
Showing posts from July, 2020
OFFENCES WILL COME Offences and stepping on the toes of other people is inevitable. As long as we are on planet earth, you will always meet men and women that are imperfect like. The reason you believe you are perfect and better than others is because the imperfection in you is different from the of your neighbours, so you intend to look at the flaws in your neighbour as imperfect. One of the  reasons you can do all things through Christ who strengthens  you is because  you are nothing without for you exchange  your life Another reason, there is imperfection in your neighbour is because we are not all at the same level of knowledge. The Bible says we know in part. It is only the Almighty that is omniscient. What l know as a believer is not what you know. What you know and apply becomes your own strength while what l don't know may result in a weakness in my life.  . A believer will continue to give in to anger as long as such sees anger as weakness that he or she must tolerant and

decisions and actions

InSpired  DECISIONS, ACTIONS & THEIR CONSEQUENCES Hmmmm. For everything God allows a believer to go through, there is always a purpose. But every Christian is responsible for the decisions and actions taken by them. Rebellion is not until you totally usurp Christ as the authority figure in your life. Rebellion is when you know this is the truth, this is the will of God and you deliberately turn away from it . Whenever a Christian is about to make a mistake or go into error, God will do all He can to stop such, a dream of the night, a vision, lack of peace, things not working out as you planned, lack of ease. For God does speak —now one way, now another — though no one perceives it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they slumber in their beds, he may speak in their ears and terrify them with warnings, to turn them from wrongdoing and keep them from pride, to preserve them from the pit, their lives from perishing by the sword.- Job 33 The case o


InSpired UNFORGIVENESS IS A KILLER Two men, different dispensation but the same wicked, vicious act was committed against: They were killed innocently, without provocation  but  the voice of their blood after death was different. But you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly, to the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven. You have come to God, the Judge of all, to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel. Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground. Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground, which opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand.

God is faithful

InSpired  THE NEXT GENERATION DEPENDS ON YOU (A  Song in Yoruba Language.) Oyigi yigi Olu  Orun Atobajaye Eleda ohun gbogbo Gbogbo Agbaye iba  moriki re ni  Ba would ni I ba see  dun to (This song close translation should be thus) The Mighty, mighty, Lord of Heaven Worthy to walk with, God of all Flesh If the whole World knows your true worth How beautiful will all things be I love this Yoruba song; for its a prophectic song that shows the desire of the Father for mankind.  God desires that men and women  experience  His love thus Apostle Paul appealed " that prayers and intercessions be made for all men. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, 1 Timothy 2:3-4 Truly, when we know the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, we have made the best choice humanly possible for anybody on planet earth.. Enoch broke old records and set a n

How to get closer to him

INSPIRED HOW TO GET CLOSER TO HIM 1. UNDERSTAND HIM- Igorance  is the greatest Enemy of the believer and not the devil or the world. If you know Satan has been defeated and the flesh crucified  by the power of the Holy ghost, you will walk in victory.  An understanding of who  1. DESIRE HIM  Your life follows the direction of your desires. Your pursuit is a reflection of your desires. Psalm 40:8  "I desire to do your will, my God; your law is within my heart" Luke 10:42.  but few things are needed—or indeed ONLY ONE. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” 2. SEEK HIM Men who find God, are worshippers who place the highest value on Him. They see Him as more precious than Gold, so they seek earnestly. MATT. 6:33 "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Jeremiah 29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.   And I will be found of you,


InSpired THE DIFFERENT FACES OF UNFORGIVENESS We will forever praise God for the beautiful Good News in Christ our LORD and SAVIOUR. The riches of His mercy and grace is unfathomable. His provision of UNFORGIVENESS make all men/women and sinners before Him. The one who commited mass killing and the one who just tell little lies all need the same amount, measure of THE BLOOD OF JESUS.CHRIST  for the remission of sin. The degree of the name of Jesus.Christ needed to be safe is the same to.all men ' whoever call on the Name of Jesus.Christ and believe in His name shall be saved. The Blood of Christ who bought your pardon necessitates that you.forgive others. Every spiritual blessings in Christ is freely given but forgiveness of the sin of others is made condition: If you forgive others, your Heavenly FATHER will forgive you too. ELISAH, DAVID


InSpired WHY YOU CANT TOLERANT OTHERS You must know that as long as you are in the human flesh, everyone will never meet up, measure up to your stardard of  behaviour, expectations and thinking. Even believers who have  experienced the New Birth and has the Nature of our Saviour: Jesus Christ will still not become exactly as you desired;  act according to your expectation, speak the way you envisaged. WHY?, they may have Christ live in them and live in Christ, but they are not YOU!  YOU are uniquely and fearfully created, formed, made to reflect all your attributes. Your personality, voice textures, desires, aspirations, style of eating, dressing, talking is all YOU and that makes you DIFFERENT  and  not necessary BETTER than others. You may be a man or woman who is fast paced and make decisions on the Go. You want tomorrow's tasks done yesterday and want all your 'T' dotted and all your 'I' crossed. That still does not make 'YOU ' the best human being on th
Oh, the extravagance of his work in us who trust Him-endless energy, boundless strenght! Ephesians 1:17-22
l ask the God of our Master , Jesus Christ, the God of glory- to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing Him personally


INSPIRED CHANGED (Part 1) Tade is a young man given to the holiness lifestyle and walk, he believed in the high calling of holiness and his long term goal is to be immortalised in the Hall Fame of Holiness- A Hall where pictures and names of men and women who lived a lifestyle of holiness, Saints, who hearts and mindset synchronized with that of the Almighty, men and women whose walk and work was dedicated to pleasing their master and friend Jesus Christ. Ministry to Tade was a call unto God, a call to see as God sees, a consecration unto living for Christ, listening for His voice and abiding in Him.  Whatever Christ called unclean became impure to Tade irrespective of anyone opinion; anything that mocks Christ, His church was an arrow shot at Tade's heart spilling blood not visible to all. He would rebuke friends in love when their lifestyle deviate from that of their master, Jesus Christ.  He knew the fence between worldliness and kingdom life style can easily collapse, so he wat



InSpired VERY CLOSE  LUKE 15:31-32 How close?, how far? though measurable, is relative based on individual perspective. A wife may see herself as very close to her husband because they sleep on the same bed  and even make love yet that man may be closer to his secretary or colleague in the office  because they speak his love language and make him comfortable in their presence. Closeness to the Holy Spirit can be view in the same light: attending church often, preaching, teaching, praying, giving is good but they don't necessarily mean we are very close to God.  In the story of the prodigal son, the father commended the eldest son with this statement" Look , dear son, his father said to him, " you and l are very close, and everything have is yours.  How did this young man achieve this admirable feat? He was more interested in doing what pleased his father and not just in getting an inheritance. The elder brother kept on working with the father, though,  no goat was killed


InSpired SHE HAD A DREAM... So she saw this Bird, very massive, formlessness and shapelessness in form  flys  from the heavenlies and it's descend was down, down, down to the lowest ebb His trinity was Steal, Kill and Destroy and it's desired place of permanent abode is in the innermost deep of Man/Woman He yearns solely for that place in man/woman reserved, configured, crafted for The Ancient of Days ONLY In a soothing soprano voice, he whispered: What has The Ancient offered you?, that l cannot give you more What can The Ancient make you? that l cannot better His offer I will make you ride on the heights of the Planets: Eat of money immeasurable; the treasures in the depth of the Sea,  l will make yours! You will lead your fellow human, in a throng of chains. They will bow and worship you for l will give you the  earth' s  glory and the splendour thereof. Come and build with me, let's lock The Ancient of Days in His beautiful Heaven: And then we drink, dance, rule  tr


INSPIRED CHANGED (PART 2) Then the name calling started  'spirikoko brother' his christian friends mocked him. ' You are too rigid' they told him over and over again. You need to apply wisdom to your christian walk to win some, they advocated again and again.  In the office, when he refuses the way of sin " please don't bring your self righteousness into this matter", his colleagues cut off any suggestions from him.  Weary, Trade walked out of one of such meetings and felt something was wrong with him and possibly, he lacked  the wisdom needed to live his life effectively. Then someone touched him on the shoulder. He looked up and his gaze met that of a ' senior christian colleague. 'Tade' she called him 'jeje in aye gba, if you want to live an effective christian life, you must relax a little on this your high standard' she turned to walk away. ' Don't make Christianity difficult for people' she walked away. Steadily, Tade&


LUST AFTER GOD Ye lust and have not. James 4: 1 Everyman is after something or something is after you. Sincerely no man is idle in the real sense of it. Examine it carefully, even the senseless is busy practising foolishness. Human are individualistic as their desires. Desires birth passion and passion can give birth to possession and achievement. Everyone lust after something! Sometimes Men do not carefully monitor and evaluate their desires, they leave the fulfillment of their desires  to time and chance. James 4:1 . It says YE LUST. JFB commentary in Pocket  Bible Online Version writes that ye lust means ye desire iterally ye set your mind ( or heart) on an object I used to think to lust is more negative than positive. When u lust after a guy, it connotes that I want his body, I desire him sexually, as when a married man lust after a woman who is not his wifei. In this passage, the bible says ye lust and have not, ye lust for things but have not. But  as I read, I realised, just as


INSPIRED FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM Ever you ever been in love?  When your heart is embedded in that of the one you cherish; when the syllables of the name of your beloved is sweeter than vintage wine, and your heart  liven by warm thoughts of  the person you adore. Thoughts of tenderness towards your Love infiltrate your mind as you knee in your sacred place to pray, Imaginary begging for a place to stay in your memory;    sceneries of bliss, serenity, of unquenchable love where your beloved is flawless and every mountain is made plain by your love This  was the same picture of love in King David' heart when he exclaimed in Psalm 27:4 "One thing, I have desired of the Lord. That will l seek after That l may dwell in the house of the LORD, all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord'. I guess  his heart was overwhelmed with God' s love for him and his lips burst forth with songs of desire for his King and LORD-Jehovah.  David married many wives, hoping he woul


InSpired WILL YOUR SEED (CHILDREN) SERVE GOD? The Almighty- Jehovah, Yahweh, the God of our Lord Jesus, the God of all flesh, (sincerely), is a good God. Our Lord Jesus said, No one deserves to be called 'GOOD' excerpt The Almighty. ( I don't know why our Lord Jesus said this and l don't really want to know, l shall receive by faith those things that are revealed by God's Spirit.) There is nothing we need in the World, that is not in Christ-good health, wealth, riches, power etc.  The joy is that The God of our Lord Jesus can give Believers exceedly abundantly than the World can give because it is the blessings of God that maketh rich without sorrow and it is Christ that can give more abundant life. It's not the Enemy that has Life more abundantly, Life more abundantly is in Christ and it is for Christ disciples. So it is not sufficient for Believer to love and serve the God of our Lord Jesus, our seeds must also serve Him forever, we must consciously bring our


InSpired THE QUESTION WHAT? What is my deepest desires? What makes me happy? What was l created for? What grieves my heart easily? What attracts me to a personality? What will make me take a second look? What thoughts persist in my mind? What makes the tears flow easily? What makes my heart bleed? What ideas recur in my mind? What imaginary plays on the tablet of my thoughts? What change do I want to see in my community? What do I desire to do to make my world a better one? What brings me the greatest joy? What are my recurring dreams? What dreams do l want to see fulfilled? What brings me the greatest fulfillment? WHAT AM I LIVING FOR? What is my Passion, and Aspirations? CHRIST IN YOU. ALL FOR YOU All in you, All for you BE DISTINCT FROM THE CROWD LEAVE YOUR IMPRINT ON THE SAND OF HUMANITY AND Christ's ETERNITY. WHAT WOULD YOU BE REMEMBERED FOR ? AFTER YOUR EXIT FROM THE STAGE OF LIFE? A. L. Hephzibah


InSpired THEN. IT HAPPENED...... Some few minutes to 6:00am,  the driver took off from the Sunshine Motor Park, Akure for Lagos.   Duke had a prompting to pray and preach to the passengers in the bus. He looked around the bus and decided to continue with Facebook.  "My son. Pray and preach to the people in this bus" Duke heard from within him. He took a quick look again at the faces in the bus and replied inwardly, "Preach in this bus, it's too early, most people will start sleeping  in the next ten minutes"  He opened his phone and continued with Facebook.  A woman' s voice started praying in the bus and eventually preached  salvation in the name of Jesus. The two young men  on the second row with Duke, surrendered their hearts to Christ. While the woman was preaching, Duke took a careful view about his lifestyle;  he committed fornication with his fiancée two days ago and committing the same sin. over and over again. " I will repent when l return from


InSpired THE MACEDONIAN CHURCHES "And now, brothers and sisters, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches. In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity.  For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the Lord’s people. And they exceeded our expectations: They gave themselves first of all to the Lord, and then by the will of God also to us. 2 Cor. 8:1-5 A believer who understands fully the importance of winning a soul into the Kingdom of God will easily place Kingdom needs above personal need. The desire for evangelism is low because we do not truly believe that men who don't have Christ in their heart will go to hell. When you are fully persuaded about the importance of Soul winning, it will become a life style for you. Persuasion w


InSpired WALKING WITH GOD AND MAKING ETERNAL HISTORY SERIES. LIFE WITHOUT LIMITS Eternity, Eternity Oooh what a limitless space of time Clocks suspended Timing eradicated Day enamoured by The Light Night invaded by darkness No break, no stop A continuous flow of Life or death Knowledge of God and faith in Christ Rules the Day and directs the Light Lovers of God robed in white and clothed by His holiness Beaming faces, smiling hearts At last, reunited to their Brother Christ and their Father, the Almighty Eternity is theirs by inheritance Zoe with The LIFE Himself Oh what fellowship sweet We see our kind and beautiful LORD face to face We feast at His table unhindered and oppossefd The Enemy buried deep forever, never to be seen again We breathe in timeliness with bliss in our hearts No more death No tears No more pains Light everywhere Joy unbounded In Eternity  Darkness relegated to its assigned place Where all tears and anguish of hearts gathered Where years flows into spaceless empt


InSpired MY SIDE OF THE STORY SERIES IS TITHING & GIVING TO THE CHURCH OF CHRIST REASONABLE? The Book of Habakkuk reveals that the Believer must line by faith- from beginning to the ending of the pilgrimage; we are expected to live and operate by His faith.  We may not see  the logic behind His commands but we must learn to obey because we know He is the all- wise God and have our best interest in mind. You cannot survive and live successfully as a Christian when you practise selective obedience, every believer must  be complete in their obedience. to receive eternal reward.   If you advocate that the believers should not pay tithe and give their offering, then where do you expect the Church to get its funding to maintain its various establishments. Adherent of other religions give heavy financial support to their religious establishment, the only difference is that they don't call it "TITHING'. But they certainly give donations. ( I know of a certain Church  of Scienc


InSpired  MAKING  ETERNAL HISTORY SERIES HE WAS THE FIRST MAN ORDAINED FOR ETERNAL LIFE Sometimes, l am tempted to present my faith in certain truths in the Bible from a purely logical stand point. But then, l will be violating a biblical principle that says that the carnal man cannot understand Biblical truth because they are spiritual discerned.  The Almighty is the only BEING who is self sufficient and does not need anybody or anything to complete Himself or a man to make him happy. I can't fully fathom why He decided to create man in His image and likeness but  Revelation 4:10-11 "the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say: “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.” Adam and Eve were created to give God pleasure, it pleased Yahweh to make them


THE EARTH AND THE MAN CAN'T SURVIVE WITH THIS! Man is a creature of perplexities and wonder. He is formed with limitless potentials as it Creator and has the capacity to either reflect  and raduantes the Light and Beauty of Jesus Christ  or display and exhibits the darkness of the sinister Enemy of the Human soul in its most cruel form. The Enemy called Satan has always been interested in destruction of the Human race so that he can revert the Earth to its void, formless and chaotic mass when the earth was  under his complete rulership.  He never loved humanity and will never love any man/woman even if they offer the whole world to him in form of human sacrifices.   The devil needs to use man/woman to destroy humanity and the Earth. But the good news is this : JESUS CHRIST HAS PAID THE PRICE FOR THE TOTAL FREEDOM OF MANKIND.  As long as there are men/women who believe in Jesus Christ as LORD and King and they know their authority in Christ in God, the Enemy can never carry out his


HE WHO FAIL TO PLAN, PLAN TO FAIL Believers pray and believe God for blessings and riches without adequate preparation on how to sustain such blessings. The preparation for an event is equally as important as the success of that event. A common saying goes thus" he who fail to plan, plans to fail.  Some believers are praying for God to give them a happy marriage but fail to prepare for a blissful home by acquiring necessary knowledge needed to retain happiness in marriage after the wedding day. Some desire to be millionaires, billionaires yet they know little or nothing about the dynamics of riches, sustainability of wealth and growth in financial capacity. You can get money and I mean lot of it by inheritance, chance, mercy, favour and sowing financial seed, but you cannot have enduring riches without financial knowledge. Though the fear of God can bring you riches, it takes knowledge and wisdom to have an enduring capital base. Preachers of the gospel acquire lot of money throug