
Showing posts from January, 2022


InSpired CINFIRM YOUR CALLING The Bible states that our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, came to do the Will of the Father. He says "my food is to do the Will of the Father and finished it  But The LORD was not chosen and called to be the Saviour of the World by any human efforts . Before he was born, he was already called and elected to become the Redeemer. The only thing He had to do was willingly drink from the cup that was set apart for Him . The Bible says in Jeremiah 1:1-3 The word of the LORD came to me, saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. ” Before Jeremiah could know right from wrong, he was already called and chosen. Before he was formed in his mother's womb, God knew him. How did God knew him?  God knew he was a prophet to the nation's. God's thoughts for Jeremiah was a prophet to the nation's. Jeremiah did not do anything to either  qualify or earn this rath


InSpired YOU HAVE AN INHERITANCE! Truly, the Bible says the poor shall not cease from the land and this is a reality in every nation in the World. The best of nation has their share of the poor who look up to others for sustainability. But your dual citizenship ( You are a citizen of Heaven and you have a right to earthly riches) makes poverty an abomination in your life. As a Son and Daughter of Zion, you were entitled to the whole Estate of Christ at the instance of His death and resurrection. This is food for thought, Christ paid the price for your access to all the riches in His Kingdom.  Zelophehad died in the wilderness because of his sins but his daughters did not suffer the consequences of their father sins rather they partook of his inheritance.  These ladies did not folded their hands and exclaimed ' whatever will be will be.". Rather, they were pro-active and demanded what was theirs by right of birth. Study about your inheritance in Christ and ensure you enjoy i


InSpired CAN GOD KILL A MAN DO.GOD'S SERVANT HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO KILL THREE WITNESSES IN THE NEW TESTAMENT The Bible says out of the mouth of two or three witnesses a testimony is established. WITNESS ONE ACTS 5:1-10 "Now a man named Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira, also sold a piece of property. With his wife’s full knowledge he kept back part of the money for himself, but brought the rest and put it at the apostles’ feet. Then Peter said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold?  And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied just to human beings but to God.” When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died.  And great fear seized all who heard what had happened. Then some young men came forward, wrapped up his body, and carried


THE DANGER OF ANGER Est. 2:1 "But after King Ahasuerus'  anger had cooled, he began  brooding over the lose of Vashti, realizing that he would never see her again".  Est. 2:1, TLB The deed was done. It was too late. For the rest of his  life, this King will live in regret of his RASH action against his wife.  Anger!  That is how destructive it  can be. And once the damage is done it can be irreversible for life. Many marriages, and other  forms of relationships, have  collapsed because of the DISEASE called ANGER.  Because of it's destructive  nature, anger is described as a TEMPORARY MADNESS. As a matter of fact a synonym for anger is 'madness'.  The Bible describes the angry man as 'a fool',  "Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools". Ecc.7:9, KJV.  Personal Danger  Prov.25:28,  KJV "He that hath no rule over  his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls". The angry m


YOU ARE ORDAINED FOR RICHESS Don't be upset when you see the poor kiked around (maltreated, oppressed ) and justice and right violated all over the place  Exploitation filters down from one petty official to another. There is no need to it, and nothing you can do about it   But the good Earth doesn't cheat anyone-even a bad king is honestly served by the field.  (Moreover the profit of the earth is for all: the king himself is served by the field.) Eccl. 5:9 There are three category of people on the Earth namely: Kings, and  Priest; the poor and the rich.. While the Bible noted that God has made the Body of our LORD Jesus Christ, a kingdom of kings and priests, the Bible also noted that the poor will always be in the poor  WHO IS A POOR NAN  Apoor man according to the definition provided by the statement made by King Solomon is a man who lacked the insights  needed to harness the produce of the Earth to himself, thereby making him/her self rich  Eccl. 5:9 says  The Wealth, Prod

Love So great

InSpired A LOVE THAT MADE SEVEN YEARS OF LABOUR SEEM ONLY AS A FEW DAYS  After Jacob had stayed with him for a whole month, Laban said to him, “Just because you are a relative of mine, should you work for me for nothing?  Tell me what your wages should be.” Now Laban had two daughters; the name of the older was Leah, and the name of the younger was Rachel.  Leah had weak eyes, but Rachel had a lovely figure and was beautiful.  Jacob was in love with Rachel and said, “I’ll work for you seven years in return for your younger daughter Rachel.”  Laban said, “It’s better that I give her to you than to some other man. Stay here with me.”  SO JACOB SERVED SEVEN YEARS TO GET RACHEL, but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her. Genesis 29:15-20

Greater love

InSpired A LOVE THAT HONOURS FRIENDSHP ABOVE THE THRONE So Jonathan made a covenant with the house of David, saying, “May the Lord call David’s enemies to account. ” AND JONATHAN HAD DAVID REAFFIRM HIS OATH OUT OF LOVE FOR HIM, BECAUSE HE LOVED HIM AS HE LOVED HIMSELF.  Then Jonathan said to David, “Tomorrow is the New Moon feast. You will be missed, because your seat will be empty. The day after tomorrow, toward evening, go to the place where you hid when this trouble began, and wait by the stone Ezel.  I will shoot three arrows to the side of it, as though I were shooting at a target. Then I will send a boy and say, ‘Go, find the arrows.’ If I say to him, ‘Look, the arrows are on this side of you; bring them here,’ then come, because, as surely as the Lord lives, you are safe; there is no danger.  But if I say to the boy, ‘Look, the arrows are beyond you,’ then you must go, because the Lord has sent you away. And about the matter you and I discussed—remember, the Lord is witness betw


                                     CHAPTER ONE TEACH MY HAND TO PROFIT In Matthew 25 , a master gave talents to his servants: to one, he gave five talents, to another two talents, to another one talent.  Our Lord has endued every believer with talents and  gifts for their assignment or purpose. We are expected to  use these to bless humanity and   increase  the kingdom of God; just as a  business man  invests money and capital in a business, for profit, our talents and gifts is for profiting and not for showmanship. This is the lesson in the story of the five talents in Matthew 25. A man was given five talents symbolizing the man can sing, teach God word, give to the work of God, impacting believers and humanity.  Dr. Ben Carson' gift of surgery and Bill Gates golden touch with computers is given by God for the purpose of blessing humanity. But they make the decision to either put their talents under the control of Christ and use it according to His principles or surrender their


InSpired THE PATHWAY TO REVIVAL IT STARTS FROM YOU & THE CHURCH ( Series) Some few years back, some  Believers gathered and started praying for Revival in their territory.  They were asking for God to pour out the Holy Spirit upon every flesh in their Cities. They were praying that multitudes would be saved; that the over poplualtrd bars and parlours will be empty; that the night clubs and brothel will close down.  They strongly desired that through their fervent prayers  sinners would become believers in Jesus Christ; be filled with The Holy Spirit and come to the knowledge of The Father and The Son and reign as kings in the stead of Christ. Then while praying, the Holy Spirit asked one of them the following question. " when these sinners are saved and come to Church, will  Jesus Christ, your Master be happy when they became a Believer like you? There is a principle of discipleship revealed in Genesis 1:11-13 and our LORD Jesus Christ also spoke along this line when he was sp

Guilty but Not Condemned

InSpired GUILTY BUT NOT CONDEMNED He walked towards the gloomy door of the courtroom with head bowed. He could hear the voices in his head and on the court walkway throwing questions at him, Yet, his gaze remained fixed to the floor while he tried to numb the thoughts almost driving him crazy Unlike the training he received in his profession which stipulates: " Eye contact and a broad grin is the rule of a winning "Celebrity" he remembered what his manager always drummed into his ears. " Never let your fans know what you're either thinking or your true feelings" Hmmm, that season seem a thousand years ago compared to what he is feeling now! Though the paparazzis outside were no fans, the angry sound of their camera was a reminder that this was no celebrity Red carpet shot, but a famous prison mugshot "Pervert, child molester, culprit was stoned at his already guilty bleeding heart" yet he walked on as if deaf and dumb and oblivious to all happeni


InSpired GOD'S TRUTH - THE SWORD Our victory is ensured by the Word of God but you must note that the adversary also hope to gain victory over you by his own lies. It's a battle expressed in words and victory accessed via same words.  The devil said his lies in words to Jesus Christ, our Lord  and our Lord in turn responses with the truth which is God' s Word to the adversary' s lies. The enemy was not defeated by philosophy, wisdom of men or the traditional of the ages, rather Christ, our Master and King defeated the enemy by the Word of God. You must study, learn, understand the truth that is appropriate for the adversaries lies. For every "the devil said," there is an appropriate "It is written"  It is written refers to the Scripture, for the Bible is written as the Holy Spirit gave inspiration to its various authors. CHRIST ENCOUNTER WITH THE DEVIL Luke 4:2-12 "The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become brea


InSpired NOTHING WITHOUT GRACE...... The enemy may understand one or two things about our God and know a few of His ways but when it comes to The New Testament and the Grace of our Lord Jesus, the enemy is completely lost. The Bible states that if the prince of this world knew that by crucifying our Lord, he was helping our faith. He would never had done it.  The Grace of our Lord Jesus, the Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit will forever perplex and confuse the enemy.  How can God come as Christ to died for men who did not seek Him? . He paid the price to qualify men to have a relationship with Him - that:s sacrifice of the highest order.  God's love for humanity was so great that He did all He could to remove every hindrance to you having a peaceful, joyful and prosperous life. To achieve this great feat, God put off his royal robes, lay aside the non-stop worship given to Him and came to earth as man.  He was limited for a while by natural laws, insulted by mo


InSpired SATAN REFUSED THE STATE OF SERVANTHOOD WHILE CHRIST EMBRACED IT. What sheer bliss to have the privilege of been called the sons of the Most High. John 1:12 says " As many who believed Him were given the right of sonship. Romans 8 completed the circle of sonship by saying " as many as are led by the Spirit of God are the true sons.  You may have a ticket to watch a Basketball game but yet not watch it because you refused to use the ticket. Though sonship is sweet but SEEVANTHOOD is one of the greatest expression of your love for God. In the story of the Prodigal son, one son collected his inheritance from his loving father and squardered it on himself while the other son remained with his father to help build the Father's business. When we use our God-given inheritance of gifts, good health, godly family, riches and the anointing in serve the purpose of the Kingdom, we are truly like Jesus Christ, our Master. Lucifer accused God of been selfish and not wanting


InSpired GOD'S ACCOUNT OF WHY LUCIFER TURNED SATAN FELL  Lucifer's original purpose was to be a covering cherub. I created him to cover my glory and endowed him with everything needed for his purpose.  He was created with every precious stones in God's Kingdom and every musical instruments was in him to produce pleasing sounds to The King of Glory. (Ezekiel 28:14, Ezekiel 1 and Ezekiel 10) The purpose of this guardian angel gives him access to The Almighty directly. So Lucifer had access to the council meetings in heaven, he had access to discussions in heaven. ( 1 Kings 22:19-21 ; Ezekiel 28;14, Isaiah 24:13-14) He knows the likes and dislikes of God. He was supposed to understand the mood and very sigh of his Master, The Elohim. "You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones.' The other angels looked up to Lucifer share with them the wisdom he gleaned by access to the Presen


InSpired LIES DEFEATED BY GOD'S TRUTH = DIVINE SUCCESS Our victory is ensured by the Word of God but you must note that the adversary also hope to gain victory over you by his own lies. It's a battle expressed in words and victory accessed via same words.  The devil said his lies in words to Jesus Christ, our Lord and our Lord in turn responses with the truth which is God' s Word to the adversary' s lies. The enemy was not defeated by philosophy, wisdom of men or the traditional of the ages, rather Christ, our brother defeated the enemy by the Word of God. You must study, learn, understand the truth that is appropriate for the adversaries lies. For every "the devil said," there is an appropriate "It is written"  It is written refers to the Scripture, for the Bible is written as the Holy Spirit gave inspiration to its various authors. CHRIST ENCOUNTER WITH THE DEVIL Luke 4:2-12 "The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone


InSpired Template for Success: GOD' WORD The most important treasure in my life is not my clothing, university degree, career rather it is the Word of God. ( Matthew 4:4; Psalm 19:7-11esp. 10-11) When l first entered Akure city as an NYSC corp member, l came with a small bag and a bucket but with a sure Word from God; 'I will be with you and you will prosper in the land." That was all l had because l knew no one would visit me to know about my welfare, even if l die in the city, no one would know, so l had to hold on to that treasure of a promise from God.  And did that 'Sure Word' from God kept me alive, healthy, happy, and prospered the work of my hands?  It certainly did, it was and is still my LIFELINE. The last time l changed apartment, six persons received tangible material possessions from my previous apartment. The Word of God (His sure promises that can never fail)  transformed, changed, increased a small bag of bedspread and basic toiletries into material


InSpired SUSTAINING KINGDOM WEALTH “‘I will look on you with favor and make you fruitful and increase your numbers, and I will keep my covenant with you. You will still be eating last year’s harvest when you will have to move it out to make room for the new. I will put my dwelling place among you, and I will not abhor you Leviticus 26:9-11 Every believer is configured for prosperity,  the God who dwells in you by His Spirit is the richest Being in the Universal.  No English word can accurately quantify His wealth and glory. If you combine the wealth of all richest, wealthiest men and women in each  continent on the earth : God' s wealth will still be greater than all, combine the wealth of wealthiest men and women. in previous  and future generations. they will still  not match God's limitless richess. God testified in Isaiah 46:5 “With whom will you compare me or count me equal? To whom will you liken me that we may be compared? The Book of Leviticus 26 says  “‘I will look on

Wealth Creation Part 1

InSpired THE LAW OF DEMAND AND SUPPLY AND WEALTH CREATION IN THE  KINGDOM. ( PART ONE) A wiseman/ woman may be defined as one who is capable of utilising the bodies of information at his disposal to accomplish the desired results he/she wants in the space of time allocated to him/her under the Sun. Wisdom is the application of the ideas, information you have in producing a result you envisaged whereby giving you the rewards you anticipated. Many persons have information about Aerospace and flying technology but the man who used the acquired information to build planes that could sell  at a profit is the Wise one. We can accurately say that the person who discovered the body of information may not necessary be the one who transform the information into an element or commodity  that meets the need in the Society  at a profit. Scientists and researchers labour in the laboratory to probe  nature and the creatures  of God. They may not necessary know God or have met His Son, Jesus Christ wh

Wealth Creation

InSpired THE LAW OF DEMAND AND SUPPLY AND WEALTH CREATION IN THE  KINGDOM. ( PART ONE) A wiseman/ woman may be defined as one who is capable of utilising the bodies of information at his disposal to accomplish the desired results he/she wants in the space of time allocated to him/her under the Sun. Wisdom is the application of the ideas, information you have in producing a result you envisaged whereby giving you the rewards you anticipated. Many persons have information about Aerospace and flying technology but the man who used the acquired information to build planes that could sell  at a profit is the Wise one. We can accurately say that the person who discovered the body of information may not necessary be the one who transform the information into an element or commodity  that meets the need in the Society  at a profit. Scientists and researchers labour in the laboratory to probe  nature and the creatures  of God. They may not necessary know God or have met His Son, Jesus Christ wh


InSpired GOD MADE SOLOMON RICH, HE WAS THE RICHEST KING God,your and our  Father, and the God of the Universe is a benevilennt and kind Creator and Care-Giver. He had given the Christians every spiritual blessings in Heavenly places not just on the Earth.  The produces of the Earth is.for all; kings and the poor are supposed to be enrich by it . But apart from the riches on the earth, God has also given his children spiritual blessings in heavenl6. It is spiritual not just because it is the gifts of the Spirit and the anointing and healing. It is spiritual because it is from God and not from men. The Bible noted that Lucifer was adorned with every precious heaven, it means that a.Beliwver which means you have f you believe in.Jesus.Christ and honour His WORD has access to riches in gold, diamond and silver as it is known on earth. It also means the Child of God.has access to other precious stone like.onxy, turquoise, emerald, carnelian, chrysolite and topaz, and jasper, lapis


InSpired GOD MADE SOLOMON RICH, HE WAS THE RICHEST KING God,your and our  Father, and the God of the Universe is a benevilennt and kind Creator and Care-Giver. He had given the Christians every spiritual blessings in Heavenly places not just on the Earth.  The produces of the Earth is.for all; kings and the poor are supposed to be enrich by it . But apart from the riches on the earth, God has also given his children spiritual blessings in heavenl6. It is spiritual not just because it is the gifts of the Spirit and the anointing and healing. It is spiritual because it is from God and not from men. The Bible noted that Lucifer was adorned with every precious heaven, it means that a.Beliwver which means you have f you believe in.Jesus.Christ and honour His WORD has access to riches in gold, diamond and silver as it is known on earth. It also means the Child of God.has access to other precious stone like.onxy, turquoise, emerald, carnelian, chrysolite and topaz, and jasper, lapis


InSpired THE BEAUTY OF SATAN BECAME A TRAP AND DETHRONED HIM! ( Part two) A song writer wrote in a song and l quote : You are beautiful Beyond description Too marvelous for.words. God, The Almighty was beautiful, is beautiful and will forever be beautiful. Halleluyah!  And His beauty is reflected and manifested in His creatures. Lucifer called the The Devil was an epitome of the indescribable beauty of God. In Him was the Beauty of the God- Head encapsulated. Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made. Rev. 4:11 gives credence to this truth that God is worthy to receive worship because He created all things for His pleasure.  Lucifer was created to give God pleasure. Every precious stones in the Kingdom of Heaven was represented in Lucifer.raiment; no wonder he was named ' a bright morning star, son of the dawn'.  He is 'a' bright morning