
Showing posts from March, 2022


InSpired DONT SOLVE THE PROBLEM OF YOUR MARRIAGE THIS WAY!  Life is full of challenges; there will be issues that are difficult for you to solve by yourself and you may need external helps. Christian marraiges don't experience challenges because God is not powerful enough and anything is difficult for Him. It is just that every believer lives in a world and earth that has been made imperfect and filled with wickedness by imperfect men and women who are also under the control of Satan; the Evil one. Therefore the meat from the cow that is supposed to give vital nutrient to your body, researchers inform you to stay off meat because it can bring disease to your heart. The things created by God for the good of mankind has been made imperfect and harmful to man. Sarah was a beautiful woman who married step- brother: Abraham. At that time getting married to your step brother in the cultural where God called Abraham from was not wrong; it was a part of their cultural. Sarah already h


InSpired WHO ARE YOU IN CHRIST? 1. A BELIEVER: You become one by faith in Jesus Name. You enjoy God's blessings on the righteoness of The Christ and not on your own benefits. You may never have a personal encounter with God and His Spirit yet enjoy the blessings of healing, prosperity, power, fame on the ticket of Jesus by your faith in His name. You can also perform signs and wonders in His name even if you don't honour Him by your life style.   2. A SON: You have the right of sonship by faith in Jesus Name and you are certified a true son when you are led by The Spirit of Christ.  You recognise your spiritual inheritance of having the nature of God and walking in dominion as Him. You walk in the consciousness.and reality of being joint heir with Christ. 3. A DISCIPLE: You are a student and.a.follower of Jesus Christ teachings and way of Life. Learning from Christ and obeying His teaching is important here. In this spiritual status ; learning and obedience is important.  But


InSpired JESUS INCREASED IN FAVOUR BY GROWING SPIRITUALLY ! Jesus Christ is God from the foundation of the Eart and will remain so forever. ( John 1:1- 4 and also Col. 1:15-18) Our LORD Jesus Christ deliberately subjected and submitted Himself to Human laws of existence though He was God in Human flesh.  The Bible made a profound statement about our Jing forever who is also The King of the rulers of the Earth. Jesus Christ grew in physical stature as child into an adult but He grew also in spiritual stature until He attained His full potential. "And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him.' And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. Luke 2:40 and 52. And the child grew and waxed strong [in spirit], filled with wisdom, and God's grace was upon him.  And Jesus advanced in wisdom and and stature, and in favour with God and men. (Darby) Our LORD Jesus Christ advanced in wisdom and spiritual stature


InSpired FREED TO BE ME BY THE LOVE OF THE CHRIST ME was capsulated in a child  When my father and mother modelled me to the picture they held for an expected and anticipated  son who turned out to become a daughter of Zion.  ME was covered by the demands and training of  aunties who graciously cared for  a young girl separated from parental love ME brought up by loving aunties who were used by God to began my training in 'servantship' because l am ordained to be a servant of Jesus Christ, a bond slave of The Christ ME truly began to emerge in a 14 year old girl  in a street in Lagos who had to use her wit and limited wisdom to say 'YES' to what she perceived was good for 'ME' and say 'NO' to what she termed dangerous for ME ME was atimes confused, but kept moving,  ME was  sometimes perplexed but knew l can't give up now ME had a picture hidden in my heart, where no peeping eyes could see;  Where no dangerous star gazers could probe ME wanted to bec


InSpired THE HOLY SPIRIT: THE COUNSELLOR Some few years back, I needed to make a destiny cracking decision. I had prayed and received what I felt God wanted me to do but I remembered in multiple of counsel, there is safety.  So I consulted and asked for counsel and everyone I asked except one kicked against what I felt God was saying. ( I did not tell any of them what I felt God was saying and asking me to do;  if I had done this, they would have said 'go with God, you don't need our input).  I wanted counsel to confirm what i felt God was saying. ) At the end, I decided to follow what l perceived God had put  in  my heart.  One man of God that I respected  counseled then, "God does not only send us to do things where the 'T' is crossed and the 'I' is dotted, you must learn to obey by faith because  you have an heavenly Father who sees the bigger picture." I beg to say today, that I am a better person because of that decision, I stepped forward inspite


InSpired THE FOE IS DEFEATED FOREVER JESUS CHRIST REIGNS FOREVER? As l watched, the Force in the Garden divided into two clear groups and  the  Enemy spoke his first word "You all know, how l have been diligent in running the affairs of the Commander-in-chief...' "NO, this is a coup-de-tat. No!NO!, NO! 'This cannot happen, this cannot happen.,'  Immediately the Ministers of Fire from both parties drew their swords I saw innumerable number  gravitated towards where l stood drawing out their swords  Simultaneously, I saw about one third of the stars surrounded the Enemy with their swords drew too eady to defend their Prince I motioned  with my hands to the innumerable behind me to keep quite Let's hear what this betrayer has got to say about our KING  I will not even wait for the verdict of our Beautiful King, l am a match for the one created with everything yet he turned against his Master. "Well, well, well, " the  Enemy laughed and looked at the sce


InSpired THE FOE IS DEFEATED FOREVER JESUS CHRIST REIGNS FOREVER? As l watched, the Force in the Garden divided into two clear groups and  the  Enemy spoke his first word "You all know, how l have been diligent in running the affairs of the Commander-in-chief...' "NO, this is a coup-de-tat. No!NO!, NO! 'This cannot happen, this cannot happen.,'  Immediately the Ministers of Fire from both parties drew their swords I saw innumerable number  gravitated towards where l stood drawing out their swords  Simultaneously, I saw about one third of the stars surrounded the Enemy with their swords drew too eady to defend their Prince I motioned  with my hands to the innumerable behind me to keep quite Let's hear what this betrayer has got to say about our KING  I will not even wait for the verdict of our Beautiful King, l am a match for the one created with everything yet he turned against his Master. "Well, well, well, " the  Enemy laughed and looked at the sce


InSpired THE FOE IS DEFEATED FOREVER JESUS CHRIST REIGNS FOREVER? As l watched, the Force in the Garden divided into two clear groups and  the  Enemy spoke his first word "You all know, how l have been diligent in running the affairs of the Commander-in-chief...' "NO, this is a coup-de-tat. No!NO!, NO! 'This cannot happen, this cannot happen.,'  Immediately the Ministers of Fire from both parties drew their swords I saw innumerable number  gravitated towards where l stood drawing out their swords  Simultaneously, I saw about one third of the stars surrounded the Enemy with their swords drew too eady to defend their Prince I motioned  with my hands to the innumerable behind me to keep quite Let's hear what this betrayer has got to say about our KING  I will not even wait for the verdict of our Beautiful King, l am a match for the one created with everything yet he turned against his Master. "Well, well, well, " the  Enemy laughed and looked at the sce


WHY WILL A CHRISTIAN.HAVE DEMONS IN HIS/HER SOUL AND BODY? Ignorance, pure ignorance, absolute ignorance. Just as the Enemy and Nature can afflict you with diseases because of ignorance and carelessness,.likewise demons will enter into you because of the same ignorance. The writer was oppressed by demons and cast out demons from her life for many years because of wrong mindsets, ignorance and wrong confused teaching about demons.  QUESTION Is it true that demons have access to a man/woman because of their sinful life style and evil ancestry heritage ?  ANSWER Yes, for God said He will visit the inquities of the father on their children to the 4th generation but replace this order by saying it is the soul. who sins that.shall suffer for their sins. Ezekiel 18 In Christ Jesus our LORD, everything is made new. Apostle Paul said any soul in Christ is a New creature, old things have past away and all things have become New. QUESTION But Apostle Paul suffers for his past sin against the


InSpired SPIRITUAL GIFT & MINISTRY. Every believer is endowned with at least one gift and may have several abilities for the work of the Kingdom of Christ. Ephesians 4:1  And Christ gave gifts to people- he made some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to go and spread the Good News and some to have the work of caring for and teach God's people. Christ gave those gifts to prepare God' s holy people for the work of serving, to make the body of Christ stronger... The calling into the Kingdom is service to humanity especially believers in Christ. Believers are called unto God and also called unto Kingdom business. God told Abraham walked before me and be thy perfect. This is calling into a personal relationship with God. Then God said l know Abraham will train his seed to know and obey me, he promised Abraham that through him, all the nations of the earth shall be blessed. This is calling into kingdom service. Every believer must know that our calling is two dimensional-


InSpired THE SPIRITUAL PASSIVE HUSBAND Ministry work has the tendency to separate a couple but if they are jointly pursuing the call of God, they spend more them together in each other company and the bond of love between them becomes stronger.     Hannah was married to Elkanah who had two wives. I guess the husband was no longer concerned about his first wife having a child because Penninah had satisfied his need for children. But we see the concern and pursuit of a woman becoming the entry point for the prophectic into the linage of Elkanah.  While Abraham walked with God and brought his whole family into the Covenant with Yahweh, Hannah' s pursuit and persistent faith in the power of God brought her husband's name into the Book of Eternal records. She was lthe one who entered a covenant on behalf of her seed and ultimately her family. She made the decision concerning the child's future and all the husband said was " Do what see best to you! Isaac and Rebecca


InSpired THE ROLES YOUR WIFE PLAY! Jesus Christ is our perfect pattern in everything. He made a statement that is surprising to me in John 16:13-14. He said the Holy Spirit will not speak of Himself rather He will always bring glory to Jesus by speaking only what He heard from Him. This statement inform me in no small measure that God rules by constituted authority and He has given the authority of the Head of the family to the Husband as Christ is the Head of the husband. AlThough, we are a kingdom of kings and priests( Bible theologians can help to dissect that to its simplest application), I see the husband as the priest in the family. Deborah was a prophet in an age and era when women were suposedly heard but not seen. After, the death of Joshua, Servant of God, leadership continuity suffered a set back and men turned to their own ways in the absence of true leadership. "And the people served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that outlived Joshu

Connected to Divinity

InSpired HOW ARE WE CONNECTED DIRECTLY TO GOD. You will do great exploit, live the victorious life and live free of fear when you become conscious of the truths below and walk in the reality of it -" God is Inside of Me " -" The Àlmight who made the Heaven and the Earth dwells in my innerman/spirit man - "The God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, our LORD Jesus Christ, Hephzibah Abigail is also my God. ( please put your name) - The God which the great men and women of God our days walk with and that anoints them to do great exploits in the world and the Kingdom lives 24/7 inside of Me because l believe and receive Jesus Christ as my LORD and Saviour. It is the Truth you know and practise that sets you free. In the Old Testament, the Children/seeds of Abraham were connected to God through the covenant God entered with their father; Abraham. Abraham paid the price for that covenant to be initiated by obeying God and his deeds and descendant enjoyed the benefit of tha


InSpired SPIRITUAL GIFT & MINISTRY. Every believer is endowned with at least one gift and may have several abilities for the work of the Kingdom of Christ. Ephesians 4:1  And Christ gave gifts to people- he made some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to go and spread the Good News and some to have the work of caring for and teach God's people. Christ gave those gifts to prepare God' s holy people for the work of serving, to make the body of Christ stronger... The calling into the Kingdom is service to humanity especially believers in Christ. Believers are called unto God and also called unto Kingdom business. God told Abraham walked before me and be thy perfect. This is calling into a personal relationship with God. Then God said l know Abraham will train his seed to know and obey me, he promised Abraham that through him, all the nations of the earth shall be blessed. This is calling into kingdom service. Every believer must know that our calling is two dimensional-