
Showing posts from May, 2020


InSpired THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DOUBT AND UNBELIEF The God of our LORD Jesus.Christ is called the Way.Maker and Promise Keeper by a world renown Iyric. But some believer and the large do not believe that He is a promise keeper and that His Word who is contained in the Bible will be fulfilled as promised. Eve lost her place in God and sold her descendants to the Eny.because of unbelief. It was not a lack of faith that made brought Adam and Eve under the power of Datan, it was a case of unbelief- they did not accept as the absolute truth that God will do what he says he will do. Unbelief is an attack on the integrity of God, it is saying " God is not who He claims to be. It is different from doubt which  is been unsure of the outcome of a matter. God told Adam ' the day you eat of the fruit of the garden you will die. Satan told Eve " if you eat the fruit of the garden you will not die rather you will become like God knowing good and evil. What Satan said was not a

True witnes for Yahweh

God's desire and plan is for every man and woman to come to the saving knowledge of The LORD Jesus Christ. And He uses Believers in Christ to spread the fragrance of His Love to the heathen World Jesus Christ our LORD says ' You are the LiGHT of the Earth and the salt of the World. The World needs the revelations every believer receives from The Word until f God and the Holy Spirit to navigate the course of Humanity. The major reasons for the China's, confusion, untimely day and confusion of Leaders of nation is because Believers whose life all gns wit the Word of God and the Holy Spirit are not occupying strategic  and influencing positions in the Economic, Political, Technology etc. It's is time we arise as Christians and experience Ephesians 3:17-19 "That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Ch


InSpired TRUE WITNESS (Part Three (3)) THE ENEMY SET A TRAP FOR DANIEL " Then King Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face, prostrate before Daniel and commanded that they should present an offering and incense to him" Daniel 2:46 "In Lystra there sat a man who was lame. He had been that way from birth and had never walked. He listened to Paul as he was speaking. Paul looked directly at him, saw that he had faith to be healed and called out, “Stand up on your feet!” At that, the man jumped up and began to walk.  When the crowd saw what Paul had done, they shouted in the Lycaonian language, “The gods have come down to us in human form!” Barnabas they called Zeus, and Paul they called Hermes because he was the chief speaker.  The priest of Zeus, whose temple was just outside the city, brought bulls and wreaths to the city gates because he and the crowd wanted to offer sacrifices to them.  But when the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard of this, they tore their clothes and rushed out


InSpired YOUR STOMACH OR HIS  POWER In general, Life and circumstances will test your persuasion in every biblical truth you have embraced.  Either you bargain for it or not, this test will surely come if you have received Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Our LORD Jesus was not left out for He sat for  His first semester examination in 'The School of Conviction of Bible Truths'; when the Enemy came to test His understanding and persuasion of Bible Truths. In Matthew 4:1 "Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil...... THE SPIRIT LED HIM Jesus Christ is our perfect example, and we must learn to follow any man as long as they follow Christ. And if the Holy Spirit led Christ - (The WORD, John 1:1-2) to the wilderness to be tested by Satan; the Enemy will certainly examine your understanding  and convictions of Bible Truths. Satan is a master of deception, subtility and lies and He will use it against all. He will always attack the Saints


InSpired EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS IN GOD'S WAY. No BELIEVER in Christ is ordained for mediocrity in Life and destiny. We serve an extraordinary God and you truly reflect God, your Father when  YOU attain exceptional success in Career, Ministry and Family Life etc. There are rules and regulations governing every field of endeavour in Life.  Just as an Athlete fight for a price by obeying the rules governing his type of sport, Believers too must acquired the necessary wisdom and skills for extradinary achievements in the Kingdom. God plan and purpose is that Believers occupy strategic positions in the Society.  Children of God are gifted and anointed to become major Pioneers, Policy makers and influencers in Politics, Technology, Science, Economic and Finance etc.  It is the Will of Jesus Christ  that The Church ( the Body of Christ) have tangible representatives in the main stream of Society where decisions are made concerning issues that affects Humanity  Daniel and his three friends 
“Listen then to what the parable of the sower means: When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart. This is the seed sown along the path


InSpired I CHOSE TO BE HAPPY Happiness is a choice Remaining Happy is an aspect of Joy It is high excited feelings induced by a positive environment and circumstances But when You Chose to be Happy when the circumstances has lost its dance And the voice of the situation is gloomy It is way of saying  ' Listen Circumstances! You will not Rob me of Health and Vitality I refuse to release the steering of my heart and feelings to you I will not permit you to dump your flood of bitterness in my restored Soul The Most High dwells within your walls Oh, my Soul For My Redeemer,  Jesus Christ is your everlasting Friend The Holy Spirit comforting and soothing balm and fragrance flows into you as the River  of Joy I chose to be Happy Paul and Silas sang when the prison wanted to steal their Song Happiness!, Oh Happiness! It is a CHOICE Because if you choose to be sad You have nothing to gain from your Sorrow For Sorrow rips the fabric of Serenity in your Soul And cloth the Rays of Sunshine wi


InSpired BECOME THE BEST "ME' Persuasion! Persuasion! Persuasion! Oh teach me your ways And please equip me with your skills Fill me with your knowledge and wisdom So l may become what l always wanted to be:  A radiance of Christ Jesus, My King of kings! My faith cannot produce its maximum effects Unless you wrap me tightly in your grasp And teach me not to  give up too soon and quit my dreams Wisdom! Wisdom! Wisdom! Please,  Be  by my side Beating your  melodious drums YOU CAN MAKE IT IF ONLY YOU DON:T QUIT YOU CAN REACH THE FINISHING LINE OF YOUR DREAMS IF ONLY YOU SEE IT CLEARLY With the Shout of  Grace! Grace! Grace! It was all done by Christ Grace Persuasion Persuasion Persuasion Strengthen me by your kind and strong convictions Let not the Enemy steal the Seed of Christ Word from my Heart Let not Persecution rob me of the wealth in The Word of Life Please Ooooh, Cares of Life,  Keep Away :Don't come near I carry Precious Seeds of God's Promises And they must Brin


InSpired ARE YOU A TRUE WITNESS? ( Part 1) A man was standing by the main road of Oyemekun/Adesida Road in Akure  when a Toyota Camry Car and a RAVA (4) Sporty Car had a collision. When the Police came and asked the two car owners who is the witness to their sides of the story, they pointed at the man standing by the road side.   The man quickly lifted both hands above his head and said " Truly, l was standing at the scene of the accident but l was engrossed in my phone and did not observed the details of the collision:  This man was physically present at the scene of the accident, but he was not a true witness. Every Believer is ordained to be a true witness, we should not just attend Church services but we must experience the love of Christ and see and handle His power and be able to share our testimony with our neighbours, colleagues, relatives etc.   "There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through


INSPIRED CHRIST NEEDS YOUR HELP Few years back, I wrote about the power of your faith Which is the power or ability to bring into existence anything, you think and expect  to happen Your faith is a powerful tool for world evangelism which is the heart beat of Christ  You can wake up. Daily expecting the following to happen You can pray, have the assurance and confess that that popular musician who does not know Christ will be saved and use his voice and impact to draw men to Christ You can pray and believe God that  church leaders who do not honour Christ in their actions and decisions will repent and become true witness for Christ You can confess and believe that God will rule and reign in the affairs of Syria and put an end to the brutal killing of believers in this land As long as anyman believes in Christ and obey Him, they are your brother, so it's your duty to pray and desire the best for them. Please will you help Christ today Your faith in Him can do much for others Others


InSpired COMPONEMTS OF SPIRITUAL TEST You test a thing to verify its claim. You subject it to close examination to prove it can do the things it claims. Spiritual testing is the same and it can be carried out by God, man.amd the Enemy. Slot of workers are tested by their boss for intergiety, honest, truth. They expose these workers to certain conditions that will.allow the free expression and flow of this vices of they are available in the individual.


InSpired THE PILL OF BITTERNESS The human Soul is created for the nspeakable joy. God gave Adam and Eve a Garden of Eden that had everything they needed for their enjoyment. The Holy Spirit is given to every believer for RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE AND UNSPEAKABLE JOY.  Any emotions, feelings that fall short of joy unspeakable is an alien and must be fought with every iota of courage in your Inner man. Proverbs 4:23 ' Above all else gurad your heart for everything you do flows from it. CAUSES OF BITTERNESS JEALOSUY Jealousy is when you envy what belongs to another and wish it was yours. It is a sad heart at the happiness, success and achievement of another. When jealousy is not immediately addressed and cast down as a negative emotions, it may grow to full blown bitterness. Every negative emotions breeds from negative thoughts, so if the thoughts are arrested with the Word of God immediately Satan or the flesh introduces as thoughts to the Soul, it's power can be killed before acts. M


InSpired LOVE SO STRONG,  BITTERNESS SO SUBTIL filled with awesome joyful moments that lubricate the human Soul and opens its petals of flowing love   The human Soul is ordained to be a channel of expressions for the Human spirit. The bountiful rich emotions in its bank is capable of  either building up a tower of etereal happiness or  gush out a  flood of bitterness that can eat up the entire essence of a man/woman. Lovr is  medicine for the soul but bitterness is a cancerous growth that  contaminates its walls and spread  sickness to all its flesh. Michal loved David so much, her love for him was deeper than family ties and love for the throne of King Saul,  her father. She despised her father's command to protect her lover from the sword of peril. Though she knew that her lover would be lost to her for a while but she desired and hope some day her love will fly back to her with the crown on his head and their love secured forever. Then her wish was fulfilled and her pray


InSpired TEST OF OBEDIENCE While the Old Testament  hinges on "You shall eat the good of the Land, If you are willing and Obedient,  ( Isaiah 1:18-19, Deut 28:1-2, Joshua 1:8-10)  the dispensation of Grace and Righteousness is based on the finished work of our LORD Jesus Christ. Faith in Christ Jesus.qualifies every Believer in The Faith to receive of the bountiful blessings of the Almighty.  Because of this, some believers advocate that you don't need obedience to The Way to become all that God has ordained for you. Their thoughts are " Christ died for all so all the blessings of Christ can come to all who believe without accurate alignment to the Word.of God.  It's true  sonship is your right by faith because as many who believe are given the right of a son but also the same Bible says " as many as are led by the Holy Spirit are the sons of God.  You may have right to an inheritance and know you have right to it yet don't use that right. While faith gives y


InSpired AMBITION AND LOYALTY Loyalty, faithfulness and remaining true to your promises, friends, leaders and subordinate is crucial in your Christian walk. God said ' I remain faithful even when you are faithless because l can't deny myself. It means God remain truthful to every promises and covenant He made even when men are not loyal to Him. The Sun will still rise and set on earth for human sustainace even if the people in the  land turn to idolatry and forsake the worship of the Only True God. The name of Jesus Christ will continue to heal the sick, raise the death, make the blind to see, bring riches and wealth even if a Christian is not faithful to his/her pledge of honouring and obeying Jesus Christ and His Word at all times. A Subordinate can be disloyal to the leader as the case of Abner and Ish-Bostheth.  He was rebuked by his master and  in revenge  sold his master and the Kingdom to King David ; the rightful king.  ' This very day I am loyal to the house of you

Poem, I see

InSpired POEM I SEE HIS ALL FOR ME In Silence I heard His Voice sweet and powerful In Stillness,  l experience His Peace serene and calming In Faith: I see His Acts great and awesome In Trust:  I know His Love, never failing, always abiding In Christ Jesus ; l see Father's All Given just for me by His Grace Awesome God How Great Thy Art! A.L. Hephzibah


InSpired  AMBITION & LOYALTY There are intricate stories in the Bible and it takes the insight given by the Holy Spirit- the greatest Teacher in the Universal to unveil them. The story of Abner  and Ish-Bostheth, the son of King Saul falls in this category. Abner was the Commander of Saul's army and.he made Ish-Bosheth king over Israel while David was king over Judah.   But this was Abner attitude to his master "Now while there was war between Saul's people and David's people, Abner was making himself strong among the supporters of Saul" He served at the pleasure of the king and was supposed to make the King stronger in his Kingdom but was making  But the Bible noted that Abner was using his position to strengthen his own position in the house of Saul.during the war between the house of Saul and the house of David,   He was supposed to.serve at the pleasure of the Kingdom and for the Kingdom but he was busy building his own empire behind the king. Disloyalty c


InSpired GOD IS A WITNESS  BETWEEN YOU. Mal. 2 LOYALTY CRIES ON THE STREET Loyalty is needed in every aspect of relationships. Relationship between God and men; husband and wife, shepherds and flock, leaders and their followers, followers and their leaders and children and parent. There are many things done in the secret- the heart as your thoughts and in the privacy that is not known to men but that is witnessed  by the Almighty. TEST OF LOYALTY IN MARRIAGE Apart from disloyalty to Jesus Christ our LORD and Saviour, disloyalty to your marriage partner is next in line. "You weep and wail because he no longer looks with favor on your offerings or accepts them with pleasure from your hands.  You ask, “Why?” It is because the Lord is the witness between you and the wife of your youth.  You have been unfaithful to her, though she is your partner, the wife of your marriage covenant." Mal. 2:13-16 The Marriage covenant is one of the strongest covenant between a man and a woman. It


InSpired Everyman needs a.Loyal friend. We need vulnerability, it's the human aspect of you  You want someone who you can pour out your hearts into and know that your secrets and vulnerability is sacred. is an Island, you are ordained and fashioned for fellowship. This is the original intention of marriage ' Adam and Eve were naked yet not.ashmaed. It was the voice of God which convict them of their wrong that made them his themselves. The Bible says : A talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter. SERVANT/MASTER  1  The Eytian and his servant When the servants  We will.attempt to master certain stars in the light of their relationship. A disloyal man can murder .  Disloyalty is just the first.step to murder.


InSpired THE LORD BETRAYED BY HIS FRIENDS THE TEST OF LOYALTY Jesus Christ love for His friend is.unfathomnable. He humbled Himself and gave then His all.yet some betrays Him 'Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.  You are my friends if you do what I command.  I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead,  I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. John 15:23:15 Jesus Christ love his dicples with the passionate love of a friend and a lover. And He was both to them. Though He created them and was their LORD, He chose to be their friend and revealed His secrets to them. He was so friendly with them that Peter could openly correct Him when He informed them about His death on the cross for the sins of the World. He was vulnerable with them, went everywhere with them, ate with them and they even slept in the same room.. He took them into the Secr


InSpired GOD A VICTIM OF DISLOYALTY ABSALOM CONNECTION. nothing as painful, hurtful for a friend, family member, servant, employer to betray your trust either for a justified reason or when they have no basis for their actions DISLOYALTY is a betraysl of the trust, confidence, you put in someone, it's like when you are face to.face with them, they smile and sing your praise but when you turn your back, they put a sword through your heart. God,  our Father was a victim, He was betrayed, hurt as an attempt was made to hurt His reputation in the Heaven and attempts are been made to hurt the GOOD NEWS ( for the Good News is the reputation and fragrance of Jesus Christ)  of His  beloved Son on earth by His former trusted aide and associate Lucifer. We must understand that Lucifer was a trusted aide. He was to the Almighty the role that the Son of God plays now in the Kingdom. He was a guardian covering Cherub. He had access to the God and served as an go-between God and other a


INsPIRED   Safe Trip is a necessary prayer for travelling, but we must learn to pray 'safe destination' too. Because what shall it profit a man to gain the world and lose His soul.  Have you ever considered where you will spend eternity, heaven or hell.  Read the Book of John 7 and then you will understand that a man or woman can believe in Christ Jesus and yet have his or her name removed from the Book Of Life. The cure or assurance that your name remains in the Book of Life is doing the Will of the Father, obeying His instructions promptly. I pray God give us grace to obey God's s Word. A. L . Hephzibah CONTINUATION OF MY CUP. I want us to examine another phrase from that song: l LIFT IT UP LORD!  Every time we appear before God as believers either for Digging deep  every Tuesday by 5:00 pm as we practise in RCCG  or Faith Clinic on Thursday or Sunday services by 8.30 am: Whatever the service, anytime you appear before God, God is waiting to fill your cup till you want no


InSpired CHARACTERISTICS OF DISLOYALTY 1. A Breach of honour  2. A state or act of deceit, betrayal of trust or confidence 3. Someone Inclined to Betray 4. Unreliable 5. Someone dangerous to the course of another 6. Hypocritical- says a different thing and means a different thinh 7. Backbiter 8. Rewarder of good with evil 9. Treachery 10. Not honest 11. Lacking belief in something 12. Not observant of promise 13. Not true to allegiance 14. Serving to disappoint 15. To overthrow 16. To pervert as the mind and turn it from the truth 17. To corrupt 18. To weaken or work.against 19. A deliberate action aimed at weakening an enemy/ supposed friemd through subversion, obstruction and disruption 20. God is a victm of disloyalty from his subjects and he hates disloyalty TO BE CONTINUED A.L. Hephzibah


InSpired LIKELY MISUSE OF SPIRITUAL POWER Our Heavenly Father is passionate about people and desire the best for them especially His sons and daughters who believe in Christ. He is ready to rebuke kings, rulers for their.sakes. The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.  He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever;  he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.  For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; Psalm 103:8-11 The Word of God says in John 10:10 about Jesus Christ our Saviour: 'The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;  I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.' God always want to show mercy and will want his children especially His Servants to learn to show mercy instead of judgement. THE DISCIPLES WERE TEMPTED TO MISUSE POWER In Luke 9:53-55, Jesus Christ visited a city and the people rejected Him, this


InSpired BRAG NOT OF YOUR POWER! THE TEST OF POWER! The Lord anoints believers especially men and women in the Five fold ministries with power that is under their control. WHY?  The gifts and calling of God is without repentance. This means that when God anoints you with the power to get wealth, you can decide to use that wealth in disobedience to God's Word of you chose. Solomon was anointed with the spirit of wisdom and understanding and God added riches, wealth and long life  to it, because he asked for a discerning heart to govern God:s people. 1 Kings 3:9-13 During his life time, he used the wealth he gained by the power of God to marry 700 wives and worshipped, served and built altars for every strange  idols some of his wives worshipped. After the death of King Solomon, the elders of Israel complained that Solomon used his vast wealth to add to their yokes and made life difficult for the people of God. 1 Kings 11:4,7 Who gave King Solomon power?  The Almighty gave Solomon wi


InSpired IMMEASURABLE POWER OF  THE MOST HIGH There is a God who dwells in the Heaven of heavens with LIMITLESS, INEXHAUSTIBLE, IMMEASURABLE POWER, GLORY, WISDOM, RICHES.AND WEALTH, TENDER MERCY, AND LOVE . His name is Yahweh, Jehovah ELOHIM ADONAI! He silenced the gods of the Sea, -Leviathan who folic there and made dry land appear within the Sea walls. The gods and their hosts could not stop God. When THE ALMIGHTY proposes to do anything on earth and he gets a man/woman  to believe in Him, no created force -visible and invisible can stop or hinder Him. Jehovah Jireh brought uncountable numbers of men, women, girls and boys and the unborn into the DESERT- a dry land where no plants grow, no flowing river, and no animals dare graze permanently there for fear of starvation. I guess the Enemy roll out their drums of singing and dancing. Yes, they will raise their songs, we have trapped the MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE, His chosen people,  His elect and beloved in this dry land. They  will all


InSpired There were Kings but this King outshined them all in wealth, wisdom and greatness in the sight of men. Our  LORD Jesus Christ spoke about him as a King is great Splendour. He enjoyed as a result of the covenant God entered with his father king David.  He all started when King Solomon offered  a thousand burnt offerings on that altar and the Lord was so pleased with this selfless act to please that the Lord appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream, and God said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” The result of that encounter was Solomon asked for a discerning heart to govern God's people and this pleased God that God gave him wisdom and honour so that no King will be his equal in His life time.   Again, King Solomon did that which pleased the LORD, he built a beautiful magnificent Temple for God lined with God and offered 22,000 cattles, 120,000 sheep's and goats and the entire people offered sheep's and goats that are too numerous to.count. Wow, Yah


InSpired BUSY BUT GUILTY THE TEST OF FAITHFULNESS Jesus Christ our LORD said " I work just as my Father works. You are gifted for a specific work in the Kingdom just as other believers. Your background, natural endowment and gifts are  fashioned to help in the fulfillment of these assignments. The Word of God says in Romans 8:29, God foreknew you and you have been set apart for a specific purpose. You must discover your specific assignment in your Local Church and the Body of Christ and be busy with it. You will be rewarded based on how well you work out your purpose.    A beautiful story unfolded in 1 Kings 21, a King was busy but he was busy here and there but failed in his job for that moment. 1 Kings 20:40 While your servant was busy here and there, the man disappeared.”   Another story was told of in Luke 18;18-27 of a rich man who kept all the commandments excerpt the specific instruction given by Jesus Christ our LORD to him.  In this present dispensation, the rich man in L

Moses was Tested

InSpired ARE YOU A FAITHFUL BELIEVER? Jesus Christ our Lord is our perfect example in all THINGS. The Word says in Hebrews 1:3: "'The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being." The Christian race is all about pleasing God our Father and bringing glory to Jesus Christ our Master and Teacher.  if you desire to please God and you don't know how: Just open the Word, studied how Jesus Christ did and you can never miss your way. Faithfulness to your Calling is one sure way to please the Father. "Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, .... He was faithful to the one who appointed him, just as Moses was faithful in all God’s house." Hebrews 3:1-2 (paraphrased) Thiere is an important statement in the scriptures above:  Two anointed personalities, called by the same God, to the same  HOUSE, to the ultimate PURPOSE   but different assigment and tasks  Jesus was faithful in


InSpired TO TEST YOU... SERIES The Christian is a walk of saved by GRACE and living by FAITH. You were redeemed from sin and death because you believed in Jesus Christ as your Saviour. You have victory over every works of the Enemy because you are born of God and have  overcome the World  by  your faith, therefore you inherit all things.... By grace your were saved; by your faith you are preserved and possess your Inheritance. But you must note that between salvation and possessing your inheritance in God through Jesus Christ our LORD are premeditated TEST of various shapes and patterns. And every true sons and daughters of the Kingdom will go through these tests because JESUS CHRIST, our perfect Master and King was subjected to the same tests and prevailed. The English wikdictionary online defines a test as the following: "A session in which a product or piece of equipment is examined under everyday or extreme conditions to evaluate its durability, etc." We will be examining


InSpired TEST THE WORLD According to the Bible Deut 8, a Test can be regraded as a proving, an examination of the content of the hearts,an exposure of the intents of a man and his actions  Human configured in such a way that the Body and it's activities has the ability to completely conceal the true state of the soul and the spirit. A person has the capacity to be full of smiles outwardly while inwardly he is filled with sorrow and wickedness. Jesus Christ our Lord said the Pharisees are white washed walls which is white outside to depict purity and holiness and within its walls are dead me bones  signs of wickedness and atrocities. Testing as used in Deut 8 means  1. To Prove 2. To know what is in the heart 3.To see if the Word of God are obeyed. The key verbs used in the above is very important: To prove means to probe, examine to establish the genuineness, and truthfulness of a claim.


InSpired THE WEDDING DAY AFTERMATH.. One recurring thought that always crosses my mind after the Groom and Bride say "l do" is  'Lord Jesus,  will they be able to keep the excitement, friendship and sweetness flavour in their homes and marriage after the Honeymoon stage. A music artist sang "diamonds are forever". I believe  the marriage institution needs an award winning song sang by every intending couples with the words " "our friendship and love must shine forever by our conscious actions and attitudes" THE IMPORTANT QUESTION The pertinent question at this point  is " is it possible to maintain the glow seen on the Wedding Day throughout the life line of the marriage? By the word ' flow', l imply the excitment, the spontaneous touching by the  couple if they are truly into each other. TWO SIDED ANSWER My answer is YES and at the same time NO. I will cite the examples of celebrities and a former president to buttress my submission