
Showing posts from October, 2020


Breathe on me, breath of God, breathe on me Breathe on me, breath of God, breathe on me I come alive, I’m alive when you breathe on me I come alive, I’m alive when you breathe on me Awake, awake, awake my soul God resurrect these bones From death to life, through you alone Awake my soul Speak to me, word of God, speak to me Speak to me, word of God, speak to me I come alive, I’m alive when you speak to me I come alive, I’m alive when you speak to me Awake, awake, awake my soul God resurrect these bones From death to life, through you alone Awake my soul Then He said to me Prophesy to these bones and say to them Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the sovereign Lord says to these bones I will make breath enter you And you will come to life So I prophesied as I was commanded As I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound And the bones came together, bone to bone And I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them And skin covered them, but there was no breath i


MY THOUGHTS A CITY WHOSE  KING IS YAHWEH Many years ago, I travelled to a town in Ekiti State Nigeria for a wedding event. The contract to decorate the Event venue was sublet to me by another Event decorator who had other events and could not attend to this particular one. We entered the town very late and l  could not see clearly the shape and size of the town.  I was l anxious on the route to the town but once the driver announced we had arrived at the town, every fear and anxiety in my heart disappeared. It seemed  that particular night the town was in the outskirts of no where, because we kept driving and eventually entered the town through a very narrow path. Everywhere was in dark and l could also see faint shapes of houses as the driver drove through the street of the town. Eventually, our big truck packed in front of the town hall and l assumed it was in the forest and surrounded by mountains.because l could see the peak of a mountain in the dark. While the workers were eating,


InSpired WHO DID IT? GOD DID IT! He was one of the greatest men that lived in the Old Testament. The Almighty made him as a god to the enemy and the people. The Word of knowledge in him was massive because he was able to travel to the past by the help of the Holy Spirit and capture events and history he was not a participant. But he fail to enter the promise land because of the following statement: Moses said to them, “Listen, you rebels, must we bring you water out of this rock?” Numbers 20 Psalms 106:33 for they rebelled against the Spirit of God, and rash words came from Moses’ lips.  Acknowledgement of  the deeds of God and of The Almighty as the Source of all help is a  major form of worship.  I remembered a lady was given a compliment on her refreshing look after her marriage.  She slightly tilt towards her husband smiling ' please appreciate my husband, he is responsible for the glow'  And l witnessed the man turn all shades of red on his face. Wow, l thought, a man blus


InSpired IT STARTS FROM ONE MAN King David transgressed  Beersheba became disloyal to her covenanted spouse Joab' s.conscience became corrupted He became an accomplice to murder Ahitophel harboured the unforgiveness that led to his death Ammon lost the throne through incest Tamar became a desolate woman all her life Absalom became conceited, kill his brother, disgraced his father, the king and always terminated his reign All these consequences because a man saw a beautiful woman who was the treasure of another man and sinned against you O LORD, deliver from the sin that is a web from Satan Oh LORD, deliver us from darkness that takes cover under the shadow  of the Light Father, if you don't deliver who can deliver? If you don't deliver, the blood of the innocent will continue to flow through the tunnel of the grave Unless you deliver, our cup of abominations may be filled to overflow And your righteous judgement will have no choice but to strike We would have say  deliver f


InSpired WHEN KING DAVID'  TREGRESSED! King David was a man who lived beyond his generation. Deliberately, l used the words 'king David' and ' Man' because he was a man yet he was able to ascend such heights in the Spirit.  If King David did this under the Old Testament, then every believer can do so much more because now The Holy Spirit is within the Believer and not just on the Believer. Please l am not advocating for living a life of sin but for this moment take your mind off  the mistakes and sin of  King David. King David was a man who knew the heart of The Almighty and used it to his advantage. When he was caught in his sin with Beersheba, he birthed Psalm 51.  King David reaction or remorse was superb , when prophet Nathan came with the message from God about the rich man who confiscated the small treasure of the poor man. When he counted the fighting men and God anger was arouse against Israel, King David display of a contrite heart  is commendable. When the


InSpired HOW DO YOU SHOW YOUR LOVE FOR GOD NOW Love is beautiful and feelings of love ethereal, but genuine love is certainly not characterised by only high feelings. I am not  married.and may not be an authority on marriage issues but l know that loving someone involves taking certain actions to demonstrate your love for them. Fortunately for me, what l learnt about love is mostly from the love of God for me. I was not somebody given to feelings of love as a teenager. I am  from a broken home, a poverty stricken background and l told myself the day a kind relative brought me back to my father.  ( This relative had been solely responsible for my upbringing from age 3/5 -l am not sure of the exact age but l know that l was that young)" I said to myself " You must become a graduate and you must not get pregnant out of wedlock.  The first self counsel l gave .myself is " don't go and fall in love and get knock up by pregnancy because that is what was expected of you'

Solomon inherited

InSpired IT WAS INHERITED YET HE HAD HIS PART TO PLAY! King Solomon inherited a fortune and a covenant. It was bestowed on him; he did not get it by either his righteousness nor his efforts.  Solomon's father King David was a man after God' s heart who prompted the initiation of covenants with King David's Seed that spans into eternity. Our actions and decisions are captured by God, may God help is to take actions that will put us in high esteem in His presence. Our Lord Jesus Christ work on Calvary can be liken to what King David did for his son Solomon.  Our Lord Jesus Christ paid the price to bring every spiritual blessings to the life of every Saint who believes in Him as Lord and Saviour. King David got a covenant on behalf of his seed- Psalm 89; he gathered wealth and riches for the building of God' s Temple, he fought every war that is needed to destroyed the nation's enemy -  The Philistines.  God raised Samson to wipe off the Philippines, but he did not suc


InSpired WHAT IS SOLELY FOR GOD IN THE WORSHIP SERVICE? God, our Father ordained a sacred gathering of His beloveds, His redeemed, His Children on the Earth. They are His portion, the apple of His eyes. He neither sleeps nor slumber because of them. He is ready to give up nations for their sale and rebuke kings to keep them safe. Therefore their gathering is very very important to Him either the Sunday Service, the Prayer meetings, the Teaching meetings and the Crusades  The Child dedication service is most sacred to Him. It is sacred and close to His heart because the next generation is been dedicated to the Almighty. These meetings are important to the Almighty because they gathered in His name and it is a gathering of His beloved. In these meetings, the Believers share God's word to encourage, edify, build up, heal and even rebuke one another. In these meetings, we give offerings and pay their tithes which is used to maintain their place of worship:   Our giving is also used hel


If all Lucifer desires is to be like the Most High, can we created in the image and likeness of God affords to be anything less than our Father


InSpired God,  You are the Mighty God,  The Great "I AM,  Hallelujah!  Hallelujah.  Father please in Jesus Christ Name,   give us lasting peace, end the violence and destruction of lives and properties.   Address the source of this violence and destruction of properties and lives. Uproot it Lord, tear it down and destroy it Lord.  We plant lasting  peace and the purpose of God in Jesus name Thank you Father because you are a prayer answering God.


InSpired GRATEFUL.HEART So l am sitting at my kitchen table picking chaff out of beans when l  had this memory flash  from my past. There was  a period in my life when l forsook Jesus to seek for greener pastures in the World During this season, l was sick  and admitted in the hospital for serious typhoid fever.  I checked myself into the hospital and even had to  ask the doctor  to remove the line Inserted in my arm for injection when l needed additional cash. ( I did not bother to call my late sister because of the long distant between our locations) So with plaster in my wrist; In weakness and several pains, I went to the  bank to withdraw money for my own hospital bill. Uuuuh....... (True life story) Fast forward to other times when l had repented and returned to Christ's love and had reasons to visit the  hospital: Jesus Christ. my caring friend, master, and Saviour was always with me.  caring for me and even paying my hospital bills through other believers.  Again, fast forwa


My heart weeps Permit to speak as a man Maybe not inSpiref by the Holy Spirit My father ate sour grapes The Christian cursed me that my teeth must be set on edge God said " I will visit the sins of the father on the children to the fourth generation Same Yahweh came again and said  No longer will the father eat sour grapes and the teeth of the children be set on edge God says " let the soul that sins perish! The Fathers will not suffer for the sins of their children And the children will not suffer for the sins of the Fathet 'The word of the Lord came to me:  “What do you people mean by quoting this proverb about the land of Israel:  “‘The parents eat sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge’?  “As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, you will no longer quote this proverb in Israel.  For everyone belongs to me, the parent as well as the child—both alike belong to me. The one who sins is the one who will die. He will not die for his father’s sin; he

MRS kumuyi

MENU This page is available in: EN Sort and Index Menu Classic DACB Collection All articles created or submitted in the first twenty years of the project, from 1995 to 2015. Kumuyi, Abiodun 1952-2009 Deeper Christian Life Ministry Nigeria Abiodun Kumuyi was born to the Olowu family of Epe in Lagos State, Nigeria on January 7, 1952. She received her primary education at Baptist Primary School, Surulere, and her secondary education at the New Era Girls Secondary School, all in Lagos. Thereafter, she proceeded to the Federal College of Education, Akoka, Lagos, where she studied in the field of Business and Secretarial Studies. She converted to Christianity at some point in 1972. There are two versions of her conversion story. According to the first, when she left school, she taught briefly at Corona Schools in Lagos, where she came in contact with a certain Mrs. Ruth Nzegu (née Ijeh), a fellow teacher, who ministered to her on the subject of salvation and led her to Christ at age twenty.


InSpire It is possible for Believers all over the World to attain Unity of faith. We deliberately said " Believers in Christ' and not "Church denominations in the World'   We know that not everyone who is tithe paying member of a Church denomination belongs to Christ. Moreso the acid test of a disciple of Christ is that you learn from the Spirit of Jesus Christ and obey the World of God. IMPORTANT QUESTION Is Unity  of faith possible among Believers across all Church denominations? Yes, the Bible says so. Jesus Christ, our LORD and the Head of the Body said it in John 17:21-22 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for THOSE WHO WILL BELIEVE in ME through THEIR MESSAGE, that ALL OF THEM MAY be ONE, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.  May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. John 17:20-21 Then Ephesians 4:11-14 shows all this prayer offered to the Father on behalf of Believers in all generations will be achieved.  &


InSpired AFRICA AS ALWAYS BEEN PROTECTED BY GOD. Africa has always been protected by God and God's instrument of protection had always been the Gospel. The curse Noah placed on the descendants of Ham made Africa and it's people vulnerable to raw and rare Satanic attacks. And anywhere there is unjust oppression, God as the Righteous Judge Intervenes and He is interested. Did Ham mocked his father's nakedness? Yes, Ham was not supposed to speak about his father's mistake and vulnerability in a time of weakness in public. Was Noah his father justified for placing such curse not on Ham but on Ham's descendents. So that he would not live to see his immediate son in pain but it does not affect him directly if the descendants of his son suffer because of their father's mistake. So God is interested in Africa and will carefully guide the revival ongoing in our continents.  Therefore we must be careful of our teachings now than ever. Any Error in Doctrine not corrected o


InSpired MOSES, ONE OF THE GREATEST SPIRITUAL MIDDLEMEN WHO LIVED  Moses was a stutterer  God replaced his limited speech with voice of God. He was a Prince of Egypt by adoption God made him a God to Pharoah
InSpired ABSALOM, THE MIDDLEMAN WHO MISREPRESNTED THE KING A Prince is the son of a King and his representative. He is a king in waiting without his own Kingdom. Therefore he represents the Kingdom and one of his responsibilities is to be the mouthpiece of the King.  He has no opinion of his own concerning the matters of the Kingdom he represents. Rather he takes the policies and decisions of the King and communicates them  to the people and ensures they obey it. The Prince himself is subjected to the same rules and policy of the Kingdom. Absalom was the son of King David and one of the Princes in the Land. He was the most handsome of all the sons of the King but he was not a successor to the throne either by his position in the family, or divine choice yet he wanted the throne by all means.  Absalom was a middleman who wrongly represented the King. He wanted the hearts of the people, he therefore preach a different Gospel from the reigning King Gispel. He lowered the standard of the K

Such Joy

Such joy such unspeakable joy Such peace and everlasting peace Such love pure and holy love Spirit have Your way in me Such joy such unspeakable joy Such peace and everlasting peace Such love pure and holy love Spirit have Your way in me There's a peace that floods my soul When the Spirit of the Lord is in control And there's a joy, no bounds can hold When the Spirit blows a fresh wind through my soul Holy Spirit flow through me Touch my heart and there will, there will be Such joy such unspeakable joy Such peace and everlasting peace Such love pure and holy love Spirit have Your way in me There's a peace that floods my soul When the Spirit of the Lord is in control And there's a joy, no bounds can hold When the Spirit blows a fresh wind through my soul Holy Spirit flow through me Touch my heart and there will, there will be Such joy such unspeakable joy Such peace and everlasting peace Such love pure and holy love Spirit have Your way in me Such joy such unspeakable jo


InSpired DONT THINK HIGHLY OF US ................... Some believe you  have to experience everything you write about before you are qualify to do so.  if that is the case, then we write only  by experience and not by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes, the Holy Spirit send a word through you so that you can learn too. The revelation given by the Holy Spirit may be the first time you are seeing it. So as a writer, l write with an open heart to learn. Sometimes as l write, l will lay my two hands on my head as a sign of exclamation like " Lord, l have never seen this or that scripture  in that light  The word ' Wow, is not always too far from my lips as l write.  We will forever appreciate God for this treasure in clay pots and thank Him for qualifying me to be used by Him at all for anything . The God who searches for you  with His love,  gives you His faith to believe His message of love,  then impart unto you the grace to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour,  g


InSpired THE USE OF CLOSE ASSOCIATE. My article tonight is not to promote the works of darkness but it is a reality check and to encourage believers to work on our sensitivity to the voice of the Holy Spirit- who my parents say is the greatest wealth any believer can possess. 1. CAIN & ABEL Cain was used by the Enemy to kill Abel while they were in the field. May God give you a heart that can read men thoughts especially concerning you. It is called discerning and our Lord Jesus has this ability to know the thoughts of men towards him.  The Yoruba has an adage ' They say a person spit out saliva, but spit in blood. If  you could read the thoughts of a man.concerning you, then you will know the right actions to take concerning that Issue. IMPORTANT QUESTION 1. Was it God' s plan for Abel to die? ANSWER No, because if it was ordained by God, God would not say ''the blood of your brother crys out' 2. Was Abel, a man who pleased God? ANSWER Yes, because the Bible sa


InSpired FIGHT WITH ZEAL, BUT WIN BY STRATEGIES God had put strategies in place before the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ to preserve His life and destiny. The Enemy in form of Herod heard that a child of wonder is born. This time around, the information was leaked by the Magi men to Herod but then we must know in this case, it was divine because a prophecy was waiting fulfillment " From Egypt, l have called my son ' When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.  So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt, where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: “Out of Egypt I called my son.”Matthew 2:13-14 We know God can do all things and nothing is impossible for Him to do but God in His infinite wisdom chose


InSpired JESUS OUR LORD.NEEDED THE HOLY SPIRIT FROM CRADLE TO RESURRECTION (1) THE BIRTH OF JESUS  Mary; you have found favor with God.  You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.  He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”  “How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?”  The angel answered, “The HOLY SPIRIT will come on you, and the POWER OF THE of the MOST HIGH will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.  Luke 1:30-35 THE DEDICATION OF JESUS Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was on him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Messiah. Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple



InSpired THE LAWS.OF GOD BECANE THE LAWS OF MOSES! God called Him out of Egypt to Himself. He fist reveal Himself to Moses And Moses was to reveal the God he had see and met to the peiple so that God will also be known to the peiple But it so happened that the people preferred to hear Moses instead of hearing God directly. Their spirit was so far fetched from Him That when they heard his voice they were frightened and preferred a man' s voice to the voice of the Almighty. Therefore the glory meant for the while congregation was poured lavishly in one Man He became the Middle man not by Divin intention He became the Middle man because the people were not ready to relate with the King of Kings. So the Less given to them by God Became the Laws.of Moses That when the physical Word Jesus Christ appeared in person in their nation Instead of worshipping and receiving the Word They thrusted the Laws of Moses at home Because the Laws intended to carry the Name of God became the Laws of Mose


InSpired SENSITIVITY AND ITS IMPORTANT- A STUDY OF ITS ROLE IN THE LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD  My Father in the Lord  in His Book 'Sensitivity To The Holy Spirit'  said "The ruling word in the Kingdom of God is 'sensitivity' on your journey, ...some will be educated and some will be smart but when you step on the Kingdom road for a journey , the ruling word is sensitivity' (Enhancing Your Sensitivity To The Holy Spirit by Rev. Olusola A. Areogun, ( Abundant Life House c. 2015) Sensitivity is the major key for a life in the Spirit. Spiritual sensitivity is very important in our walk with God.  The Bible says man must not live by bread alone- our progress in life, career and ministry depends on hearing and getting accurate information from our Father and executing it on earth. Our Father is Omnipresence, Omniscient and Omnipotent and we share in all these attributes of God via His Holy Spirit within our spirits. I Cor. 2. Our Lord Jesus said the Holy Spirit wi


InSpired THE MAN NOT FOUND ON EARTH BUT FOUND IN GOD There is something beautiful and worth mentioning about the Saint called Enoch. The Bible named Enoch as a man of faith who walked with and whose walk was pleasing to God. Hebrews 11:6 The Bible did not mentioned if Enoch heal any man like Elisah did, raised the dead as Elijah did. Enoch did not fight any battle as Moses, Joshua, David did yet he was a man whose lifestyle pleased the LORD so well that HE WALKED WITH GOD IN UNBROKEN FELLOWSHIP FOR 300 YEARS and did not experienced death though it is appointed to all men to die. We must by the grace and help of God discover what God has called you to do and stay put at your duty post even if it is not popular and glamorous.  Truly sons live the bidding of the Father even if it means death on a cross like our Saviour Jesus Christ. Death does not mean martyrdom but it may mean death to self and self ambition. In these 300  years, God showed him secrets of the Kingdom that happened


KEYS FOR REMAINING IN HIS PRESENCE 1. Walk in love 2. Obedience to His instruction 3. Diligent study of the Word 4. A sincere worship life 5. Prayer and fasting. WALK IN KOVE If you walk in love, you will kind and compassionate If you walk in love, you will forgive easily If you walk in love you will not speak ill of any one If you walk in love, you will help others, your family, friends, the poor etc. Love encompasses ALL A man living in sin and inquiry cannot have the presence of God. Inquiries are.sercet sin of the hearts not seen by others but visible in heaven while sin is rebellion to.God will- that is God's word. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOUR PRESENCE AND THE ANOINTING AND WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS PROSPERITY AND VICTORY WITHOUT HIS PRESENCE I was cast in a drama in my Church many years back.  They drama was about a King and his subjects.  There was.a cast who  played.the role of a.woman who had problems yet.came.into the.pteaence of the King dancing and rejoicing.  She wa