specially by God and dropped from heaven. Because no one in King David group could


InSpired HOW TO LIVE A LIFE FREE OF SICKNESS "Healing is the Children's bread" is the statement of our LORD Jesus to the Gentile woman who desire deliverance for her daughter.  While disease and sickness is normal for unbelievers, it is abnormal for the Believer because you inheirted spiritual blessings that includes divine health by faith in The Christ Disease and sickness are a thief of a man's strength and attempt to cut short the number of his days on Earth. It reduces the time allocated for your divine purpose and assignment. Jesus Christ, The LORD died at age 33 because He finished His divine earthly mandate at that age. The benevolent and merciful Father promised every Child of His; long life and sound health. In Psalm 91:16, The Father promised to satisfy you with long life; while Psalm 103 :4 shows the promise of God to heal all your diseases. You must know and believe that 'divine healing' (as beautiful as it sound) is not the perfect will of God


SAMSON, THE LONE WARRIOR'! A SONG Our Father, who art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name....... The Almighty, our Father is a God of CONTINUITY. He is called THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, THE GOD OF ISAAC AND THE GOD OF JACOB. God raise and anoints men and women so that they can train and mentor believers who will stand for Christ Jesus in their generation.  Then they will correctly and successfully pass the Light to the next generation.  While King David successfully raised other mighty men through the Warrior anointing given to him and defeated the Enemy of God's people- The Philistines. Samson was given the same warrior's anointing , but he did not raised other men like himself and did not wipe out the Philistines as God ordained. A David had to be raised in another generation to carry out the unfinished assignment of Samson. Sincerely, a World without the love and care of the Almighty demonstrated through the Gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ will be a place of cruelty and wickedness.


INSPIRED HE DESERVES YR PRAISES. The lyric of a popular christian song summaries what our attitude should be every new morning. Song Whenever l see another breaking of the day I say thank you Lord. 2x Sincerely, the LORD, our God is mighty. He is faithful, He is a responsible Father, He is compassionate, kind, caring and deserves our praises. These are not just praise cliches, they are testimonies of what our caring  Jehovah do in our lives every moment. Do you know that if God is not on your side Your enemies would have devour you. Your home would have been burgled Your daughters and sons raped Your cars stolen Your money stolen from the bank by Yahoo plus scheme And so many other wickedness that the enemy plots against you. But we have a Father Almighty Father, who is King of kings, Lord of lords We have a Father, who sleep not  and your safety is His concern 24/7. So please as you go to bed tonight PAUSE and deliberately thank Him for His faithfulness and kindness to you. Lift your


INSPIRED HE DESERVES YR PRAISES. The lyric of a popular christian song summaries what our attitude should be every new morning. Song Whenever l see another breaking of the day I say thank you Lord. 2x Sincerely, the LORD, our God is mighty. He is faithful, He is a responsible Father, He is compassionate, kind, caring and deserves our praises. These are not just praise cliches, they are testimonies of what our caring  Jehovah do in our lives every moment. Do you know that if God is not on your side Your enemies would have devour you. Your home would have been burgled Your daughters and sons raped Your cars stolen Your money stolen from the bank by Yahoo plus scheme And so many other wickedness that the enemy plots against you. But we have a Father Almighty Father, who is King of kings, Lord of lords We have a Father, who sleep not  and your safety is His concern 24/7. So please as you go to bed tonight PAUSE and deliberately thank Him for His faithfulness and kindness to you. Lift your


InSpired EXPLOITS IN LIFE DETERMINED BY YOUR REVELATION. Our LORD Jesus is given various titles in the New and Old Testament in respect of His person . He was not fully  unveiled  in the Old Testament as the Son of Man who is The Saviour but the Old Testament is filled with the Revelations of His office. OLD TESTAMENT APPEARANCES The Old Testament unfolded  that Jesus Christ was operational in the Heaven and on earth before He was born as Son of Man on earth.  Every Believer has a divine  purpose  connected to their New creation life on earth. The Book of Romans 8 says ' For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son.( Romans 8;29) The Prophet and Administrator;  Daniel was given an heavenly vision wherein he saw Jesus Christ; The Son of Man in heaven. (Daniel 7)   Jesus Christ  will be the third man who walked with Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego in the furnace of fire. ( Though l have not found any  Bible passage buttress this point) Jesus Chri


InSpired HE IS ETERNITY! What will eternity look like ? Do not know, excerpt what the Bible have to say about it.  What will Heaven look like in eternity, do not know excerpt that Heaven is the seat of the Most loving Father, Creator, King, Saviour, Comforter, Judge, the Eternity who dwells in Eternity, who owns Eternity, and knows Eternity and  His eternal Spirit who dwells in every believer.  We  desire Heaven, not because it Streets are lined with gold. We want Heaven,  not because in it there are no sicknesses, no diseases, no failures, unlimited joy, etc  For we know once we believe in Christ Jesus as Lord and Saviour and  fellowship with His Eternal Spirit all these blessings are ours: Redemption gave them to us on the ticket of Christ our Lord and Saviour  We want eternity because God is Eternity who dwells in Eternity and owns Eternity...  Jesus Christ, our Saviour said   Eternal Life is to know God and believe in Christ Jesus. The greatest asset a believer has on earth is a lo


InSpired KINDNESS: AN ELEMENT OF A HUSBAND'S LOVE FOR HIS WIFE (PART ONE) Kindness is a love language; it has a voice that can be heard in the saddest heart and the most chaotic mind. A man must learn to use it for his wife and children.  Women have huge capacity to care for others- God configured the female specie in such a way that a emotion encircles her heart and decision. While a male is calculating on what benefits he will get from a particular relationship, a woman is moved by how the relationship makes her feel.  High feelings is an indicator of rightness for her while low feelings is a red light that signifies ' Don't come any further' Genuine Kindness void of manipulative tendencies will unlock this depth of rich feelings within the woman. Christ though God demonstrated kindness to the people around Him especially his disciples in various instances. 1. He prepared a meal for the disciples when he appeared to them after his resurrection.  Surely, at this poin


InSpired ARE YOU KIND TO YOUR WIFE? ( PART TWO) Life is tough on its own and the Christian home is one of the major succour put in place by God to comfort the weary soul. We can put on make-up in the public and talk confidently with a bold stance but before your husband, you should be able to let go and let the tears flow when you are a bit down. You should feel free to say ' darling, l don't understand, l need help' and you will not feel ashamed that your husband would say  " You should have grown past this and be strong because you have Jesus in your heart.'  The best of us need a cuddle now and then when the wind.of trials blow across our shore. This was the case of Hannah and her husband Elkannah. Hannah' s heart was filled with tears, a smile hidden behind the clouds of doubt and scorn from the second wife with children Her husband could not understand her grief and sadness yet he was kind enough to give her double portion ojust to show his love for her..


InSpired ALL POWER BELONGS TO CHRIST There are powers operational on earth presently These Powers originated from God These 'Mights' belong to Him; but The Almighty shared it with other Creatures He freely gave His awesome strength to both visible and Invisible Beings Angels and fallen Angels Messengers of Light and Messengers of Darknesse Men and women alike They all got their power, strength and mighty from Yahweh,  The most Mighty of all; the strongest in the earthly realm and heavenly realms The Holy Scriptures rightly says  God made His angels flamed of 🔥 fire To represent Him who dwells in impenetrable Rivers of fire Jehovah shared an attribute of Himself with His creatures Because He is The Strongest and the Most Mighty But He is also generous, compassionate and kind -hearted; filled and overflowing with unfailing love We hail The King of Kings who created all things For Colossians 1:15 rightly says The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all crea


INSPIRED MORE OF CHRIST The lyrics of the song "More" by Lawrence Flower is an inspiration.  " Oh the worshipper in me wants to be free' Everyman is created for worship Everyman is fashioned for intimacy  Everyman is configured for fellowship Everyman is ordained to worship The Creator. But there are cares of life that weigh us down from giving Him more: Giving our best to God our Father. The worshipper in us must be consistent. We must rise in the morning worshipping Him We must retreat to sleep singing His praise Our souls are designed to seek for more of Him; more love , more grace,  more wisdom, more prosperity, more service, more dedication, more obedience; More of Him, till we breath our last in Him. Nothing else can satisfy Money can give the best brand of clothing, shoes, gold and other precious stones It can give you chicken inserted in the best sauce cooked by world renowned Chefs But Its pleasure is momentarily. The most expensive car can excite the bo


INSPIRED MORE OF CHRIST The lyrics of the song "More" by Lawrence Flower is an inspiration.  " Oh the worshipper in me wants to be free' Everyman is created for worship Everyman is fashioned for intimacy  Everyman is configured for fellowship Everyman is ordained to worship The Creator. But there are cares of life that weigh us down from giving Him more: Giving our best to God our Father. The worshipper in us must be consistent. We must rise in the morning worshipping Him We must retreat to sleep singing His praise Our souls are designed to seek for more of Him; more love , more grace,  more wisdom, more prosperity, more service, more dedication, more obedience; More of Him, till we breath our last in Him. Nothing else can satisfy Money can give the best brand of clothing, shoes, gold and other precious stones It can give you chicken inserted in the best sauce cooked by world renowned Chefs But Its pleasure is momentarily. The most expensive car can excite the bo


InSpired CHRISTIAN HUSBAND!- UNLESS YOU LOVE YOUR WIFE AS CHRIST ...... The institution of Marriage is  ordained by God and can only be sustained by His wisdom and power. It's a mystery and only the God who created it can help you understand it. No fallen man can truly love another person especially his wife as Christ loves the Church without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit: For the average man is first concern about himself and his interest before he considers others. Our LORD and Saviour informed the disciples to tarry in Jerusalem until they are ensued with power from on high, then they can be Christ  witness to the World. The Christian marriage is crystallized by God to be a witness of God's love and authority to people who do not believe in His Son Jesus Christ. The Bible says 'for God so loved the World, your union is the first institution used by God  for the full expression of His Love. It is God's desire that His ove demonstrated in your family in its true v


Lord, my heart cries out Glory to the King My greatest love in life I hand You everything Glory, glory I hear the Angels sing Open my ears Let me hear Your voice To know that sweet sound Oh my soul rejoice Glory, glory I hear the Angels sing You're the Father to the fatherless The answer to my dreams I see You crowned in righteousness We cry glory to the King Comforter to the lonely The Lifter of my head I see You veiled in majesty We cry glory, glory We cry glory to the King We cry glory, glory We cry glory to the King Lord, my heart cries out Glory to the King My greatest love in life I hand You everything Glory, glory I hear the Angels sing Open my ears Let me hear your voice To know that sweet sound Oh my soul rejoice Glory, glory I hear the Angels sing You're the Father to the fatherless The answer to my dreams I see You crowned in righteousness We cry glory to the King Comforter to the lonely The Lifter of my head I see You veiled in majesty We cry glory, glory (glory) We


InSpired LOVE IN MARRAIGE CAN GROW. Jacob made love to Rachel also, and his love for Rachel was greater than his love for Leah. And he worked for Laban another seven years. Growth is common in every are of living. You grow in age, in stature,. You increase financially, mental strength whic are all different dimensions of growth. But Bible reveals that a man love can grow which means it can also decrease. 


InSpired # TIP ONE DO ALL WITHIN YOUR POWER TO MAKE YOUR SPOUSE HAPPY Some few years back, I got some quotations from a Christian book which outlined the qualities of a perfect help- meet.  Hearing the phrase perfect help Meet, I knw your mind is already carrying placard and protesting " there is no perfect help-meet anywhere"  Please permit, my unsual reasoning for the purpose of this write-up. My definition of 'perfect help-meet'  in this context is  good, the best Help-meet a man can have. This Book says a perfect Help-meet is a lady who does the following to her partner: 1. Shares his hopes, dreams and bear his hurts and frustrations. ( I replied in my heart- the woman na him 'Paid Shrink') 2. Brings him before God's throne in prayer every day) 3.  Put his sexual and emotional needs ahead  of hers ( I thought, woman dey enter oooo) 4.   Enable him become all God wants him to be and accomplish God's purpose 5. Have dinner ready whn he gets home 6. E


InSpired # TIP ONE DO ALL WITHIN YOUR POWER TO MAKE YOUR SPOUSE HAPPY Some few years back, I got some quotations from a Christian book which outlined the qualities of a perfect help- meet.  Hearing the phrase perfect help Meet, I knw your mind is already carrying placard and protesting " there is no perfect help-meet anywhere"  Please permit, my unsual reasoning for the purpose of this write-up. My definition of 'perfect help-meet'  in this context is  good, the best Help-meet a man can have. This Book says a perfect Help-meet is a lady who does the following to her partner: 1. Shares his hopes, dreams and bear his hurts and frustrations. ( I replied in my heart- the woman na him 'Paid Shrink') 2. Brings him before God's throne in prayer every day) 3.  Put his sexual and emotional needs ahead  of hers ( I thought, woman dey enter oooo) 4.   Enable him become all God wants him to be and accomplish God's purpose 5. Have dinner ready whn he gets home 6. E


InSpired HAPPINESS AND JOY,  BOTH ARE NECESSARY……. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit and spontaneous while happiness on the other hand is dependent on certain factors and conditions.  Happiness  is defined as a state of utmost bliss, an emotion evoked by well being, success or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires:  While joy is a fruit of the Spirit, a gift from the Almighty and is available to any believer when it is needed, happiness on the other is a fruit of the soul which is dependent on positive feelings.  Both joy and happiness is needed in the Christian home.“And Zilpah Leah's maid bare Jacob a second son.  And Leah said, Happy am I, for the daughters will call me blessed: and she called his name Asher.” (Genesis 30:12-13 KJV). Leah was happy because her servant bore a second son for her husband. This high positive feeling was dependent on her desires been fulfilled.  In the case of Paul and Silas, they had no reason for high excited feelings, yet they