
Showing posts from August, 2021
InSpired WHY YOU SHOULD PRAY FOR THOSE WHO RULES Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel. This command was also evil in the sight of God; so he punished Israel. 1 Chronicle 21:1,7 King David counted the fighting men. Isreal- the people suffered because of King David's actions . I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time. 1 Timothy 2;1-7 For when war comes to a City. It's the people who suffer. A.L. Hephzibah


InSpired ENCOUNTER DETERMINES YOUR EXPLOITS Your encounter with God  will determine your level of exploits in the Kingdom.  The Book of Daniel says -those who know their God shall be strong and do exploits.  David was just a young boy; a keeper of sheep and goats yet his encounter with The Lord in the wilderness prepared him to defeat an entire army and its general called Goliath.  The anointing on David   was sufficient to terminate Goliath and his entire followers. This was a feat  Israel's King, Saul and his entire army could not achieve. Exploits in the Kingdom and varying  degree of anointing is not by title or age. David' s encounter produced an anointing that defeated a whole army and it General.  Yet,  his title and responsibility was just  a shepherd boy and leader over a few sheep. Therefore, respect all persons especially believers because you don't know who carries the anointing that can break your yokes and give you, your long awaited breakthrough. Our Lord Jes


InSpired NEW LIFE New life unfolds; loud celebration of a new life, Timbre swing to’ and fro; drum and hands meeting and departing same breath Everyone is happy, a new destiny emerged.  Chatting and eating, lips moving, mouth opening and closing ‘ good- wishers and ill-wishers’ with pasted smile; eating as everyone else Yet expecting, a good  or sad -ending for new born New Life! New Hope! New dreams, New Sojourner Final Destination?  unknown or unfolding,  Travel route? To be discovered Travelling companion? Under consideration  New Life! Center of gratify presently Cuddled by many, smiled at with giggles of ' oh how beautiful Every attention focus on the tiny bundle Every thought geared on the wrapped joy in the woman’ hand Focus of everyone’s thought. For now his welfare is everyone’s concern,  Expectations low and high for New Life! Then and There, New life begins it journey takes Center-stage, the tussle starts The child who was the center of everyone’s attention,  must now ma
InSpired WHY YOU SHOULD PRAY FOR THOSE WHO RULES Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel. This command was also evil in the sight of God; so he punished Israel. 1 Chronicle 21:1,7 King David counted the fighting men. Isreal- the people suffered because of King David's actions . I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time. 1 Timothy 2;1-7 For when war comes to a City. It's the people who suffer. A.L. Hephzibah

newc oge

NEW LIFE New life unfolds; loud celebration of a new life, Timbre swing to’ and fro; drum and hands meeting and departing same breath Everyone is happy, a new destiny emerged.  Chatting and eating, lips moving, mouth opening and closing ‘ good- wishers and ill-wishers’ with pasted smile; eating as everyone else Yet expecting, a good  or sad -ending for new born New Life! New Hope! New dreams, New Sojourner Final Destination?  unknown or unfolding,  Travel route? To be discovered Travelling companion? Under consideration  New Life! Center of gratify presently Cuddled by many, smiled at with giggles of ' oh how beautiful Every attention focus on the tiny bundle Every thought geared on the wrapped joy in the woman’ hand Focus of everyone’s thought. For now his welfare is everyone’s concern,  Expectations low and high for New Life! Then and There, New life begins it journey takes Center-stage, the tussle starts The child who was the center of everyone’s attention,  must now make other


THE ONE WHO SENT ME Jesus said, my food is to do what the ONE who sent me wants me to do and to finish his work The One is important I heard of The ONE And I thought what a selfish Being To want the world to worship Him alone And serve Him Yet The ONE loved me He knew I spoke in my foolishness Then my eyes of understanding were opened And The ONE took me in unto Himself Oooh what a beautiful day it was I will forever be grateful to whatever force made Him take me in I am not writing for an audience Lord, I am penning this to you It is for you explicitly I remember when I did not have the Holy Spirit I was always fearful Fearful something bad will end my life I was afraid to take bold steps of progress Because I feared the witchee will gun me down my life Then The One came to me when I was not worthy of His attention And delivered me He became my eternal shield, my defence, my strength Oh what can mortal man do to me When the immortal has shown me mercy He took me out of the deepest dar



InSpired I KNOW YOUR DEEDS A man who accurately predicted events 2000 years after his demise should be obeyed and followed closely. Jesus predicted war, betrayal, disasters etc during His ministry on earth and they are happening exactly as He said.  He is speaking again "These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!"  Revelation 3:15 "I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name." Revelation 3:8 "I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God." Revelation 3:2 "I know your deeds, your love and faith, your service and perseverance, and that you


InSpired THIS TREASURE IN JARS OF CLAY.. "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us." 2 Corinthians 4:7 By default, l do not qualify to be a writer. Sometimes, l have difficulty in pronouncation  but the Holy Spirit has healed me because l can do all things through Christ who strengthens me Most times, when l write, l need the help of the Holy Spirit to remember spellings of certain words and sometimes after prayers, my heart beats faster and l have to take a deep breath, confessing silently ' I have the Spirit of Christ within me, therefore l can do this excellently'  before l stand to address people.  But Praise God,  I carry this beautiful TREASURE called  " CHRIST IN ME, THE HOPE OF GLORY" and l am empowered by the Scripture which says "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST THAT STRENGTHENS ME"  Believe it or not, l studied Mass Communication in the Polytechnic with specialisations


InSpired THIS IS MY STORY, THIS IS MY SONG PRAISING MY SAVIOUR.... When l was a teenager and growing up with my father in Isolo Lagos. I stayed in a room that could barely contain my father's bed . After my father's bed, the room could only contain a small table which stood between the bed and the door. ( kindly do your own calculation of the size of the room.)  Previously we occupied a bigger room in the same house but had to moved to this smaller room because of lack of fund. Most night, l would move the center table to the corridor of the house and then lay my mat between the small space between the door and my father's bed.   My father (who tried his best to give my sister and l, a better life) would have to walk across my sleeping form on the mat through the very small available space to open door to go out of the room. Usually, l sleep on rhe bed, when Papa is not around. I decided to share this detail of my childhood, so that you can understand the extent of the d


InSpired IF NOT FOR GOD...... We are, who men and women helped us to become. I want to state at this point that God used a lot of men and women to help shapen my my life and destiny. But the purpose of this writing will only permit me to share some. I am a product of the decisions l made in life. Probably If l am given the opportunity to travel back into my past, l will make different better decisions. God was indeed faithful to send me the help, l needed at each junction of my life. But l guess the greatest help offered by the God of our Lord Jesus was the mercy He showed me by drawing me to Jesus Christ before sin and the world started their pull. I am sure, it was the Spirit of Christ in Me that kept me from fatal harm while l dragged Him through the various corridors of a Life  of Sin.  I marvel at the patience, love and tolerance of the Holy Spirit as l lied, danced and committed fornication yet He continued to dwell inside of me. I can't imagine the taunt of the enemy at my L


InSpired SOME OF HELPING HANDS USED BY GOD  FOR ME SHE HAD LITTLE...... She was a nurse with a meagre salary but she is a Christian and an effective care-giver.  My Technical Drawing Teacher was a member of Deeper Life Bible Church and invited me and some other pupils for a Church program in Deeper Life Camp, Ayebo Lagos. I guess, he took pity on me because most of my teachers knew l was a typical student from a poor background. ( Please permit me to leave out exact dates for l cannot recollect accurately date of events, though l remember the events). So an Altar call was made after God's General, Pastor W.F. Kumuyi finished his preaching and l walked out and gave my life to Christ. After this encounter, I was given a  flier for special service at Christian Pentecostal Mission (CPM) and which  l decided to attend. It was this Christian Nurse sister that was assigned to follow me up for we reside in the same vicinity.  I bear witness that she gave more than her best. She had little


INsPIRED GOD SPOKE, JACOB AROSE "“I am God, the God of your father,” he said. “Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there. I will go down to Egypt with you, and I will surely bring you back again. And Joseph’s own hand will close your eyes. ” Then Jacob left Beersheba, and Israel’s sons took their father Jacob and their children and their wives in the carts that Pharaoh had sent to transport him." Men and women of great exploits are those who arise only as God, the Almighty leads them. Jacob only went up to Egypt after God spoke to him.  Although he heard news of a supposed dead son been alive yet he only rise to  go and be with Joseph his son when God gave him a word  Guidance from God to the believer is the tool for doing greater works than Jesus Christ our Lord.  He who leads himself without the guidance of the Holy Spirit will also support and sustain self by his own strength. Don't take any action without hearing from God even


InSpired IS IT POSSIBLE TO BELIEVE IN CHRIST AND YET NOT LOVE HIM? King Saul was anointed by me,  he sat on the throne and was king over my people and my nation,  But the only time he offered me sacrifices was when he needed my help.   The only time he made a  attempt to seek for me  was when he consulted a witch to get information from Samuel after his demise.  King David was anointed as king over my people and nation.   He penned various Psalms to praise me,  he offered sacrifices of love to me and created a beautiful abode for my Ark of the Covenant. .  Also he desired and attempted to build a permanent place of abode for me among my people.   It means King David's thoughts were full of me.  When you love someone your thoughts are full of them.   You are constantly thinking of what you can do to make their lives better and increase their happiness and Joy Jesus Christ asked Peter" Simon, son of Jona,  do you love me more than these?  Apostle John the beloved was distinguish


InSpired GOD IS KIND TO ME. God speaks to you as His child in different ways. The Book of Job says:  "in a dream, in a vision of the night." I woke up some time ago with the song " 'Great is your faithfulness' And my heart was touched again at how good Jesus Christ has been to me. Sincerely, every grace, favour l ever had and enjoyed  came from Him and men. He used several men and women as sources of blessing to my life.  You must come to this point as a Believer in Christ, (who is loved by your heavenly Father dearly ) when 'you know that you know that'  everything that occurs in your way will turn out for your good. Even those engineered to hurt you. Especially if you are not walking in rebellion to the Word of God and His Spirit. Rebellion is when you know what the Bible says about an Issue and deliberately turned against it and do the opposite. God is faithful and the Sun will shine today. God is faithful, the field will produce continually for mankin


InSpired ALL HAIL THE KING OF GLORY! Don't wait until trouble comes and then God delivers you before you offer profuse gratitude.   Let your hearts bleed with appreciation that God did not allow you to see troubles.. Thank Him for the tears of sorrow  that He did not allow you to see Dance before your benevolent Father for the visit to the Hospital, He did not allowed you to experience You must appreciate God for not permitting you to be a beggar on the Street. Shout ''''Halleluyah"  for that beautiful attire, you will wear to Church service today You should praise Him with a grateful heart that you can attend Church service today without guns around your Church and not in hiding. God does so much for you daily  24/7 by His angels and  The Spirit  of Life, so much more than you can imagine  Today,  our God will receive Praises and worship from men, women, boys, girls and unborn babies in the womb from every Continents in the  World:  The trees will clap their h

IF Jesus does not have, you don't have it

InSpired (BIBLE VERSES, Romans 6:15-20 )  IF ITS NOT IN JESUS IT MUST NOT BE IN YOU 'Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself?  NUGGET If you believe in Jesus Christ, you are a part of His Body on earth. Anything absent in Jesus Christ physical Body must be absent in your life.  Be it sickness, diseases, lack, poverty and even sin. IF IT IS NOT IN JESUS BODY, IT SHOULD NOT BE IN YOUR LIFE. How do you walk in this reality. Romans 10:10 * Believe the above truth in your heart * Confess this truth to yourself until it becomes your reality. The Word of God has power. "Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never!"  Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body?  For it is said, “The two will become one flesh.”  NUGGET Truly, sinning is disobedience to God's Word. But it seem that the sin of adultery and fornication ( Having sexual intercourse with persons you are not legally



THE OTHER SIDE OF GOD So I was reading Isaiah 5 and my soul went  still, my thoughts were quieten and I was like God! The same God of unfailing love and everlasting kindness turning against His covenanted people. Truly, they provoked Him to anger And did not obey His precepts Still fear entered my bones, when I read God judgements against Israel.  It showed me that I must be careful in my walk with God. He loves me but will not lower His standard for me. He act of love gave me His word so DT I may not experience His fury King David was and is seriously loved by God Yet one act plucked his family into a season of darkness that shook his kingdom. Thank God for New Testament provision of confession and pardon of sin under the cover of The blood. I can't appreciate enough the finished work of Christ. I celebrate Christ once again. But I guess, one way I show I love Christ is by keeping His precepts. Your word have I hidden in my heart that I may not sin against you.


THE OTHER SIDE OF GOD So I was reading Isaiah 5 and my soul went  still, my thoughts were quieten and I was like God! The same God of unfailing love and everlasting kindness turning against His covenanted people. Truly, they provoked Him to anger And did not obey His precepts Still fear entered my bones, when I read God judgements against Israel.  It showed me that I must be careful in my walk with God. He loves me but will not lower His standard for me. He act of love gave me His word so DT I may not experience His fury King David was and is seriously loved by God Yet one act plucked his family into a season of darkness that shook his kingdom. Thank God for New Testament provision of confession and pardon of sin under the cover of The blood. I can't appreciate enough the finished work of Christ. I celebrate Christ once again. But I guess, one way I show I love Christ is by keeping His precepts. Your word have I hidden in my heart that I may not sin against you.


InSpired REBECCA THE FAIR AND HOSPITABLE DAMSEL HELLO! So l finished writing this Book on five characters in the Bible -Rebecca, Esther, Ruth, Joseph and Daniel and l have decided to share the book bit by bit on my page.  I hope it blesses you. But you will need to buy the hardcopy or soft copy to get the full book. God predestined, ordained every Believer for greatness in the Kingdom and in the World.  You are exposed to necessary trainings, skill, knowledge for reigning in every aspect of life by God when you walk with Him. Sometimes, "Time and Chances" as written in the Book of Ecclesiastes presents itself in form of opportunities to learn. Boris Johnson became the Prime Minister of UK and within 48 hours , he has his Cabinet in place- strategically chosen and selected to reflect the diversity in British modern society. This is what preparation is all about! I realise that for any believer to success in life and ministry, preparation is paramount in terms of study, an



InSpired DONT BE AFRAID TO START AFRESH I have read and heard that failure ( in this context is defined as not meeting up with your desired target in any endeavour in the long run) can be a stepping stone to greater heights  Do not see the unfulfillment of your desires as a case for suicidal thoughts. Rather see it as an opportunity to learn how not to do certain things I had had to start afresh many times.  I was a young lady when l got saved and at that age, though l came from a very poor background, l had dined with the rich and wealthy. ( send me a DM if you want to know how ) When l rededicated my life to Christ, l had to cut off from that sinful life of pleasure and lived strictly by the grace of God and His providence. Forwarded to after graduation. When l came to Ondo State precisely Akure , (my present place of abode) for NYSC. I came with a bucket, a travelling bag with some few dresses and shoes and entered the NYSC orientation camp at Ikare Akiko with these items. Then l


InSpired ARE YOU SUCCESSFUL? Success means different things to different people. I guess the movie " Different Strokes" is shot in the light of this fact. The definition of "Success" also.differs from one generation to another. There was a generation whereby laudable and heroic actions were the true definition of a successful person.  Therefore persons of great humanitarian tendency were celebrated in the  Society. The likes of Mother Theresa, Martin Luther  and Gahdi were persons of renowned. Late Ajayi Crowther, Mrs Funmilayo Kuti and Nelson Mandela were known for their notable  contributions to the well being of people in their generation Then we had the generation whereby Gangster and Crime was celebrated and again, it spread round the world. Presently, riches and wealth get from such source has been legalised and sanitized into mainstream businesses. Success is relative and its definition differs from person to person.  In this generation, the definition of &qu


InSpired YOU ARE NOT   AS  RICH AS YOU SHOULD BE!! I am a great believer in everyman and woman on the face of the earth becoming successful. This is possible because this was God's plan at the begining.  God commanded Adam and Eve and of course their seeds ' Be fruitful, multuple, have dominion and then fill the earth with your kinds  Question? Is it possible for every believer o become rich financially, spiritual and materially ANSWER It is not only possible, it is ordained by God. Nor of the disciples ever cried for hungry when our LORD was physically on earth. Moreso,  The Earth is the LORD and the fullest therein. The fullest includes the cattle  on a thousand hills, the silver and gold, the natural resources and precious stones beneath the Earth. We appreciate the amount of LIGHT the Holy Spirit has bestow on Believers in this generation especially in the aspects of prosperity and wealth. This is God's plan and purpose because His Word stated ' through prosperity,


InSpired THE DANGER OF "WHAT WILL PEOPLE SAY' Mutualism and inter- personal relationship is the beam for continual human existence.  We live and breathe on the premise of Human relationships. You are rich and wealthy because you invented ideas.and products that other people pay you for because of its benefit to them. You can successfully run your business.and church because others contribute their ideas and strength to help make your own initial.ideas a success. Human relationship is the pivot for any successful life achievement. The president of Russia would not have successfully formulated legislation that keeps him in power long if not for persons who support him either willingly or compelled  My argument is ' You cannot live successfully without being rich in human relationships. A man who is poor in human relationships may remain poor forever.  You need God to succeed but you also need men in this dimension stipulated by God's Word. " Give, it


INSPIRED LOVE GOD MORE THAN THESE?  Righteousness is bequeathed to believers by faith. Immediately, you believed in Christ, and accepted Him as Lord and Saviour, there was a shift in your standing with God: you moved from the status of an enemy and became a son. Before faith in Christ Jesus, you were on the wrong side of the fence and had no relationship with God but faith in Christ Jesus puts you in right standing with God.  You are positioned to relate directly with God and receive every blessing on the ticket of Christ.   A worker in an office, is paid a salary at the end of the month for work done. The salary is not a gift, rather its payment for service rendered. But if you were paid without rendering any service, then it's a gift.  This is the story of righteousness, we do not receive God's protection, kindness, love, health, healing, prosperity, miracles, favour and even eternal life because we worked for it, NO! we received because our Lord Jesus paid th


InSpired WHAT MANNER OF MAN ARE YOU? Acts 30:22-35  "And now, compelled by the Spirit...." Men, who do great exploit for the Kingdom of Christ are such who passionately, unselfishly commit their all to the work of the kingdom at the risk of their lives and comfort.  They are men and women whose directions and decisions are controlled by the Spirit of Life.  The statement made by the Apostle in Acts 20:22 tally with Luke 4:1 "And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,    Our Lord Jesus and Apostle Paul had something in common:  They were led by the Holy Spirit, meaning they were guided on a way by the Spirit,  they were directed on a course or in a direction by the Spirit, the Spirit directed their operations, activity, performance.   This can be likened to a blind man been guided by a man with sight. The blind man must trust the judgement of his guide and believe strongly that he is led in the right


InSpired SPIRIT OF CHRIST AND THE GOSPEL A man can preach Christ without the Spirit of Christ.  When men preach Christ without the power of Christ, they are only giving out the letter that kills. It is only the Spirit that gives life to a sermon.  It only the Spirit that can change and transform a SINNER into a SAINT.  MESSAGE OF CHRIST WITHOUT THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST ONLY PRODUCES A CHURCHED SINNER. The Enemy is filling the world with preachers who preach Christ without the Spirit of Christ; they sell Christ to people. For as long as Christ is preached without His Spirit, divine and godly results cannot be achieved.  Demonic men and women are empowered with demons and commissioned to lure unsuspecting men to hell with the message of Christ church(without the Spirit power) for he knows that this generation is favourable disposed to the message of the Gospel..  He sent his messengers to preach diluted, error- laden messages to the people.  He knows the undetected error in the message of