
Showing posts from December, 2021


InSpired DENOMINATIONS OF SATAN. We must realise that Satan only, sole ambition is the following: "I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” Isaiah 14;14 And rightly so that he desires to be like his Creator; The Almighty  because our LORD  and Master Jesus Christ said no servant can be greater than his master. You will do greater works only because our Master Jesus Christ is within you. The.Enemy of the Cross called the never the equal of The Almighty and He will never be, the Bible stated that he was created a covering Cherub: a servant of The Most High. So his ambition has always be to be as the Most High  He asked our Jesus.Christ, the Son of God to worship him and Jesus Christ , the LORD made a profound statement: 'YOU are to worship ( obey, serve, honour, revere , adore ) only The Most High.  Again illustrating that Satan desires only to be as The Most High  Therefore just as the Body of Christ is set in denominations ba

Companion of fools

InSpired DENOMINATIONS OF SATAN. We must realise that Satan only, sole ambition is the following: "I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” Isaiah 14;14 And rightly so that he desires to be like his Creator; The Almighty  because our LORD  and Master Jesus Christ said no servant can be greater than his master. You will do greater works only because our Master Jesus Christ is within you. The.Enemy of the Cross called the never the equal of The Almighty and He will never be, the Bible stated that he was created a covering Cherub: a servant of The Most High. So his ambition has always be to be as the Most High  He asked our Jesus.Christ, the Son of God to worship him and Jesus Christ , the LORD made a profound statement: 'YOU are to worship ( obey, serve, honour, revere , adore ) only The Most High.  Again illustrating that Satan desires only to be as The Most High  Therefore just as the Body of Christ is set in denominations ba


InSpired DENOMINATIONS OF SATAN. We must realise that Satan only, sole ambition is the following: "I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” Isaiah 14;14 And rightly so that he desires to be like his Creator; The Almighty  because our LORD  and Master Jesus Christ said no servant can be greater than his master. You will do greater works only because our Master Jesus Christ is within you. The.Enemy of the Cross called the never the equal of The Almighty and He will never be, the Bible stated that he was created a covering Cherub: a servant of The Most High. So his ambition has always be to be as the Most High  He asked our Jesus.Christ, the Son of God to worship him and Jesus Christ , the LORD made a profound statement: 'YOU are to worship ( obey, serve, honour, revere , adore ) only The Most High.  Again illustrating that Satan desires only to be as The Most High  Therefore just as the Body of Christ is set in denominations ba


InSpired DENOMINATIONS OF SATAN. We must realise that Satan only, sole ambition is the following: "I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” Isaiah 14;14 And rightly so that he desires to be like his Creator; The Almighty because our LORD and Master Jesus Christ said no servant can be greater than his master. You will do greater works only because our Master Jesus Christ is within you. The.Enemy of the Cross called the never the equal of The Almighty and He will never be, the Bible stated that he was created a covering Cherub: a servant of The Most High. So his ambition has always be to be as the Most High  He asked our Jesus.Christ, the Son of God to worship him and Jesus Christ , the LORD made a profound statement: 'YOU are to worship ( obey, serve, honour, revere , adore ) only The Most High.  Again illustrating that Satan desires only to be as The Most High  Therefore just as the Body of Christ is set in denominations ba


The argument was really very hot. Both sides trying hard to have the last word. " He is selfish, the man in red attire shouted so that the clamour in the room will be still. He used to command higher decorum before now but today😝, noone paid him attention obviously something or someone has stripes him of his power Suddenly he was on the stage at the platform with a podium I. The middle of the platform. " O silence, I say" he gestured with his hands for the room to become silent. But only a small crowd standing at the far left of the big au DD itoriu. Or empty space with clouds everywhere stood still. The place seem like a big empty space filled with transparent. creatures floating, standing, sitting, in space but also on seats and also standing  This creature at the far left side of the space in the cloud stool still but the other larger cloud in glittering white stood aloof with disdain spread across their forehead that can be seen but also seem in invisible. Then they


The argument was really very hot. Both sides trying hard to have the last word. " He is selfish, the man in red attire shouted so that the clamour in the room will be still. He used to command higher decorum before now but today😝, noone paid him attention obviously something or someone has stripes him of his power Suddenly he was on the stage at the platform with a podium I. The middle of the platform. " O silence, I say" he gestured with his hands for the room to become silent. But only a small crowd standing at the far left of the big au DD itoriu. Or empty space with clouds everywhere stood still. The place seem like a big empty space filled with transparent. creatures floating, standing, sitting, in space but also on seats and also standing  This creature at the far left side of the space in the cloud stool still but the other larger cloud in glittering white stood aloof with disdain spread across their forehead that can be seen but also seem in invisible. Then they


InSpired NO MATTER, YOUR AGE IS NOT TOO LATE! The God of our Lord Jesus Christ is not just a kind and compassionate God; time and events have proved that He is also dynamic in His dealings and operations on earth. Did l remember to tell you that He is a master strategist and always ahead of 'ALL' in His plans and purposes.   Sometimes, our lack of understanding of His ways and our minds' stereotypes can and does interfere with His plan and purposes. Different men and women started their relationships with God at different ages yet the discrepancies of age and circumstances does not deter the success of the plan of the Almighty  When Moses told God, ' I am a stutter and not qualify for your purpose'  God reminded him of His Sovereignty and showed him- Moses that The Almighty is always ahead Human frality. MEN, AGES & PURPOSES 1. Adam- begotten by the breadth of the Almighty, age not stated. (Pioneer of the Human race.) 2. Seth- Though his parents had direct conta


InSpired DON'T PUT GOD IN A STEREOTYPE BOX!  Joseph was introduced to God at birth by his father and circumcised at day 8.   Obviously, he was the most loved and closest son of Jacob-his father because the Bible stated that he loved Joseph more than his other sons. This close bond with his father gave  Joseph early exposure to the God of his father. At age 17, Joseph had a prepared heart which could embrace God's plan for his family, his people and his generation.  At age 30, he became a prime minister in Egypt. Judah, on the other hand did not have such favourable circumstances as Joseph.  Although, he had to his credit his prophetic name - 'Judah'  (Gen 39:35) but he also had other actions that should disqualify him. Inspite of this disadvantage, God's eternal plan involved Judah. Prophet Jacob prophecied about Judah's seed in Gen. 49 'Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father's childr


THOUGHTS ALOUD A CHICKEN MORE VALUABLE THAN HUMAN LIVES: An Appeal To Medical Practitioners Recently, l had the opportunity to attend the Ondo State Health Summit on the ticket of the organisation where l work: K&TRC. During one of the Panel discussions, a question was raised by the panelist:  Why the incessant labour strike actions  by Health practitioners? ( This question is paraphrased by me.) Our CEO was one of the invited panelist and l know he would have done justice to the topic  but his very busy schedule could not allowed honour that invite although he attended the summit.  I was a participant at the summit and had some answers within my heart but at that period in time, l lacked the courage to speak at the Summit: My thoughts to the question of cause of medical labour strike actions was : The incessant strike actions by Doctors is as a result of low premium presently placed on human lives  in Nigeria. This low premium on human lives is reflected in every fiber of our bein


InSpired HOW I DID NOT LAY ON AN HOSPITAL BED IN 2019 Jesus Christ bore my infirmities and healed all my diseases.  Was l attacked by sickness and disease in 2019?  A capital YES!  But was l admitted in hospital for any sickness or diseases , NO! HOW? Always, when the symptom of any of this disease or sickness show up, l will put the Word of God into my mouth and begin to confess:  ' if Jesus Christ bore you, then l can't have you'.   I would continue: I reject both the sickness and its symptoms. Though there was pain in my body and cough in my throat,  l continued my confession until everything disappeared.  Then l took a step further and began to appreciate God when l woke for a disease free body.  How do l do this? When l wake in the morning, l say to God " Father, l appreciate you for the gift of life, thank you for a disease free body etc And then l notice that l don't even have symptoms of any disease. I am learning to use the same confession for divine provi


NUGGETS FROM CHRIST THE EXCHANGE! She was given everything she ever wanted, she was the perfection of beauty because He used her to demonstrate and show forth His ethereal beauty. He gave her innumerable servants with wings and fire to work in her vineyard and care for her numerous business in the metropolitan City named 'Eden' She had the best security gadgets ever known and seen. The omniscience God was her Chief security Commander and had given her the ultimate security instruction. Everywhere and where thing is safe in metropolitan City excerpt the location called 'knowledge of good and evil.'  This tree has a device which triggers spontaneous death in your innermost being when eaten which is against God's instructions.  Then the serpent came and knew that he had to present something ready tempting  for the woman to reveal the secret that will lead to their downfall and the down fall of their City. He noticed a desire in the heart of the woman, a desire that is


InSpired THE LIMITLESS GOD A song writer wrote Who told the Sun where to stand in the morning Who told the Ocean , you can only come thus far This is one  of the descriptions for The Almighty God As vast as the Universe; God knows it breadth, width and depth He can see and hear every thoughts The contents  of every  spirit ( visible and invisible) is known to Him In the Book of Revelation, some said to the mountain : Hide us from the wrath of the Great Judge I guess the mountain will reply You can take shelter in me but l cannot hide from my Creator the Almighty  David wrote " where can we hide from your presence  God is limitless In wisdom In Jesus Christ is the treasures of immense knowledge and Understanding The Holy Spirit is universal in His operation Elshaddai is boundless in power Elohim is inestimable in riches and wealth The Everlasting Father does innumerable good deeds He is The I AM that I AM The Sovereign Owner of ALL THINGS Things and Beings on The Earth belongs to H


InSpired SATAN IS WILLING TO PAY ANY PRICE AND AMOUNT FOR YR SOUL! "And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:  The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls,...... And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep,  and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men. .Rev. 18:11,13 A scenario unfolded in Matt 4:8-10 when The Enemy of the Souls of men was ready to offer the world and all its glory to Jesus Christ, if He would only bow to worship. The Book of Romans gives an understanding that whosoever you obey is your master.  The Human Soul is the most valued commodity in the World. I used the term ' commodity' to describe the human soul because there is obviously a buying and selling of not just the body of men but the souls of men. While a prostitute sells his/ her body for cash reward, also men and


InSpired THE LIMITLESS GOD A song writer wrote Who told the Sun where to stand in the morning Who told the Ocean , you can only come thus far This is one  of the descriptions for The Almighty God As vast as the Universe; God knows it breadth, width and depth He can see and hear every thoughts The contents  of every  spirit ( visible and invisible) is known to Him In the Book of Revelation, some said to the mountain : Hide us from the wrath of the Great Judge I guess the mountain will reply You can take shelter in me but l cannot hide from my Creator the Almighty  David wrote " where can we hide from your presence  God is limitless In wisdom In Jesus Christ is the treasures of immense knowledge and Understanding The Holy Spirit is universal in His operation Elshaddai is boundless in power Elohim is inestimable in riches and wealth The Everlasting Father does innumerable good deeds He is The I AM that I AM The Sovereign Owner of ALL THINGS Things and Beings on The Earth belongs to H


InSpired Hypnotism Instead of The Spirit When we said that some Men of God now use hypnotism and manipulation to make their members do their bidding, nobody listened or commented, they felt we were ranting. Rather these same men placed a covering on their write up so that no one will see articles written against them or their wickedness against the people.  Should we fail to write the truth or speak the truth because the Word of God says touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm ? When the Anointed cease to honour, respect and obey the God who called him and has pledge his obedience to The Enemy yet still calling the name of Jesus Christ, it is not only mere men that will attack the anointed, the God of the anointed will fight against him by Himself. I Peter 3:10 You must know that you cannot cover the truth forever. Because it is God's word and truth, the God of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ has given it wings to fly to nations of the Earth and no visible or invisib


InSpired THE LIMITLESS GOD A song writer wrote Who told the Sun where to stand in the morning Who told the Ocean , you can only come thus far This is one  of the descriptions for The Almighty God As vast as the Universe; God knows it breadth, width and depth He can see and hear every thoughts The contents  of every  spirit ( visible and invisible) is known to Him In the Book of Revelation, some said to the mountain : Hide us from the wrath of the Great Judge I guess the mountain will reply You can take shelter in me but l cannot hide from my Creator the Almighty  David wrote " where can we hide from your presence  God is limitless In wisdom In Jesus Christ is the treasures of immense knowledge and Understanding The Holy Spirit is universal in His operation Elshaddai is boundless in power Elohim is inestimable in riches and wealth The Everlasting Father does innumerable good deeds He is The I AM that I AM The Sovereign Owner of ALL THINGS Things and Beings on The Earth belongs to H


InSpired JESUS THE CHRIST IS ALL IN ALL No singular man ( man here refers to  both gender) is complete in himself. No woman can survive, stand without inputs from other human; you are created to depend on others for your existence and success. No man know all things, know the foundations of the Earth and the whereabout of every element and things on earth. Nobody has the knowledge of every thoughts that runs through the mind of a man. We have scientific  equipments   that can induce a man to expose his thoughts and imagination but even such equipments are limited in their scope of examinations. The Bible , the Book of The Truth states: 'These are the words of him who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again.  Rev. 2:8 "Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades. Rev. 1:17 I am he; I am the first and I am the last. My own hand laid the founda


InSpired Faith strives best in imperfect circumstances, don't wait till the cloud is clear before you travel on unchartered course. The way will open and obstacles. be removed as you take each step of faith till your vision is fully accomplished. If the vision is from God, it will certainly be bigger than your efforts and ability, that is why you need His faith to do His works and not your faith. Jesus Christ, our Lord said "if you believe, you will do greater works. PRAYERS 1.Father give me the courage to step out in faith even when  circumstances look unfavourable  2. Father. as l step out in faith, open my eyes to see divine provisions in Jesus name. 3. Father, l shall not miss the help and ministry of every man or woman, you have ordained to assist in executing your vision for my life  4. Thank you Lord, l appreciate you A.L. Hephzibah

Passage to Hell

InSpired THE PASSAGE TO HELL The man was been  pursued He was panting, looking back off his shoulder at the invisible hands attending to drap him to their abode and ravage his soul Maybe it was my imagination, he muttered Maybe l am hallucinating, because of high fever But this scorching fear in my depth is a testimonial that my fears are real And the Soul harvesters are after me Then he saw a man in white garment in front of a white blocks of building beckoneing to him to come He looked back to where he was been pursued and saw that they were all arrayed in black blocking out completely every rays of  light Sometimes,  he sees different shades of white on the beings pursuing him But when he looked carefully, the white raiments actual covered a garment of deep darkness Oh,  the white raiment was a disguise, he concluded in his mind They were in reality gloss darkness pretending to be light. It's was deep darkness presenting itself as an agent of Light But he lifted his eyes and gaz

hypotism instead of the Spirit

InSpired Hypnotism Instead of The Spirit When we said that some  Men of God now use hypnotism and manipulation to make their members do their bidding, nobody listened or commented, they felt we were ranting. Rather these same men placed a covering on their write up so that no one will see articles written  against them or their wickedness against the people.  Should we fail to write the truth or speak the truth because the Word of God says touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm ? When the Anointed cease to honour, respect and obey the God who called him and has pledge his obedience  to The Enemy yet still calling the name of Jesus Christ, it is not only mere  men that will attack the anointed, the God of the anointed will fight against him by Himself.  You must know that you cannot cover the truth forever. Because it is God's word and truth, the God of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ has given it wings to fly to nations of the Earth and no visible or invisible forces ca


InSpired THE PASSAGE TO HELL The man was been  pursued He was panting, looking back off his shoulder at the invisible hands attending to drap him to their abode and ravage his soul Maybe it was my imagination, he muttered Maybe l am hallucinating, because of high fever But this scorching fear in my depth is a testimonial that my fears are real And the Soul harvesters are after me Then he saw a man in white garment in front of a white blocks of building beckoneing to him to come He looked back to where he was been pursued and saw that they were all arrayed in black blocking out completely every rays of  light Sometimes,  he sees different shades of white on the beings pursuing him But when he looked carefully, the white raiments actual covered a garment of deep darkness Oh,  the white raiment was a disguise, he concluded in his mind They were in reality gloss darkness pretending to be light. It's was deep darkness presenting itself as an agent of Light But he lifted his eyes and gaz


InSpired CHALLENGES; A PART OF YOUR TRAINING AS A BELIEVER This week, we start with the Letter to the churches in Smyma of our Master and King forever Jesus Christ. He acknowledged the church was going through difficult times, Satan's assaults  and the ridicule, reproach and mocking coming from those who claim to be the Children of God by been the seeds of Abraham but their true identity in Heaven estimation  is ' Synagogue of Satan' “To the angel of the church in Smyrna write: These are the words of him who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again. I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich!........ Rev. 2:8-11. We will attempt to examine each attributes of this Church as given by The LORD and pray it is an encouragement to any believer going through difficult times presently. Remember " Tough times don't last but Touch people conquers by the power and wisdom of the Spirit". In the past, I was plagued by great perplexity becau


NUGGETS FROM CHRIST. UNSEEN YET IMPORTANT They were a part of the plan: Simeon,- The man who was not allowed to see death until the Saviour was born ( The pursuit of divine purpose is the right drugs for long life) Anna- the daughter of Penuel who fasted day and night for 74 years for the work that Christ finished within 3 and a half years ( Are your surprised Christ performed excellently well and on time) Jael-the wife of Heber, who killed the enemy of the nation of Israel but the Holy Spirit never revealed her training field or time to anyone before she was activated for her task and throw back into her normal day life after her assigment!  The servant of Saul who became the first King of Israel. He was the one who had the coin for the Seer ( it was him who had what was needed for Saul to be enthroned as King,  The damsel who was Naaman maid, and so many others; some named, other unnamed.   They were a part of the work but no one saw them because their portion of the work was behind


InSpired PHOPHECIES AND YOUR DESTINY! Prophecies are crucial weapon through which Heaven and Hell gives direction to humanity and the use of prophecies is not limited to the Church of Christ alone.  It is an instrument used by witches, sorcerers and even the occultic. It consists of spoken and written words. The spoken word is more potent because the Bible says shall be ensnared by his/her words. Witches, wizards and sorcerers operate by casting spells and speak evil words  against   their victims. They also use the weapon of injected thoughts and suggestions which are backed by demonic power and influence. A witch and Sorcerer has the ability to inject their will/desires/wishes into your mind and you may think is your own original thoughts and execute it. They operated by words. The spell is cast by spoken words which is immediately executed by devils against the victims at which these spells are directed. Deception and Lies is Satan main weapons and he is working successfully f


NUGGETS FROM CHRIST FOR HIS GORY OR FOR MY GLORY? Sometimes, we make it difficult for God to protect us because of our lack of sensitivity to His leading. Jesus Christ my Lord spoke of the Pharisees ' ‘We played the pipe for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.’Matt. 11:17 God will do everything to keep you from danger especially from the traps of the enemy. King Saul was after David's life as shown by various instances in I Samuel 18 yet he chose to marry his daughter.  David faced the danger of his enthronement be terminated before its physical manifestation because of obvious sentiments- Jonathan was his best friend, he had started rising in stardom though he had a boss who wanted to end his ministry. It is not all seeming good occurrence that is a blessing. Just as we have opportunities that are blessings in disguise: This opportunity presented by the King Saul to David was a trap in disguise. Michal was not brought to David on the wings of gr


InSpired DECEPTION, SATAN'S MOST POTENT WEAPON. Communication is only regarded as complete and effective when there is accurate feedback. This is one of  concluding parts of the article titled " TEST ALL SPIRITS, PROVE ALL CLIAMS" And we were encouraged to finish it because a reader reminded us that we promised To be continued" Bible Scholars believe that the Law of First mention is an effective and accurate method for interpreting Bible truths.  When Satan was first mentioned in the Bible, the first characteristic associated with him was SUBTILITY and DECEPTION. The devil did not appeared to Eve in his true diabolical nature, rather he presented himself as the  One who had Eve's best interest in mind and painted God, the Almighty as selfish with an interior motive. We must know that Satan has not change his nature and the same demons and devils who worked with him, 6000  years ago are the same evil spirits troubling our world today. The same evil spirits who per


NUGGETS FROM CHRIST  YOU CANT BE STRANDED WITH GOD! There is this beautiful story of escape in 1Samuel 19:11-18. The Bible says the blessings of God added no sorrow. I strongly believe that our heavenly Father is The most compassionate Being in the visible and invisible World. I know He is Jehovah, the God of war, I know He is a consuming fire and l know He is terrible in righteousness but He is also a Father and you can trust Him.  David was caught in a human trap though anointed as king but prophet Samuel he was not yet enthroned as king by the people. And the  Enemy was searching for a means to terminate David's life since Giant could not do so.  So a trap was disguised in the opportunity of marrying the King's daughter for Saul the King felt this is his opportunity to terminate David' s destiny who he saw as a threat to his reign as king. King Saul as a.leader had allowed his humanity to tamper with his walk with God and the nation of Israel was at the mercy of the Enem