
Showing posts from August, 2020


THE POWER OF SPOKEN WORDS you create your physical world by your spoken word. Words are spiritual though uttered in the physical; because God created the seen world by the unseen words. God' angels work by your word mixed with faith. You must not just speak but you must accept as a certainty that your spoken words will materialise into tangible substance. Faith is the evidence of things hope for. Don't change your confession or spoken word until your desired substance has materialised.  Do not let your circumstance be shaped by your words rather let your spoken word and circumstance be controlled, influence by God' word.   When men pray, bless or even curse you it only come to past or see fulfillment if you believe it. Faith is the activator for men's spoken word.  Today, as you live out your destiny script monitor your spoken words and unspoken thoughts. The enemy will introduce thoughts to you. Normally they start with seeming good thoughts and mind pictures that you


InSpired HE INTRODUCED HIMSELF AS GOD SONG Men of Old saw your hands You are faithful ONE Men of Now, are seeing  YOU You still remain the FAITHFUL ONE Am here now I am seeing YOU Remain the faithful GOD ETERNALLY FAITHFUL -4times  (Throne Room Music) The veils over the Earth opened with HIM and the End of this present Earth will end with THE ONLY TRUE GOD remaining GOD in a class of HIS OWN. He is The Only God who deserves the Title 'GOD' He is the  BEING, who has no equal.  He testified about HIMSELF in Isaiah  48:12- "Listen to me, Jacob, Israel, whom I have called: I am he; I am the first and I am the last.  My own hand laid the foundations of the earth,-  And my right hand spread out the heavens;- when I summon them, they all stand up together. “Come together, all of you,....." He is the Father of every man and woman who believes in CHRIST JESUS, THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD He formed and made the EARTH by His WORD Only His WORD can sustain The WORLD HE.knows.the rei


InSpired THE OTHER SIDE OF GRACE.  Grace is beautiful,  Grace makes life easy. Grace- God's love  at Christ expense, the full expression of divine kindness to humanity.  Grace with it close companion- Mercy has the fore-sight of making provision for man' shortcomings by providing forgiveness of sin for every believer.  Oh,  how beautiful Grace is- it make believers do great exploits beyond natural capacity.  Grace keeps a pilot flying  on the aircraft of ministry success even though the pilot  has lost contact with the Air Traffic Controller.   Grace keeps the  believer blasting in tongues  and obtaining the blessing even when such have abandoned the Spirit who inspires the tongue.  Grace is beautiful but when misused, can ultimately bring shame and eternal condemnation.  When Grace is taken for granted and its engine not lubricated by constant fellowship with the Jesus Christ- the GIVER of grace, a man can stumble and fall inspite of the presence of grace Oh, the glamour of gr



InSpired God speaks to you as His child in disperse ways. The Book of Job says ; in a dream, in a vision of the night. I woke up this morning with the song " 'Great is your faithfulness' And l was moved with tears at how good Jesus Christ has been to me. Sincerely, every grace, favour l ever had came from Him. He had used several men and women to be a blessing to my life. Always l mention the as when inspired to do so. You must come to that as a Believer in Christ, who is loved by your heavenly Father dearly that nothing that happens in your life is a mistake. Especially if you are not walking in rebellion to the Word of God and His Spirit. Rebellion is when you know what the Bible says about an Issue and deliberately turned against it and do the opposite. God is faithful and the Sun will shine today. God is faithful, the field will produce continually for mankind God is faithful, l am alive and will daily enjoy all that pertains to live and godliness. Have l made mistakes


InSpired IF YOU NEGLECT YOUR PURPOSE NO REWARD! The words of our LORD Jesus Christ is written in red ink in the Bible and this distinctly distingushes His Words from that of others.  It means His words are superior to any other statements in the Bible  The Bible is not just an account of direct words from the Father, it is also filled with human experiences.  So when next you are reading the Bible, you must take cognizance of the words of our LORD Jesus Christ and  words spoken by others in line with their different experiences. Our LORD made a profound statemet in Matt 16:23 "You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”.( you have no idea how God works) Luke 16:15 is in the light of the above scriptures. What men celebrate and termed Success is not what Heaven terms as success in the Kingdom. What men applauds as been successful is not what Christ defines as being successful  THE TALES OF TWO KINGDOM AMBASSADORS  This i


InSpired I am a great believer in everyman and woman on the face of the earth becoming successful. This is possible because this was God's plan at the begining.  God commanded Adam and Eve and of course their seeds ' Be fruitful, multuple, have dominion and then fill the earth with your kinds  Question? Is it possible for every belie we to become rich financially, spiritual and materially ANSWER It is not only possible, it is ordained by God. The Earth is the LORD and the fullest therein. The fullest includes the. Style on a thousand hills, the sil we and gold, the natural resources and precious stones beneath the Earth. We appreciate the amount of LIGHT the Holy Spirit has bestow on Believers in this generation especially in the aspe t of prosperity and wealth. This is God's plan and purpose because His Word stated ' through prosperity, His mandate shall be spread. But whatever level of wealth, you have seen believers possess in this generation, is still infinitesimal


InSpired THE DANGER OF "WHAT WILL PEOPLE SAY' Mutualism and inter- personal relationship is the beam for continual human existence.  We live and breathe on the premise of Human relationships. You are rich and wealthy because you invented ideas.and products that other people pay you for because of its benefit to them. You can successfully run your business.and church because others contribute their ideas and strength to help make your own initial.ideas a success. Human relationship is the pivot for any successful life achievement. The president of Russia would not have successfully formulated legislation that keeps him in power long if not for persons who support him either willingly or compelled  My argument is ' You cannot live successfully without being rich in human relationships. A man who is poor in human relationships may remain poor forever.  You need God to success but you also need men in this dimension stipulated by God's Word. " Give, it


InSpired ARE YOU SUCCESSFUL? Success means different things to different people. I guess the movie " Different Strokes" is shot in the light of this fact. The definition of "Success" also.differs from one generation to another. There was a generation whereby laudable and heroic actions were the true definition of a successful person.  Therefore persons of great humanitarian tendency were celebrated in the  Society. The likes of Mother Theresa, Martin Luther  and Gahdi were persons of renowned. Late Ajayi Crowther, Mrs Funmilayo Kuti and Nelson Mandela were known for their notable  contributions to the well being of people in their generation Then we had the generation whereby Gangster and Crime was celebrated and again, it spread round the world. Presently, riches and wealth get from such source has been legalised and sanitized into mainstream businesses. Success is relative and its definition differs from person to person.  In this generation, the definition of &qu


InSpired DONT BE AFRAID TO START AFRESH I have read and heard that failure ( in this context is defined as not meeting up with your desired target in any endeavour in the long run) can be a stepping stone to greater heights  Do not see the unfulfillment of your desires as a case for suicidal thoughts. Rather see it as an opportunity to learn how not to do certain things I had had to start afresh many times.  I was a young lady when l got saved and at that age, though l came from a very poor background, l had dined with the rich and wealthy. ( send me a DM if you want to know how ) When l rededicated my life to Christ, l had to cut off from that sinful life of pleasure and lived strictly by the grace of God and His providence.  Forwarded to after graduation. When l came to Ondo State precisely Akure  , (my present place of abode) for NYSC. I came with a bucket, a travelling bags with some few dresses and shoes and entered the NYSC orientation camp at Ikare Akiko with these items. Then l


InSpired SHE HAD A DREAM... So she saw this Bird, very massive, formlessness and shapelessness in form  flys  from the heavenlies and it's descend was down, down, down to the lowest ebb His trinity was Steal, Kill and Destroy and it's desired place of permanent abode is in the innermost deep of Man/Woman He yearns solely for that place in man/woman reserved, configured, crafted for The Ancient of Days ONLY In a soothing soprano voice, he whispered: What has The Ancient offered you?, that l cannot give you more What can The Ancient make you? that l cannot better His offer I will make you ride on the heights of the Planets: Eat of money immeasurable; the treasures in the depth of the Sea,  l will make yours! You will lead your fellow human, in a throng of chains. They will bow and worship you for l will give you the  earth' s  glory and the splendour thereof. Come and build with me, let's lock The Ancient of Days in His beautiful Heaven: And then we drink, dance, rule  tr
Oh, the extravagance of his work in us who trust Him-endless energy, boundless strenght! Ephesians 1:17-22


InSpired PREPARING TO REIGN IN DESTINY AND LIFE- AN INTRO Happy Sunday, and hope your weekend was lovely. Thank you for the feedback on articles written by me. I pray God will continue to give us insights in His Word. I am starting a new series titled 'Preparing to Reign in Destiny and Life by studing the lives of three women in the Bible -Rebecca, Ruth and Esther. (Please note that this study is inspired by my spiritual mother who gave the instruction for DOD members in my Church to study the lives of these women. ( Daughters of Destiny fellowship is a singles fellowship, DM to learn more about it) God's ways are not our ways. He took the Israelites through the wilderness for 40years because He knew they were not strong enough to face the enemy in combat if they took the shorter route of 40 days. Sometimes, I wonder why some men are great and some others are not great: You see two persons who may be friends, colleagues, siblings who attend the same school, studied the same cou


The Church of Christ is matching on and the gates of Hell shall not prevail. The ONLY entity authorised and that has the power to bring Light, Peace, Serenity to the World is the CHURCH of our LORD JESUS. And if you believe in Jesus as Saviour and Lord, you are Christ ambassador, you are His pPoint man, you are His representative on earth  Just as Jesus Christ is the radiance and exact image of the Almighty, so you as a Believer in Christ is the exact representation and shines his glory anywhere you find yourself. Christ lives in you and because he lives with you by His eternal Holy Spirit, you can do all that Christ did and will even do greater work if you grow your faith to that Life. The potential to do greater works that Jesus Christ did is in every believer but we don't do them YET for the following reasons: THE POWER IS WITHIN YOU You are not conscious that the power that can hel the sick, raise the death, win a while City for the Kingdom of God is within you.  THE SPIRIT MAN


InSpired SPIRITUAL WARFARE IS REAL The Christian is involved in spiritual warfare on a daily basis. It means you are actively fighting against something, a force in order to enforce your victory. Your warfare against devil and flesh is a GUARANTEED Success because Jesus Christ prevailed and you have prevailed too. Colossians 1;13-15 esp 15  And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. The Christian life is made easy by this simple truth " You are fighting from a WINNING side. I emphasised the winning in capital so that you will know. If you don't know this truth then be sure  the Enemy will take an advantage of you. He will use your ignorance to defeat you. Jesus Christ, our Commamder-in Chief said ' I will build my Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail'  Any man who believes in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and lives according to the Word of God is a member of the Church of Christ. 


InSpired A MINISTER AND HIS MESSAGE CAN BE ATTACKED! The Invisible realm is real and it controls almost everything that happens in the natural realm. We will base the premise of this write- up on the statement of our LORD Jesus Christ in John 8:42-44 "If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me.  Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires.  He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him.  When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." The Bible says the Devil is a murderer from the beginning. The Devil was created as an archangel and a Servant to The Almighty just as angels are sons of God and also His Servants. But the Enemy life mission changed  after his rebellion in heaven and he was cast to the ea


InSpired REASONS FOR WAITING.  Chains are not just tangible physical metal ropes used as means of restraint, rather they can be any element either mental, spiritual, emotional or physical used to limit, constraint a believer from attaining his best potential in Christ.  Ignorance is one of the most effective chains the enemy use to the keep believer in limitation.  One major reason you experience waiting in any form is IGNORANCE.  IGNORANCE is defined as destitute of knowledge, uninstructed, uninformed, untaught, unenlightened.  You will tolerant, cooperate with, endure any waiting period as long as you believe its caused by God   You will not want to stand in faith against If you believe the reason you are not as anointed as you desired, you are not fruitful in business, career. ministry , personal relationship is because God wants you to wait.  You will never resist your presumed waiting, instead you will endure it as long as you view it as been from God.  Christ our Lord said you sh


InSpired THE IMPLANTS OF THE ENEMY  IN CHRIST CHURCH The LORD of all Lords, King of kings and Master of the Universe said: l WILL BUILD MY CHURCH AND THE GATES OF HELL WILL NOT PREVAIL!   These gates are multi- faceted but we are examining the manifestations of these gates in this present times. We have examined the first strategy of the Enemy which is to attack the Man/Woman of God, the minister directly. Let's examine the next strategiy in our Line of public conversation.  THE IMPLANTS OF THE ENEMY. Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. Matt. 13:24 The Enemy has planted men and women who look spiritual, sound spiritual, acts as agent of Light but  they are planted by the Enemy to corrupt and contaminate.the BODY of CHRIST-. But Jesus Christ has prevailed and His Body reigns in Triumph forever. The danger of these type of


InSpired ATTACKS AGAINST THE MAN OF GOD- THE HOLY SPIRIT HELP We discussed in previous article the responses of the Minister when Satan attacks his fellowship with God and separate him from the direct influence of the Holy Spirit. REPONSES 1.  Repentance 2. Continue as usual Now let's examine the third one which: 3. Unconsciously open up to demonic influence. Demonic assistance is not as direct as it sound. Rather it is a subtil move against the minister to lure away from his dependence on prayers, fasting, studying the word and waiting on God to get daily instructions for life and ministry. Demonic assistance has gone beyond visiting an herbalist, belonging to a cult or going to the sea -shore to get power. The devil has brought his services closer and easily accessible to all. It is only when you want more of his power that you start getting into deep waters. Demons can infuse  into your thoughts and  dreams seeming suggestions/ instructions that look good.  But  you must know th


INSPIRED LOVE GOD MORE THAN THESE?  Righteousness is bequeathed to believers by faith.  Immediately, you believed in Christ,  and accepted Him as Lord and Saviour, there was a shift in your standing with God: you moved from the status of an enemy and became a son.  Before faith in Christ Jesus, you were on the wrong side of the fence and had no relationship with God but faith in Christ Jesus puts you in right standing with God.  You are positioned to  relate directly with God and receive every blessing on the ticket of Christ.   A worker in an office,  is paid a salary at the end of the month for work done. The salary is not a gift,  rather its payment for service rendered.  But if you were paid without rendering any service,  then it's a gift.  This is the story of righteousness,  we do not receive God's  protection,  kindness,  love,  health,  healing,  prosperity, miracles,  favour and even eternal life because we worked for it, NO! we received because our Lord Jesus paid th


AN ENCOUNTER ON GIVING AT A SUB MEETING IN MY CHURCH YESTERDAY We were  five in number in the meeting, three males and two females. The Bible instructor was teaching about 'Patnership with God and your local church' when The Holy Spirit spoke through my inner man.  I will rewrite them here on my page vertim and hope it blesses you.  Truly if you live this way, you will open up your life to Heaven treasures and it is a sure way to store your treasure in heaven. The instructor said "the cattle on a thousand hills belong to God and one of the benefits of partnering with God is that all that belongs to God is yours for you are a heir of God's property'  As He said this, l heard the following in my spirit' and wrote them down. The reason you need a note pad and biro anytime you come to God's presence either privately or corporately. THIS IS WHAT I HEARD The Earth is the LORD and the fullest thereof. The silver and gold belongs to.God.  Therefore they.all belong


INSPIRED THE OTHER SIDE OF GRACE.  Grace is beautiful,  Grace makes life easy. Grace- God's love  at Christ expense, the full expression of divine kindness to humanity.  Grace with it close companion, Mercy has the foresight of making provision for man' shortcomings by providing forgiveness of sin for every believer.  Oh,  how beautiful Grace is- it make believers do great exploits beyond natural capacity.  Grace keeps a pilot flying  on the aircraft of ministry success even though the pilot  has lost contact with the air traffic controller.  Grace keeps the  believer blasting in tongues  and obtaining the blessing even when such have abandoned the Spirit who inspires the tongue.  Grace is beautiful but can ultimately bring shame and eternal condemnation when taken for granted and its engine not lubricated by constant fellowship with the Spirit- the GIVER of grace.   Oh, the glamour of grace but the sting of its peril It's peril is such that a believer may miss it in his re


InSpired DONT BLAME OTHERS,  MAKE YOUR DESTINY HAPPEN! Sometimes in life we prefer the false comfort excuses give and play the blame game. Like the man at the pool of Bethsaida we proclaim " I remain crippled because there is no man to help me' Question: Why are you not rich?  Answers: My parents were not rich I come from a poor background The Nigeria economy is bad Nobody to help me God is trying my faith God has not answered my prayers Truly, all these indices are real and may be genuine but remember there are many who are subjected to all the above conditions and they break through and became men and women of renowned. Question: Why are you not happy? Answers: A demon of sorrow is attacking me My friends forsook me My boss is a difficult person. Making excuses is one of the major causes of failure. As long as you shift the blame for your mystery, failure, short- coming to others, you will not see clearly  and take responsibility for your success in life. You must determine