
Showing posts from November, 2020



INsPIRED JESUS WAS GOD YET LIVE WISELY AS A MAN I appreciate God for your beautiful lives and for your eagerness to read God's Word. I pray His Word will enrich your destiny. Uuuuh, I was studying the Life of my Lord Jesus  in the book of John 7 (deliberately I used Jesus instead of Jesus Christ) because in this Bible passage, I saw more of His humanity than divinity. In John 7:1, the Bible says "After this, Jesus went around in Galilee. He did not want to go about in Judea because the Jewish leaders there were looking for a way to kill him." Jesu Christ is the Anointed one who had the Spirit without measure and had thousand upon thousands of angels at His disposal, therefore any threat from the Jewish leaders to take His life should be a play at futility. Yet he avoided a particular location because of their evil plots at that period in time. LESSONS FROM THIS STORY Jesus lived a very careful  and discreet life. He was not a careless Son of God who  exposed his destiny t


NUGGETS FROM CHRIST GOD WANTS TO SHARE HIS ABILITY WITH YOU! Tonight l was lying somewhere and l was saying, Holy Spirit , l desire you will help me not to sleep tonight and just spend the night doing something l desire strongly. And the Spirit response was the scripture in Psalm 121. He said l neither sleep nor slumber. Immediately, l smiled and changed my prayers to Lord, let me share of your ability and power to stay awake as long as l desire. We have a beautiful God as our Father, Teacher, Helper, Adviser, Provider, Leader, The LORD is His name. "He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord watches over you— the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all harm — he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore." Psalm 121 SONG Hear th


InSpired SPIRITUAL STANDING ORDER The Bible states that Elijah is a man of like passion who gave an order that the Land of Israel should not experience rain and it was exactly so for three years plus...  "Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit. James 5:17 The father of the Rechabites was the same. Their father gave a standing order for his seed not to build houses and drink wine and this order was still effective after his death. "Then I set before the sons of the house of the Rechabites bowls full of wine, and cups; and I said to them, “Drink wine.” But they said, “We will drink no wine, for Jonadab the son of Rechab, our father, commanded us, saying, ‘You shall drink no wine, you nor your sons, forever. You shall not build a house, sow seed, plant a vineyard, nor have Jeremiah 35:5-


God' Work, Our Work, My Work! Statement   like "we must do God' work' is common and rightly so, we must do Christ work". Christ made this statement which is one of my favourite scrptures in the Bible " I must do the work of Him who sent me.. ... John 4:34.  Though Christ was God, he knew at that point in his life that he was representing the Father. But at  another time,  Christ told Thomas, if you have seen me, you have seen the father, here Christ   was assuring  Thomas- this kingdom business am operating, is not just my Father's business but mine as well. Christ was emphasing  one of the truth for effective  minstry,  which is ' l am  a stakeholder in the kingdom of God.l am  not just working for God to enrich myself, get famous, build a dynasty, rather there is a  divine agenda which must be fully establish on earth;  and as l faithfully execute this  agenda wealth, renown and everlasting legacy i mine In Matt 28: 18,  Christ said All power in hea


NUGGETS FROM CHRIST THE GOD WHO MADE A WAY A popular song writer calls Him: The Way Maker You may not understand the impact of the Iyrics of her songs until you.visit Exodus 15 and see The Almighty parted the Sea, interfered and Intervened in the the affairs of men because of His covenant with a man and because the seeds of that man cried out to Him in their pains. Yahweh rode on the wings of the Wind, He sat on unquenchable fire as His Horse  And used thunderstorm as His headlamps And stepped into Humanity from Eternity to redeem His beloved when their backs were against the wall and everything seemed all over He showed Himself as The God who rules in the affairs of men He revealed Himself as The 'Kabiyesi' ( when His supremacy and sovereignty is at work, no Being can question Him or stop Him The flood during the Era of Noah was a sample of His Sovereign Acts on earth, The birth of Jesus Christ was another of His Sovereign Acts But we can never forget the acts of a woman calle


NUGGETS FROM CHRIST GOD BROUGHT SWEETNESS  One of the greatest cause of affliction in the life of a believer is wrong conception, perception about the person and the ways of the Almighty. Some  believers are in pain,  oppressed and tormented by The Enemy of the Human Soul because of ignorance and wrong perception of The Almighty. In Job 9:9-20, Job wrote his perceptions about God. The narration presented posivite testimony  about God in Job 9:9-10 " He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the south. He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, " Then he went on in Job 9:16-18 to give his perception of The Almighty that is obviously wrong as proved by other Bible passages.  He said if he summons the Almighty, God will not allow him to present his case when God said in Isaiah that you should present your strong arguments.  Also God invites you  in the book of  Hebrews to approach His throne boldly and confidantly that you may obtain mercy a


NUGGETS FROM CHRIST GOD IN THE BUSINESS OF HELPING MEN! One of the greatest cause of affliction in the life of a believer is wrong  perception about the person and the ways of the Almighty. Some  believers are in pain,  oppressed and tormented by The Enemy of the Human Soul because of ignorance and wrong perception of The Almighty. In Job 9:9-20, Job wrote his perceptions about God. The narration presented posivite testimony  about God in Job 9:9-10 " He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the south. He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, " Then he went on in Job 9:16-18 to give his perception of The Almighty that is obviously wrong as proved by other Bible passages.  He said if he summons the Almighty, God will not allow him to present his case when God said in Isaiah that you should present your strong arguments.  Also God invites you  in the book of  Hebrews to approach His throne boldly and confidantly that you may obtain mercy


InSpired " But you shouldn't be so concerned about perishable things like food.  No, spend your energy seeking the eternal Life that l, the Messiah can give you. For God the Father has sent me for this very purpose.. John 6:26-27 Our motive for working in the Kingdom is as important as the work himself. As believers. witnessing and winning souls to the Kingdom of God should be the motive for every work we do under the Sun.  You are given the resources of your time, money. intelligence to carry out God's agenda on earth. You should live and work to ensure that sinners repent and turn to Christ; that believers become their best in the Kingdom and Christ' s work prosper on earth. So as you step out this week, know that you must not work for the food that perishes, material.possessions are good and it is God plan for you to be blessed beyond measure, but this blessing is to establish His agenda of the harvest of souls into His Kingdom. I pray the Spirit of Life will grant


InSpired THE MASTER KNOWS YOUR DEED The letters written to the various Churches in the Book of Revelation 2 and 3 are real churches that existed in these.various locations.  Jesus Christ our Master wrote these letters as a staff of commendation and a rod of correction to these Churches and in this instance the Church in Ephesus. (1 Cor. 15;32, Acts 19:1,  1 Timothy 1:3) The Believer's walk in the Kingdom is a walk of the heart; a walk in Christ's Words and a walk by faith.  The state of your heart will affect how you interprete the Words of Jesus and in- turn affect your Faith walk. Sometimes, we intend to forget how we started out in the faith and begin to walk contrary to how we started. Jesus Christ our Master understands the peril of starting out strong and finishing poorly so He admonish the Church in Ephesians to return to their FIRST LOVE. The Believers in the Ephesian Church were strong Christians with good qualities. They were believers "walking in the ways of  th


InSpired TEST ALL SPIRITS PROVE ALL CLAIM The gift of discerning of spirits is the enablement of the Holy Spirit to distinguish and tell the differences between the actions of the Holy Spirit, angelicspirits , demonic spirits  and human spirits and this gift is needed urgently by every believer in the Body of Christ presently.  This manifestation of the Holy Spirit enables you to know if the word of prophecies, dreams, visions, revelations that you heard from any body especially Ministers of the Gospel is from either  God's Holy Spirit, God's angels, Satanic spirits or from a human spirit. ANOTHET QUALITY OF THE EPHESIAN CHURCH 'I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false.  'Rev. 2:2b Matt 7:21 shows that people can be different from whatever they say. ' Many say "Lord, Lord " to Jesus Christ yet they will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. You are supposed to recog


InSpired YOU  SHALL SUFFER  HARDSHIP! Jesus Christ, our perfect example praised the Ephesians Church for enduring hardship and not going weary. Rev. 2 Sometimes, asking questions is one of the best ways to proffer accurate solutions to any problem. And we will ask series of questions on today's topic. We are New Creature Believers. It means that you have access to all the blessings and goodness of your heavenly Father because of faith in Christ Jesus your substitute. Let's  attempt to break down thie above statement. 1. The reason, your sins are forgiven you is because you believed in Christ Jesus. It does not matter if you got married as a virgin and that you never told a lie before  You were born a sinner and needed the forgiveness of God, which the blood of Jesus provided. 2. The reason you are ordained to live a sickness free life is because you accepted Jesus Christ as your substitute. 3. The reason you will always have victory over all the works of darkness and sin is bec



Moses INSPIRED MOSES' PATH TO ETERNAL RELEVANCE.   The opposition against Moses's life started before  his birth.  He was programmed for death before  birth, ( the enemy engineered the killing of the  sons of  Hebrew women from age 0.) But God preserved his life by the same enemy who sought to kill him He was raised by a  seed of the enemy, ( Pharaoh's daughter) God used the enemy' resources to teach Moses about the kingdom, culture and traditions of the enemy. He learnt the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy. (God will cause all things to work for your good if you love him and walk in His purpose.) He was cut off and isolated from his mother's love He showed a zeal for God and  God' s people  and instead of been rewarded, he became  a fugitive and was pursued with fear of death He was a  prince in Egypt, served by the best servants in Pharaoh's palace, but process took him and he become the errand boy of Jethro who later became his father-in- law.   No m


WORSHIP SERIES InSpired WOW, WHAT A GOD! How do you describe this God? He is beyond the thoughts and imaginations of any man.  The God who can predict an event 1000 years before its time   Behold! time runs from 0 year to 1000 years, and God's prediction  happens exactly as predicted. How do you describe this God, so rich in glory yet made Himself simple to have a relationship with man The immortal God who called mortal Abraham His friend..... The God who is covered with undescribable glory and is awesome is your Father  Wow, what a BEING.  This God. we serve, sincerely deserve your worship. He wakes you up every morning, He ensures no harm befalls  you. Check out the mad men on the street; Please visit a Ritual den and see people dissected for charms. But you travelled and this God guides and guard you. He is greater than the greatest; there is no one who can compare to Him I salute the King of kings You truly deserve all the adoration. He who existed before any other He has no be

InSpired. pray for Believers

Good Morning friends, sirs/Ma. I was meditating this morning and realised that a special  group of people needs our prayers  now than ever. This group were part of a larger group in the world, obeying the same rules, doing the same thing and under the same Ruler. Then this special group met with the envoys of another greater king who is called the greatest King of all. And they believed His verdict and made a decision to turn away from a life of disobedience  and obey this greatest King of all. What do you think will be the reaction of their former Ruler? Especial when this special group are still residents in the domain of the Ruler; he would laugh, pat them on the back and say well done. No, that will not be his reaction, because this particular ruler called Satan  is vindictive, revengeful and unforgiving. What Satan will do to believers when they forsake his ways and ideology is try to steal, kill and destroy. He breathe and live to harm believers. That is his life ambition to ensu


INSPIRED DAY or HOUR, NO MAN KNOWS (PART 1I) Some few minutes to 6:00am,  the driver took off from the Sunshine Motor Park for Lagos.   Duke had a prompting to pray and preach to the passengers in the bus. He looked around the bus and decided to continue with Facebook.  "My son. Pray and preach to the people in this bus" Duke heard from within him. He took a quick look again at the faces in the bus and replied inwardly, "Preach in this bus, it's too early, most people will start sleeping  in the next ten minutes"  He opened his phone and continued with Facebook.  A woman' s voice started praying in the bus and eventually preached  salvation in the name of Jesus. The two young men  on the second row with Duke, surrendered their hearts to Christ. While the woman was preaching, Duke took a careful view about his lifestyle;  he just had sex with his fiancée two days ago. " I will make restitution when l return from Lagos," he reasoned and slept off.   


InSpired  INVESTMENT OF YR TIME.... The greatest investment you can make this next quarter of the year is to spend ample time with God in fellowship. The Holy Spirit desires and yearns to teach you about His Kingdom It's an investment of 100fold returns No fear of recession, change of government, and bankruptcy. It's an Eternal investment with unending wealth Continually relationship is what the Father Desires from you not just your quiet time ....


INSPIRED THEN, IT HAPPENED! The man walked through the village looking around like a stranger; and indeed he was truly one because this was his first visit to Oruogun village. He walked slowly to the end of the path between the farmland and immediately saw a woman at the side of a hut (built with burnt brick) bathing her baby, he moved closer as if to walk pass the hut and took a closer look at the woman's child: It is a baby boy.  Pure ecstasy was written on the woman' s face as she  tenderly bathe her baby whom was laid faced up on her legs stretched  on a big bowl of water.  The stranger walked by shaking his head at the wonder of mother/ child love. He saw a tree with ripe oranges and walked towards it when he heard the woman screamed " my baby, baby "  The stranger turned and walked back towards the hut. "Omo mi, omo mi," the woman was already on her feet looking around the environment. Soon the woman started wailing,   with profuse tears running down h


InSpired PROVOKED CURSES Recently, the palace of Oba of Lagos was looted by hoodlums  in Lagos an as l watched the video of the looting online, one thought resounded in my mind: Trouble and Curses is standing as a gentle, man without knowledge have gone to wake it up! And true as l thought, any video surface online of a priest robed in white wrapper .around his wrist raining cursed on the perpetrators of the looting. He was ripped in 'white ' symbolising " we are innocent ooo, this is a provocative attack.on our territory by unauthorisedx persons'.  The Bible says: Like snow in summer or rain in harvest, honor is not fitting for a fool.  Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, AN UNDESERVED CURSE DOES NOT COME TO REST. Proverbs 26:1-2 it means if there is any Believer in Christ among the looters , though such has opened their lives to a deserving curse that will manifest. It means though Jesus Christ has become a curse for us and no curse has any right to manif


InSpired ISAAC LOVED REBECCA DAVID SLEPT WITH BATHSHEBA “Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death. Genesis 4;1 spoke of Adam and his wife Eve in the following statement  "Adam made love to his wife Eve, and she became pregnant ' NIV 'And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived," KJV


InSpired YOU WILL.ACHIEVE MORE IN DESTINY IF YOU CORRECT THIS! Apostle Peter had.every potential of becoming the Leader of the Church in Jerusalem and the Apostle to the Gentiles has ordained by Grace The leadership of the New Testament was saddled on Him by divine choice. We will demonstrate this by events that involved The LORD. In John 21:2, when Peter  went fishing, the rest of the disciples followed him; this indicates .his power of influence.  "“I’m going out to fish,” Simon Peter told them, and they said, “We’ll go with you.”   Acts 21:2-3 Again,  when Jesus Christ our LORD appeared to.the.discioles, his question of total commitment and love for His Kingdom was addressed directly to Peter '  "Peter, love me more than this? sheep. John 21: 15-19 Even the devil singled out Peter for the purpose of testing . ( I guess The Enemy was thinking ' strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered).  Even Satan recognised the leadership potential of Peter. His


InSpired PROGRAMMED FOR SORROW:  HOW .CHRIST.DELIVERED  ME! My background programmed me for  a lifetime of sorrow. Sadness  was to me as an unavoidable companion.  I know my case is not special  because  there are millions out in the Society  with worse ordeal but l share mine to tell of the goodness of God to me and how he delivered my Soul from Sorrow.  It was as if the devil. programmed my life and destiny .for sorrow of heart from its inception. But praise God that Jesus Christ found me and gave me everlasting joy! I am the last daughter in the family and l had only one sibling, a believer who died giving birth to her last son.  I was born in Ajegunle, Lagos State.  Most of my.childhoid narration, l got from my late father especially the account of how my mother left him for another man.  But l did not have the opportunity to meet my mother to give an account of her own side of the narrative.  Any hurting man may give an account to justify his actions so we may need a second narrat


InSpired HAPPINESS IS WITHIN YOUR CONTROL Reaction and response to issues and your thoughts   determine your feelings per time. When you  release positive feelings on an issue, happiness is birthed but if you choose to release a negative response to an event then sorrow is the result.  Happiness or Sadness is all about reactions, responses; It means it can be managed. If you guide your  responses to things based on the stipulations of scriptural provision, you can keep sadness away at all times and serve the LORD' s purpose in this generation with joy and happiness. People have pre-grammed data stored in their minds on how to cope with various issues that occur in their life- time. These information are cumulated over time from experiences, cultural beliefs, books and exposures etc. For King David, disappointments always birthed a New Psalm. He pours out his negative feelings through his writing. Some Psalms reveals that David was not so easy on his enemies  ( Psalm 109, Psalm 5) w




InSpired THE RIVER OF JOY WITHIN YOU The benevolent Father has given every believer all we need for life and godliness. The Life of the Holy Spirit housed in the Human Spirit is God the Almighty bottled up in the spirit of man and may never find full expressions excerpt to be allowed to heal and provide once in a while. Joy, such unspeakable joy is the inheritance of every Christian. Irrespective of the circumstances that surrounds you at anytime, you are ordained to reach for the life of God in your Spirit and allow the Joy within which is a fruit of the Holy Spirit overwhelm the sorrow that your circumstances wants to bring to your Soul. A SONG SUCH JOY! Verse 1 There is a peace that floods my Soul When the Spirit of thy LORD is in cintrol There is a joy, no bound can hold When Spirit blow a fresh wind through my Soul Holy Spirit flow through me Touch my heart and there will be Such joy, such unspeakable joy Such peace , an everlasting peace Such love, pure and holy love Spirit have


InSpired RIVERD OF JOY Joy is a fruit of the human spirit that is birthed by the Holy Spirit. The human spirit became one with the Holy Spirit at the New Birth. I Cor. 6;17 The fruit of the Spirit of God is joy, peace ect. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Galatians 5:22 For the sake of this write up, let assume the Holy Spirit is a man/woman that lives in your street and that you interact with on a daily basis  It means everyrime,byou met such man/woman called the Holy Spirit, the personality traits you will see and should see is  1. Love 2.. Joy 3. Forbearance 4.kindness 5.Goodness 6.faithfulness 7.gentleness 8. Self control When our LORD lived on earth as a man, the above traits and virtue were his natural character and personality.  JESUS THE DON OF MAN  IS KIND He was kind to all men for Acts 10:38  says " How God anointed Jesus Christ with the Holy Ghost and power and He we

Isaac loved Rebecca

InSpired ISAAC LOVED REBECCA DAVID SLEPT WITH BATHSHEBA ( A SERIES) God is love and those who are created by Him has their DNA made of love We were created 'Creatures of love: We were regenerated  in love For the Bible says " for God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten son.." God did not created a world that is filled with pains, suffering, hardship and hatred. Everything created by God was termed 'GOOD' in its original.state He created Eden to be a Garden of fellowship and of love. The marital relationship between a husband and his wife is a union ordained for the continual flow of God's love that had also  been shed abraod in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. The Christian marriage should be a  union of kindness, trust, patience, protection and preservation. The Bible stated that Jesus entrusted Himself to no man because trust in a man is a trap. But trust is expected between a husband and his wife. Our Lord Jesus Christ said in Mark 13:11 and Mat

God deserves My Praise and More

INSPIRED HE DESERVES IT AND MORE when we praise God When we schedule a time slot in our services to sing songs of praise and worship to Him When we sleep at night with His praise on our lips When we rise and down we go on our knees to worship Him who kept us through the night We don't do all these and more out of mere obligation and duty to the God- head We must do all these  because our God deserves it, He who neither sleeps nor slumber to watch over us Today, l needed an object urgently from my house and I was thinking about how to leave an important appointment and go home to get it  Before l knew it Our  caring Father had orchestrated events and someone brought the item  to me. Secondly, l needed to get an item and couldn't find it in the shop where l normally buy it.   Mysteriously God moved me to a place l did not even know they sell the material   and opened my eyes to see a small shop and  where l got what l needed, this miracle look small but for me, it shows how God c

obedience without treaty