
Showing posts from July, 2021


InSpired IS IT POSSIBLE TO BELIEVE IN CHRIST AND NOT LOVE HIM? King Saul was anointed by me, he sat on the throne and was king over my people and my nation,  But the only time he offered me sacrifices was when he needed my help.   The only time he made a attempt to seek for me was when he consulted a witch to get information from Samuel after his demise.  King David was anointed as king over my people and nation.   He penned various Psalms to praise me, he offered sacrifices of love to me and created a beautiful abode for my Ark of the Covenant. .  Also he desired and attempted to build a permanent place of abode for me among my people.   It means King David's thoughts were full of me. When you love someone your thoughts are full of them.   You are constantly thinking of what you can do to make their lives better and increase their happiness.  Jesus Christ asked Peter" Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?  Apostle John the beloved was distinguished from th


Waiting can also be caused by not following God' direction for your life.  Sometimes believers are delayed because we lost our true direction in life and destiny. Genesis 6:11-12 (AMP) The earth was depraved and putrid in God's sight, and the land was filled with violence (desecration, infringement, outrage, assault, and lust for power). And God looked upon the world and saw how degenerate, debased, and vicious it was, for all humanity had corrupted their way upon the earth and lost their true direction. Genesis 6 was written about six thousand years ago yet still so accurate on the present state of the world.  As I read these verses in the Amplified version of the Bible, I thought, God fast- forwarded to the 21st century and knew what the state of nations would be and then spoke as written.  We serve a God who can adequately and accurately predict an event many years before the event occurs.  Wow, what a mighty God we serve Glory,glory, Hallelujah Everything written abo


InSpired REASONS FOR WAITING.  Chains are not just tangible physical metal ropes used as means of restraint, rather they can be any element either mental, spiritual, emotional or physical used to limit, constraint a believer from attaining his best potential in Christ.  Ignorance is one of the most effective chains the enemy use to the keep believer in limitation.  One major reason you experience waiting in any form is IGNORANCE.  IGNORANCE is defined as destitute of knowledge, uninstructed, uninformed, untaught, unenlightened.  You will tolerant, cooperate with, endure any waiting period as long as you believe its caused by God   You will not want to stand in faith against If you believe the reason you are not as anointed as you desired, you are not fruitful in business, career. ministry , personal relationship is because God wants you to wait.  You will never resist your presumed waiting, instead you will endure it as long as you view it as been from God.  Christ our Lord said you sh


INSPIRED Today,   Am celebrating Christ the King of Kings and Lord of lords Who should l celebrate if not Christ my SUBSTITUTE He paid the PRICE. Faith in Christ Jesus gave ME Divine Health- by His stripe I was made whole  Prosperity- He became poor, so wealth is mine Eternal life- For God so love the world that He gave Christ, whosoever believes him has eternal life  Sons of God- As many that believe him he gave the right of sons. Sonship attained by faith in Christ and not by works  Divine protection- my life is hidden in Christ in God. I shall tread upon snakes and overcome all powers of the enemies and nothing shall by any means hurt me Unlimited deliverance- Christ had redeemed me from the dominion of darkness having prevailed over principality and powers  Fruitfulness- Be fruitful, multiple to the extent of lfilling the earth with your success Success in Ministry -if you abide in him and my word abide in you, you will bear fruit Long life- Christ died young so that you live lo


InSpired ATTACKS AGAINST THE MAN OF GOD- THE HELP OF THE HOLY SPIRIT We discussed in previous article the responses of the Minister when Satan attacks his fellowship with God and separate him from the direct influence of the Holy Spirit. REPONSES 1. Repentance 2. Continue as usual Now let's examine the third one which: 3. Unconsciously open up to demonic influence. Demonic assistance is not as direct as it sound. Rather it is a subtil move against the minister to lure away from his dependence on prayers, fasting, studying the word and waiting on God to get daily instructions for life and ministry. Demonic assistance has gone beyond visiting an herbalist, belonging to a cult or going to the sea -shore to get power. The devil has brought his services closer and easily accessible to all. It is only when you want more of his power that you start getting into deep waters. Demons can infuse into your thoughts and dreams seeming suggestions/ instructions that look good. But you must


InSpired YOU GOT THE POWER The Church of Christ is matching on and the gates of Hell shall not prevail. The ONLY entity authorised and that has the power to bring Light, Peace, Serenity to the World is the CHURCH of our LORD JESUS. And if you believe in Jesus as Saviour and Lord, you are Christ ambassador, you are His Point man/woman, you are His representative on earth. He needs you to walk and work in the power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit for the World to know Jesus Christ and His Father.  Just as Jesus Christ is the radiance and exact image of the Almighty, so you as a Believer in Christ is the exact representation and shines his glory anywhere you find yourself. Christ lives in you and because he lives with you by His eternal Holy Spirit, you can do all that Christ did and will even do greater work if you grow your faith to that Life. The potential to do greater works that Jesus Christ did is in every believer but we don't do them YET for the following reasons: THE POWER IS


InSpired SPIRITUAL WARFARE IS REAL The Christian is involved in spiritual warfare on a daily basis. It means you are actively fighting against something, a force in order to enforce your victory. Your warfare against devil and flesh is a GUARANTEED Success because Jesus Christ prevailed and you have prevailed too. Colossians 1;13-15 esp 15  And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. The Christian life is made easy by this simple truth " You are fighting from a WINNING side. I emphasised the winning in capital so that you will know. If you don't know this truth then be sure the Enemy will take an advantage of you. He will use your ignorance to defeat you. Jesus Christ, our Commamder-in Chief said ' I will build my Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail' Any man who believes in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and lives according to the Word of God is a member of the Church of Christ. 


InSpired ESTHER Esther married a King, Ruth was married to an influential Jew. Yr purpose  in life should influence yr choice of  partner TRINITY InSpired Christ's Grace found me, mercy cleansed me, God's Love transformed me, The Holy Spirit's help made me great! Hallelujah! GRACE InSpired A low- bred individual can be transformed by God's grace, don't look down on anybody, RELATIONSHIPS InSpired Mordecai was Esther's life long Coach for reigning in life and divine purpose. Prioritise relationships PREPARATION InSpired Anointed David was sent to king Saul's palace to learn the etiquette of Kings- your preparation is disguised in service ANOINTED up InSpired Anointed David was sent to king Saul's palace to learn the etiquette of Kings- your preparation is disguised in service PREPARATION InSpired Preparation for purpose is filled with opportunities to learn. Miss the opportunity- fail in the purpose OUR FATHER InSpired God's showed His acceptance of


InSpired THE ENEMY SUBTIL ATTACK The Invisible realm is real and it controls almost everything that happens in the natural realm. We will base the premise of this write- up on the statement of our LORD Jesus Christ in John 8:42-44 "If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me.  Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires.  He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him.  When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." The Bible says the Devil is a murderer from the beginning. The Devil was created as an archangel and a Servant to The Almighty just as angels are sons of God and also His Servants. But the Enemy life mission changed  after his rebellion in heaven and he was cast to the earth (Revelation.12),


InSpired GENUINE MINISTERS ARE WORTHY OF DOUBLE HONOUR I could barely lift my legs up the stairs as l walked wearily with a picture pasted on my mind - I need sleep. I needed it because it was really a very hectic day for me.  Finally, l fell asleep and then my phone ringing tone " He is a wonder to my soul" hit my ears like an angry rain that refuses to stop pouring down its fierce drops.  At first, l could not comprehend why my phone was not switched off on a night like this; that l needed sleep badly, then it dawn on me that l was a PA to a Servant of God and one of my job descriptions was "Your phone must be switch on 24/7. With a full frown on my face and my voice still deep from sleep, l picked the call and whispered "Hello". Then l heard a voice " Pastor, pls pray for me, my sister is about to under go an operation. I turned towards the wall clock and saw 2:15am... The above account was one of my many experiences as the PA of a Minister of the Go


InSpired PREPARING TO REIGN IN DESTINY AND LIFE- AN INTRO Happy Sunday, and hope your weekend was lovely. Thank you for the feedback on articles written by me. I pray God will continue to give us insights in His Word. I am starting a new series titled 'Preparing to Reign in Destiny and Life by studing the lives of three women in the Bible -Rebecca, Ruth and Esther. (Please note that this study is inspired by my spiritual mother who gave the instruction for DOD members in my Church to study the lives of these women. ( Daughters of Destiny fellowship is a singles fellowship, DM to learn more about it) God's ways are not our ways. He took the Israelites through the wilderness for 40years because He knew they were not strong enough to face the enemy in combat if they took the shorter route of 40 days. Sometimes, I wonder why some men are great and some others are not great: You see two persons who may be friends, colleagues, siblings who attend the same school, studied the same cou


WAITING IS PAINFUL I used to be someone who hates waiting. I want my desires for the future fulfilled yesterday. Although l am not a noodles lover, but l like quick actions, no delay, until God showed me the beauty of waiting..  Waiting can be good. Job said I will wait until my change come. WE can it waiting but God calls it PROCEES- ( As the Bible often says' in the process of time) From the time, we encountered the promise to the time of its actualisation,, we wait patiently, believing that soon my change will happen, then waiting begins- one day, one month, one year, one decade, standing on the tower of faith, confessing that His promises never fail, God will do it.  Atimes, waiting can be painful esp. for a believer who serves the God who can do all things. For such, waiting makes no sense. David was anointed at age seventeen as king but ascended the throne at age thirty (30).Why do we have to wait? waiting can he painrul when your neighbor sees you and their prayers for



InSpired  DECISIONS, ACTIONS & THEIR CONSEQUENCES Hmmmm. For everything God allows a believer to go through, there is always a purpose. But every Christian is responsible for the decisions and actions taken by them. Rebellion is not until you totally usurp Christ as the authority figure in your life. Rebellion is when you know this is the truth, this is the will of God and you deliberately turn away from it . Whenever a Christian is about to make a mistake or go into error, God will do all He can to stop such, a dream of the night, a vision, lack of peace, things not working out as you planned, lack of ease. For God does speak —now one way, now another — though no one perceives it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they slumber in their beds, he may speak in their ears and terrify them with warnings, to turn them from wrongdoing and keep them from pride, to preserve them from the pit, their lives from perishing by the sword.- Job 33 The case o


InSpired THE  GIVERS GET MORE TO GIVE Giving is categorized as living and is true: No man or animal can successfully live on earth without giving.  Plants receive light from the Sun in the process of photosynthesis, they in return release oxygen which man needs for survival; carbon dioxide is given out by man and used by plants to produce the food needed by man.  God ordained mutualism for a purpose; we all depend on each other for living. Likewise in the Kingdom, Heaven depends on  Sons and Daughters of God to carry out its mandate and purposes on earth and the Children of God on the other hand depend; rely on God’s provisions for sustenance.  The Bible says that the Streets of Heaven are lined with gold (Revelation 21:21); God does not need your money to exist and live in His Heaven,  So if the Bible asks you to give, is not because your money would be converted to dollars and pounds and then, transfer to heaven, rather God needs your Bank account as a CHANNEL through which His riche


InSpired (A Song in Yoruba Language.) Oyigi yigi Olu Orun Atobajaye Eleda ohun gbogbo Gbogbo Agbaye iba moriki re ni  Ba would ni I ba see dun to (This song close translation should be thus) The Mighty, mighty, Lord of Heaven Worthy to walk with, God of all Flesh If the whole World knows your true worth How beautiful will all things be I love this Yoruba song; for its a prophectic song that shows the desire of the Father for mankind.  God desires that men and women experience His love thus Apostle Paul appealed " that prayers and intercessions be made for all men. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, 1 Timothy 2:3-4 Truly, when we know the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, we have made the best choice humanly possible for anybody on planet earth.. Enoch broke old records and set a new one by his relationship with God,


INSPIRED HOW TO GET CLOSER TO HIM 1. DESIRE HIM  Your life follows the direction of your desires. Your pursuit is a reflection of your desires. Psalm 40:8  "I desire to do your will, my God; your law is within my heart" Luke 10:42.  but few things are needed—or indeed ONLY ONE. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” 2. SEEK HIM Men who find God, are worshippers who place the highest value on Him. They see Him as more precious than Gold, so they seek earnestly. MATT. 6:33 "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Jeremiah 29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. And I will be found of you, saith the Lord. CORRECT YOUR MOTIVES Its good to want His glory, power, favour, prosperity, riches, international ministry and fame but ask yourself: WHY do l want all these things.? If not for His glory, youanswer's have missed it. John 6


InSpired WHY YOU CANT TOLERANT OTHERS You must know that as long as you are in the human flesh, everyone will never meet up, measure up to your stardard of  behaviour, expectations and thinking. Even believers who have  experienced the New Birth and has the Nature of our Saviour: Jesus Christ will still not become exactly as you desired;  act according to your expectation, speak the way you envisaged. WHY?, they may have Christ live in them and live in Christ, but they are not YOU!  YOU are uniquely and fearfully created, formed, made to reflect all your attributes. Your personality, voice textures, desires, aspirations, style of eating, dressing, talking is all YOU and that makes you DIFFERENT  and  not necessary BETTER than others. You may be a man or woman who is fast paced and make decisions on the Go. You want tomorrow's tasks done yesterday and want all your 'T' dotted and all your 'I' crossed. That still does not make 'YOU ' the best human being on th


InSpired There is the day that l descended from the thoughts of the Father of all life and landed on the planet called The Earth. I was introduced as an egg fertilsed by a spermatoza into the womb of a dear woman called  the wife of Mr. Samuel Odogun.  The Nurse involved in the delivery quickly cleaned up my mother and left the delivery room. My father smiled but his laughter was not deep because he hoped it would be a boy this second time.  So He unceremoniously gave the name Abigail. He meant the name to be 'Abigirl'  But the Hand of the Everlasting Father intervened and stamped ' the father's joy' on my forehead instead of ' You gave birth to a girl again' Oh , the love of God  that will never let me go Oh, the Father of Love Who cared for me from the womb And will care for me till l returned to Him fulfilled in Christ Isaiah 46:3b-4, Jeremiah 1:5 Then, l heard that the Enemy of the Human soul came to my father and said " I want this second daughter


InSpired HOW TO HELP YOUR CHILDREN SERVE GOD The Almighty- Jehovah, Yahweh, the God of our Lord Jesus, the God of all flesh, (sincerely), is a good God. Our Lord Jesus said, No one deserves to be called 'GOOD' excerpt The Almighty. ( I don't know why our Lord Jesus said this and l don't really want to know, l shall receive by faith those things that are revealed by God's Spirit.) There is nothing we need in the World, that is not in Christ-good health, wealth, riches, power etc.  The joy is that The God of our Lord Jesus can give Believers exceedly abundantly than the World can give because it is the blessings of God that maketh rich without sorrow and it is Christ that can give more abundant life. It's not the Enemy that has Life more abundantly, Life more abundantly is in Christ and it is for Christ disciples. So it is not sufficient for Believer to love and serve the God of our Lord Jesus, our seeds must also serve Him forever, we must consciously bring our s


InSpired ABC HOW TO BREAK CURSES July 13, 2021 InSpired CAUSES OF CURSES AND HIW TO BREAK THEM. You must know that witches, wizards, sorcerer's, occultic men/women, diviners, Satanist and even anointed men/women of God who curse people uses WORDS to perpetrate their operations  You must also note that blessings are transferred and pronounced through the medium of WORDS.  You as a man or woman on  earth was formed, created and you are been sustained by the same words. WORDS form the basis for n ideas.  Every ideas ever executed as products, inventions or achievement started as a body of thoughts in your mind or spirit and then they are composed as spoken or written word  which are called ideas. SIN & DISOBEDIENCE TO GOD'S WORDS The Bible stated in Genesis 1 that everything God created was good. Also, the same Bible emphasized by saying " every good and perfect gift is from God. But in Genesis 3, God the Creator spoke words that were contrary to His utterance in Genesis


InSpired GOD'S STEP CHILDREN birthed by Hell,catered for by God's prayer. They kill the righteous but promised the wicked that they will live .


InSpired THIS MAY BE WHY YOU HAVE THAT PROBLEM Our LORD Jesus Christ cursed a fig tree in Mark 11 and spoke to it ' May no one ever eat fruit from you again.” The command of our LORD Jesus Christ to the fig tree was very specific. If no one will ever eat its fruit again, then it means that particular tree will be furitless.forever. Other fig trees in that  environment may grow and bear fruit but the cursed fig tree life span has been controlled by the spoken words of our LORD Jesus Christ. And the specific spoke command to that tree is " BE FRUITLESS FOR LIFE" The next morning one of the Disciples gave the right heading to the pronounced words of the master; Peter proclaimed "Peter remembered and said to Jesus, “Rabbi, look! The fig tree you cursed has withered!” Mark 11:21."  The pronouncement of the LORD on the tree was a curse against the life span of the tree. If a very good and experienced farmer had saw the withered fig tree and decided to perform an exper