
Showing posts from May, 2021


INSPIRED DO SOMETHING FOR CHRIST TODAY l know you prayed for yourself, your family, your friends, your business, your ministry, the death of your enemy; But did you pray for that woman, man, boy, girl who lives in your neighborhood yet unsaved? Did you pray for that unsaved security man who works for you; The man who sells provision on your street; The driver and conductor in the vehicle which drove you to church, office, the market. Did you pray for that actress and actor who featured on the movie you watched, did you pray for the cast of the film to know Christ as you do? Did you pray for the Senators, Honourable Assembly members that they might make right and godly decisions Did you pray for the governor of your State that he will always be under the influence of your God and make godly policies NOTHING HAPPENS ON PLANET EARTH EXCEPT BELIEVERS IN CHRIST ASK GOD BY PRAYING.  PROPHECIES ARE BEAUTIFUL BUT WE MUST TARRY IN HIS PRESENCE UNTIL THEY ARE FULFILLED Did you pray for the  Pres


INSPIRED INTERRUPTED! Linda-  ( with opened bible in hands, walk back and fro praying ) Father, Nigeria is yours, your peace shall reign in Nigeria, no war, no plague Daughter - "mummy, you have a phone car from Iya bimpe Linda- ( angrily snatch phone from daughter' hand) "give me that phone biko, that woman needs to hear a piece of my mind ( puts phone to ear) Iya bimpe, pay me my money oooo, abi, I shld be foolish because am a christian.  Don't let me enter the same trouser with you oooo (Gives phone to daughter) Linda-  foolish woman, I will show her pepper. ( resumes praying)  Lord, bless our president and acting president..... Son- mum, how do you subtract 4 from 3 Linda- am praying Bobo, do it yourself, we are paying a huge tuition fee for yr education. (Resumes praying) " Jesus speak to me, lead me on this issue, should I do business with this woman...... Husband- " am going for men' fellowship darling" Linda-  ( stops praying) Temi, don'


INSPIRED ARE YOU AWARE? Are aware that at this moment irrespective of what you are doing Irrespective of where you are Irrespective of your position and titles in church Irrespective of what you did for Christ last week, month, year The Rapture of the Saints can take place And you may be left BEHIND. You may be anointed and still be left behind You may be the best preacher and still be left behind You may be a miracle worker  And still be left behind You may be very rich in Christ name And travel round the world Preaching the gospel and still be left behind You may be the best intercessor and giver and still be left behind Please read Matthew 7:1-end


InSpired TRUE WITNESS (Part Three (3)) THE ENEMY SET A TRAP FOR DANIEL " Then King Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face, prostrate before Daniel and commanded that they should present an offering and incense to him" Daniel 2:46 "In Lystra there sat a man who was lame. He had been that way from birth and had never walked. He listened to Paul as he was speaking. Paul looked directly at him, saw that he had faith to be healed and called out, “Stand up on your feet!” At that, the man jumped up and began to walk. When the crowd saw what Paul had done, they shouted in the Lycaonian language, “The gods have come down to us in human form!” Barnabas they called Zeus, and Paul they called Hermes because he was the chief speaker. The priest of Zeus, whose temple was just outside the city, brought bulls and wreaths to the city gates because he and the crowd wanted to offer sacrifices to them. But when the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard of this, they tore their clothes and rushed out in


InSpired YOUR STOMACH OR HIS  POWER In general, Life and circumstances will test your persuasion in every biblical truth you have embraced.  Either you bargain for it or not, this test will surely come if you have received Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Our LORD Jesus was not left out for He sat for  His first semester examination in 'The School of Conviction of Bible Truths'; when the Enemy came to test His understanding and persuasion of Bible Truths. In Matthew 4:1 "Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil...... THE SPIRIT LED HIM Jesus Christ is our perfect example, and we must learn to follow any man as long as they follow Christ. And if the Holy Spirit led Christ - (The WORD, John 1:1-2) to the wilderness to be tested by Satan; the Enemy will certainly examine your understanding  and convictions of Bible Truths. Satan is a master of deception, subtility and lies and He will use it against all. He will always attack the Saints


InSpired TRUE WITNESS (Part Two) THEN, NEBUCHADNEZZAR BECAME A BELIEVER! "At the end of that time, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven, and my sanity was restored.  Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified him who lives forever. His dominion is an eternal dominion; his kingdom endures from generation to generation.  All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing. He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him:  “What have you done?” At the same time that my sanity was restored, my honor and splendor were returned to me for the glory of my kingdom.  My advisers and nobles sought me out, and I was restored to my throne and became even greater than before.  Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven, because everything he does is right and all his ways are just. And those who walk in pride he is able to humble. Daniel 4:33-36 The power of a WITNESS can


INSPIRED CHRIST NEEDS YOUR HELP Few years back, I wrote about the power of your faith Which is the power or ability to bring into existence anything, you think and expect  to happen Your faith is a powerful tool for world evangelism which is the heart beat of Christ  You can wake up. Daily expecting the following to happen You can pray, have the assurance and confess that that popular musician who does not know Christ will be saved and use his voice and impact to draw men to Christ You can pray and believe God that  church leaders who do not honour Christ in their actions and decisions will repent and become true witness for Christ You can confess and believe that God will rule and reign in the affairs of Syria and put an end to the brutal killing of believers in this land As long as anyman believes in Christ and obey Him, they are your brother, so it's your duty to pray and desire the best for them. Please will you help Christ today Your faith in Him can do much for others Others

Occultism in Clergy Attire


InSpired LOVE SO STRONG,  BITTERNESS SO SUBTIL filled with awesome joyful moments that lubricate the human Soul and opens its petals of flowing love   The human Soul is ordained to be a channel of expressions for the Human spirit. The bountiful rich emotions in its bank is capable of  either building up a tower of etereal happiness or  gush out a  flood of bitterness that can eat up the entire essence of a man/woman. Love is  medicine for the soul but bitterness is a cancerous growth that  contaminates its walls and spread  sickness to all its flesh. Michal loved David so much, her love for him was deeper than family ties and love for the throne of King Saul,  her father. She despised her father's command to protect her lover from the sword of peril. Though she knew that her lover would be lost to her for a while but she desired and hope some day her love will fly back to her with the crown on his head and their love secured forever. Then her wish was fulfilled and her pray


InSpired A MOTHER WHO DID NOT FORGET Mama Tena was in the Kitchen making dinner for the family. She shut the kitchen door leading to the Living room space   to prevent the smoke from her hot palm oil  on the cooking stove from filling the apartment. She was engrossed entirely in her cooking until the cry of her (,4) ,years old son awake her consciousness to the smell of smoke coming from  'everywhere'. She looked closely in the kitchen and observed nothing was burning. She assumed the smoke was.from outside her apparent but decided  to check on her crying son in the bedroom. She put her right hand to the door handle and jumped back from the shock of pain. Immediately, she realised that the 'fire on the mountain' was actual  in the apartment. inImmediately, she dragged the big nnapkin off the wall rack and opened  the door to a Living room engulfed by  fire and covered in smoke. The dominant thought in her mind is 'Tena, my son is sleeping in my bed in the room. The


InSpired I LIFT UP MY HEART I want us to examine another phrase from that song: l LIFT IT UP LORD!  Every time we appear before God as believers for Church services: Whatever the service, anytime you appear before God, God is waiting to fill your cup till you want no more. Thank God for  pastors and teachers of the Word, who labour to feed us with God' s Word. ( For It takes lot of time and energy to prepare  messages that  bless) But I have discovered only God can fill your Cup.  You may blame your pastors for your lack of spiritual and financial growth. You may blame the church you attend for your problems and challenges. Listen! Your success story starts with YOU. Remember  the Christian race is an individual race, your failure or success is dependant chiefly on you.  You have the Bible, you have the Holy Ghost at your disposal 24/7; your pastor is only helping you. I used to yearn for a   church where the corporate anointing is so strong that, I  don't need to exert any eff


INsPIRED God deserves our heartfelt praises at all times. I had a chat with a dear friend today and she reinforced the need to appreciate The Almighty at all seasons Sometimes we only give Him our heartfelt praises when we have  experienced a miracle which in our  estimation is remarkable and awesome. I was driving this afternoon and the brake of the car became stiff and uncontrollable at the middle of a major road with the car stopping  suddenly. I just refilled at the Petrol station. I muttered a 'thank you' Father and continued  with my trip.  On my way back from that trip, I saw a car involved in an accident as a result of the same fault as my car. Then l realised the magnitude of the deliverance and protection God gave me and my car earlier. Immediately l appreciate God profusely, because l saw what would have happened to me if He had not intervened. We must learn to thank God at all times especially  when waiting for the fulfillment of a particular promise. My dear friend


InSpired CHRIST IS NO BURDEN! God deserves every praise, adoration and attention, you  give Him, He is worthy of  every dime you spend on Him. An irresponsible father may not deserve the respect of his children BUT God is a caring Father for  "If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?" A nagging and unsubmissive wife may not earn the love of her husband  "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" An abusive and uncaring husband may not  merit the honour and respect of his wife,  but know that  "Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word" The services,  you offer to God should not be an obligation "For Christ made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likenes


InSpired IMPORTANT QUESTION WHAT DO YOU WANT MORE? Blessed morning and new week for you and your family.  I pray God fill this new week with awesome testimonies in Jesus name.  You will not be the victim of another man' s error and may you not fall into the snares of the Enemy in Jesus name.  So there was this lady in a birthday party sitting in a table for eight. We were served this delicious plate of fried rice, jollof rice and a piece of chicken  After so few minutes, a lady beckoned to one of the servers and uttered:  "More please" I smiled and thought  This lady is certainly not a Nigerian, " More rice in a Nigerian wedding party? But her request reminded me of a Church song titled" Filled my Cup" and the phrase " Bread of Heaven, feed me till l want no more made a fresh impression. This song is a blessing anyday to me and l hope it blesses you too. Song. 'Fill my cup Lord I lift it to you Lord Come and quench the thirst in my soul  Bread from


InSpired BRAG NOT OF YOUR POWER! Jer. 9:23 THE TEST OF POWER! (Part One) The Lord anoints believers especially men and women in the Five fold ministries with power that is under their control. WHY?  The gifts and calling of God is without repentance. This means that when God anoints you with the power to get wealth, you can decide to use that wealth in disobedience to God's Word if you chose. Solomon was anointed with the spirit of wisdom and understanding and God added riches, wealth and long life  to it, because he asked for a discerning heart to govern God:s people. 1 Kings 3:9-13 During his life time, he used the wealth he gained by the power of God to marry 700 wives and worshipped, served and built altars for every strange  idols some of his wives worshipped. After the death of King Solomon, the elders of Israel complained that Solomon used his vast wealth to add to their yokes and made life difficult for the people of God. 1 Kings 11:4,7 Who gave King Solomon power?  The Alm


InSpired KING SOLOMON FAILED THE TEST OF FINANCIAL POWER There were Kings but this King outshined them all in wealth, wisdom and greatness in the sight of men during his life time. Our  LORD Jesus Christ spoke about him as a King with great Splendour.  Queen of Sheba visited and had this to say about the wise king " You have far exceeded the report l heard about you... 1 Kings 10:7-9 He started enjoying these privileges as a result of the covenant God entered with his father king David.  But Solomon had a part to play to secure  all these blessings. King Solomon offered  a thousand burnt offerings to God  and the Lord was  pleased with this selfless act that He  appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream, and God said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” That was an open cheque to a recipient to fill the amount  he/she wanted. Again, King Solomon who some how had learned God's love language asked for a discerning heart to govern God's people and this again ple


InSpired DONT USE YOUR SPIRITUAL POWER TO CAUSE OTHER PEOPLE POWER The Person of the Almighty is compassion, mercy and unfailing  love. God will usually introduce Himself as Such in several instances  As children of the Most High, these characteristics must be our very essence. We must train ourselves to walk in love and only then can we be true representative of our Father in Heaven. The summary of the Ministry of our LORD is that He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil for God was with Him. This must be your pattern for  lifestyle and ministry, for Christ Jesus is our number One mentor, then we have follow other human mentors. Our Heavenly Father is passionate about people and desire the best for them especially His sons and daughters who believe in Christ. He is ready to rebuke kings, rulers for their.sakes. The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.  He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever;  he


InSpired IMMEASURABLE POWER OF  THE MOST HIGH There is a God who dwells in the Heaven of heavens with:  LIMITLESS, .INEXHAUSTIBLE,  IMMEASURABLE POWER, GLORY, WISDOM, RICHES.AND WEALTH, TENDER MERCY, AND LOVE . His name is Yahweh, Jehovah ELOHIM ADONAI! He silenced the gods of the Sea, -Leviathan who folic there and made dry land appear within the Sea walls. The gods and their hosts could not stop God. When THE ALMIGHTY proposes to do anything on earth and he gets a man/woman  to believe in Him, no created force -visible and invisible can stop or hinder Him. Jehovah Jireh brought uncountable numbers of men, women, girls and boys and the unborn into the DESERT- a dry land where no plants grow, no flowing river, and no animals dare graze permanently there for fear of starvation. I guess the Enemy roll out their drums of singing and dancing. Yes, they will raise their songs, we have trapped the MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE, His chosen people,  His elect and beloved in this dry land. They  will


InSpired BRAG NOT OF YOUR POWER! Jer. 9:23 THE TEST OF POWER! (Part One) The Lord anoints believers especially men and women in the Five fold ministries with power that is under their control. WHY?  The gifts and calling of God is without repentance. This means that when God anoints you with the power to get wealth, you can decide to use that wealth in disobedience to God's Word if you chose. Solomon was anointed with the spirit of wisdom and understanding and God added riches, wealth and long life  to it, because he asked for a discerning heart to govern God:s people. 1 Kings 3:9-13 During his life time, he used the wealth he gained by the power of God to marry 700 wives and worshipped, served and built altars for every strange  idols some of his wives worshipped. After the death of King Solomon, the elders of Israel complained that Solomon used his vast wealth to add to their yokes and made life difficult for the people of God. 1 Kings 11:4,7 Who gave King Solomon power?  The Alm


InSpired BUSY BUT GUILTY THE TEST OF FAITHFULNESS Jesus Christ our LORD said " I work just as my Father works. You are gifted for a specific work in the Kingdom just as other believers. Your background, natural endowment and gifts are  fashioned to help in the fulfillment of these assignments. The Word of God says in Romans 8:29, God foreknew you and you have been set apart for a specific purpose. You must discover your specific assignment in your Local Church and the Body of Christ and be busy with it. You will be rewarded based on how well you work out your purpose.    A beautiful story unfolded in 1 Kings 21, a King was busy but he was busy here and there but failed in his job for that moment. 1 Kings 20:40 While your servant was busy here and there, the man disappeared.”   Another story was told of in Luke 18;18-27 of a rich man who kept all the commandments excerpt the specific instruction given by Jesus Christ our LORD to him.  In this present dispensation, the rich man in L


InSpired ARE YOU A FAITHFUL BELIEVER? Jesus Christ our Lord is our perfect example in all THINGS. The Word says in Hebrews 1:3: "'The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being." The Christian race is all about pleasing God our Father and bringing glory to Jesus Christ our Master and Teacher.  if you desire to please God and you don't know how: Just open the Word, studied how Jesus Christ did and you can never miss your way. Faithfulness to your Calling is one sure way to please the Father. "Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, .... He was faithful to the one who appointed him, just as Moses was faithful in all God’s house." Hebrews 3:1-2 (paraphrased) Thiere is an important statement in the scriptures above:  Two anointed personalities, called by the same God, to the same  HOUSE, to the ultimate PURPOSE   but different assigment and tasks  Jesus was faithful in


InSpired TO TEST YOU... SERIES The Christian is saved by GRACE and lives by FAITH. You were redeemed from sin and death because you believed in Jesus Christ as your Saviour. You have victory over every works of the Enemy because you are born of God and have  overcome the World  by  your faith, therefore you inherit all things.... By grace your were saved; and by your faith , you are preserved and possess your Inheritance. But you must note that between salvation and possessing your inheritance in God through Jesus Christ our LORD are premeditated TEST of various shapes and patterns. And every true sons and daughters of the Kingdom will go through these tests because JESUS CHRIST, our perfect Master and King was subjected to the same tests and prevailed. The English wikdictionary online defines a test as the following: "A session in which a product or piece of equipment is examined under everyday or extreme conditions to evaluate its durability, etc." We will be examining some


The souL of all men belong to God as the scriptures stated. He is the God of all spirits. It was when God sent His spirit that all men and women are created when he withdraw his spirit they return to dust where rhey were created. It is the spirit given by God that give men and women the nature of God. It is this exchange that was done when a man receive Jesus Christ as KoRD and saviour, they receive a new spirit from God as Ezekiel 36 revelas and then the Hily Spieit returns to their innerman also call the spirit. It is not the old spirit in the unregenerate man that is renewed rather the regenerated man receive new spirit thrweofer the Bible says any man in Christ is a New Creature; the old has gone and everything has become new. This was what happened during the conception of our LORD Jesus , the Holy Spirit came on Mary and the power of God created a new Spirit for Jesus. It was only a body that was prepared for Jesus Christ, the Saviour, the spirit came from God  It is because the


God entered a covenant with Abraham that He will delivere his descendants from a foreign land land after they have been enslave for 400 years.  (Genesis 15:13) But the people of Israel who were the seeds of Abraham, God:s friend spent 430 years in Egypt, the foreign land of their enslavement because they did not show any desire for freedom  Although they were oppressed and maltreated, God remembered His covenant with Abraham when they cried our to Him for help  "During that long period, the king of Egypt died. The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out, and their cry for help because of their slavery went up to God. God heard their groaning and he remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob. So God looked on the Israelites and was concerned about them." Exodus 2:23, Numbers 20:15-16 God told Abraham, his descendants we uld spend 400 years in a foreign land but they ended up spends Ng 430 years ( Exodus 12:41) because heaven only stood up to help


InSpired Adam was created an independent being with a WILL power. It means Adam and Eve had the ability to either obey or disobey God and God will never interfere with their decision. Man was made in the image and likeness of God, they have the absolute authority of choice and the power to make decisions as long as their decisions does not violate God's justice system they are free.


InSpired The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God just as man has a spirit, a soul and a body. So the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of The Almighty and the Son.