
Showing posts from January, 2020
InSpired  IMPORTANT QUESTION FOE YOU  Salvation in the name of our Lord Jesus ( God be praised forever) is given to all men freely but the measure of grace and anointing  distinguishes believers and institutes ranks in the Body of Christ. Men are usually identified and honoured  in their ministries and christian careers by their titles but lasting  breakthrough in spiritual warfare is not wroth by titles but by measure of knowledge, understanding, wisdom, grace and anointing that a believer possesses. Daniel was one of the three administrators set over the kingdom of Persian  (Daniel 6:3) that was his  official title but in the presence of the King of kings- The Almighty;  Daniel was the President of the nation of  Babylon; for the anointing on Daniel's ministry subdued the opposition from the satanic  prince of Persian (  Daniel 10:13) He was given the title of an administrator but his  true spiritual status was that of a president. David carried a grace and anointing that could d


InSpired ESTHER THE QUEEN Marriage revolve around needs spiritual, financial, physical, mental and emotional needs. A person is motivated to seek for others who can satfisty their needs. The King had a failed marriage we ith Queen Vashtu because because a queen of exceptional beauty was what his 'TODAY'. And his chosen partner was alright as long as she operated in the premises of the present. But ' TOMORROW' reveals her deficiency, future events showed that her beauty was not enough, thus the emergency of Esther the Queen. 


YOU HAVE AN INHERITANCE! Truly, the Bible says the poor shall not cease from the land and this is a reality in every nation in the World. The best of nation has their share of the poor who look up to others for sustainability. But your dual citizenship ( You are a citizen of Heaven and you have a right to earthly riches) makes poverty an abomination in your life. As a Son and Daughter of Zion, you were entitled to the whole Estate  of Christ  at the instance of His death and resurrection. This is food for thought, Christ paid the price for your access to all the riches in His Kingdom.  Zelophehad died in the wilderness because of his sins but his daughters did not suffer the consequences of their father sins rather  they partook of his inheritance.  These ladies did not folded their hands and exclaimed ' whatever will be will be.". Rather, they were pro-active and demanded what was theirs by right of birth. Study about your inheritance in Christ and ensure you enjoy it in your


We have established that free choice is given to Believers in certain issues in the Christian Faith especially civil cases like marraige choices.


THE CLAUSED FREE CHOICE Marital choice of who to marry and who not to marry is one of the most important decisions in the life of a person. Human Imperfection has introduced all kinds of challenges and problems and marriage is one of the institution created by God as a succour. God commanded the daughters of Zelophehad to marry whoever they think is best for them but on one condition -They must marry within their clan and their family in Israel.  LIKELY INTERPRETATION OF MARRYING WITHIN YOUR CLAN 1. We attend the same denomination and are exposed to the same biblical truth, doctrines and lifestyle. Therefore the areas of friction in our home will be in its barest minimum. 2. We are from the same geographical zone in Nigeria; from the same tribe, we speak same language and our cultural beliefs are same.  We will have similar mindset for handling issues in the marriage. 3. We belong to the same social and intellectual class. We will have similar field of experience and interaction. 4. We


Ll WISDOM FOR CHOOSING WHIEVER YOU LIKE 1 Cor. 2;15 says ' we have the mind of Christ'   You have the Word of God at your disposal and should know God' s thoughts on issues of life. Even on issues that the Bible do not expressly give  instructions, the Holy Spirit within you can guide you in the best way for you. I have learnt that it is best to seek God' s help and counsel in any matter He  gives you unrestricted choice.  It is safer to act like Prophet Ezekiel when God asked him ' Can this dry bones live' Ezekiel threw the question back to the  Omniscient and Omnipotent God " Only thou knowth Sir' We can rightly say if God would help in the choice of choosing a marital partner, God will not go against his stardard, He will connect  you to someone you will  like as shown in the case of Adam and Eve. God brought Eve to Adam and she was what Adam wanted as revealed by his reaction when he saw Eve. I will advise you pray through every marital choice you h


MARRY WHOSOEVER YOU LIKE! The Kingdom of God is a 'Choice' based Kingdom whereby the Sovereign God allows His Children to make free choices that are guided by His Word and that honours His person.   Sample statements like:   " Choose this day who you will serve"  "if you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the Land'   'And ' the gifts and calling of God are without repentance'  are statements showing the benevolence and kindness of God to Humanity. Although, the Almighty has the authority  and capacity to coerce His subjects to love and obey Him, He chose to adapt the option of men loving Him and obeying because they want to and not forced to love Him The daughters of Zelophehad had a challenge concerning the inheritance of their father ( This is addressed in the title " THEY FOUGHT FOR THEIR INHERITANCE)  And God commanded Moses to tell these young ladies  that they have free choices of marriage partners as long as it within


InSpired I WILL LOVE AFTER WE HAD SEX! The inception of any marital relationship is crucial to its permanence and success.​ Building Engineers understand the importance of the foundation of any structure: For the strength of any building structure is determined by its foundation. ​  The Bible recorded in Gen. 34;5 that Shechem, the son of the ruler of the Land desired Dinah as a wife ( which should be a good thing). But the previous verses reveal a pattern of marriage proposal that l want us to examine. He wanted her as a wife after he had sexual intercourse with her. The emergency marriage proposal from Shechem to Dinah is in the following order: 1. When Shechem son of Hamor the Hivite, the ruler of that area, saw her, (Dinah), he took her and raped her.  2. His heart was drawn to Dinah daughter of Jacob;  ( affectionate attraction induced by physical pleasure) 4. he loved the young woman and spoke tenderly to her.  ( cruelty before sex and  loving attitudes and actions after it) 5. A


InSpired VIOLATED AND RAPED! ​She was a representative of the Abrahamic seed in feminine form- She is Dinah, the only recorded daq Spired of Leah and Jacob.  Her great grand father Abraham had a covenant of honour and royalty with the Almighty and every of Abraham seed is destined, designed for honour and glory. But she was raped, violated because the Bible recorded  she went to visit with the daughters of the Land. (Gen  34) The case of Dinah is pathetic because she was a victim of rape; a young girl with a promising future  forcefully violated. Though,  I strongly condemn rape in entirety even when self induced;  l will like to emphasis the importance of staying in the confines of God's provision for our safety as Believers. Association is a major determinant of the outcome and fruits of a man's destiny. The Bible noted that ' he who walks with the wise will become wise and a company of fools will be ruined. While God commands that a man and woman must be married before s


InSpired Aaaaah, and Josiah ended his life thus After all this, when Josiah had prepared the temple, Necho king of Egypt came up to fight against Carchemish by the Euphrates; and Josiah went out against him. But he sent messengers to him, saying, “What have I to do with you, king of Judah? I have not come against you this day, but against the house with which I have war; for God commanded me to make haste. Refrain from meddling with God, who is with me, lest He destroy you.” Nevertheless Josiah would not turn his face from him, but disguised himself so that he might fight with him, and did not heed the words of Necho from the mouth of God. So he came to fight in the Valley of Megiddo. And the archers shot King Josiah; and the king said to his servants, “Take me away, for I am severely wounded.” His servants therefore took him out of that chariot and put him in the second chariot that he had, and they brought him to Jerusalem. So he died, and was buried in one of the tombs of his father


InSpired Urgent message FOR MOTHERS & FATHERS In a generation such as ours, where Christian children are more familiar with the latest Soap opera and  cartoons on TV, than their Bibles, which many consider boring, this message is very important  Manasseh was twelve years old when he became a king and led the nation of Israel into Idolatry that his father King Hezekiah never practised. Josiah on the other hand  was just eight years old when he turned the nation of Israel back to God, their Father. (2 Kings 23) and the Scripture has this to say about him. I fear for the next generation If we allow our children to continue  in this thread of  complete embrace of the norms of the world and have  very little knowledge of the Christian norms. The greatest teachers in the home are the parents,  for children will easily copy what parents do. It is more effective when children do as we do rather than been advised to do as we say for our actions and attitudes are louder than our words. The s


InSpired Leadership determines the direction of a group of people especially believers. It has a part to play in the attitude of its followers to the things of God. King Josiah decided to follow God with his whole heart and the people took a stand for the covenant. King Manasseh decided to offer sacrifices to idols on every available mountain and built altar for Baal  in the Temple of God. Obviously. the people.will follow in his steps. Then the king stood by a pillar and made a covenant before the Lord, to follow the Lord and to keep His commandments and His testimonies and His statutes, with all his heart and all his soul, to perform the words of this covenant that were written in this book. And all the people took a stand for the covenant. 2Kinhs 23:3


InSpired IT'S YOUR CHOICE Hezekiah       👇 Manasseh          ðŸ‘‡              Amon            👇        Josiah "Now it happened, when the king heard the words of the Book of the Law, that he tore his clothes. Then the king commanded Hilkiah the priest, Ahikam the son of Shaphan, Achbor the son of Michaiah, Shaphan the scribe, and Asaiah a servant of the king, saying, “Go, inquire of the Lord for me, for the people and for all Judah, concerning the words of this book that has been found; for great is the wrath of the Lord that is aroused against us, because our fathers have not obeyed the words of this book, to do according to all that is written concerning us.” So Hilkiah the priest, Ahikam, Achbor, Shaphan, and Asaiah went to Huldah the prophetess, the wife of Shallum the son of Tikvah, the son of Harhas, keeper of the wardrobe. (She dwelt in Jerusalem in the Second Quarter.) And they spoke with her. Then she said to them, “Thus says the Lord God of Israel, ‘Tell the man who


InSpired SUBMISSION AND LOVE THE TWINS FOR A BLISSFUL HOME I was sitting on a red couch in my friend's bedroom chatting about everything but nothing in particular. Then she stumbled on a discussion that caught my interest. Immediately, l drove my mind gear into the 'Pls pay careful attention to what kehinde is about to say ( allow me to name her Kehinde for sake of privacy) I fixed my gaze on Kehinde as she continued " I have more educational qualifications than my husband" she narrated " I earn more income than him" she continued " But l have learnt to submit decisions about our finance and the family to Him."  she turned to pick a pillow from the bed and placed it at the back of her head  "Money and intelligence does not qualify me to become the leader in our family and take the lead in our marriage"  Kehinde spoked to me in a low tone. " God's power can do all things but if l violate His principles/keys for a successful marria


We have heard so many things about God Jesus Christ, the only Saviour taught the disciples many truths about His Father- The Almighty But the greatest truth about My Father in Heaven who dwells also in my heart is "GOD IS LOVE" Our World needs to hear over and over again -The God who loves humanity so much that He took on the form of a man to have  blood to shed to give you access to Himself and His Love He is the same God, who does not count your wrongs against you but has made provision in His love that forgives  your mistakes and error. No matter how far you have gone away from His love, God still loves you and will receive you with a smile and with an open hand. If you believe in His Son, Jesus Christ and you have taken a wrong step, stop condemning yourself, just come back into His love. You don't need to confess your wrongs to the world, they may not understand. I am a spirit but sometimes limited by human frality, so l may not understand you  But our Father, your F


GUILTY BUT NOT CONDEMNED He walked towards the gloomy door of the courtroom with head bowed. He could hear the voices in his head and on the court walkway throwing questions at him, Yet, his gaze remained fixed to the floor while he tried to numb the thoughts almost driving him crazy Unlike the training he received in his profession which stipulates: " Eye contact and a broad grin is the rule of a winning "Celebrity" he remembered what his manager always drummed into his ears. " Never let your fans know what you're either thinking or your true feelings" Hmmm, that season seem a thousand years ago compared to what he is feeling now! Though the paparazzis outside were no fans, the angry sound of their camera was a reminder that this was no celebrity Red carpet shot This was the prelude famous mudshot "Pervert, child molester, culprit  was stoned at his already guilty bleeding heart" Yet he walked on as if deaf and dumb and oblivious to all happening


INSPIRED. Isaac and the inherited Covenant Isaac was born into richesq. He inherited wealth and a covenant of eternal blessings from his father Abraham. Abraham walked with Gid and left an inheritance for Isaac. Yet the pilgrim of Isaac had its it problems or for the use of a progressive language, it had it own challenges, which tested his faith and his walk with God. Isaac had to learn to walk with God, hear his voice and obey Him after the death of his father Abraham. Truly, he inherited wealth, but the enemy was waiting to steal and destroy his inheritance. Isaac preserved his inheritance  by God' help. It was his walk with God which influenced the life of Rebecca his wife. Rebecca was not just married to a spiritual man, she learnt to hear God herself, thus established a recommendable value for spiritually inheritance. We must cultivate and nurture a personal relationship with God in this generation of fast food Christianity. You must not just be a miracle receiver you must wal

sustaining Kingdom wealth

InSpired SUSTAINING KINGDOM WEALTH “‘I will look on you with favor and make you fruitful and increase your numbers, and I will keep my covenant with you. You will still be eating last year’s harvest when you will have to move it out to make room for the new. I will put my dwelling place among you, and I will not abhor you Leviticus 26:9-11 Every believer is configured for prosperity,  the God who dwells in you by His Spirit is the richest Being in the Universal.  No English word can accurately quantify His wealth and glory. If you combine the wealth of all richest, wealthiest men and women in each  continent on the earth : God' s wealth will still be greater than all, combine the wealth of wealthiest men and women. in previous  and future generations. they will still  not match God's limitless richess. God testified in Isaiah 46:5 “With whom will you compare me or count me equal? To whom will you liken me that we may be compared? The Book of Leviticus 26 says  “‘I will look on

Practise His Word

InSpired Obedience and Success? Seeking God out day after day; attending Church 7 days a week is not sufficient.. Seeking after Him as if we are eager to know Him is not sufficient... We must practise what is right and obey His Word to walk in His ways. You must not only seem for God to come near you, obedience to His Word and way is a crucial key for extraordinary Success in the Kingdom. Isaiah 58:2, Joshua 1:8, James 1:22-25


LInSpired Template for Success: GOD' WORD The most important treasure in my life is not my clothing, university degree, career rather it is the Word of God. ( Matthew 4:4; Psalm 19:7-11esp. 10-11) When l first entered Akure city as an NYSC corp member, l came with a small bag and a bucket but with a sure Word from God; 'I will be with you and you will prosper in the land." That was all l had.and that helped me. I had no connection, and knew no one. I had my NYSC in the city of Akure, lived in a free accomodation of free water and light supply and served with a Federal government and was one of the highest paid corpers at that time.  And did that 'Sure Word' from God kept me alive, healthy, happy, and prospered the work of my hands?  It certainly did, it was and is still my LIFELINE. The last time l changed apartment, six persons received tangible material possessions from my previous apartment. The Word of God (His sure promises that can never fail)  transformed, c
Yesterday I wrote that your '1' plus '1' may not equal 2  because of sin,  ignorance but God's sovereignty may be at work.   Today I want to write abt remaining at your duty post whn your '1' plus '1' is not equal two.  'One day as Zacharias was going about his work in the Temple-for his division was on duty that week... Zacharias was in the sanctuary when suddenly an angel appeared standing to the right of the altar of incense.' Luke 1:8,11   Zacharais kept on working, serving   despite his childlessness . Sometimes, whn our expectations are not meant, our desires unfulfilled, we may want to give up on hope and leave our duty post in the family, relationship and God's kingdom. (Backsliding is not when  you stop going to church- whenever your zeal and passion is on the wane, you are backsliding).  Most times it happens subtly, without you knowing. I will give you two instances from my life. Many years back, I was praying for a servant of


MY THOUGHTS Happy New Wine- new level of His anointing, grace, wisdom and His favor; every believer will need these four virtues because the End -time is here and Satan is on the rampage. You noticed in 2013, a lot of people died, believers inclusive, the enemy is utilizing every loop- hole to attack and will win if permitted in any quarter. I am here to say today, GOD IS FAITHFUL. The year 2013 opened on the note of promises made by many quarters, the Presidency, government officials, corporate organizations, individual and personal promises. I will do this, accomplish that……………are promises made to self. Some were pursued and achieved Some pursued but not achieved And some not pursued at all. Whatever your case, I want to introduce you again to The God , whose name is FAITHFUL.  2 Timothy 2:13 says Even when we are too weak to have any faith left, he remains faithful to us and will help us, for he cannot disown us who are part of himself, and he will always carry out his promises to u