
Showing posts from September, 2021


InSpired INDEPENDENCE DAY THOUGHTS  1. Call forth the things you desire to see in your life by speaking forth God's promises concerning that desire,  How do you make a desire strong?  God promised that the desire of the righteous man shall be granted. So think about what you want in your life, ensure it is what you really want, then search in the bible for promises that guarantees it fulfilment and confess these promises to yourself in line with your desire.  What I do is to write out the promises in a big note in form of confession and read it to myself often, I keep on confessing them until I can think about them without looking at the book;  at this point, they have become a stronghold in my heart.  This was how I was delivered from poverty. The bible says God delights in the prosperity of His people. Job says if I obey God, I will lay up gold as dust and God will become my gold,  The Book ofGenesis says, Abraham was rich in cattle and fed 386 men or about that number in his hou


InSpired CHRIST IS IT FOR ME In dark moment,  Christ is our Light.  He is our friend,  when our picture is  dimmed and  our features barely visible and attractive.  He is caring to the extreme,  Interested in every detail,  ensuring all is well with us at all times. If I am given the opportunity  to chose again, who to serve,  Christ, I will choose you again and again I will need no preacher to cajole, plead with me I would ask for no incentive With ardent haste Tears rolling down my cheeks I will scream Christ, please make me Wholly thy. No one truly knows you And not love you You make my day beautiful and  my nights colourful. You wake me every morning and  my first smile is always for you. For you keep the darkness and sorrow far Though extremely  busy taking care of the world But less busy noticing my sigh Caring for  the smallest detail of my desires What a lover who want the best for you always Sometimes you permit my way  guided pain, If ultimately will be gain for me. Christ Je


INSPIRED IT CAN HAPPEN NOW! Rapture can take place now Obedient believers taken alive to meet Christ in the sky The Holy Spirit leaves with believers who are joined with their Saviour in the heaven; And the world is plunged into unprecedented darkness. Any traces of the Light is either initiated into complete darkness or brutally tortured and tormented. This is a period  where the enemy is given complete power over those who dare believe in Christ: No hiding place for believers from  this terrible and agonising torture; BVN has connected all accounts, therefore no way for secret accounts, mobile phones makes tracking  believer location easy, therefore no hiding place. Demons openly fly in the air to detect followers of Christ, so any christian is on his / her own in this period: You can't buy or sell as a believer except in your hiding cave, Calling on Jesus to help you is useless Because the promise whosoever call on the name of the LORD shall be save, would be impotent in this se


InSpired MY THOUGHTS  Sometimes it's beautiful to just allow your thoughts go wild; to meditate and write without any restraint from conventional rules and patterns To dare dream while awake, wishing that the world will be formed by your thoughts, but deep within, you know that the Universe has its own rules I dream of a world where every man, woman, boy, girl has a loving relationship with Christ Jesus; ( you can laugh at me but allow me to dream)  I dream of a Universe in which  every person born of a woman believes in Christ and has the seal of the HOLY SPIRIT. I mean, every ‘walking Soul’ love the one and only true God who is too faithful to fail Uuuh, I dream of a time when all truth about the Enemy of our Soul is exposed and the whole truth about Christ is plain for all to see.  Where the victory won by The Light is seen with no veils and weapons of Truth used without  opposition from the world of deception. I see a world in which different tongues and cultures choose to love


JEHOVAH HAS A HEART One of my most favourite Bible  sentences is Genesis 6:6b-He was sorry he had made them. It broke his heart. I came across this bible passage for the first time as a new convert and the phrase it broke his heart jumped at me.   Then I realised for the first time that the Almighty has a heart whose feelings can be hurt by my actions.  Other versions say " And it grieved his heart,  Just as unrequited love is heart broken to a lover, so our actions can grieve God.  loving a guy who does not  reciprocate yr love  can be hurtful. .You may have a smile pasted on your face for the world but your  heart may be  shedding tears profusely,  Sometimes we view God as the Almighty, so big that nothing can hurt Him. Truly He is bigger than what we can imagine. Truly He does not need us to be God, He is God alone from the first and the last . But it is certainly humbly to me that my love+struck Jehovah is grieved by some of my actions and thoughts. It is a rare privilege that


InSpired THE SOUL OF MEN SERIES YOU MAY NEVER LIVE THE MAXIMISED LIFE UNLESS..... The potentials in every Daughter/Son of Zion is inestimable.  Solutions to the world problems are within every Child of God;  if only we can learn about the Life of the Spirit and the power of the human soul under the tutelage of the spirit. Secular Scientists and Technologist are inventing great gadgets, equipment; ideas that keep the  planet earth fruitful according to God's commission in Genesis 1. it means the believer can do much more.   God says in the Book of Psalms ‘ye are gods’ and told Moses in Exodus 4:15-16 ‘Aaron will be your mouth for I will put my words into his mouth, you shall be as God unto Him.’ This is the relationship between every regenerated believer and the Almighty. The Bible says ‘Christ in ME, the Hope of glory. The day you believed in Christ and surrender your heart to God, the Almighty Himself came into your heart and took His abode in your spirit.  It is not a little ,


InSpired JESUS TRAINED HIS SOUL TO DO  THE WILL OF THE FATHER The Soul of a man comprises of the volition (his will), its intellect (his mind) and its affection (desires, passions and feelings). These are the faculties through which the Life of the Spirit in your inner man flows to your environment. Our Lord Jesus employed these various faculties during its earthly ministry. There are  instances in the New Testament which noted that when Jesus Christ our Lord met certain persons in pain,  He had compassion  and healed them.  This is the Holy Spirit using the soul faculty of affection in Jesus Christ to reach out to the needy.  Just as the Holy Spirit uses the various facilities of the Human Soul for His operations on earth, the Enemy also desires to employ the same faculties for his purpose of stealing, killing and destroying.  You chose which master will  use your soul faculties for its operation on earth. You must understand how important you are to the work of the Almighty. After th


InSpired THE POWER OF YOUR SOUL The Human soul is so important and has the power to either enhance or hinder the workings of the Holy Spirit in man and through a man on earth. When the Holy Spirit entered your inner man (spirit) through the new birth experience at age 5,12, 20, 40, 65, 89 depending on the age, you gave your life to Christ, your inner man experiences the new birth and now has the Life and nature of the Spirit. "The Holy Spirit begins the operation of revealing the Will of the Father to you and He does this in your spirit man.  “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth.  He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.  He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.  All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he wil


InSpired IMPORTANCE OF  THE WORD OF GOD "For the word of God is alive and active....." Hebrews 4:12a Have you ever questioned why you behave the way you do, ? Have you ever questioned why you are not living the maximised life, though you've been born again for many years? The state of your soul may just be responsible for this problem and if you will grasp the truths about the Human soul, you may begin to walk in the blessings, God ordained for you. Every man/woman is spirit with a soul.and lives in a body. The Body is the vehicle for expressions of the life and issues in the soul and spirit. You got a natural birth from your parents while your spiritual birth is as a result of the Word, the Spirit and the Blood of Christ.  To understand how you got born-again, lets examine the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. HOW WAS CHRIST JESUS BEGOTTEN INTO OUR WORLD.  But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth


InSpired IN THE NAME OF JESUS  OUR POWER I wa returning from Church Service last Sunday and had to passed in front of a Church having their Sunday Church service. I heard the pastor praying for his congregation as l walked through the front of the Church enroute home. As he e ded his prayer; a closing phrase   of his prayers re-echoed  in my mind. He prayed in Yoruba dialect but l will translate the prayers in English.  "  I prayed in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Power' There are different dimensions of The Almighty God. Every Creature in their original form is a reflection of God attributes. In one of the visions of heaven gala ven to John, the beloved in the Book of Rev. 4:7, some creature of God was represented and these creatures were created to reveal a dimension of God.   The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle.  Likewise, The LORD Jesus Christ can be known and experienced


THE SLEEPING SOLDIER They applied, signing their death warrant; recruited with an ingrained mindset that death can visit at any time. It’s not about the money, if so, they should be one of the highest paid professions in the World. It’s not about having lower academic qualification, because they have some of the best brains within their walls. For self, they died on the day they were enlisted; they lived as one who is not afraid of death For comfort: capital 'NO’ is their language, because they are Solders and alien to the comfort of the rich. Rigourously they train to bring comfort to others, scaling walls, jumping down high mountains, zooming through fires,  they endure hardship to protect their neighbours, and guard their nation.  While the rich sleeps and the famous snore on their pillows: They walk miles, glide rough dangerous paths, tracking down the enemies of the State yet they are given no plaque of Merit Award!   The Soldier sleeps on grass as bed and the moon as the roof


InSpired PERFECTION ENCLOSED BY IMPERFECTION He told them as he walked away from the gathering : 'Be Perfect' Whose stardard of perfection, they echoed'?  He turned and looked back at all their faces, nodding His head as He responded with a smile: 'AS I AM' He could read their expressions! he could view their thoughts, ' Impossicate' 'How possible' their thoughts read in silence. Then an impressive hushness enveloped the open field as they all walked away. "Be prefect as He is" the quiet voice within them kept on beating it's serene sounds as each walked away from the greenery atmosphere to their abode of varying colours.... The Soul is so powerful, it can keep a man prisoned for a life time It was created to be a companion, it was fashioned to be a vehicle for the supernatural. It is ordained for uniqueness, so all men and women can escape the trap of  monotonousness The beautiful diversified God wants His diversity expressed in His cr


InSpired (EXCERPT FROM MY BOOK) MARY DID NOT COMMIT THE MISDEMEANOR OF OVER -FAMILIARITY One of the major challenges those called to serve God’s anointed will face is the spiritual misdemeanor of over familiarity with God’s anointed.   Jesus Christ went around towns and cities performing signs and wonders but could do nothing in his home town because:  “The next Sabbath he began teaching in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed. They asked, “Where did he get all this wisdom and the power to perform such miracles?” Then they scoffed, “He’s just a carpenter, the son of Mary and the brother of James, Joseph,* Judas, and Simon. And his sisters live right here among us.” They were deeply offended and refused to believe in him.”  Many people failed to receive the miracles sent to them by God at the appointed time because they already have a preconceived mindset of how their miracle should appear. Each believer can either receive by the anointing or by personal faith. I think on


InSpired (EXCERPT FROM MY BOOK) MARY WAS A WOMAN OF FAITH It was stated in my previous article that Mary needed more than favour for her selection as the mother of The Saviour.  The Bible says without faith, it is impossible to please God and l add even please your destiny. The virtues and blessings that your destiny needs to soar is purchased by the ticket of faith. Greatness is ordained for every believer irrespective of your career. vocation, business and even in ministry . But Faith in God's promises is the bridge to climb to arrive at the THERE of your destiny from your HERE. We will attempt to use another account in the Bible where the word 'favour' was used to indicate the selection of another man for divine purpose. Noah was chosen by God in his generation to demonstrate the manifold wisdom of God in the building of the Ark and to demonstrate that man's violations of the ways of God will ultimately be judged. "even if these three men—Noah, Daniel and Job


InSpired  AN EXCERPT FROM MY UNPUBLISHED BOOK. MARY NEEDED MORE THAN FAVOUR All men and women are ordained for greatness in life and destiny, we were created in the likeness and image of a great God.  Moreso, for believers in Christ Jesus -The Lamb of God was slain to secure this for us. Rev.. 5:12.   But not all men/women become great in the fulfillment of their destiny. (You can get my definition of greatness from my Book when it is in the market.  There was a prophecy which stated one of the qualifications for the mother of the Savior of the World. Prophecy spoken generations before the birth of Christ. Prophecy waiting for the damsel who will walk in the path of preparation and training to enter it's corridor of fulfillment   Prophecy had already gone ahead that the womb that would give birth to the Redeemer must be untouched and unhampered by fornication and its consequences. “All these took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: the virgin will conceive


Today,   Am celebrating Christ the King of Kings and Lord of lords Who should l celebrate if not Christ my SUBSTITUTE He paid the PRICE. Faith in Christ Jesus gave ME Divine Health- by His stripe I was made whole  Prosperity- He became poor, so wealth is mine Eternal life-For God so love the world that He gave Christ,  whosoever believes him has eternal life  Sons of God-As many that believe him he gave the right of sons. Sonship attained by faith in Christ and not by works  Divine protrction-my life is hidden in Christ in God. I shall tread upon snakes and overcome all powers of the enemies and nothing shall by any means hurt me Unlimited deliverance-Christ had redeemed me from the dominion of darkness having prevailed over principality and powers  Fruitfulness-be fruitful,  multiple to the extent of lfilling the earth with your success Ministry success-if you abide in him and my word abide in you,  you will bear fruit Long life-Christ died young so that you live long.  WHY CELEBRATE


In dark moment,  Christ is our Light.  He is our friend,  when our picture is dimmed and  our features barely visible and attractive.  He is caring to the extreme,  Interested in every detail,  ensuring all is well with us at all times. If I am given the opportunity  to chose again, who to serve,  Christ, I will choose you again and again I will need no preacher to cajole, plead with me I would ask for no incentive With ardent haste Tears rolling down my cheeks I will scream Christ, please make me Wholly thy. No one truly knows you And not love you You make my day beautiful and  my nights colourful. You wake me every morning and  my first smile is always for you. For you keep the darkness and sorrow far Though extremely busy taking care of the world But less busy noticing my sigh Caring for the smallest detail of my desires What a lover who want the best for you always Sometimes you permit my way  guided pain, If ultimately will be gain for me. Christ Jesus Beautiful personality Int


InSpired THE KEY FOR EXTRAORDINARY EXPLOITS Acts 30:22-35  "And now, compelled by the Spirit...." Men and women, who do great exploit for the Kingdom of Christ are such who passionately, unselfishly commit their all to the work of the kingdom at the risk of their lives and comfort; they are men and women whose directions and decisions are controlled by the Spirit of Life.  The statement made by the Apostle in Acts 20:22 tally with Luke 4:1 "And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,    Our Lord Jesus and Apostle Paul had something in common: They were led by the Holy Spirit, meaning they were guided on the Way and on all paths by the Spirit. they were directed on a course or in a direction by the Spirit, the Spirit directed their operations, activities, performance in Kingdom work and in their respective purpose.  This can be likened to a blind man been guided by a man with sight. The blind man must

Is it all God has for me

INSPIRED IS THIS ALL GOD HAS FOR ME? Yes or No depends on you.  God does not determine how much of Him you have and know, your Desire and Thirst for Him determines that how much you get from God. So thirst more for; those who thirst for righteousness shall be satisfy. Crave more for Him for the desires of the righteous shall be granted. Have a lovely weekend. Abigail Hephzibah


INSPIRED Ministry is about reaching people with the love of Christ and not about making money out of the people. The moment you are more concerned about honorary, fame and how much money  the people can give you, than how much of the Word of God and the Love of God the people received from your ministry;  you are no longer in ministry, you are just a Christian business man or woman, using the name of Christ to fill your pocket.  Pls continue, at least you are spreading the Word of Christ, but the judgment seat awaits you and don't think Grace will save you on that day, the saving grace had already been given: You used it to enjoy life at the detriment of your soul.  Christ is coming back soon  to reward each person according to his or her deed. Its Well. Abigail Hephzibal


The best Make up a lady can have is a smile


INSPIRED WOW, WHAT A GOD! How do you describe this God? He is beyond the thoughts and imaginations of any man.  The God who can predict an event 1000 years before its occurrence and behold time runs from 0 year to 1000 years, and God's prediction  happens exactly as predicted. How do you describe this God, so rich in glory yet made Himself simple to have a relationship with men. Please come with me and visit some present day rich preacher and he or she tells you, it's a privilege for you to get close at all,  😀that just a man whose breathe is in his nostril. They make you feel, they are the King and you are the slave;  but this God is not that way; The immortal called mortal Abraham His friend The God who is covered with undescribable glory and He is awesome.  Wow, what a BEING. Aah, na wa He is covered with every precious stone you can imagine: Sapphire, carnelian, chrysolite, emerald, topaz, onyx and jasper, lapis lazuli, turquoise and beryl, and all these are engraved in go


InSpired ONE VOTE, YOUR DECISION.... What is the essence of my Christian faith,  Believe in Christ ?(👍) Baptised in the Holy Ghost? (👍) Speaks in tongues? (👍) Attend church? (👍) Offer my services in Church? (👍) A successful career? (👍) Have an awesome family ?(👍) Effective network of personal and corporate relationships ? (👍) But do you want to be remembered by posterity for these alone? Will your name appear in the Archives of men and women who helped the course of the Kingdom immensely? Will you be a case study for future generations? Will the next generations do research about you  and reprint your  works over and over again? The woman with the Alabaster jar of oil was like any  another woman until her action distinguished her and gave her a unique place in the greatest Book in the History of Man. She was not ordained from the womb to be a prophetess, but her heart filled and full with adoration led her into fulfillment of prophecy and generations will continue to celebrate


INSPIRED AMATEUR/ PRO Obeying God may seem difficult for an amateur who is just practising the art and act of obedience because such amateur was a pro In the act of disobedience as a sinner was controlled by the power of the spirit of disobedience who operate in the world.  Every sinner is a Pro in disobeying God but the sad thing is some christians after many years of attending Church and speaking in tongues are still Pro in disobeying God' Word and His ways,  Pro in living after the pattern of the world and amateur in living the kingdom lifestyle. Whichever is your case, you can become a Pro in kingdom  lifestyle by practising the art and act of storing God' word in your heart and mind;  living according to His revealed will, (the Bible), and allowing His Word to control your decisions and actions.  Obedience is a ART because it can be learnt. The Bible says Jesus Christ our Lord learnt obedience by what He suffered.  Its an ACT because it takes practising, it must be volunta


InSpired CAIN ARGUED HIS CASE! Adam and Eve had two sons after their fall and these sons showed by their actions who they choose to resemble, follow and obey. Cain chose to follow the fallen nature of his parents ( he did not presented his best seed to God showing he had a low estimation of God in his heart and he murdered his brother for choosing to please God) On the other hand, Abel gave God his best because in his heart, he had a high estimation of God. Though he did not see God face to face, obviously he believed the reports told him about God from his parents  Christian parents should know that modelling God's words and ways is one of the best way to teach our children about God. Jesus Christ our Lord said " l sanctify myself for thy sake"- John 17:19 Cain deserves, the judgement given him for he killed an innocent man without provocation Jealousy and envy are works of the flesh but we must note that they can also be taken over by demons. In jealousy and rage, Cain


InSpired GOD CAN BE TRUSTED There are two accounts in the Bible of men who walked with God presenting their cases and God listened to them. These events reveal a beautiful truth about God -THE GOD WHO LISTENS.  Many are not good listeners;, our minds are already made on some issues and we don't want to listen to other point of view. This is THE ALMIGHTY, the most feared BEING IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH. Just one of His angels destroyed nations, ( I said one yet He has innumerable angels attend to Him) Yet He paid attention to the voice of a mortal whose breath is in his nostril. This God who is THE KING OF kings  LORD OF lords,  MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE,  EMPEROR AND MAJESTY,  THE UNCHANGEABLE Who changes all things.,  THE GOD WHO CREATES NEW INVENTION  THROUGH HIS CREATIVE ABILITY INPUT IN HUMAN MINDS,  THE GOD WHO DOES NOT FAIL THOSE WHO TRUST IN HIM,  H IS NAME IS UNFAILING LOVE,  HIS COMPASSION HAS NO LIMITS,  HIS DEPTHS OF WISDOM NO MAN CAN FATHOM,  HE QUALIFIES TO BE CALLED HIS HIG

Presenting your strong argument

InSpired PRESENTING YOUR STRONG ARGUMENTS I had a case with another believer which introduced fear into my heart because l felt the believer has higher spiritual authority than me.  The first thing, the Holy Spirit taught me was to ensure there is no offence in my heart against the other party. After, l have successfully ensured there were no offences in my heart by careful examination; then l did a topical study on what to do when you have a case with a fellow believer. It was only after then, that l presented my strong arguments on why l should be vindicated in this case. Offences in our hearts will always hinder prayers. Recently, l read a definition given by a young pastor about forgiveness in his Book and it caught my attention.  He wrote "to forgive someone is to stop feeling displeasure at his acts and actions that has hurt".  This definition helped me a lot and l had to make a heart adjustment on my definition of forgiveness.    It means God is not a respecter of t


INSPIRED DON'T GIVE UP Bunmi was sad as she  sat on a bench under the mango tree in front of her house."  Am tired and fed up"  she uttered to her self as she saw Bose, the daughter of one of her neighbour walked out of the 'Face me, I  face you' House she stays in Iyana Ipaja.  'God why me', she asked? I  don't understand'  she fought the tears struggling to escape from her eyes. She could hear the sound from 'Okada' as they drove to and fro Basiru street where the house was located.  The house  was a blue color apartment of ten rooms with seven  families and three singles. She was one of the three singles living in a room in the house. She gazed at the house she had stayed for  ten years and continued her conversation with  . 'Nothing has really changed in my life'  Bunmi muttered to herself.  " Have been working in the Fanson Clothing Industry and my salary has been the same.  I attend church, am a worker and pay my tithes a